The Hotwife & Her Bull - Pt. 01

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Hotwife Carol gets a Bull.
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Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/30/2023
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This is the story of poor Carol Hendrick, a normal, healthy young woman with normal, healthy desires. Unfortunately, she followed the advice of her conservative parents and married Alan, who has a low sex drive and is unable to satisfy her. But Alan is aroused by the idea of his wife having sex with other men, so he suggests she become a Hotwife and start a relationship with a man who can serve as her Bull. This is not a novel-length story, unfolding in just 13 short chapters. In Chapter 1 we meet Bill, the man Alan and Carol select to satisfy her needs.


I've always felt I'm an unusually lucky guy. I won the parent lottery; Mom and Dad were smart, caring, ambitious people. They loved me and made sure I got what I needed to mature into a smart, caring, ambitious person like them. Being born a white male in America was pure luck. I enjoyed learning, and my degree in electrical engineering helped me get an engaging job that paid very well. It's true that I worked hard for everything I got, but I don't pretend that luck isn't a big part of the reason I am happy and successful.

You could also say I've been lucky with women. As I approach my 30th birthday, I am happily single, and dating women I like and respect. They know I'm in no hurry to get married, and the ones who are looking for a husband learn pretty quickly that I'm a great boyfriend but not a prospective fiance. I dated one woman who tried pretty hard to get me to settle down with her, but she finally saw she needed to move on, and we parted on good terms.

Since there are a couple of women who like to spend time with me, I am never lacking in female companionship. I think women like me because I am fit, good looking, and successful, but one woman said she thought my most attractive quality was my confidence. She said that the first time I suggested we go to bed, I presented the idea in a way that implied no reasonable woman could possibly disagree. Is that how women define confidence? Or maybe I'm just lucky.

What does this have to do with my story? Let's start by agreeing that I was lucky to be friends with a coworker named Alan Hendrik. Alan was a vice president in our company's finance department. I worked on the tech side of the business, but I had regular contact with Alan because part of my job was to handle the budget for the engineers I supervised. Alan was smart, and funny, and we seemed to enjoy hearing about each other's wacky opinions. Sometimes when we met we'd have so much fun talking about football, or cars, or some other thing, we'd get so distracted we barely got any work done.

I was less acquainted with Alan's wife, Carol. Carol was an accountant who used to work for Alan, but they decided she should quit after they got married. Neither one of them wanted to deal with jealousy from other accountants who would surely think Carol got special treatment because she was married to the boss. Besides, Alan had a great salary, a big house, and a couple of nice cars; Carol's salary wasn't really needed. Still, I saw Carol a few times a year, when she'd come back to work as a consultant each time some new project overwhelmed Alan's staff. Carol is gorgeous. A real knock-out. I figured that Alan was lucky to have her. It wasn't until later that I learned they weren't as lucky as they seemed.

My education began one afternoon when Carol called my desk and asked me to come see her. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about, but there were plenty of possibilities. "Are there any specific files you need to see?" I asked. "No, nothing like that," Carol said. "I just need your feedback on something."

Fine. There was nothing unusual about anything she'd said so far. I picked up my laptop just in case I needed to consult some document, then headed over to the finance department. Carol led me to an empty conference room, closed the door behind me, and got down to business.

"Alan tells me you're a good guy," Carol said.

"He's being generous," I said. "That's one thing I like about Alan."

"Alan is usually correct about things like that," Carol said. "I've always liked you, Bill. We haven't spent much time together, but I've enjoyed what little time we've had. And I've always thought you were very good looking. I've always liked muscular guys, and it's pretty obvious that you spend time in the gym."

What the...? That was weird. Hearing another man's wife compliment my appearance threw me off balance. What was this conversation about? I wondered if she was about to proposition me, but that made no sense, because we barely knew each other. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

Carol smiled. "Bill, there's no easy way to say this without just coming right out and saying it. Do you know what a cuck is?"

"Well, not really," I said. "I think a cuck is a man who is aroused by the idea of his wife having sex with another man. But that's all I know, and I'm not even sure of that. It's outside my experience."

"There's a lot more to it than that, but you're right. That's the basic definition of a cuck. What do you think of men like that?"

