The Haunted Hotel Ch. 02


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She left her room and went down to the front desk. Rosie was on duty, on the phone with someone, the hem of her hotel uniform riding awkwardly up over her bulging belly. Jenna thought it was disconcerting how this ghost of a dead woman pretended to carry Mike's child inside of her. There couldn't be any truth to it, could there? Jenna knew what kinds of things Mike and Rosie had done together, acts that in reality had involved Jenna's body instead. She felt a jealousy at the front desk girl, for what she'd gotten to experience, for the her condition now, that Jenna had denied herself.

Jenna found herself imagining what it would be like to be pregnant. Well, she had possibly gotten pregnant on the last trip here, but she hadn't let it grow. She hadn't let herself become pregnant like Rosie obviously was now. Jenna wondered what it would be like to feel herself change, in the course of the natural process. She imagined feeling a man spill his seed deep inside her where it was sure to take root, what it would be like to know in that moment that she would carry it with her and let it blossom. That wasn't Jenna's fate-she had a job to return to, loans to pay off, a career to build, before she could think of anything like that. But she could at least mess around a little, and entertain the fantasy of letting it go further.

Rosie put down the phone, and Jenna approached the edge of the desk.

"Hi, I'm wondering if you could tell me what room Frederic is in?" Jenna asked.

"Oh. Do you two know each other?" Rosie asked in return.

Jenna coughed. Had she miscalculated? In reality, Rosie and Frederic had been lovers. "Um...yeah, you could say that," she replied slyly.

"I thought so," Rosie whispered, with a wink. "Let's see here. He is 211."

"Thanks," Jenna said, and walked away before either of them could say the wrong thing.

Her nerves were on edge as she climbed the stairs. Would he even be there? What if he was with someone else too? She couldn't let herself overthink it, she felt that she just had to do this.

She found the room and knocked on the door.

"One second," came Frederic's voice from inside. It quieted some of Jenna's worries, but didn't make her any less nervous.

He opened the door, a towel draped around his bare neck. Another towel hid everything below the waist, but he wasn't exactly decent. "Oh. Welcome, room 126, to room 211."

"Thanks," she said, walking in. She went to the window, which looked out through the forest. In the window's reflection, she saw him standing behind her. "I'm sorry about...yesterday."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he said, walking closer, but still not touching her. What would it take, to let him know it was okay? How could she show him how much she needed his touch, without asking for it?

Her longing must have been clear, because he took another step up behind her, sliding his arms around to the front of her, pulling her into an embrace. Her hands shakily held his to her, his grasp so warm and firm on her stomach and her hip. He craned his head down, kissing her neck, and a gasp escaped her.

One of his hands found her breast through the fabric of her sweatshirt. She reached up behind her, running fingers through his hair, still slick from a shower. She'd been right, this was what she needed. She could feel herself dampening already, her whole body responding to his touch. Even when he touched her stomach, which she'd have otherwise felt self-conscious about, it was with such tenderness and awe that it turned her on all the more.

She turned, and looked deep into his eyes. How could Frederic not be real? How could he be just a ghost? She searched his gaze for any flicker of the curse, for any hint of who might be playing his role right now in the real world, but all she saw was him.

Pulling him to her, she kissed him hard, her tongue searching his out. Feeling his erection straining against the towel around his waist, it was another much-needed boost to her confidence, and made her mind swim with possibilities. She loosened the towel, letting it fall to the floor, and sat on the edge of the bed, licking his erection her hand until it stood stiff and hot. But he stopped her from going further, kissing her and coaxing her up onto the bed.

It didn't take her long to undress either, and Frederic took in every inch of her like it was the first time, as the green dappled sunlight played across their skin. He leaned down to lick her to orgasm again, and he soon would have. But Jenna worried that once she did, she'd start thinking clearly again, and she didn't want think clearly now. For a moment it was Zack lapping at her slit, and Jenna took pride in having gotten her revenge on him; he was probably sucking at her pussy in real life right now, despite himself. But it also reminded her of how their encounter had ended. She wanted this one to be different.

