The Grade-Whore Ch. 01

Story Info
Unexpected outcome when coed offers sex for a grade.
  • July 2004 monthly contest
19.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/25/2004
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The Grade-Whore: Ch. 1 Bargain AcceptedAuthor's note: This is a two-part tale of May-December romance, intense eroticism, and most importantly, overwhelming love. You are free to decide if you believe it really happened. But it did, almost exactly as I've described it here.


Everyone has heard the stories, right? Pretty college coed trades sex for a good grade in a course? I'd always been too professional and self-righteous to take advantage of the poor young girls who had propositioned me. I knew it was unethical, and that was enough. Besides, what if I got one of them pregnant? What if somebody saw us? What if I caught something? Too much could go wrong. It just wasn't worth the risk - to my marriage or to my career. Most importantly, to my sense of who I was. I was BETTER than that!

Brad, a colleague of mine from another department, had a well-deserved reputation for seducing girls in his classes. I'd overheard him talking about it to several intrigued male colleagues. "Look, they're whores, right? Only instead of money or jewelry they're asking for something else of value. It's usually a good grade in my class, but sometimes they also want to get laid by somebody who knows what he's doing. So once they make the offer, everything's on the table. They'll trade their bodies for what they want. And if they think the grade is worth enough, they'll put out. Hell, I never get less than a whole night, and usually the deal is for a whole lot more! I haven't settled for a tit-flash or a pussy-fingering or a blowjob in more than ten years! If I can't fuck them until I'VE had enough, there just isn't any deal. In their twats, in their asses, in their mouths. I'm got something of value that they'll trade for. Grade-whores, that's all they really are. So why not fuck 'em and enjoy it? A cunt's a cunt, right? And they're young and hot with great bodies! Grade-whores. Gotta love this job!"

I couldn't accept Brad's hedonistic rationalizations. I was in a position of trust, and I had real power over my students. Given that power, they often weren't able to make a fair deal. I could force them into having sex, and they really didn't have many options. But ethics and morality alone didn't keep me from exploiting my coeds. Too many bad things could happen, and I wasn't going to risk everything for a few short moments of sexual release. I really had no idea how much higher the cost could easily be, but the fates had cruelly decided to inform me.

Some coeds are truly tempting. Many of them are at the peak of their beauty, and they exuded their desire and need to find mates. During tests I often studied their firm, hard bodies and beautiful faces. Walking around the room and gazing down I often saw breasts exposed to the nipples. While sitting at my desk it was common for me to be able to look up a skirt and see panties, and occasionally an uncovered pussy. I was known for giving more tests than most of my colleagues, and the opportunity to look at their bodies was one of the reasons. Looking was fine as long as I didn't touch. Sure.

Janice Stewart caught my eye the first day of classes during one spring semester. I called the roll to see which students on my roster were actually attending my calculus class, and she was one of three particularly attractive coeds in the group of thirty students. She was about five-foot-seven, blonde, blue-eyed, and trim but rounded the way women should be. It was still winter and she was wearing relatively heavy clothing, but her posture and bearing radiated her physical confidence. Most students, particularly the women, looked away when I called their names and looked closely at them in order to memorize their faces. Jan gave me an enigmatic smile and stared directly into my eyes. "Jan, not Janice. Please call me Jan, Professor." I felt her eyes pull at me, and for a moment I couldn't breathe. She was special from the first moment I saw her.

Nobody ever sat in the front row, but Jan sat one row back, right in the front. I quickly realized she was a serious student. She asked questions in class, and she frequently stopped by my office for help with assignments. As the weather began to get warm, everyone's clothing reflected the arrival of spring, and I could easily see that her figure was indeed as shapely and trim as I had suspected that first day. When she sat next to me in my office and worked on problems at my desk, I could smell her shoulder-length, golden hair. The natural scent of her skin frequently caused me to become erect. Unfortunately this meant I usually masturbated while thinking about Jan since I was unable to get normal sexual relief at home.

After our second child graduated from college and left home, my wife quickly divorced me so that she could stop, as she phrased it, "living a lie." She had known she was a lesbian before I began dating her. It was only after our divorce that I learned she had maintained a three-decade-long affair with Lisa, her lover/roommate from college. Lisa was unmarried, and had often stayed for several days at a time in our home. I had never suspected a thing.