"Carol, I think it's a mistake to be judgemental about the sex lives of other people," I said. "As long as there are no victims, I think that consenting adults should feel free to do whatever they want. Actually, I'm pretty apathetic about things like that. I don't understand why some people get so upset about the private behavior of adults. For me, I can't begin to describe the enormity of the damn I do not give."

It took a second, but then Carol began to laugh. "Alan said you have a nice sense of humor," she said.

"I think Alan just has low standards," I said. This made Carol laugh again.

"I'll just get to it, Bill. People look at me and Alan and imagine we're the happiest people in the world. We seem to have perfect lives. But we are not happy. Not at all.

"Bill, Alan is a cuck. We've never done anything about that, and the result is that he's not happy with me, and I'm not happy with him. We love each other, but a marriage needs more than that. It needs passion, and we just don't have any."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Carol. You both deserve to be happy."

"Do you see where this conversation is going, Bill?"

I thought I did, but I wasn't sure. "It would be best if you just told me," I said.

"Alan and I both think we'd be happier if you'd agree to be my boyfriend. My Bull," Carol said. "God, that sounds so weird. But that's basically it. I find you to be very attractive, and I'd appreciate it if you'd give this idea some thought. I hope I'm not offending you. Bill, I wouldn't ask you this if I wasn't getting desperate. But my marriage is at stake. I don't know what else to do. We need help from someone. You are our first choice. I hope you'll at least try it. If it doesn't work for you, we'll all still be friends."

This sounded very strange to me. I thought it was risky agreeing to have sex with the wife of a top executive at the company where we both worked. But Alan and I were in different divisions. There were no obvious ways he could retaliate against me if he became upset about something. Besides, I'm one of the top engineers, and everybody knows it. My job is pretty secure.

But the main response I had was an overwhelming desire to try it. Carol was a stunning, sexy beauty offering to have no-strings sex on an ongoing basis. What kind of man would I be if I wasn't intrigued? None of the women I dated were pushing for an exclusive relationship. I didn't see that I had anything to lose.

"Carol, my head is spinning right now," I said. "You are such an attractive woman that I'm tempted to just jump up in the air and agree to do whatever you want. But can I think about it for a while? I'm a little concerned about how something like this could affect my standing at the company if Alan decided he didn't like it."

"Of course, Bill. Take all the time you want. Alan and I thought you might be concerned about that. Let me show you something. It's a recording Alan made for you."

Carol pulled out her cell phone and began playing a video. It showed Alan looking into the camera.

"Hi buddy," Alan said. "I'm guessing you feel pretty surprised right now. I'll bet that when you got up this morning you didn't think anything like this would happen today. Carol and I want you to know we are in complete agreement about this. It was my idea. We need help, buddy. My wife isn't happy, and neither am I. We spent some time looking for a guy online, and it was a complete disaster - one greasy perv after another. I don't want my wife spending time with that kind of guy. She needs a better kind of man - someone like you. So just in case there's any doubt, I promise you that Carol and I both want this to happen. I hope you agree."


"While you're thinking about it, I got something you might want to read," Carol said. She reached into her purse and withdrew a small book with a baffling title: How to be the Perfect Bull. "This tells you what other people think about this kind of relationship," she said. "Lots of people do this. It's not exactly common, but it's not rare either. Alan isn't a freak. And neither am I. We're just two people looking for an answer to our problem."

I took the little book home and read it in one sitting. Very interesting. Learned a lot. The term "cuck" comes from the biological term "cuckoldry" which is a kind of very sneaky behavior of some fish, birds and insects. There are several types, but the simplest example involves male birds who mate with females who are bonded to some other male. This means the bonded pair work together to raise offspring that are not related to the hapless husband bird.

Lots of species engage in this kind of stuff. And everybody knows that humans do it all the time; when people began doing genetic tests to find out about their ancestry, lots of grown children discovered that they aren't genetically related to the person they'd always called "Dad." Oops! Busted, Mom!

But usually the word "cuck" refers to someone like Alan, who isn't looking for a guy to knock up his wife. For whatever reason, he is aroused by the idea of another man taking cute little Carol to bed. He has no control over his desires. The heart wants what it wants.

