The Head Boy's Fag Ch. 01


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All was now quite clear to Mottram. Being a strict disciplinarian as his unfortunate nickname, the Whacking Wanker, implied he was always willing to seize upon the slightest infraction, real or imaginary, to thrash a boy's naked arse. This he had done for the past year when he had been made a junior prefect and it is safe to say that he had the best caning average of the entire complement of prefects, junior and senior included. Limited as he had been to giving a maximum of four cuts to first and second year boys, he had nevertheless quickly acquired the reputation being the hardest caner in the school, a distinction of which he was inordinately proud.

A summons to his study for a beating was something the younger boys had quickly come to dread. But now as Head Boy, with his reputation preceding him, he intended to use his extended powers to the full. You will recollect that senior prefects were limited to a maximum of six cuts with the senior cane; but the Head Boy, in recognition of his superior status, could give a miscreant up to twelve strokes across his bare arse. The thought of the Head Boy loose with his cane was something too awful to contemplate; just the thought of how their arses might be beaten raw by Mottram rendered the boys nervous from the first form right rough to the upper sixth.

But Lattymer-Smith's revelation, that he had what might best be described as a virgin arse, was just the most delicious piece of news. for the Head Boy, He had seen, during the dummy run, what a splendid pair of buttocks his fag had and he was already becoming hard at the thought of being able the bring a dose of reality to the boy. "Well Lattymer-Smith, you are the first new boy I have ever met who has not had an encounter with the cane prior to his arrival at Ollerton School. And I can tell you that most of your classmates who have arrived here via Ollerton Grange, which is the main prep school for Ollerton, are intimately familiar with the therapeutic benefits of the cane; Ollerton Grange is just as strict as we are here at Ollerton School and the cane and birch are in daily use there as they are here. So young man, unless you are an utter angel and make no mistakes, a highly improbable eventuality, I am afraid that you will have to come to terms with the fact that your hitherto virgin arse is in for a rude awakening as it joins the real world: the real world of Ollerton School that is, where boys' backsides are frequently subject to, let us call it, corrective therapy."

"You know, Lattymer-Smith, I think that the sooner you become acquainted with the beneficial effects of a well beaten arse, the better it will be for you. I quite understand your fear of the cane and the first time is always a frightening experience, but rest assured, Lattymer-Smith, that I, as your fag-master and Head boy of the school will personally guide you over this difficult first step, if and when the occasion arises. In fact, it will be I who will administer your first caning, which I will do with care and consideration. Now I don't want you to get the idea that I will somehow let you off lightly, for that would lead to untold problems with your classmates. But what I will do is to tell the other prefects that I alone as your fag-master and Head Boy will be allowed to punish you." Note that the word "punish" rather than the hitherto "correct" had crept in and was now being used by Mottram.

"Believe me, Lattymer-Smith, once you have had your backside well beaten, you will feel much more at ease with your classmates and they will accept you as one of them. The longer you maintain your virgin status, the longer your classmates will think you a sissy; what you need is a well beaten arse with some really good stripes of the cane, which you can show to your classmates. That, you will see, is the best passport to acceptance as a true Ollertonian, Now, it will inevitably be a painful experience for you; it always is for anyone, but you will survive and in spite of your fear, you will live to see another day; and in all probability to experience other beatings during your coming years at Ollerton. The cane applied across a boy's naked arse is all part of the experience of being educated at Ollerton, which prides itself on turning out true English gentlemen, worthy of the places they will occupy in British society. Yes, Lattymer-Smith, Ollerton is an elitist establishment and is proud of it and I myself am proud to be able to do my bit to ensure that standards are maintained, I myself was beaten many times as a first and second former and occasionally with the senior cane, right up to the fifth form and I don't think I am any the worse for it."

It was unclear what exactly the purpose of this long and pompous monologue was, but it certainly did nothing to allay the fears that the poor fag had for his tender behind. By the time he had finished listening to Mottram he was inwardly trembling with fear for his arse; fear which Mottram's remarks had done nothing to allay; quite the contrary in fact as Lattymer-Smith felt totally uncertain about what was to happen next.

