The Haircut


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I was too preoccupied making love to Vickie to pay attention to Chandra. I did hear Leon's deep voice say, at one point, "that is very nice." It wasn't until I heard Chandra's moan a little after Vickie and I had come that I figured out Chandra had been getting herself off in the front seat. Everyone orgasmed on the drive home except poor Leon. I'm sure Chandra addressed that issue later.

The four of us went back to the park on the river several more times that summer. We also took the long drive up to Canada to visit a well-known nude beach at the big city up there. Melissa went with us for that trip. The five of us shared a hotel room so we could spend Saturday and most of a Sunday naked on the beach.

Between swimming, our weekend excursions, and just hanging out at Vickie's apartment or mine, I probably spent half or a little more of my time naked that summer. The summer idyl ended for Vickie, Chandra, and me when fall sports started. Vickie was the primary trainer assigned to women's volleyball. She would travel with the team. Since Chandra was assistant coach, they would spend a lot of time together.

Someone from the Athletic Department administration travelled with all our teams. Their primary role was to handle the business issues like food and lodging bills and to deal with anything unexpected, like cancelled or delayed flights. The teams in the revenue sports, football and basketball, travelled first class and travelling with those teams was a perk. The AD and at least one Associate AD usually went with the football team. The non-revenue sports teams traveled economy class. In the administration office, traveling with those teams was a chore most people wanted to avoid.

In mid-August, one of the Associate ADs told me that I was being assigned to volleyball, meaning I would travel with the team. He commiserated, explaining I had gotten that assignment because I was the most junior person in the office. I think he was surprised that I seemed happy about the assignment.

I was, of course, very happy. Vickie and I would be taking eight road trips together on the Athletic Department tab to, among other places, LA, Arizona, and the Bay Area. We'd have seventeen players and five-person coaching staff with us, but Chandra was one of the five. When we travelled, Vickie officially shared a room with Chandra, and I shared with the man who was technical coordinator. In truth, I shared the room with Vickie and Chandra and the technical coordinator got a single. Everyone connected with the team figured out that Vickie and I were lovers, and that Chandra was our very good friend. No one cared.

In early October, the team played a Friday night match at one Arizona school and a Sunday afternoon match against another school about 110 miles away. Part of my job was to find a gym for the team to use for practice on Saturday and food and lodging for Saturday night. I lucked out and found a resort about 30 minutes by bus from the second opponent's gym. They had a convention scheduled for that weekend that had cancelled. They were happy to give me rooms and catering at prices we could afford. There was a high school nearby that let us practice in its gym that Saturday.

The Sunday game was at 4:00 p.m., so no one had to get up early that Sunday. It is warm in Arizona in October. Vickie, Chandra, and I were walking the resort grounds around midnight Saturday, after the time players were supposed to be in their rooms. We went by the darkened outdoor pool, not paying attention to it until we heard a female giggle. Chandra looked at Vickie and me. Even in the dim light, I could see her roll her eyes. She opened the gate in the fence around the pool and went in. Vickie and I followed.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw ten players in the pool. All were in water up to their necks. Chandra said sternly. "All right. What the hell is going on here?"

"Just skinny dipping," a voice called back. I had gotten to know the team and recognized the voice. It belonged to Molly Havika, a cute junior setter from Hawai'i.

"You're supposed to be in your rooms," Chandra said in her best "coach's voice."

"The bus doesn't leave until 1:30 tomorrow," Molly replied, "and brunch isn't until 11:00. We'll get plenty of rest."

"That's not the point," Chandra replied. "You're breaking the rules. And it's probably illegal to skinny dip in a hotel pool."

"We're the only people staying here tonight," Molly argued back, "so no one is going to catch us. The water feels pretty good. Why don't you join us?"

"We won't tell anyone," Luann, a middle blocker, called out.

"Come on coach," said a libero named Jenny, "this is a team-building exercise. You too Vickie and Mr. Stone. We're all a family." For some reason, the players always called Vickie by her first name but called me "Mr. Stone."

Still trying to maintain authority, Chandra replied "families don't get naked together."

"Mine does," Molly shot back.

"So does mine," said a hitter named Kelly.

"Mine too," Vickie said softly. I had already experienced that.

One of the players started chanting, softly but distinctly, "strip, strip." The other players took up the chant. I doubt it could have been heard more than a few feet away, but it seemed loud to us.

"Will," Chandra said, "you're the Department official here. How much trouble am I in if I skinny dip with my players?"

"None if Will skinny dips too," Vickie said. "If we all do it, no one can report it without also getting in trouble." As usual, Vickie had correctly assessed the situation.

The players were still chanting "strip."

"What do you think?" Chandra asked.

"I think it's a warm night and the water would feel good," Vickie replied.

Chandra faced the pool and raised her right hand. The chanting stopped. "Ok," she told her players. "We'll join you. But, if words of this ever gets out, the three of us will lose our jobs and all of you will be off the team and lose your scholarships."

Molly had moved into shallower water. I could see her bare breasts. They looked nice. "I promise you," Molly said, "none of us will tell anyone, especially not the other girls. They're way too uptight."

My eyes had fully adjusted to the low light. Scanning the pool, I realized all the players skinny dipping were juniors and seniors. Apparently, the seven freshman and sophomores hadn't been invited.