The day she moved out, my ex-wife moved into an apartment with Lisa and proclaimed their sexuality to the world. Six months later we finally sold our house and divided the proceeds. I bought a tiny old farmhouse about ten miles from town. Its location made it easier for me to hide from the stares of my colleagues, both male and female.

I had always felt virile and athletic, even if I didn't fuck my coeds. But my masculine reputation was very much a matter of derision after my wife left me for a woman. After several single women turned me down for dates, I gave up trying. Mary Palm and her five daughters now provided my only sexual activity - as they had done for some time prior to my divorce. Dreaming about Jan and several of the other women in my classes at least made the experience more intense. I was free to fantasize about fucking them even if I knew I could never actually do it.

During our so-called marriage I had acquired a number of pieces of exercise equipment. My ex had no interest in any of it, and I used the dining room of my farmhouse as my workout space. I had always kept myself in good shape, so when I unexpectedly found myself living alone, I began to vigorously work out two or more hours each day. I also laid out several trails on my new property, and during good weather I managed daily runs of several miles.

Six months after my marriage ended I was in the best physical shape of my life. I didn't have the raw strength I'd had when I was younger, but I had a resting heart-rate pf fifty- five, and my waist was a trim thirty-two inches. My lean six-foot-tall body had returned to one hundred seventy-five pounds. My ejaculations, wasted as I masturbated, increased in both quantity and squirt-distance. For the first time since I was a teenager, I constantly thought about sex. The irony of my situation was not lost on me.

My raw lust for Jan tempted me. But I hadn't fooled around with my students since my first couple of years of graduate school, and I wasn't about to start now. I suspected that Jan was used to professors coming on to her. Consequently when I didn't make any moves, she became relaxed and comfortable around me. In fact we became as friendly as we possibly could, given our professor-student relationship. When she got a C- on my first exam, she cried in my office for nearly a half-hour. She didn't ask me to change her grade. Instead she asked for advice about ways to control her crippling anxiety during exams.

In about the middle of the semester Jan brought two tennis racquets to class. Her hair was tied back in a cute ponytail. That's how I learned she played number two on the women's tennis team, and her daily practices explained her healthy, athletic, slender figure.

From that day forward I made a point of watching her home matches. Her short tennis outfit revealed her shapely, powerful legs and unexpectedly bouncy breasts, and I was embarrassed by my inappropriate erections. Win or lose, she would always stop by the bleachers to say hello and talk for a few minutes after her matches. I could barely conceal my lust for her young body. Smelling the aroma of her fresh sweat turned on my libido like flipping a switch. I felt like a pervert. Mary Palm and her daughters were kept busy after her matches as I fantasized about having sex with Jan.

Jan earned a B- on the second test, but then fell back to a D on the third. Perhaps because of the time she spent practicing tennis, she barely earned a C on the comprehensive final exam which she took that fateful Wednesday morning..


Jan knew she had not done well, and the day after the exam she sent me an e-mail asking about her course grade. Twenty minutes after I e-mailed her that she had received a C, she was knocking on my office door.

Jan sat down in a chair facing the front of my desk, dropped her clutch purse onto my desk, and immediately began sobbing into her hands. I sat behind my desk, wondering what I should do. My office door was open, as is my custom whenever students are with me, and several colleagues glanced in and saw her crying. This was not an uncommon scene at this time of year, and they gave me sympathetic smiles.

I handed Jan a box of tissues, and she finally composed herself. She stared at me. Her deep blue eyes were red and swollen, and I could see she was still on the verge of tears. I've never been able to handle crying women, and I didn't know what to say, so I just looked back at her. I really liked her, I was still lusting after her body, and I didn't know how to handle her tears. I was a complete jerk.

"I can't get a C in this class!" Jan finally said in a voice not much louder than a whisper. "I just can't!" Her eyes caught and held my own.

"Jan, I'm sorry! I really am! But even with your good homework scores, your average is just barely seventy percent. And that's also what you got on the final exam. So a C is what you earned."

"Have you turned in the grades yet? Can you still change your mind?" Jan asked.

"No, grades aren't due for this class until tomorrow. But I've checked your final carefully, and I can't give you a higher grade. I'm really sorry." I replied. I felt the first stirring of my penis, and I broke eye contact.

"I'll do ANYTHING to get a better grade! ANYTHING!" Jan whispered.