She reached down and lifted Frederic's chin from herself. She didn't need to say the words, he simply understood. He climbed up the bed, leaning over her until she felt his erection slide against her pussy lips. Her mind still protested weakly that there was still time to stop this, that she shouldn't be doing this unprotected, that she didn't know who it was really about to fuck her. Jenna pushed back against him as his cock slid against her clit. It was almost too much stimulation, and not enough. If she was going to make a mistake, she knew she had to make it soon. Angling her hips, she felt the tip of him nudge its way into her opening, and she smiled as they both sighed at the pleasure of it.

Now when he pressed into her, it was Mike's gaze that was blank with distraction, Mike's frame pressing down on her. Whether this was really happening, or part of the illusion, it didn't disturb her like it once had. Now the sensation of Mike's body on top of hers, pressing into hers, was uncannily familiar. It felt like it had before, that one time in the car, when she had been mad with lust for her own brother. She was surprised at how much she reveled in it now, like a piece of herself she had been missing. While the prospect of getting back at Zack by making him cum inside her certainly had its appeal, she found that this alternative was also one that she could live with, to her own surprise.

In the blink of an eye, it was Frederic again, cradling her cheek in his hand, kissing her lips as he thrust into her, his well-defined muscles growing taut with the tension and the intensity of their movement together. Jenna enjoyed the contrast of his firm, toned flesh against hers, soft and yielding. His well-tanned skin against hers, pasty and pale. The tension in him seemed like it was about to reach a pinnacle, and he gripped her ever tighter, pressed into her even harder, reaching places even deeper within her.

Jenna was ready. For what, she couldn't even be sure. She wasn't sure how to finish the thought, against the distracting tide of sensations. Was she about to have that moment she had thought about, of feeling a man spill his seed in her and letting it take root? She was well beyond ready to climax, yet her body was holding back for some other cue, waiting to feel his fluids inside her. She dug one hand into the flesh of his back, urging him on, while the other gripped the hair on his head.

But then it wasn't Frederic's straight, slick hair she was gripping, it was Greg's tight, frizzled curls. It was his dark skin against the pale of her belly. She had never thought of Greg this way, but under the circumstances, it was far too late not to. She could feel his cock inside her, pressing eagerly towards where her eggs were kept, where a child could take hold.

He was on the very precipice, she could feel him swelling up inside her, his hands gripping her hips tight to push just a little further into her. Then his eyes opened, and he saw her, really saw her. Those eyes went wide with alarm.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Greg said as he pulled abruptly away from her, scrambling back to the edge of the bed. His orgasm already set into motion, his semen poured uselessly out of the tip of his cock and onto the sheets, as he panted for breath, a conflicted look on his face.

Jenna blinked in disbelief, and now it was Frederic again, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring with confusion at the semen all over his lap.

"What just happened?" Frederic asked. "I was just..."

"You just weren't yourself for a moment," Jenna explained. "It's this curse. But it doesn't really matter, does it?"

She got up and crawled towards him, ready to comfort him, but he shied away.

"Yes, I think this curse doesn't want you and I to..." he said.

"Frederic, we can still..." she said.

"No, I don't think it's a good idea, messing with these powerful forces," he said, leaning to kiss her before thinking better of it. "If I can't control myself, then...I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you."

He wouldn't look her in the eye now. He hunched over, defeated, but resisted her efforts to comfort him, to entice him anew.

"I can't believe this," Jenna said disappointedly, getting her clothes back on to leave. Frederic didn't want anything bad happening to her, but at this point Jenna would settle for anything happening to her at all, good or bad. She was still riled up, and though this weekend had already been the most action she'd gotten in months, she still felt unfulfilled somehow.


At dinner on Saturday night, the group was oddly silent. Mike noticed that Greg and Amy were kind of bickering with each other a little, where before they'd been super clingy. Zack ate quick and then ran off, though he wouldn't say to where. Jenna seemed frustrated and Greg wouldn't so much as look at her.

"Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you," Mike said his sister, before she could get up to leave. Even her frumpy sweats couldn't entirely hide her curves.

"Yeah? What about?" Jenna asked.