Carol is known as a "hotwife" for obvious reasons. She gets to have sex with two different men. But most hotwives are married to men who aren't adequate lovers. This is the case with Carol, because Alan apparently has a low sex drive and is not very well endowed. She told me that when they have sex, it's usually over in five minutes, and she almost never has an orgasm. I guess she wore out a few vibrators for that reason.

What Carol wanted me to do was become her "bull." I guess the implication is that she wants me to do for her what a bull does for cows. The barnyard terminology is a bit crude, but clear enough.

I learned a lot of other stuff from the book, and was thinking about it all that night as I tried to get to sleep. The idea of having this kind of sex with a woman as hot as Carol was such a turn-on that I couldn't resist jerking off while trying to imagine what Carol looked like naked. I just couldn't think of a reason not to do it. And so, the next morning, I called Carol and said I'd be happy to try.

"Bill, that's wonderful!" she said. "I'm so glad! I don't know what I would have done if you'd said no."

"I guess I should make a few things clear," I said. "The book you gave me said that some cucks like to watch their wives have sex with their bulls. I doubt that I could perform like that. I see sex as something done in private."

"We agree, Bill. Alan has no interest in being in the room. He'll expect me to tell him everything in explicit detail, and I hope you don't have a problem with that."

"No, that's fine. I just don't want an audience. And I think we should discuss birth control."

"I'm on the pill. I have irregular periods, so I need to take the pill for that reason. I never miss a dose. But a lot of hotwives and their bulls sign an agreement stating that the bull will have no legal responsibility for any unplanned pregnancies. I can't imagine that will happen with us, but I think we should sign those papers so we can both relax about it. Alan and I aren't interested in me getting pregnant, Bill. As it stands, our marriage won't last unless something changes. I am not in a position to bring a new life into the world."

We talked about a few more issues, and that was it. At that moment Carol became a Hotwife and I became her Bull. I had a serious boner by the time I hung up the phone.

Carol agreed to come over to my apartment the next evening. I was a lot more nervous than I get when I'm dating someone new and trying to take them to bed. This was a different kind of relationship from anything I'd ever experienced. I made sure my apartment was clean and uncluttered, and that there were fresh sheets on the bed. My hands were shaking when I opened the door.

"Are you as nervous as me?" Carol asked.

"Maybe," I said.

"Do you have anything to drink?" she asked. "I think I could use a glass of wine."

"Great idea," I said.

We sat on the sofa, drinking the wine and talking about what was about to happen. "I hope I'm not a disappointment, Bill," she said. "I'm pretty pathetic in the bedroom."

"I'm sure that's not true," I said.

"I'm sure it is. I've never had a good sexual experience. Not once. I haven't been with very many guys, but none of them have liked me much sexually. I don't seem to arouse much passion in men."

"Carol, that's just crazy," I said. "I may feel nervous about this, but the idea of having sex with you is a tremendous turn-on. I've had about a hundred erections today because I can't stop thinking about it."


"Of course. You're going to find out for yourself in a minute. I imagine you know that most men are such dogs that they spend a lot of time trying to imagine what different women look like naked. From the moment you suggested this, I've been unable to stop wondering about that. I am just dying to get you out of your clothes and see for myself."

Carol looked surprised. "Well, you don't have to guess," she said.

I got the hint. "Come over here," I said. She got as close as she could, and I began unbuttoning her blouse slowly. By the time I finished all the buttons, she was panting and trying to catch her breath. I pushed the blouse off one shoulder, then off the other, and gently pulled it down her arms and completely off her body. The look on her face was a mix of arousal and fear. Perfect.

She wore a lovely lace bra. I considered taking it off next, but decided to try something different. "Carol, I need you to stand up and unzip that skirt," I said.

She gulped. Carol literally gulped. It was adorable. She drained the rest of the wine in her glass, stood up, and removed her skirt. She wore matching panties and black nylons. "Carol, you can't be right when you say you don't excite men. My heart is pumping so hard I can hear it. God, I just want to eat you up right now."

Carol's eyes got wide. "Well, why don't you?" she asked.