Mottram then knocked a final nail into the coffin of uncertainty and fear which he had been building up: "Well, Lattymer-Smith; I think than we can stop there for this evening, which I have found very enlightening and I hope that you have found it the same. So, before you go off to your dorm, let me just remind you of your early morning tasks to start your first full day as my fag. You will bring me my shaving water at seven-fifteen and my breakfast at seven-thirty and then you will make my bed and lay out my clothes for the day. Now remember I value punctuality so do not be late. I shall overlook your late arrival this evening, for the time being, (the fag noted the words "for the time being"; so his lateness was not forgotten) and also the fact that we have both had to strain your miserable attempt at cocoa through our front teeth to catch the unmixed cocoa powder. Both of these mistakes justify a little correction. So, just do better tomorrow. Now, unless you have any questions you are free to go."

The poor fag left and went back to the dorm where he hardly knew his fellows. One thing as clear; he had a real martinet as a fag-master and as sure as eggs are eggs, his arse would be feeling the gentle caress of the cane before very long: he shuddered at the thought. Then the twelve young lads who were bunking together, talked for a while to try to get to know one another. One lad, Bryan Lodge, had already got on the wrong side of his fag-master and pulled his pants down to show is school-mates the six parallel welts, now turning from red to blue, which he had been given across his backside; and this on the evening before the term actually started! It was clear to all of them, that the cane was to be an important factor in their lives at Ollerton.

Lattymer-Smith went to bed feeling very uncertain and fearful of what the next day, his first day as the Head Boy's fag, might bring. He ran over his mind the key points of what Mottram had called "the protocol" to make sure that he knew what he had to do. The next morning he was up, washed and dressed very early and went along to the kitchen to fetch the shaving water for his fag-master. Alas the young lad had not realised that he needed to take hot water and he arrived at Mottram's quarters with a jug of cold water at seven twenty, five minutes late to boot.

Mottram gave his fag a withering look and said: "I thought I told you to be here at seven fifteen sharp and here you are five minutes late already. I told you yesterday evening, Lattymer-Smith, that I expect absolute punctuality and here you are five minutes late on your very first day as my fag. Not a very good start is it, boy? And what on earth is this you have brought me? Surely you know that a gentleman needs hot water with which to shave. Go and get me some hot water and be quick about it; and then get on making my breakfast as you have to catch up on lost time. And don't forget when you have served my breakfast you have my bed to make and my clothes to lay out."

The poor fag felt absolutely awful and fearful of what might happen to him. So he rushed back to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with the requisite hot water. A few minutes late only, he arrived with the tea and toast together with two boiled eggs which comprised Mottram's breakfast. But things were not right for Mottram: indeed they were not: "Where is the marmalade, Lattymer-Smith. Surely you know that a gentleman always takes a piece of toast and marmalade to complete his breakfast. What have you done with it hit boy? Sure you saw it on my shelf in the kitchen."

Now this was the first the fag had heard mention of either the marmalade or its location, so he rushed back to the kitchen found the missing marmalade on what he supposed was Mottram's shelf and brought it back to him. Mottram, who, of course, had decided to adopt a fault finding attitude towards his fag, as he had every intention of introducing his fag's arse to the cane that evening, said: "Well, go on, boy, don't stand there looking at me; I know how to eat my breakfast. Get on with things; go and make the bed and lay out my clothes as I told you; and make sure that it is all neat so that I can dress properly. And don't forget to check my second pair of shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe. I wore them yesterday and they probably need cleaning. And as I told you, I want gleaming shoes; shoes I can see my face in; so make sure that you polish them properly. Now for goodness sakes get on with things otherwise you will have no time to go and have breakfast yourself and I wouldn't want you dropping from starvation during morning classes. Oh, and before I forget, the four other House Captains will be coming here to tea this afternoon at four thirty. So make sure that you are on time with that. And make some decent toast and see that butter and jam are available."