He glanced around. The others had gone, which ought to mean they were effectively alone, save for the ghosts haunting the place. But Mike still felt odd about talking out in the open.

"We should go somewhere private," he said, realizing a moment too late what she might read into that.

"Okay, sure," she said coyly. Mike wondered if she even seemed a little enthused? He knew he shouldn't get his hopes up.

They went back to her room, which was closer. When the door shut, Mike said, "So it's Saturday night already..."

"...and?" Jenna asked.

"You remember what it took for us to escape last time, right?" Mike asked. He could still vividly remember that night, when the ghosts had tricked the siblings into sleeping together, to play out Frederic and Rosie's doomed romance one more time.

"Yeah," she said.

"I just think we need to start trying to figure out what it's going to take to escape this time," he said.

"Is this how you're coming on to me?" Jenna said, with more amusement than reproach.

"No that wasn't what I..." Mike said, but something inside him told him to go for it, consequences be damned. "Maybe. I mean yeah."

She sat down on the edge of the bed, rolling her eyes.

"Can you blame me? Jenna, you're gorgeous. You're beautiful. For months, you've been all I can think about. Every girl I look at now, I'm thinking, does she have what my sister has? Because you're the gold standard now."

She looked almost ready to burst into tears. "Mike, that's the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me. And it's super messed up that it's coming from my little brother."

He sat on the edge of the bed with her, and put his arm around her back, trying to comfort her. She leaned on him, and he knew his pants were tenting up, but he was powerless to stop it.

Looking up into his eyes, she asked, "How do we start this, again?"

He brought his mouth to hers, kissing her hard. At first it felt a little awkward, kissing his own sister. He had kissed those lips before, but knowing it was really her, and that she really wanted him to, made it just a bit different. His head was swimming with the months of fantasies that were all finally coming true.

Her hand slid over to his lap, and his hands started searching out her contours in the bulk of her sweatpants and sweatshirt. Even through the thick fabric, he could feel her quickly warming up to his touch, and the ardor in the kiss that they hadn't quite broken away from yet.

They undressed each other, still kissing passionately, but Mike pulled away to admire Jenna's naked body. He wasn't sure how far this would go, or whether this would be just another isolated incident, so he committed the picture of her to memory as best he could, to cherish later.

Joining her on the bed, he kissed her shins, her knees, her muscled thighs, as his fingers made their way higher, finding her soaking wet. Her aroma in his nostrils, he leaned down to taste her, feeling her vaginal muscles clamp down on his fingers as he licked her nub. It didn't seem like it was going to take much to get her off, but she stopped him, pulling him up onto her, their fingers intertwining. They kissed again as his erection slid against the slick of her vulva, and he grasped at her pillowy breasts underneath him.

As they pressed their crotches against each other eagerly, he slipped into her, feeling her flesh envelop him, feeling her muscles cradling and squeezing him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him in, and he looked down at where they were seamlessly conjoined.

His freckled, pudgy arms matched hers where their fingers intertwined. Her pasty white thighs blended right in with his. They were made of the same flesh, grown from the same source material. Now that flesh was reunited, and it was like their bodies were two tightly interlocking pieces of one machine, a machine for combining him with her.

Mike could feel his excitement, his months of anticipation, getting the better of him, but Mike could feel that Jenna wasn't far behind. With every movement of their hips, her vaginal walls were gripping him, caressing him, coaxing him on.

"I thought I remembered how good this felt, but I was wrong," he gasped. She moaned her agreement.

As he kissed her neck and shoulder, her hands dug into the flesh of his back. Her lips to his ear, she repeated words she'd said before, months ago.

"I'm not on birth control," she said. "...and the women in my family all get pregnant very easily."

"Huh. The same is true of my family," Mike said, repeating his line from before. They laughed now, realizing the irony of the reply. "So what do you want me to do?"

She pulled his face to hers, looking him straight in the eye. "Just do whatever feels right."

