The House

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Paul builds Beth Ann a house.
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I had slept in this morning after coming in on the late flight to DFW from being in San Francisco for the last three weeks overseeing the biggest project I had landed since opening my own security business four years ago.

After getting up and having a shower. I wandered down to the kitchen and found a note from Beth Ann, saying that she had to run an errand and would be back about 10 O'clock. I figured since it was just about nine now that I would fix me some toast and juice then start going over my notes of the different situations that I had encountered. I had just started going over them and dictating some plausible solutions on the pocket recorder when Beth Ann came thru the back door.

"Hi darling," she said. "I thought I would let you sleep in for a while since you did not get in until late. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you got up but since Gary was going to be busy today working on their new deck Diana and I decided we would go and look at lawn furniture."

That's Fine, I needed to go over these notes anyway and besides the sooner I get it done the sooner I will have time to show you how much I missed you while I was gone."

"Ooooh that sounds like a lot of fun better be snappy at it then because I can't wait too long myself." Beth Ann said as she came over and gave me a very passionate kiss.

I went back to poring over my notes and dictating, about five minutes later a slight rapping sound came from the sliding glass door, it was Gary. I laid down my recorder and went to let him in.

He said. "Paul old pal I hate to bother you but while I was finishing up the molding for the deck my router gave up the ghost. Could I borrow yours until I get done?"

"Sure I'll go get it."

When I got to the garage it took me awhile to find it. I guess Beth Ann had gotten in one of her cleaning moods and had put it in the wrong place.

Beth Ann and Gary were talking when I came back. They quit talking as I came into the room.

"Here it is Gary, keep it as long as you need to I don't need it at the moment and that way Diana will be able to spend more for the deck furniture."

"Thanks Paul, I appreciate this." Gary said over his shoulder as he went out the door.

About an hour later I was done and had started to put all of the papers back in my briefcase when all of a sudden Beth Ann grabbed my hand and started to lead me to our bedroom saying. "Good, your done I can't wait any longer."

When we got to the bedroom it was a race to see which one of us could get our clothes off the fastest.

I won barely just because all I had on was shorts and a t-shirt.

As soon as she was done she pushed me onto the bed and straddled me and started to ride me as if there was no tomorrow. I had just started spewing my load into her when all of a sudden she seized up into a massive orgasm shouting, "Give it all to me Daddy. I want you to knock me up again." And then she collapsed onto my chest.

When we were able to get our breath back I said. "What was that all about baby?"

She said, "You are going to have to get your router back from Gary quicker than you think to start in on our nursery."

I hugged her close to me and asked. "You mean that you are pregnant."

"Yes darling, I lied when I said I was with Diana this morning. I actually had a doctor's appointment and he confirmed what the home test I took Wednesday."

"Okay," I said. "Here's the deal this is Friday and since I don't have to be in the office till Monday, lets go out and eat tonight and celebrate."

"Paul, I would just like to cook you a good romantic dinner at home and then just the two of us spend the rest of the weekend in bed if you don't mind."

"That sounds like a plan to me."


Monday morning I greeted Alexis my secretary with a big smile.

She said, "Alright, what's with the big shit eating grin this morning, you win the lottery?"

"No Alexis, better than that I found out this weekend I'm going to be a daddy."

She said, "Congratulations," but I knew it was a put on. Beth Ann and she never got along. I guess it was because I dated Alexis in college before I met Beth Ann and she met Barry.

Right after I started the company Alexis's husband was killed in a car wreck. He had insurance to cover the house and his burial but Alexis had to go to work in order to cover the rest of the bills. I gave her a job as my secretary over objections from Beth Ann.

I handed over my notes and the recorder to Alexis and asked, "Can you get Patty to transcribe these to some semblance of order for me."

"Sure no problem Paul, she should have them back to you later on in the day."

"I'm not in a rush, just when she has some spare time will be fine."

"Okay, Boss."


About 10:30 Patty buzzed Alexis on the intercom and when she picked up Patty said. "Alexis there is something wrong with Paul's dictation tape, can you come and listen to it and tell me it what I am hearing is correct?"

"Hang on Patty I'll be right there," and then she punched the intercom off and took of to Patty's office.

About ten minutes later Alexis came into my office and lay the recorder on my desk and said, "Paul, Patty says that she couldn't understand some of the tape and thought you should review it."

