The Hawser Formula

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Husband discovers his wife was used.
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The Hawser Formula

Kevin couldn't believe his eyes. He had just returned home from an out of town business trip, early. He was going to surprise his wife of fifteen years with a night out on the town. Sneaking into the house as quietly as he could, Kevin had searched for his wife Jill.

Not finding her in the kitchen or the living room, Kevin started up the stairs toward the bedroom. The door was partially closed, but Kevin could hear the sounds of sex coming from the bedroom. Thinking he might catch Jill masturbating, Kevin grinned and crept to the door.

Peeking in he was astonished to see Jill straddling some guy's crotch with a look of pure bliss on her face as she bounced up and down on his substantial cock. Stunned by the sight, Kevin just stood there, staring at Jill's tits as they bounced up and down on her chest. They weren't the biggest in the world, but they were nicely shaped and filled his hand nicely. Staring in wonder, Kevin watched Jill's tight little pussy plunge down on a fairly large cock. He wondered how she could take such a fat piece of meat.

Groaning and moaning in pleasure, Jill, her head thrown back, eyes closed, jammed her hot twat down on the dick under her. The man, thrust his hips up, grabbing Jill's hips and holding her down as he growled his orgasm to the room.

"Damn you're hot," the guy yelled as he pumped his seed into Jill's body.

"I can feel you shooting your come," Jill told him shuddering in her own fit of pleasure.

Bringing her head forward and opening her eyes, Jill caught sight of Kevin standing in the hall. Surprised, she covered her mouth with both hands. Pushing the door open, Kevin stepped into the bedroom.

"Oh God!" Jill yelled.

"Yeah, you're probably going to need his help," Kevin said dryly.

Standing up Jill stepped off the bed and backed into the corner of the room cum dripping down her legs. The guy in the bed sat up looking at Kevin curiously.

"Who the hell are you?" the guy asked.

"Let me put it this way. The bed you're sitting in is mine. The woman you just came in, is mine. Any more stupid questions?" Kevin asked.

"No," the guy said laughing and reaching for his clothes.

"Leave 'em," Kevin said softly.

"What?" the guy asked a little shocked.

"Get your naked ass out of my bed and out of my house," Kevin whispered.

"You don't have the balls," the guy said.

In one step Kevin was standing over the guy, in one swift movement, Kevin's fist slammed into the guy's face, mashing his nose.

"You son of a bitch..."

Another fist in the face and the guy was lying on his back. Grabbing his foot, Kevin dragged his ass off the bed and down the stairs to the front door. Opening the door, Kevin dragged him outside. Dropping the guy's foot, Kevin turned and kicked him in the balls.

"Don't ever come back here, ever," Kevin told him, returning to the house.

Upstairs he found Jill still standing in the corner. Shaking his head he gathered up the guy's clothes. Taking his wallet, Kevin took out the cash and his driver's license. At the front door, Kevin tossed the clothes at the guy as he still lay on the front lawn. Looking at the license, Kevin memorized the name and address, then threw the license out, too. Slamming the door, Kevin returned upstairs. Stepping into the bedroom once more, he found Jill still standing in the corner, eyes wide in fear. Walking to her, Kevin grabbed a hand full of hair and slapped his other hand up to her cream filled pussy.

Wiping his hand across her, Kevin smeared the come on his hand across Jill's beautiful face.

"There now you look like a whore and a slut," Kevin said brutally.

Jerking at the words, Jill wiped the foul-smelling cum from her face.

"Well, you should know Cuckold!" Jill screamed.

Staggering back in shock, Kevin punched Jill in her lovely face. Falling to the floor, Jill cried out in pain, as the room spun into darkness.

Waking, Jill's face was in tremendous pain. She also found she was lying in bed, not on the floor. It also appeared Kevin had cleaned her up, before putting her to bed. Thinking back on what happened, Jill couldn't believe what she had done, not only to Kevin but to herself. How could she have degraded herself by bringing home that insufferable jerk from the bar? Maybe, it was because he was such a pig, that she did. Knowing she would never have any real feelings for him, she was so confused.

And her poor Kevin, god she really hadn't meant to hurt him nor did she mean to call him that awful name. Now here she was with what felt like a broken jaw and a husband who would probably hate her for the rest of their lives. Carefully turning her face into the soft pillow she began to cry.

Sitting at the kitchen table halfway into a bottle of twelve-year-old single malt, Kevin thought he heard noises coming from the bedroom. It actually sounded like a child crying. Shaking his head, he slugged back another shot of single malt. He had no idea what he was going to do with Jill. That one word, yelled by the woman of his dreams, had driven home what had happened in their bedroom that afternoon. Wondering what he had done to drive Jill to do what she had done was causing him tremendous pain. He was also sorry he had punched her. He hadn't really thought about it, it just happened like a reflex.

