The Immoral Chauffeur


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She parked in the garage and as she was going said, "I must invite you over for a meal some time."

She didn't say when and Eliot thought it was unlikely to happen.

As she was walking away he said, "If you want to be driven anywhere give me a call and I'll drive you. I'm doing nothing."

"Thanks but no thanks."

Two days later the resident housekeeper/cook came over with mail for Eliot. It included a letter from Elizabeth's attorney. It simply stated: Dear Mr Dickson. Mrs Elizabeth Woodstock accepts you have every right to continue your occupancy of the chauffeur's accommodation on her property and wishes to advise you formally that she has dropped her intention to have you legally evicted."

"Bitch," Eliot sighed, ripping up the letter and tossed it in the trashcan. "You could have told me that yourself." He went into the city on one of the female bikes in the garage, stopping occasionally to pump up the perished front tire. He bought a two-year-old red GMC Canyon manual-transmission pickup with short box and 4-wheel drive, reasonable mileage. He managed to beat the dealer down to $8,500 after finding the vehicle had been on the site for four months.

Eliot stopped near a bar and saw Elizabeth walking along carrying shopping bags. He waved and she smiled. He thought that was something.

"I'm going to that bar across the street. Want to join me?"

"Well I really ought to be getting home..."

"Please yourself."

"Um I'll take these bags to the car and join you."

"Put them in the pickup behind me. I've just purchased it."

"Oh, it looks manly."


"Um, it's a masculine type of vehicle."

"I'm getting into hunting and fishing to give myself recreational enlightenment."


"To give myself thinking time amid nature. I need to work out my future."

Hearing about thinking time Elizabeth must have thought he'd be better off working.

She said, "That five acres behind the house. I need to do something with it."

Work-shy Eliot worked a diversion. "Here give me your bags and we'll talk about that with a drink in our hand. Are these five bags all sexy underwear?"

Elizabeth colored and said just one bag contained underwear.

Eliot dropped his head. "Sorry, I could be accused of prying."

"No, it's okay. I didn't think you'd be interested."

Eliot turned his back on her to hide his surprise. He placed Elizabeth's shopping in his vehicle and locked it.

"Um, do I take your arm?"

"What would you like to do?"

"Um take your arm, just to be friendly."

"So all of this is not part of the build-up to attempted seduction?"

"I'll drive you to your vehicle if you wish."

"No, this is fine. Please take my arm."

They sat at the bar, Elizabeth with wine and Eliot holding a handle of beer.

She said she liked her wine and then caught him by surprise. "Your attitude towards me is softening."

That was news to him. The hostility between them had been all her making. He grabbed something he'd heard someone say at the funeral. "As time passes you're becoming more relaxed and less sensitive."

"Oh am I?"

"You are better dressed and back to wearing full makeup again."

"You noticed?"



They sat is silence.

"The five acres?"

"Oh yes, I need to do something with it. It hasn't been grazed for two years."

"Yeah, the grass is rank. Tell you what. I'll ask old Freddie Rook if he'll cut the grass and bale it. Then I'll sell it to the nursery as they sell old hay to people to protect the roots of their fruit trees over winter."

"Well I never knew that."

"Yeah, they do. And In return I'll do the maintenance on all of Freddie's boundary fences. That could take a week to 10 days so he'll see that as a fair deal."

"No, I'll pay Freddie."

"Freddie doesn't have much use for money and he sits at home with Gladys day after day thinking he ought to do the fencing but he doesn't like doing fencing and doesn't like paying people to repair his fences."

"How do you know Freddie so well?"

"He gets me over to help with his cattle."

"Oh really. Perhaps I could lease my pastures to him to graze cattle. I'll ask him."

"He won't like doing business with you. He thinks you are too grand to talk to Gladys and him."

"Oh am I really that bad?"

Eliot decided to say nothing and looked straight ahead. Elizabeth looked up into the mirror at the back of the bar and caught Eliot's gaze.

He winked.

"Oh god, I really am that bad aren't I?"

"Well go over and make the offer."

"No, you do it please."

"No. It's the opportunity to stop being the stuck up bitch."

"Right," she said, exercising obvious self-control. "I will when the bales are taken away. What do I say to him?"

"You say, 'Mr Rook you did a beautiful job at mowing my grass and baling it. Would you like to lease those pastures for grazing and if you like take hay off them. We will be applying fertilizer'. Freddie will look at you wondering where the catch in this is. He'll say, 'How much' and you will speak the language he understands. 'Oh just the going rate Mr Rook' and Freddie will probably say, 'For two years?' and you'll say yes and he'll say come in for coffee and meet the wife."

"Oh, is that all?"


"But what is the going rate?"