"I'll get right on it since I'm taking a long lunch to meet with James. He says the new house is almost finished and I want to surprise Beth Ann Saturday with it as an early anniversary present. I would like it if you came out Saturday to see it too."

"I don't think that would be a good idea Paul. You know Beth Ann and I just don't get along, besides it is your present to her it just wouldn't be right."

"I'm sorry about Beth Ann, she just can't understand that basically you and I were just friends and that Barry was the love of your life."

"I still miss Barry so much but it is time I got on with my life and things have just started to look up."

"You mean you have started dating again?"

"No, but I think that a rare man has just become available and I would like to see where it might go in the near future."

"Good, I know you loved Barry very much but I think it is about time you put the grieving behind and got along with your life. You're still young and you would make a great mother."

"Thank you Paul, but enough about me I have to get back to work and you have that tape to review and then your lunch with James."

"Okay, but you know my door is always open if you need anything."

"That goes both ways Paul," Alexis said as she went back towards her desk.

An hour later as I started out the door, I said. "Alexis I'm going to be busy the next few days but I want you there Saturday and bring along Patty. I will not take no for an answer. I have invited Beth Ann's parents, Gary & Diana for the festivities also."

"Okay Boss," Alexis said looking pissed off but inwardly smiling.


Saturday morning I woke Beth Ann up and told her to get dressed as we were supposed to meet her parents for breakfast at the pancake house in thirty minutes.

"What are my parents doing in town? They weren't supposed to be here till next month for our anniversary." Beth Ann asked.

"Well since you called them and told them you pregnant they wanted to be here when I give you, your early anniversary present."

"An early present, what did you get me?"

"I can't tell you, you will just have to see it."

"Come on tell me, I'll make it worth your while in bed tonight."

"Nope, no can do."

"Not even a little hint?"

"Okay, it's big and is going to put you into shock you is all I'm going to say."

"If that is all you are going to tell me I guess I will just put you on half rations tonight." Beth Ann said while laughing.

We met up with Joan and Herb for breakfast and within a few minutes Gary and Diana showed up and sat down with us.

After breakfast was over and while Beth Ann went to the restroom I told Gary how to get to the new house and to meet us there in about an hour.

After leaving I picked up my cell phone and dialed Alexis's number. When she answered I told her we were leaving now and to meet us there.

Beth Ann looked over at me with fire in her eyes and asked. "Why did you want her along?"

"Because Beth Ann, Alexis has always been my friend. She and I knew that there was would never be in love like you and I were. When Barry came along I saw right away that they were meant for each other. After Barry's death I couldn't just turn my back on a friend. Why can't you just accept the fact that she is just a friend and nothing more?"

"Because Paul, she's in love with you."

"You can't be serious. Her true love was Barry and she is just now coming to terms with his death." But in the back of my mind I could see that Beth Ann might be right.

"Yes I know she loved Barry with all of her heart but deep down she has always been in love with you. Call it woman's intuition if you like but we women just have a way to see things like that."

About that time she recognized the area we were in and asked, "Can we just drive by the place that we first made love at?"

"Somebody bought it and built a house on it. I don't know if they would let us in there."

"Please, we don't have to drive in just go by there."


A few minutes later we drove in the driveway and pulled up to the new house. James came out of the construction trailer and introduced himself as the builder, carefully hiding the fact that we knew each other. He asked Beth Ann if she wanted to take a tour of the house.

"I'd love to," Beth Ann told him.

As we were taking the tour I noticed that Gary, Diana, Alexis, Patty and her parents had pulled up by the gate.

After the tour was over I led Beth Ann out the back way and we went around the house to the front where the rest of the group were waiting. When they saw her they all shouted HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

She was in a state of shock so bad she could hardly catch her breath.

Everybody but Alexis and Patty gathered around and gave her a big hug.

When she noticed Alexis she went over and said. "I know that we have never liked each other but can we at least call a truce?"

Alexis didn't answer her, she just nodded.

"Okay everybody lets go back to the trailer, I have one more surprise I want to show you all." I said.

When we were all gathered around again I nodded at James, he then pulled out a walkie-talkie and said. "Alright boys go to it."

You could here a couple of bulldozers start up and in a few minutes they were busy demolishing the house while everyone looked on in shock.

Beth Ann was jumping up and down screaming, "My house!!! My house!!!"

After the shock wore off and the bulldozers were shut down Beth Ann's dad come over to me and got in my face ranting and raving about how I could do that to his daughter with her going to have my baby.

