The Hunter's Tale


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"Sweetheart, it's in my damn nature." She shrugged her shoulders with predictable apathy. "I mean, you don't get mad at a scorpion for stinging you, right?"

His fingers closed in around the handle.

"Don't know if anyone ever explained this to you, but we can't survive long in this world if we don't get a little 'soul food' now and then. So you see, it ain't personal. And hell, it's not like any of these fellows were gonna amount to much anyways."

"Their friends and families would disagree," he pointed out through gritted teeth.

"Mmmm, you're right." She flashed him a devious and demented grin. "Maybe I should try them next, you think? Damn, see that's my appetite talking again. It's made me right gluttonous at times, but what can I say...?" She cocked another sly grin, "A girl's gotta eat."

He could only grimace at all the morbid evidence of what she just said all around him.

Bodies and bodies of it.

"Well feeding season's over," he stated, before finally drawing the revolver.

Hammer cocked, finger squeezing-


He got a shot off.

Clean straight to her...hand.

Instead of the headshot he aimed for, the bullet's momentum was caught by her hand moving and catching it out of mid-air.

A feat impossible for any human. But she was far from human.

"Ohhhhh..." She winced, and whimpered in another simultaneous expression of pain and pleasure as she unwrapped her fingers around the stopped bullet.

There was a blackened mark in her palm where it had managed to burn the skin.

Biting at her lip, she ultimately came to derive more pleasure from the pain.

Throwing the projectile aside, she smiled at him with eyes gleaming with hellish delight, "Oh, I think I'll make a feast out of you, stranger."

He fired again, but this time she ducked behind a pillar, mocking laughter following her.

Going between pews to get the right angle, he stalked closer.

Handgun at the ready, the Hunter got closer, closer, and finally...

"...the hell?" She was gone when he tried to pull a flanking position on her.

Unable to make his target, he cursed under his breath but kept his gun up.

Moving back towards the altar, he quickly examined the man she had previously been feeding on.

Emaciated body and all, he was alive. Just.

"Help..." was all the man could groan out.

A part of him wanted to do just that, but his better judgment spoke loud and clearly.

The mission first, always.

"He's a bit older than my usual catch."

The Hunter whirled back around, listening intently as she continued to taunt him, "But I must admit to being pleasantly surprised. All that life experience gives the olden folk a real seasoning, I reckon."

"Show yourself, demon," he growled out, aiming at every shadow.

"Not until you tell me a little more about yourself, stranger," Her cooing voice answered him from all directions.

He couldn't trace it to a single spot. Not yet.

"I'm here to send you back to the pit. That's all you need to know." But he was trying.

"Oh, someone definitely did you wrong. Let me guess, we took your son, didn't we?"

He heard giggles from one corner.

Finger was itching to fire.

"Maybe your wife?" He spun around, hearing that voice now in the opposite corner.

"Come on..." Murmuring under his breath, he kept the weapon trained.

"Your brother?"

He heard footsteps. Naked feet slapping against the floor.

Turning around, he fired instinctively, hitting the wall again.

Nothing there.

"Getting warmer..." She was purring at him.

"Help..." He snapped his head back around to the man's feeble pleas.

"Cousin? Nephew?" He redirected his aim towards the back of the church.


"Father?" She was speaking in his ear now.

And she was also fondling his manhood between his pants.

Twirling on his heel, he aimed-

"Aarrggh!!" And dropped the gun as her hand gripped his wrist tight and squeezed sharply.

The revolver clanged to the ground between them as the suddenly materialized succubus disarmed him with five fingers and a wry look.

"I'm onto something, ain't I?" she smiled, so pleased with herself.

"You" Reacting swiftly, he pulled his knife out of his jacket and went to stab her- only to achieve the same result.

Her other hand grabbed at the wrist and squeezed hard enough to sprain, if not outright shatter the joint.

Forced to relinquish the knife in addition to the handgun, the Hunter grunted and grimaced as she stood so calmly and confidently before him.

So in control.

"Down, boy," she whispered, exerting enough pressure to force his compliance.

One knee bending and then the other, the slayer was ultimately forced to kneel.

His brow right up to her belly, and his chin right up to her crotch.

"That's one hell of a view, now ain't it?" she leered down at him, as he was forced to stare directly ahead...

"...fuck." Right at her seductive, soul-condemning slit.

The naïve outsider would call it just a vagina, and he would be wrong. Dead wrong.

"My favorite word," came her predictable coo, still holding him by the wrists.

Preventing him from doing anything except stare and snarl and...not succumb.

Her femininity was a pruning pink flower with petals that enticed with an overwhelmingly feminine scent.

The scent of sex.

Dangerous sex. Deadly sex.

Her pussylips beckoned to him with every waft of that alluring, arousing musk going in his nostrils and filtering through the brain.

Few men have been this close to succubus snatch and lived.