Sobbing softly, Jill climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she was shocked at the face looking back at her. The whole left side of her face was one big bruise. No wonder her head hurt. Opening the medicine cabinet, Jill grabbed a bottle of pain relievers. Shaking out three, she popped them in her mouth, which was a big mistake. Just opening her mouth caused lightning bolts of pain to shoot across her face.

"Shit!" she cried through clenched teeth.

Trembling in pain, Jill was just hanging on to consciousness when Kevin appeared at her side. Pulling her into his strong arms he helped her to bed.

"Water," Jill croaked, closing her eyes in pain.

Nodding Kevin left, returning with a cold bottle of water from the fridge. Helping Jill to sit, he held the bottle to her lips gently. Groaning in pain, Jill swallowed as fast as Kevin poured the cold water through her clenched teeth. Closing her eyes, Kevin pulled the bottle away and lowered her to the pillow gently.

"Don't talk, just blink. One for 'no' and twice for 'yes', okay?" Kevin said sitting gently on the edge of the bed next to Jill.

Jill blinked twice.

"Good. First I want to apologize for hitting you..."

Jill blinked once.

"Yes, it was uncalled for, don't try and argue with me. Second, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Jill hesitated, looking into Kevin's eyes. She then blinked once.

"Then I want you to lay here and get some rest, don't try to get up."

Jill blinked twice.

"I'll be in the kitchen, I'll check in on you every so often."

Jill blinked twice. Nodding, Kevin went back to the kitchen. Grabbing a pen and paper he wrote down the name and address he had memorized earlier. He didn't want to forget it, he had plans for Michael Hawser down the road. First, though he had to see to his wife, he was so ashamed that he had hit her, he knew there would be penance to pay.

After Kevin went back to the kitchen, Jill lay there wondering why he was being so nice to her. The punch in the face was nothing compared to what she had done to him. She knew she deserved the punch, she deserved much more for betraying her husband's trust. And the only thing she could do is say she was sorry.

When she woke the next morning her face was throbbing. Opening her eyes, she saw Kevin cuddled up beside her. Shaking him, he woke with a start.

"Wha...Oh Christ, did I hurt you?" Kevin whispered.

Jill blinked once, then pointed at her face and closed her eyes and moaned.

"Okay, I'll get you some more painkillers."

Jill closed her eyes in relief. Kevin was back with the pills in an instant. Opening her mouth just a little, Kevin was able to push the pills past her teeth. He then helped her to sit up and held the bottle of water so she could drink. Twenty minutes later the pain had lessened, but Jill still couldn't open her mouth. Kevin made up his mind and whisked her off to the hospital.

It turned out Jill didn't have a broken jaw, just a severe bruise. The doctor called the police, but Jill refused to press charges. She was adamant about that, as she wrote a scathing answer to the cop's questions. Jill eventually told the cops to go away and if they harassed her husband she would sue. The doctors gave Jill a prescription for stronger painkillers and some anti-inflammatory and sent her home with Kevin. For the next week, Kevin waited on Jill hand and foot. Jill couldn't believe how kind Kevin was to her. She knew that once she healed she would have a lot of explaining to do, but she knew she still loved Kevin and he loved her.

Two weeks later, Jill's face was back to normal and the pain was all but a memory. She had written Kevin numerous letters expressing her sorrow for what she had done. Kevin always hugged her gently and kissed her hand. Now that she was fully healed she wanted to sit and talk with her husband.

"Kevin could you come here please?" she shouted.

"What is it, honey?" Kevin said coming and sitting beside her on the bed.

"I need to talk to you."

"About what dear?"

"About what I did."

"Huh, you have already said you were sorry, what else is there dear?"

"Kevin, just listen, sweetheart."

"Okay, shoot."

"I want to explain...I want...want to tell you the reason...Kevin, I don't know why I did what I did."

"Shush dear, I know why."


"Later. Right now, I have something I'm going to need your help with. Once I explain what I need, you will understand why you did what you did and why you acted as you did."

Nodding, Jill was now more confused than ever.

* * * *

Three weeks later Jill was working as a waitress in a bar across town. She handed a drink to a sexy little redhead sitting in a booth. Smiling, the redhead handed Jill a five telling her to keep the change. Smiling to herself, she gave the thumbs up sign to Kevin who was sitting at the bar. Nodding back at Jill, Kevin slipped off his stool and made his way over to the redhead.

"May I join you?" Kevin asked the redhead.

"I don't know if I should, after all, I am a married woman."

"Well, that's' great, I love married women," Kevin said sliding in beside her.