I'd heard that one far too many times before. I'd even been offered money. But I doubted that Jan was as desperate as she was pretending to be. She certainly didn't really mean what she was saying. In spite of Bart's attitude, they almost never do. I also knew her well enough to believe that she wasn't a grade-whore. Besides, after more than a quarter-century of teaching, I wasn't about to risk my job by doing something stupid. In spite of my lust for her body, I still thought of her as a friend. I gently shook my head. No.

Jan stared at me. There was a strange determined look on her face as her eyes bored into mine. "Can't you give me an I-Grade - an Incomplete - and assign me some extra work to do? I need at least a B in this class to keep my scholarship. I can work all weekend. I've got all my grades except for Psych. That final's tomorrow, but it's an easy A. Calc. is five credits. I need a B to keep my GPA high enough!" Jan begged in a soft whisper. She was desperate, but also clearly embarrassed to be asking me, her professor friend, for a favor.

I shook my head again. "Jan, it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the class. I'm sorry you didn't do better, but sometimes that's what happens. I know you worked hard, but it just wasn't enough."

Jan stared at me, then broke eye contact as she got to her feet. She closed my office door and leaned back against it, facing me. Once again she had a determined look on her face. "Jan, I don't like to be alone with students when my door is closed!" I said. "I don't want anybody to accuse me of . . ."

Jan began to unbutton her top. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her perky breasts suddenly bounced into view. God, they were incredible! A dark blush spread over her face and chest, and her nipples began to get hard. I heard a high-pitched whirring sound inside my head as I stared at her breasts. My throat felt dry. I'd never seen any so beautiful! I was getting hard.

Jan left her top open and let me stare as her breathing jiggled her breasts up and down. She seemed embarrassed, and the smile on her face didn't look quite right. But I was staring at her nipples more than her face, so I may have misunderstood. My deep breathing sounded loud in the silence of the office.

Jan slipped her thumbs into the front of her hip-hugging shorts. She pushed the front of her shorts lower, and her skimpy white bikini panties appeared. There was a pale shadow visible through her panties, just above her crotch. I could see a few blonde pubic hairs peeking out, framing the shadow. "I mean it!" She whispered. "I'll do anything! ANYTHING! I need my scholarship!" Tears were streaming down her face, but I barely noticed.

My penis was trying to find space to get erect, but my jockey shorts were in the way. My erection began to throb painfully as it struggled against the unyielding cloth. When Jan thrust her hips forward and back, mimicking sex, her breasts jiggled and I groaned. Jan smiled through her tears. We both knew I wanted her. But she still looked embarrassed and uncomfortable. I had an unkind thought as I wondered how many other professors had accepted her offer. Who could possibly resist her? Was anybody else as moral as was I?

The motions of Jan's hips provided me a better view of the pale shadow showing through her panties. She obviously had a thatch of golden-yellow pubic hair. It was so thick it pressed outward against her tight, white panties.

After several seconds, Jan began to push her shorts lower, twisting her body seductively back and forth. As her shorts slipped below the level of her crotch, I could see a faint crease in her panties marking the front of her slit. My next breath was almost a grunt. "Jan! For God's sake! Stop!" I managed to whisper. "Cover yourself up and we'll talk about this! But you've got to open the door!" My conscience was still struggling for control. What I really wanted her to do was to remove the rest of her clothes. It's hard to think clearly with an erect penis.

Jan stopped moving and stared at me. "How can we talk about you fucking me if the door's open?" She asked, louder than I would have liked. She began to slide her top off her shoulders and down her arms. She was moving her hips in an undulating motion and her shorts fell down around her ankles. She blushed deeply and began to finger the top of her panties. A quarter-inch strip of golden pubic curls suddenly appeared at the top of her panties. She was almost naked and I felt my self-control starting to slip away.

I leaned to my right and pulled a second chair next to mine behind my desk. "Here! You can sit here and we'll use the computer to talk! Nobody else can see the screen! But please! Cover yourself and open the damned door before we're both in trouble!"

Jan gave me a quick look of triumph before she slowly buttoned up her top. I continued to stare at her barely-covered crotch as she watched me. Her thighs were together, but I could see more than enough to excite me. She blushed again. As she reached behind her for the doorknob she asked, "You can see my nipples through the cloth. You like that, don't you?" Then she pulled her shorts up, opened the door, and grinned as she came over flopped down next to me in the chair I had pulled up to my desk.