Chandra, Vickie, and I sat on some poolside chairs to remove our shoes. Vickie took off her top and bra and stood up. I stood up and pulled my polo shirt over my head. Vickie giggled. I glanced at her. "The girls are all watching you," she said. "Look."

I had been keeping my head down. I looked up at the pool. A couple of players were standing with Molly in waist-deep water. The other seven were still in water to their necks. It did seem like they were all looking at me.

Vickie took her slacks and panties off together. "Come on Will," she said. "Don't disappoint your audience." I probably shouldn't admit this, but it was arousing to be undressing with ten women in their early twenties watching me. I undid my belt and took off my trousers. I hesitated, but finally dropped my boxers too. I internally groaned as I saw my dick was hard enough that it was pointing straight out, parallel to the ground. Vickie stepped next to me and took my hand. "Your dick looks great," she whispered.

Chandra was standing, naked, outside the shallow end of the pool where I could see built-in steps under the water. Vickie and I walked to her. The three of us entered the water together. Vickie's prediction had been right. The water did feel good on my bare skin.

Everyone swam around quietly for a while. Chandra, Vickie, and I stopped and leaned against the side of the pool in water to our waists. Molly waded to us. I'd consciously tried to pay as little attention as possible to the players' appearance and had not appreciated that she was a very lovely young woman.

"Thanks for joining us," Molly said. "When we saw you and Coach Jones walking towards the pool, some of the girls were afraid we were in trouble. You guys undressing and getting in the water too got everyone's heart rate back down." A naughty smile crept across Molly's face. "Mr. Stone," she said, "we all saw you strip off beside the pool, but some of my teammates would like a closer look. Why don't you go to the very shallow end? I'll get the girls to come up. We can get a better look at you and, to be fair, you can look at us."

I didn't think that was a good idea, but Vickie said, "Go on Will. That will be fun! I'll go with you."

I looked at Chandra. She smiled and said, "we're already in pretty deep. That can't do any more harm. Besides, you may enjoy it."

Vickie led me to the end of the pool we'd entered. The water was below our knees. We had gone to the salon just before the trip and had both been shaved. Vickie looked incredible, but I felt incredibly exposed.

Molly went to the deep end of the pool and talked softly with her teammates. I saw ten heads bobbing towards us. As they reached shallower water, the players started walking. It was like a movie scene. Ten very fit, nude young women emerged slowly from the water, revealing more of themselves as the water got shallower. They came up and formed a semi-circle around us.

As the players got closer, I averted my eyes and stared into the water. "Mr. Stone," Molly said, "I told you that, to be fair, we want you to look at us too. Please look up." Vickie squeezed my hand.

I looked up and looked at each player in turn, making sure I made eye contact with each one. They were not all beautiful, but they were all fit. They were also all smiling. Kelly said, "You're a handsome man Mr. Stone." Several players nodded. Vickie squeezed my hand tighter.

Looking around the semi-circle of naked athletes again, I said, "after this, I'd be happier if you all call me Will."

Kelly added, "Vickie, you are beautiful. You two make a wonderful couple. You should go naked more often."

"As often as we can," Vickie replied.

"Really?" Molly said. "That is so cool. I love being naked."

"Me too," Kelly said.

"I hadn't really gone nude with anyone but my boyfriend before tonight," Luann said, "But I want to start."

"It's too bad they won't let us play nude," Molly said. "I've played nude a bunch of times on the beaches at home. It's a lot more fun than playing with clothes on."

"We'd sell out every game to guys if they let Molly play nude," someone said.

"Guys would pay to see you play nude too, Trish," Molly replied.

After we had all gotten a good look at each other, we got out of the pool, dressed, and everyone went back to their rooms. As I said, Vickie, Chandra, and I shared a room when we traveled with the team. Back in the room, Vickie said, "That was fun!"

"It was," Chandra said. "I hope there isn't any trouble over it."

"I don't think anything will happen," I said.

"I hope you're right," Chandra replied. "Damn! I'm wide awake," she added.

"You can watch us fuck," Vickie said.

"That's cool," Chandra replied.

Chandra did watch Vickie and I make love that night. We were slow, tender, and took a long time to reach orgasm. I was trying to reassure Vickie that seeing ten naked female athletes had not changed what I felt for her. Vickie was, I think, reminding me that she's the most desirable woman alive.

The team we played that Sunday afternoon was ranked. Our team was not. Rankings notwithstanding, our girls won the match easily, led by outstanding play from the juniors and seniors. The team also won their next five matches.

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maddictmaddictover 1 year ago

I love the woman's lib movement (!)

Mr. Stone, you are the lucky charm. Lucky they didn't rub your cock that first night, they would have rubbed you raw. Tell me the season isn't over

Barest1Barest1about 2 years ago

I love your gentle approach to nudity and nudism. You don’t rely on the hackneyed stereotypes and silly, inaccurate characterizations almost all stories dealing with nudism rely on. Yes, sex is a part of nudism, but your portrayals reek of real life experience and understanding. Thank you!

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110almost 3 years ago

Different. I liked it. A new play on exhibitionism and voyuerism.

Poacher11Poacher11almost 3 years ago

After this story looking forward to reading the next instalment.

warm4warm4almost 3 years ago

everybody needs a good tonsorial expert…

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