"What Freddie pays you. He'll not cheat you, in fact knowing you have come off your high horse he'll probably over-pay you."

"How do you know this?"

"I grew up on a ranch and knowing ranching and farming people."

Elizabeth flung her hands out, almost knocking over her drink. "I have a degree in finance but apart from that I know practically nothing."

"A degree in finance? Then why don't you call a board meeting and announce you offer yourself for the chairmanship and would they please elect you. The deputy chairman will have been waiting for the next board meeting thinking the chair is his."

"But I know nothing about the business? I scarcely remember how to get there."

"Well go there and get the CEO to tour the plant with you and then explain the business management system fully to you, making notes of the different departments and the executives and managers and then their areas of responsibility and then sit down with him and go over the last quarterly accounts. Talk to him expertly about them and he'd be astonished, so astonished he won't fall out of his chair when you request him to call an meeting of the board as you wish to be voted in as chairman. You are the majority stockholder."

"You want me to do that? God, I couldn't do that."

"You could do it easily if you bothered to get off your ass and act confidently and be unafraid to say you will be requiring heaps of support until you familiarize yourself with the operation."

"You come with me. Yes, you know all about it, at least in theory. You come and support me."

"To be your crutch? No. The CEO would immediately lose respect for you."

"He'll do that anyway."

"No he won't. He of all people will see you as the natural successor."

"Oh god, I can't do this. Are you sure you are only a chauffeur?"

"A little more. I recall you describing me as the immoral chauffeur."

"Oh, you must hate me. Are you pushing me into this in punishment?"

Eliot sighed. "No Elizabeth, just get it into your pretty head that you are the natural successor."

"My what?"

"Your head."

"You said my pretty head."

"Oh that's just bar talk and me looking at your plump tits for too long."

"You are disgusting Eliot. Absolutely disgusting."

Eliot faked a huge sigh of relief. "Thank Christ our relationship has normalized Elizabeth. You have to have someone to dislike and I'm that guy. It's you turn to order drinks."

"I don't know what to say. You are..."

"Just say a repeat order please and leave it to our bar girl having the brains to work that out."

"You confuse me; I don't react at all well to you."

"That's fine Elizabeth, just don't confuse the bar girl."

They walked to the pickup later and Eliot drove Elizabeth to her vehicle.

"Thank you. I feel I have been pummeled and yet I feel I have been intellectually stimulated. I repeat; you confuse me."

"Well just show me your tits and be off."

Elizabeth grinned. "I'm letting you get away with that. You are just an incredibly big tease. Bye Eliot. I enjoyed myself, I think."


A week went by and still Eliot wasn't invited across to the big house for dinner. The grass had been cut and baled and the carted off by the plant nursery for storage on wasteland at the back of the nursery. The 710 small square bales of wasted grass weighing 40 to 50lbs each resulted in a check for $603.90 – peanuts but the grass that rank was considered to have little or no nutritional value. The nursery bought it in for 85c a bale and paid the cartage and would probably spin it off to grateful customers for at least $6.50 a bale. The brown look of the pastures after haymaking was already turning green with new grass growth.

After dinner Eliot was sitting on his upstairs balcony listening to music and looking across at the big house waiting to see Elizabeth come up from dinner and disappear into her bathroom to run a bath. He often saw her in a bra and skirt and she would stand side on to him near the window looking at the wall – presumably she had a wall mirror. She'd let her hair down and as the last chunk feel Eliot would say, "Sexy." She never looked out of the window at him.

His phone went. Ah, Elizabeth calling to ask him to come over and attend to her. Oh yes! But the caller was Freddie Rook.

"Want you to help me put in two posts tomorrow and swing a gate."


"It's to allow me to put my yearling steers into your fancy lady's five acres."

"Oh yeah?"

"I'm leasing her pastures for two years. You know this. She said it was your idea to cut the grass and lease the three pastures to me."

"That's right. But I made her ask you."

"Good one Eliot. I saw her coming and said to Gladys here comes that snobby woman with a broom up her ass. Well she was as nice as pie, conducted the negotiations like a rancher and we invited her to sit with us for coffee and she smiled and said yes. She made no comment about the untidiness of the kitchen with breakfast and lunch dishes not done. Then as she was leaving she smiled at Gladys and said if Gladys was ever feeling poorly just get me to phone her shopping list through to her and she would see us right and deliver it to us."

"Well I be damned Freddie."

"Yeah, that's been right neighborly isn't it? Have you been feeding her ten inches or something a little shorter? She's never been like this before."

"No way. She's still struggling to try to like me. I reckon Charles would have kept her suppressed and now she's finding her feet as a free woman."