Even fewer have been able to open their lips, and dare to slide their tongue...right inside...

"No!" Blocking out the lustful suggestion suddenly pressing on his mind, he yanked back on his arms while falling backwards, dragging the winged demon down with him.

Bracing one leg against her midsection, he managed to flip her overhead, overcoming the temptation.

Sitting up, he scooped up his knife and scrambled to his feet as her giggling laughter rang out behind him.

Back on his feet with the devil-woman already matching his stance, the Hunter lunged with his bladed weapon as soon as he recaptured her in his sights.

Sweeping slash to the cheek. She ducked.

Downwards stab at the torso. She sidestepped.

As quickly as he attacked, she dodged even quicker.

Every time she evaded and eluded the sharpened metal with a liquid grace most ballet dancers could only achieve in their dreams.

All while smiling at his increasingly futile efforts.

But that didn't stop him from trying. Again and again until-

"Mmphh!" She intercepted him by moving inside of his guard instead of away, cradling his cheeks with her hands and crushing her lips against his.

Euphoria exploded into his mouth as her kiss stopped him dead in his tracks.

Moaning wantonly, she pressed her bare breasts against his clothed chest while drawing him into a lustful liplock.

Now it was her turn to retaliate, her strategy being passion over physicality.

And it was an effective one at that.

His tensed shoulders would relax, fingers starting to loosen up.

It felt good. She felt good. Too good.

Standing on her tiptoes, the she-devil kept her arms wrapped around him while orally seducing him so effortlessly.

For a moment, it was as if only the two of them existed in this place.

As if there weren't dozens dead around him. As if there wasn't one man still dying at the heart of the sanctuary.

It was a lie worth living.


Keeping his eyes open, the Hunter came back to reality and stabbed forward in an instinctive thrust!

Breaking the illusion and subsequently her concentration as he penetrated her with the steel of his blade.

She grunted and cried out in his mouth, their moment of serendipity ended unceremoniously.

He pushed the hilt in further and-

"Stop!!" She shoved him away, hard.

Launched through the air again, he hit the ground even harder than before.

Jarred upon impact, he grunted loudly while the cold floor provided little comfort.

To call it a rough landing would be a great understatement.

His shoulders were smarting, and the back of his head was throbbing.

"You're a stubborn little man-thing." Fortunately, his ears were still working right.

He could hear the sustained grunt from the hellish harlot while his eyes could see the succubus yank out his knife still buried in her gut.

The blade was glistening with her demonic ichor.

"It's alright. I'm gonna fix you up real good, stranger." She was smiling again as she tossed the blade into a pew, out of his reach.

He groaned off his back, glaring ahead as she started to strut forward.

"See before, I was just gonna do you in one sitting, but now I'm gonna drink you real slow, pretty boy. Make you last for days, maybe even weeks. Mother says you humans can be fragile, but you seem up for it. Plus, that gives us plenty of time to get to know each other better, now don't it?" Taunting him with every step taken, she moved as if she hadn't been shot twice with a rifle, or stabbed in an area that would crumble full-grown men in an instant.

"Gonna pass." Rolling on his side away from her preening eyes, he reached inside the jacket again and pulled out the canteen.

"Oh I insist. And seeing as how you were talking about cleansing my sins earlier, that gives me one hell of an idea. After I finish up with lover boy over there..." Nodding over at the withered man still at the altar, she turned her smoldering gaze back to him. "...I'm gonna make you clean me out, stranger. Clean the sins right out of my nice, wet cunt. How'd you like that?"

Popping the lid, he took a frantic swig of its watery contents, and not a moment too-

"Nngghh!" He grunted out as her fingers seized him by the throat once again, a deceiving strength in those slender digits.

On him already, she dropped down and straddled his chest, jet-black hair billowing down both shoulders.

"You and me- we're gonna get along just fine." Opening her mouth, she brought out her forked tongue once more.

Stretching it out longer than any human could ever do naturally, she leaned in closer and lashed at his cheek with the tip.

Then, when they were as close as two lovers in the bedroom, she whispered, "Don't you think?"

In response, he opened his mouth.

And spat holy water right in her sneering, sultry expression!

The sound that left her lips was worse than a banshee scream.

Within seconds of the blessed fluids touching her skin, she flailed and fell backwards in excruciating shock.

Reduced to a wounded animal once again, the succubus writhed along the floor with both hands covering her face, raven black hair whipping about with agonizing abandon.

"Heard that before," he remarked sardonically, his ears long since adjusted to the vulnerability of demon-spawn to drink purified in the name of the Lord.

Clambering to his feet, the Hunter went forward, passing pew after pew of her handiwork, and picked up his revolver.

With a resolute look, he turned and came back to finish his own.

Shooting up on her knees, she snarled angrily as crimson blotches of visible boiled and burned skin tainted her face, "I'll rip your cock out and make you choke on it, fucker!!"