Lattymer-Smith went to get his breakfast feeling very uneasy about his immediate future. So far nothing he had done for Mottram had been right. And to add to this morning's disasters the fact that he had been late the previous evening and made a mess of the cocoa, made him even more nervous. This nervous state was not in any way helped by the fact that in the very first class that morning, mathematics, taken by a dynamic muscular young teacher who wielded his cane with vigour, two of his classmates had been called up to the front for talking and given three vicious cuts of the cane across the seat of their pants. "If I have any more disturbance," he said to the class, "The offenders will have an appointment with me in my study at morning break and let me just assure them it will not be three across their pants but six bare that they will get." It was all very frightening for someone who had never experienced corporal punishment in any form, to have the cane, like the sword of Damocles, hanging threateningly over his head.

That afternoon, he tried to be punctual and to make and serve the tea to the five senior prefects, but sod's law intervened and everything which could go wrong did so. Poor Lattymer-Smith who had no idea really about how to do any of the menial tasks which were now his lot, underestimated totally the time needed for the kettle to boil, so that he was already five minutes late in making the tea. Then he managed to burn the toast, which was made on the open fire in the boys' kitchen, with the bread skewered on a toasting fork. Another fag, more adept at the culinary arts than he was, suggested that he scrape off the burned bits and put the slices upside down so that no one (a fond but forlorn hope) would notice. Then where was the butter? There did not seem to be any on Mottram's shelf, where he found just a jar of strawberry jam. So he had to beg butter from one of his fellow fags. All in all the whole business was a disaster before he carried the tray, some ten minute late into Mottram's study, where he and is co-prefects were already installed and waiting.

Does one have to say that from there on, matters went from bad to worse? Mottram was in a foul mode due to the later arrival of the tea. "I said four o'clock not ten past he growled. Go on, Lattymer-Smith; now that you are finally here, get on and serve the tea." So the fag poured out five cups of tea only to realise that there was neither milk nor sugar to hand; he had forgotten them. So off he had to rush back to the kitchen to retrieve the missing items. Then, of course when he added the milk to the by now cooling tea, he discovered that he had filled the cups too full and the tea slopped over into the saucers. One of Mottram's co-prefects, the House Captain of Devon House, said laconically: "You know Mottram, I don't know what your fag used to cut this toast, but it's too thick; did he use an axe do you suppose? And to boot the stuff is burned. If he were my fag I'd have him arse naked across a chair and give him six stingers: truly I would. He really is beyond the pale and needs to be taught a lesson."

With this chilling recommendation, Mottram indicated to his fag that he should leave the disaster area and that he and his guests would serve themselves from there on. As Lattymer-Smith crept out of the room, Mottram pronounced what amounted to the death sentence. "This evening, Lattymer-Smith, I want you back here at eight sharp and I when I say eight I mean eight; you and I will review your performance to date and decide on what action is called for. Have I made myself clear, boy?"

Lattymer-Smith's heart fell through his boots at this pronouncement. "What action is called called for." One did not have to be a genius to read between the lines; he knew full well that his arse was on schedule for its first beating. The rest of the day was ruined for the fag; he was unable to concentrate on the afternoon classes and was twice told to pay attention. He hardly managed to eat his supper, thinking about what what was in store for him a short time later. He was, in vulgar modern parlance, what we would describe as almost shitting bricks.

Punctually at eight he knocked on the door of Mottram's study, bracing himself for the dreaded review and its inevitable sequel, to find himself witness to a totally unexpected scene. He decided that he should withdraw and let Mottram finish the task in which he was presently engaged, but Mottram said to him: "So finally, Lattymer-Smith, you have managed to arrive on time; come in and join us; this will be a very instructive evening for you."

Lattymer-Smith found himself confronted by a pair of muscular naked buttocks bent over the very chair over which he himself had bent in his dummy run the previous evening. This arse belonged to a member of the upper sixth, a boy in his final year called Harris; and one did not need not need to be a clairvoyant to see what was about to happen. Mottram was already brandishing the senior cane in his right hand and it was quite clear that this inviting pair of well rounded young buns as yet in totally pristine condition, were about to be subject to a dose of what is pompously called corporal chastisement; in a word, Mottram was going to thrash the living daylights out of the boy; but for what reason?