I stood up, put my hand on one shoulder, then eased her bra strap off. Then I eased the strap off the other shoulder. I slowly pulled the straps down her arms, and soon her breasts were exposed to my eyes, hands, and lips. Carol had breasts that were on the small side, but perfectly formed and topped with thick, meaty nipples that made me salivate. That's not a metaphor; my mouth literally began to water. By this time we were both breathing deeply, and Carol began shaking.

"Let's go to the bedroom," I said.

Carol said nothing, but she nodded and followed my lead as I took her by the arm and led the way. I guided her to the side of the bed, and she sat down, but the look in her eyes was so full of fear I was afraid I might be pushing her too fast. I sat beside her, and when I took one breast in hand, she closed her eyes and moaned. "Are you sure about this?" I asked.

"God, yes. Yes," she said.

I lifted her chin and kissed her gently. Her lips were soft, warm, and responsive. I kissed her a bit more passionately, then kissed her again, and soon I pressed my tongue between her lips and began exploring inside her mouth. I've never seen a woman become so excited by simple kissing. I still had a hand on one of her breasts; she put her hand on top of mine and pressed it against her.

I eased Carol onto her back, and began kissing all over her face and neck. She arched her back when my lips found her breasts. She was moaning non-stop by now. I took my time with her breasts, sucking one nipple between my lips, then moving to the other, then going back to the first. Carol tossed her head back and forth. She gripped the sheets and made little fists as I lavished attention on two of the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen. Those big, firm nipples felt wonderful against my tongue, and I was thrilled that she responded so strongly to what I was doing.

All Carol was wearing was a pair of panties, nylons, and very sexy stiletto heels. I considered easing her panties down her legs, but decided to prolong the anticipation. Instead, I slid my hands down her flat belly and slipped my fingers inside her panties. I took my time stroking her trim little tuft of pubic hair. It was the same shade of blond that was on her head. I'd wondered about that. Lots of blondes aren't that way naturally, but Carol was. The carpet matched the drapes.

I reached deeper, rubbing around the outside of her pussy lips. She began to squirm under my touch. I put it off as long as I could, but it was time for me to dip one finger into the wet folds of flesh between her lips. When I did that, Carol jumped and cried out in ecstasy. She was so responsive. I found myself thinking that Alan must be a very strange man if he's not attracted to such a sexy, responsive woman. If she was mine, I'd take her to bed every single night.

I gently slid one finger in and out, moving slowly so I could touch every part of her insides. She was moaning and groaning continuously by this time, and these sexy little sounds went up in pitch when my thumb began massaging her clit. And that's when she climaxed. It wasn't a complete surprise because it was so obvious that she loved what was happening, but most of the women I've taken to bed need more stimulation to have an orgasm.

The muscles in Carol's pussy throbbed and contracted as her climax continued. "Ohhhh, Bill," she said. "I can't believe what you're doing. You're turning me inside out."

That seemed like an indication that she was ready for more. I sat up and pulled Carol's panties down her legs. I thought her nylons and heels looked sexy, so I left them on. I slowly spread her legs wide on the bed, then crawled between them. Her pussy was bright pink and very wet. "God Carol, you look delicious." Her eyes went wide when she realized I was thinking about going down on her.

But I changed my mind about that. Everything Carol had told me indicated that she had much less sexual experience than you'd expect in a married woman who was almost 30. If that was true, it meant that what she wanted and needed was plain old missionary-style sex. If this happened again, I could try things like eating her pussy then. For now, it seemed like the best thing I could do was give her some nice hard cock and see how much she liked it.

I crawled up Carol's body, kissing her belly and breasts before kissing her again on her lips. She was so turned on she seemed desperate. Carol jumped when she felt the head of my cock settle into the entrance to her pussy. I knew she wasn't a virgin, but thought it was smart to treat her like one. I eased just a small part of my cock inside her, then withdrew. I eased it in a tiny bit more, then withdrew again, then pushed in again. This slow in-and-out made her go crazy. She thrust her hips upward, trying to get me to go deeper, but I kept pulling away. I was going to make this last. She'd get what she wanted - eventually.