As I pulled my pocket recorder out of my coat pocket, I said, "Because of this."

I turned the recorder on and you could hear knocking in the back ground then:

{Gary} "Paul old pal I hate to bother you but while I was finishing up the molding for the deck my router gave up the ghost. Could I borrow yours until I get done?"

{Me} "Sure I'll go get it."

You could hear me moving off to get it

{Gary} "I thought he was supposed to come in this afternoon?"

{Beth Ann} "He came in late last night and I didn't have time to let you know, by the way that router deal was cute."

{Gary} "I had to think of something fast. How did it go this morning?"

{Beth Ann} "Well you are going to be a daddy."

{Gary} Honey, that's wonderful but have you told Paul yet?"

{Beth Ann} "No, I wanted you to be the first to know."

{Gary} "Thanks baby, I appreciate that now all we have to do is wait till the baby's born and then you can soak him for child support plus the trust for the baby that he thinks is his."

I reached over and cut the recorder off with trembling hands and tears running down my face.

I turned to a shocked Beth Ann and said one word, "Why??"

Alexis walked over and slapped Beth Ann as hard as she could and then grabbed my arm saying, "Do you think a friend could buy you a cup of coffee?"

We left everybody there arguing and Beth Ann crying.


That was three years ago.

Alexis is still my Secretary and no we are not together, she is first and foremost my friend. Plus she found somebody that really was better than Barry and that is saying a lot.

As for the rest of them, Beth Ann's parents finally forgave her; she and the baby are living with them while Beth Ann is teaching part time and going back for her Masters in Education.

As for Gary and Diana, they are still together. We later found out that it was Diana's idea to get Beth Ann pregnant with Gary's baby just to get their hands on some of my money. Since I proved that the baby wasn't mine and therefore no trust or child support they dropped Beth Ann like a hot potato.

I have to go now it's time for Lamaze class for Patty and me. Yes it was Patty that stepped up and took charge, with Alexis's blessing of course. I don't know if I could have gone through all of this with out Alexis being there for me like I was when Barry was killed.

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SarahwithloveSarahwithlove2 months ago

i don't like paternity stories. They are too sad and they bring me down.

DazzyDDazzyD11 months ago

I know it’s just a story, but it’s stupid to waste the money!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 5 years ago

I don't know who thought this was well written!

Incorrect punctuation, odd capitalization, and this: "She and I knew that there was would never be in love like you and I were." "Was would?"

I agree with those who say that one page wasn't enough for this story, it felt rushed. There was no need to make us wait till the end to hear the tape, it's not like it was a big twist!

And demolishing the house???

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 5 years ago
House no. Gary Diana and Beth get all three burn burn the ring of fire paraphrase

Saw some of ending but not house damn stupid

Don't care about why. By lot of comments on stories others do

I don't understand myself for once you cheat do the crime due the time

Revenge and punishment. Once in great while if circumstances are really special forgive and reconciliation

Why I am getting older menopause something different etc etc etc

Divorce and play all day and night

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Too bad... never answered the "Why?" question.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
It was okay.

I'm not a big fan of one page stories. It just seems like about the time you're getting into the story, it's over.

Also, the recorder was telegraphed a mile away. It would have been better if you could have found a better way. There was just no surprise or shock value at all. I think it could have been worked out better with a little more thought and maybe another page.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Like it

Another good find in the archives. Like the revenge of destroying the house. Should have destroyed Gary.

MaFreplerMaFreplerover 7 years ago

I can understand why Gary went after her (although it's a pretty stupid way to go about getting someone's money), but why would the wife fall for that? Answer: She wouldn't. Which is why the story doesn't make sense, and isn't really very good. goal oriented stories don't work, because the characters act in service of plot, and not as real people. And if there was some reason that wife falls for the scheming neighbor, then that should have been written into the story. Otherwise, she's just an excuse for a BTB. And if that's your fetish, then that's what it is, but it isn't good story telling.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 9 years ago

How does demolishing a house you're building hurt the Bitch Wife who is trying to hang a bastard child around your neck as she files for divorce? Don't see the logic or the economics! Hope none of the construction money was borrowed!

So Hubby ends up with a woman almost totally unknown to the readers! Get a clue and marry a widow or divorcee in your own social circle, rather than a Trophy Wife who may well bilk you even more thoroughly!


tazz317tazz317almost 11 years ago

and sneaking out through the cellar, TK U MLJ LV NV

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