"Lattymer-Smith, what you see before you here is the naked backside of a sixth former, one William Harris, whom I personally caught smoking in the lavatories this afternoon, just after that disastrous tea, which I am sure you will recollect you had served. Now, for your information, the Headmaster has decreed that all smoking, even by boys who are aged eighteen, to which category our friend Harris here counts, is forbidden and has vowed to eliminate what is considered a foul habit. He has therefore made it mandatory for any boy, including boys in the upper sixth, caught smoking, to be given twelve strokes of the cane across their naked bottoms. And that, Lattymer-Smith, is what you are now going to have the pleasure of witnessing."

Now schoolboys being schoolboys, although never ever wishing to feel the cane on their own flesh have a morbid curiosity and take a certain homoerotic pleasure in watching their schoolmates being punished. While they would never dream of splitting on one of their classmates and land him a beating, nevertheless if there is an opportunity to watch one of their members have his naked arse thrashed, then there are always plenty of willing onlookers. The German concept of Schadenfreude -- pleasure at the discomfort of others -- is ever present.

Now what Mottram was offering, or better put, obliging, Lattymer-Smith to witness, was a truly rare occurrence. Here was a new boy on his first day at the school, being give the change to witness what was clearly going to be a serious thrashing; and Lattymer-Smith being human with all its associated failings, would probably have enjoyed enormously watching this senior boy being beaten. But the occasion was completely spoiled for him by the fact, as he knew all too well, that once this thrashing was over and done with and the delinquent youth sent on his way to lick his wounds, he would, in all probability, find himself, arse naked across that very same chair, waiting to be treated to a dose of his own personal cane. Personal cane or not, this was not a very appealing prospect and it certainly took the edge of any vicarious pleasure he might have had in watching Mottram thrash someone else's arse.

But, there he was, obliged to stand there and watch Mottram, his fag-master, beat a boy's naked butt. Although it was clear that the vicarious pleasure he might have experienced had the circumstances been different, watching Mottram in action was really very instructive; it showed him the truly brutal and sadistic side to Mottram's character. Once Mottram had finished beating his present target, it was quite clear to Lattymer-Smith that his fag-master belonged to that category of men who was "not a nice as he looks."

Mottram had taken off his coat prior to commencing the beating. He started his task by positioning the cane in the exact centre of the two invitingly pristine globes he was about to thrash. He then tapped a few times gently on the expectant flesh before moving up and down the boy's naked arse, as if marking out where he would deliver the twelve strokes. He moved right down the buttocks to the sensitive sit-spot, for which he reserved three cuts. Finally, satisfied with his preparatory labours, he returned to the centre of the target, raised the cane well above his head and brought it down with unerring accuracy and force. The victim drew a sharp breath but otherwise remained silent and immobile. Lattymer-Smith winced as the cane mated for the first time with the naked flesh, with its inimitable sound, a sound with which in the coming months he would become horribly familiar.

The stroke had been delivered with maximum force and a clearly marked red welt appeared almost immediately. Mottram paused for some ten seconds before applying the second stroke, which was placed with parallel precision just above the first welt. Then he proceeded to apply the cane alternately below and above the first centre stroke, each time achieving great accuracy. As the caning continued, the protests of the victim became ever more strident until, after the sixth stroke, he cried out in extreme pain begging Mottram to stop; but his pleas were to no avail and Mottram went steadily on, stroke after stinging stroke.

He finally paused and said to his fag: "Lattymer-Smith, there is a great art to beating and I am now going to show you the final strokes, which I always reserve for the lower buttocks, the place on which you sit. This is the most sensitive place on a boy's arse and I usually give it three strokes to ensure that the miscreant cannot sit down comfortably. I can tell you that well applied, as I now intend to do, this boy will find it painful to sit down for at least two and possibly three days. The purpose in punishing this boy for his misbehaviour is to teach him a painful; lesson, but also to leave him with a very sore arse which will remind him for several days of why he has been punished. What you are now looking at Lattymer-Smith is what we call a well beaten arse."