Jan reached to her left for the computer keyboard. If anyone walked by and saw her, other than her deep blush and the streaks left by her tears, the look on her face was one of complete innocence. We were both breathing rapidly. I doubted whatever appeared on my own face concealed my lust. My penis still throbbed.

Jan pulled the keyboard toward her and began typing. Her side of our "conversation" was coarse and crude, and completely unlike any of our prior interactions.

>>>JAN: You want to fuck me, don't you???

>>> LEO: You have a great body but I can't. I won't risk my job just for that.

>>>JAN: I wont tell and I'm on the pill so you cant nok me up! Why not fuck me???

>>>LEO: How old are you?

>>>JAN: Old enough to give you a fuck youll never forger!!!

>>>LEO: How old?

>>>JAN: Nineteen. So what???

I realized I was almost three times Jan's age! Her grandparents and I probably listened to the same music! This was crazy!

>>>LEO: You're much too young for me. It's too big a risk You're still a child.

I heard Jan mutter "Shit!" under her breath.

>>>JAN: You give me the I-grade and we can work out something for me to do for extra credit. I know you got excited watching me play tennis cuz your dork got hard. I could see it poking your pants out. It made me wet knowing you wanted to fuck me!!!

>>>LEO: Okay you got me all turned on but what makes sex with you so special? Don't you think I can get laid?

>>>JAN: Im not a virgin and Im not a slut but my last boyfriend said I was really hot in bed. Want to find out???

>>>LEO: Last boyfriend? How many guys have you had sex with?

>>>JAN: Four, but I only fucked one.

>>>LEO: How is that four if you only had intercourse with one?

>>>JAN: Oral. You know like Clinton. Intercourse? Cant you say fuck?

She did blow jobs! I hadn't been blown since I was a senior in college! I felt a sudden desire to have Jan sucking on my penis as I stared at her naked body. With considerable difficulty I brushed that fantasy aside.

>>>LEO: Somebody would be sure to see us and we'd both be in trouble. I might lose my job and they'd throw you out on your pretty ass. It's too risky!

>>>JAN: You like my ass???? I had you figured for a tit man!!!

>>>LEO: I'm serious. I'm flattered, but we can't do this.

Jan stared at the keyboard for several seconds. I could smell her sexy perfume and my erection was still throbbing painfully. I suddenly realized I was trying to think of a way to get away with it. It had been a long time since my last real sex, and that had been with my lesbian ex-wife. Jan interrupted my thoughts when she began to type again.

>>>JAN: Maybe more than one fuck? You turn in an Incomplete for my grade. My Psych final ends at 10 tomorrow. My folks cant pick me up til Monday noon. You sneak me into your place after my final and I'll do ANYTHING you want until Monday morning. You can have me most of Friday and Saturday and Sunday. Then you give me a B. Deal????

Holy shit! She was offering her young body to me for three days and nights! This was a LOT more than a quick fuck for a grade! Even Bart would have approved of this arrangement! I heard my lust screaming YES! YES! YES! Inside my head, but my conscience somehow overcame it.

>>>LEO: Jan, I'm tempted, but I just can't do it. I have to say no.

Jan slowly turned her face toward me, gave me a sly smile, then began to type again.

>>>JAN: Wan to bet??? Im going to get you off in your pants right now

Jan gave a funny laugh and put her left arm around my shoulders. She began to rub her barely-covered breasts back and forth on my right arm. I could feel her nipples getting harder. With her right hand she reached into my lap and began to rub my erection through my pants. She gestured toward the open door with her head. "This is so-o-o exciting! Maybe somebody will see us!" She whispered, then she stuck her tongue in my ear and began to move it around.

The little minx had me! I was terrified that someone would see us, and I was also almost ready to cum in my pants. There would be no reasonable way to conceal the resulting stain and smell, and obviously I couldn't pull my penis out and spray cum anywhere else. Even if I managed to get Jan to stop rubbing my penis, my arousal was already so intense that her tongue and breast contact was enough to get me to cum. The whining sound inside my head was getting louder. I felt a familiar tightening in my groin as I prepared to ejaculate. I pulled her hand out of my lap and leaned away from her. "Okay, it's a deal! Now STOP!" I gasped out in a whisper.