Looking surprised the redhead moved over letting Kevin sit next to her. Squeezing her eyes shut, the redhead couldn't shake the feeling that this was wrong, yet the young man next to her was really good looking. Smiling Kevin raised his hand. Jill was there in an instant with two fresh drinks.

"So, what's your name, pretty lady?" Kevin asked.

"Michelle," she said not knowing why she had answered him.

"Hi, Michelle, my name is Kevin," Kevin said holding out his hand.

Again, not knowing why Michelle took Kevin's offered hand.

"So what brings you in here tonight, Michelle?" Kevin asked still holding her hand.

"Well my husband is going to meet me here in about an hour, he would have been here sooner, but he called and said he is having car trouble." Again Michelle didn't know why she was telling this stranger anything.

"Well that's great, it will give us time to get to know each other better."

"I guess it will," Michele agreed not knowing why.

"Great. Might I suggest we go back to your place for a nightcap," Kevin said quickly.

"Okay, you want to follow me?"

"No dear, I'll ride in your car, if that's okay with you?"

"Sure why not," Michelle said downing what was left of her drink.

Jill hurried out to her car. Sitting there she watched as Kevin guided Michelle to her car, playing with her cute ass all the way. When they arrived at Michelle's house Kevin left the front door open for Jill. He quickly guided Michelle upstairs and got her out of her clothes and into bed. He positioned her straddling his hips, bouncing up and down on his cock enthusiastically. Jill crept into the room and hid behind the door. Then they waited, except for Michelle who just bounced happily on Kevin's cock.

When Mike Hawser pulled up to his house, his wife's car was still running in the drive with both doors open. There was also a strange car parked in the street. Fearing the worst, He ran into the house thinking he would find all his electronic toys piled by the door. Instead, he heard his wife's screams of ecstasy coming from the bedroom.

Running up the stairs two at a time, Mike barged in to find his wife bouncing up and down on a large stiff cock. As he stood transfixed, he saw the long pink shaft disappear into his petite wife. Shouting and clapping his hands to his head, Mike dropped to his knees. As he watched the cock in Michelle, pulse, and pulse. Then a white, gooey, cream started to run down the cock buried in her pussy.

"Oh shit," Mike yelled, "you stupid bitch."

As Mike climbed to his feet, he was hit from behind with a metal softball bat.

"Shut up Mike and watch your whore wife fuck that cock," Jill whispered moving around in front of him.

Moaning from the tap on his head, Mike just stared at Jill without recognition.

"What, you don't even remember me? Why you fucking bastard," Jill yelled hitting him again.

Lying on the floor looking up at Jill the light of recognition finally flared.

"You?" Mike croaked, climbing to his knees.

"Just stay on your knees or I hit you really hard."

Mike stayed on his knees, his head still ringing from the last two taps.

"Oh, hi honey," Michelle finally noticed her husband, "look what I'm doing."

Michelle continued to bounce on Kevin's dick even though it was starting to shrink.

"Oh god," Mike croaked.

"What's the matter Mike, don't like being the cuckold?" Jill sneered.

"Oh god," Mike whispered putting his face in his hands.

Pushing Michelle off him, Kevin quickly dressed and stood with Jill, looking down at Mike.

"Paybacks a bitch, isn't it Mike?" Kevin laughed.

Mike just knelt there looking up at Kevin and Jill as they shook their heads.

"How much did the stupid cow drink?" Mike asked.

Jill kicked him in the nuts.

"Enough so she won't recover until tomorrow, so you better keep an eye on her until then or she'll be fucking everything in and out of the house. Kevin, get her," Jill said as Michelle was trying to impale herself on the bedpost.

"Oh shit," Mike cried.

"Now tough many women have you used that little formula of yours on?"

"Uh," Mike stalled. Jill toed his crotch again. "I don't know, a couple of hundred. Why?"

"Do it to anymore and I'll be telling all the husbands about it and you."

Mike just groaned. Jill slapped him across the face, turned and left. Kevin looked down at Mike as he pulled the cassette from the camera on the dresser. Waving it at Mike, Kevin smiled and pointed at Michelle, who was desperately trying to get the baseball bat into her pussy. Laughing, Kevin left, climbing in the car with Jill.

"You're not going to use that stuff on me, are you?"

"Well that depends on whether you're a good girl or not," Kevin told her.

"I see," Jill said pulling away from Mike's house.

The End

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AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

Magic pills that make women unable to resist. Made famous by morons with rape fetish and incels.

If a drug like this existed, don't you think the pharmaceutical industry would have found a way to regulate dosage and make a fortune treating women who suffer from hypoactive sexual desire?