"Heard that too." He fired once more.

This time successfully, as the bullet slammed into her collarbone and knocked her back.

She wailed out in searing agony, writhing over on her belly and trying to crawl away.

He shot her again. And again. And-

Click. Click.

And he was out.

Every bullet released had found a home within her demonic flesh, his swift, metallic wrath fragmented all over her lithe figure.

She whimpered loudly as he registered the empty chamber.

Given the nature of the succubus to derive pleasure from almost any sensation- be it euphoria or agony- one could never be sure whether she was whining for mercy, or for more.

But he didn't give a damn either way.

Flicking the loading gate open, he reached into his jacket and slid fresh iron-tipped rounds back into the cylinder.

She was bleeding on the floor now, a pool of black forming under all the pale flesh.

Walking calmly around her prone body, he loaded the last bullet and then prepped the weapon to fire.

Extending his shooting arm, he levelled with the Colt with her lifting head.

The holy water had blemished her face still, tearing through the veil of outer beauty and fittingly revealing the inner monster.

"I had a partner," he told her, answering the question she had asked of him before.

He locked in on his target, his expression steeled. "Now I don't."

Finger curled around the-

"Wait!" She blurted out, the fear evident in her voice. "Please...mercy!!"

"Every man here begged for their life. Why should I treat you any different?" the Hunter told her with nothing but disdain in his delivery.

"Because...nggh...I ain't the only one of us out here. I can tell you where the others are," she offered desperately, blood the color of oil dripping from her lips.

He wasn't in a negotiating mood. "I found you, I can find the others."

"But not before they find you," she grinned and grunted all at once, wearing a blood-stained smile from ear to ear.

His teeth gritted together. "Is that so?"

Pushing up on her arms, she taunted him despite the numerous wounds in her body, "You think what I done here was bad, you just wait. My sisters are gonna find out about this. Then they're gonna come after you. Chase you day and night. And once they catch you, they're gonna tear into you, pretty boy. Rip that soul apart piece by piece and send you places your stupid human mind can't even begin to-"

Bang! He shot her clean through the head, ending her existence mid-sentence.

A well-placed bullet blasted between the eyes of the succubus, killing her current tangible form and sending the rest of her intangible being back to the infernal fire.

Her dead corpse flopped back down to the floor as the Hunter eased the hammer back.

"I'll be waiting." Slipping the gun back in his holster, he turned and walked away.

Leaving the succubus as she had left countless others.

Dead with a smile.


Author's Note: This is a long overdue scratch of my creative itches I've had for some time now. Erotic horror has always been a favorite genre of mine, and I'm also big into historical fiction, so I figured I'd combine those two into a little something for you all. As for the setting, well, who doesn't like cowboys? I watched my fair share of westerns back in the day, so I figured it would make an interesting historical backdrop for a story where a lone monster girl hunter (a "man with no name", if you will) hunts down a succubus in the Wild West. Yes, some of the dialogue is of its time, so please keep in mind that it's in no way a reflection of today's values. I merely did my best to be authentic to the era with all its flaws and faults. On a brighter note, I absolutely could not have done this without feedback from: Many-Eyed Hydra, Yshomatsu, and JayAury. Their work with monster girls is outstanding and ranks amongst the best erotica I've ever read, period. Definitely check out their stories on the site when you get a chance. I originally wrote this as a proof of concept for myself, but if there is any interest in potentially seeing more of the Hunter's Tales, please let me know. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Like it, hate it, whatever- just let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more one day. Trust me, I'll read all comments and respond to all PMs. Thank you so much for reading!

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Red_OwlRed_Owl12 months ago

Very good story, definitely made me think of "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nicely done. More “Hunter”, please.

MediocreAuthorMediocreAuthorabout 1 year ago

Well done! I was almost certain that he was going to falter and fail, but he stayed true and prevailed. Well done. 5 stars. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story has better writing and more interesting characters than 90% of published pulp novellas. In another day and age, someone with your talent could have made a living writing. Hope to see more from you in the future!

totostorytotostoryabout 1 year ago

@Batman4 , I used to read your story (Tale of SFL) on other site, honestly I loved it till the last few matches, lost interest due to joining unlikable character from other universe, anyway I like your writing style very much , and this story idea sounds great , hoping that you continue writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A brilliant piece of writing. You told a tale that kept me enthralled and on the edge of my seat. The straight forward feeling of the olde west with its story telling townsfolk at the local watering hole or the always inquisitive lawman who was always looking to get involved in whatever was going on. I loved this as it reminded me of the olde tyme radio programs like Gunsmoke with Robert Conrad. I hope to be able to enjoy more of your excellent writing as finding an author who can really get the reader involved so deeply in a story is so hard to find since it is such a rare talent compared to all who write for fun. Thanks for putting your talent and effort into creating this awesome tale. It is appreciated more than you know.

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