He was sure he was going to lose control at any second, and he put all his strength into pushing deep into her. With a choking gasp, she almost seemed to feel it before he did, or perhaps just reached her peak a moment before. Clutching her tight, he felt his penis pulse and flood her with warm seed. He could feel it spreading out around him inside her, even as her muscles squeezed around him and drew the warm fluid further up into herself. The sensation made him shudder and moan again, as he ejaculated more semen into his sister's eager vagina, and felt her react to the pressure of it as she gasped and shook underneath him. Their shared orgasm seemed to almost take on a life of its own, as her body drew more seed out of him, and his body kept giving more.

At last he felt he had almost nothing left to give, still tightly bound to her in their carnal union. More than anything, he just wanted to savor that moment of shared ecstasy and intimacy with her, knowing that this might be a moment they would never repeat. But despite himself, Mike felt his consciousness starting to slip away, from the overwhelming intensity.


When she awoke, Jenna couldn't remember anything beyond the feeling of Mike cumming inside her. She felt well-fucked in a way she had only felt a couple times in her life. She couldn't know yet if Mike's sperm inside her would get her pregnant. She sure felt like, if anything could do it, what they'd done certainly could. She wasn't sure yet how she really felt about it, but she could tell her mind wasn't yet clear of whatever madness had driven her to have sex with her brother again. She suspected that in time, the harsh reality of what they'd done would hit her like a ton of bricks. But it hadn't yet. If anything, she still felt euphoric and pleased with herself.

She could tell immediately, from the chill in the air, to the embrace of the sleeping bag around them, to the overcast morning light in the glassless windows, that they were free from the illusion of the hotel, and had awoken in the decaying wreck that the hotel really was. She was spooned up against her brother, one leg draped across his crotch, where she felt an erection growing.

The last time she'd woken up like this, it had come as a disturbing shock. Now she felt cozy, almost comfortable nestled up to Mike like this, though she also felt an animal urge to roll herself up on top of him, to take that growing erection, and...

Not yet. She didn't want the others to catch them like this. Sitting up, she looked around the ruined, crumbling hotel room. They were alone, which meant their friends had to be elsewhere.

Mike still slept, as she slipped out of the sleeping bag. Finding her sweats nearby, Jenna covered herself and tiptoed out into the corridor. She could feel the grit of the bare concrete under her feet. At each doorway, she stopped and peaked around the corner.

Several rooms down the hall, she found the other three. They were all cuddled up together. They were more or less piled in or on another sleeping bag, but it was unzipped most of the way since it wasn't designed for three people, so it didn't hide much from Jenna's gaze.

Amy was lying on top of her brother Zack, straddling his waist, with Greg cuddling up next to the two of them. Looking closer, Jenna saw a shining line of fluid running down the side of Zack's hip, which had to be coming from where he and Amy were conjoined. As Jenna looked on, Zack's cock had to be firming up inside his sister's pussy again, by the way that she started to moan in her sleep, her chest rising and falling in time with some source of stimulation Jenna couldn't see.

Jenna flushed with arousal at the sight of it. Knowing that Zack and Amy had fallen prey to the ghosts' illusions the same way she and Mike had. Knowing that when they awoke, Amy and Zack would have to face the fact that he had ejaculated inside her. Jenna knew it was cruel to take pleasure in it, knowing the trauma they were in for, yet seeing these siblings tricked into fucking each other, just like she and Mike had been, made her feel less like a pervert, and more at peace with what she'd been through, and the strange place it had led her to, where she couldn't exactly sort out what she felt for her brother, or what their future relationship might look like.

But she didn't stay to watch. Instead, it gave her other ideas. She tiptoed back down the hallway to where Mike still lay sleeping. Jenna stripped off her sweats and crawled back into the sleeping bag. Taking Mike's penis in her hand, it didn't take much until he was fully hard. She straddled his waist, and guided his cock up into her as she rested her weight down on it. Mike's eyes fluttered open as she started to rock her hips in time.

"Good morning," she said softly.

"Yeah. It sure is," Mike moaned. "Should we be doing this?"

"Of course we shouldn't," Jenna replied, making it obvious that it wasn't going to stop her.

"I mean, what about the others?" he clarified.

"We've got a bit of time still," Jenna said. "They're also gonna have some things to sort out amongst themselves, when they wake up."