BeauReadyBeauReadyabout 3 years ago
Spanish Fly

... the irresistible aphrodisiac! Pure fiction since the 1950's, if not earlier. Baseless legend for more than 70 years...

1* star.

huntsman29huntsman29about 4 years ago
Makes no sense.

How did he know it was drug induced rape? Clearly his wife didn't know. How did Kevin get his hands on th e same chemicals to use on Mike's wife?? And what the fuck did his wife do to deserve Kevin drugging and raping her? Kevin is a fucking asshole that needs shooting. Beat his wife, even though he seemed to know it was rape, and then rapes another woman as revenge. He is just as bad as Mike.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

I don't think that I would ever hit a woman, but the I can't imagine walking in on what Kevin did. I would hope that I would vent my rage on the other man. She would certainly follow him out the front door, as naked as he was. As Sbrooks103x says, another thought. The "never hit a woman" thing, I believe, is a thing of the past. With all the femnists, antifas, blm bitches etc., verbally and physically attacking men I wouldn't stand for it. With the size of some of these bitches, a normal man is in mortal danger. I will teach my son that he should not accept physical abuse from either sex, ever.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
Didn't like him hitting her But words especially like that one can trigger rage

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can't harm you

Totally false I would rather take a beating than have someone yell at me

I leave

That is true for some people how many?

Cuckold ! One of those words that people like me put in special category

Once a friend whipped the shit out of another man for calling him a SOB he said don't ever insult my mother again

Certain words are triggers and reaction without thinking

Good story

Old_biker_dudeOld_biker_dudeabout 5 years ago
2nd read

I would have given it a 4 only because the did not punish the rapist more.

49greg49gregover 5 years ago
I liked it

payback's a bitch.

Decades ago in my college years there was a rumor that if you dissolved two aspirins in a coke and got the girl to drink it, she was open to anything or anyone.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I did try it. Not only didn't the aspirins dissolve quickly, they didn't work.

timrivtimrivover 5 years ago

Once Mike slugged Jill that was it for me. The rest of the story is irrelevant. No matter what you don’t slug your wife. Domestic abuse is a non starter if the offended party wants my support.

ErotFanErotFanabout 6 years ago
A good little tale

A little bare bones, but I guess that's all you wanted to say.

Suggestion: How about a sequel to see if Kevin used the formula again!

muncher354muncher354about 6 years ago
Pretty awful

No depth at all. Shallow fast food story.

26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago

He had you excited when she called him a "fucking cuckold", didn't he? Sorry your little bubble burst. Shouldn't have hit Jill, but Mike should have taken a few more shots.

shaman43shaman43about 6 years ago
I cannot believe it.

I cannot believe the morality of people sometimes. How is it ok to rape through the use of drugs. It was bad enough it happened to the one but how are they excused for doing it to the first rapists wife. She did nothing and was an innocent victim. There should be 3 people in jail. I just fuckin' can't believe that readers think that revenge using the wife is morally right.

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

but one poke of a bat and out of commission you go/ TK U MLJ LV NV

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
Toolkeeper raises an interesting point

"I have a hard time with stories where the husband punches out the wife. No pride bruise revenge is worth that."

That bruised male pride is a delicate flower, Toolkeeper. It's not easily restored. What is the acceptable level of revenge? Where should the line be drawn?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Poor TediumShadow, he's in a bad mood because his X-Small cock cage is chafing.

Pappy7Pappy7about 6 years ago
Also a known fact

that all bars in LW land come equipped with Martian Slut Ray Cannons mounted on the walls instead of surveillance cameras. And no, I'm not condoning hitting women whether they need it or not but sometimes reflexes just take over.

Pappy7Pappy7about 6 years ago
Normally not into hitting women but

I'm also not into letting them scream obscenities and insults at me either. Somewhere along the line women need to learn that slapping, screaming at and denigrating men has consequences. Have thought before that I needed to hire a tough woman to beat the shit out of some woman who forgot to be respectful. Fairly good story and maybe she deserved understanding, but what was she doing in that bar, drinking with another man and being in that situation. And lover boy did get the shit kicked out of him for his overt impertinence to the husband.

PS: I bet the wife thinks twice before screaming insults at her husband again. Just saying...

Meant to give it 5 stars but the rating only gave it a 4.

TediumsShadowTediumsShadowabout 6 years ago
finally a real man

Kevin can punch a woman in the face and knock her out.

The BTB's have a new hero.

sorry usually I don't say a word about stories I don't like.

The bright side is all the BTB's are breathing heavy, chanting "punch her again" and satisfying themselves.

toolkeepertoolkeeperabout 6 years ago

While it is fiction, I have a hard time with stories where the husband punches out the wife. No pride bruise revenge is worth that.

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