Eliot looked up and almost dropped his phone. Elizabeth was standing near the window looking right at him and dropped her bra. It was too far away to see her expression. He hoped it was one of lust. As soon as Freddie finished the call Eliot began thinking of feeding Widow Dickson something very much shorter than ten inches.

But that enterprising through turned to custard.

Next morning Elizabeth and Eliot met by chance in the garages. She greeted him warmly and said she was on her way to the plant. She had spent six days there already finding out how each department operated and was spending that morning with the CEO.

"That's marvelous. Have you asked him to call that special board meeting?"

"I will this morning."

"Good, I'm very proud of you."

Elizabeth's mouth dropped open. He pretended not to have noticed and said, "I'm off to our boundary fence to help Freddie cut that fence and put in two end posts and swing a gate."

"Well you just keep a tally of the hours you work on my behalf and I'll reimburse you. Casual labor rate is around $11.10 and hour I understand. Would you accept twenty bucks an hour?"

"Well yes, I should be working to keep fit and occupy my mind. My eyes were playing tricks on me last night."

That comment was ignored. "Bye, have a nice day."

Eliot snorted. She'd offered $20 bucks an hour to a guy her husband had paid $7500 a month to have him on any day at any hour, day or night. And she'd inherited property and other assets totally $14.8 million. It was a fucking crazy world and he was being exploited. He then thought he usually spent a few hours a week helping Freddie out and received nothing more than sandwiches and coffee.

That evening Eliot's lightly increasing interest in bedding Widow Woodstock came crashing down when he saw a mid-size Mercedes arrive at the big house and a guy alone climb out and clutching flowers. He recognized Frank Mason, CEO at the plant. Frank was in his late fifties with two adult children but carrying flowers indicated he was in courting mode.

Eliot was incensed. Then as time went by that changed to jealousy and then he had another mood swing and decided he was not longer interested in Widow Woodstock and her pussy.

At no time did he see a light go on in Elizabeth's bedroom and then at 9:30, an hour after the housekeeper/cook would have gone to bed to go to sleep watching TV, the porch light went on and Frank Mason came out followed by Elizabeth. They were talking but Eliot could hear what they were saying. Then Frank leaned forward and kissed Elizabeth lightly and pulled away quite quickly. Eliot heard him call goodnight and as he closed his car door Elizabeth went inside, closing the door and putting out the light. Her upstairs bedroom light didn't come on so Eliot thought she'd gone to the study or to the far lounge to read. It occurred to him those were the normal action of a woman who had not just committed adultery. He was at a loss to explain his emotional turmoil.

Elizabeth called him just before she left at 8:15 to ask him to collect her stepdaughter Emily from the train at 9:00. Emily was coming to stay for a few days and Elizabeth would be home soon after noon."

"Sure, I'll do that."

"And keep her company if she needs that. She and Frank have had a huge row."

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you."

* * *

Well if anyone was up herself it was black hair and creamy skin Emily. She was good looking with a body as every bit as good as her sister Stephanie but her coldness left Eliot with no interest in her, not that they'd ever been alone together. He decided he'd meet the train and dump Emily at the big house and that would be that.

Emily greeted him with a small kiss on the cheek. Eliot's breath caught when he noticed the tits. "Mom called to say she had this business meeting with senior executives at the plant and that you'd look after me, a shoulder to cry on if needed?"

Feeling quite unsympathetic Eliot grabbed her suitcase on wheels and said, "What did you do to upset Frank so severely?"

"Me upset Frank – are you mad? It was Frank who upset me."

"Oh yeah, want to talk about it?"

"I found him in bed with another woman. My meeting had been cancelled. It was in our bed."

"Where they actually doing it?"

"Yes. God he was sweating like a pig."

"Yeah, I can understand your distaste. Despite what people think about sex, it's not so lovely when you watch people amid the act."

"Have you seen people at it?"

"Yeah including this guy with a huge dick who was..."

"Eliot, really."

"Oh sorry, you were telling me what you saw."

"Well I had no expectation of telling you anything."

"But you have."

"Well yes, I suppose I have. He was jerking his cock with his hand all over his tits."

"Was that a surprise."

"Frankly it was a great surprise."

"So he doesn't do that to you?"

"No, I don't like his semen over me."

"Why not?"

Eliot turned and Emily looked a little surprised. "This may seem silly but I don't really know."

"Do you allow him to give it to you up the ass?"

"God no. Um Eliot, why are you talking to me like this? It's highly irregular."

"Are you feeling better?"

"I... um... well as a matter of fact I feel so much better. I think my cloud has lifted."

"Well then, there you go."

"Eliot, I can't believe this is you talking to me like this. I had picked you for a pompous guy with no interests other than my father and his limo."

"Well those two were my life."

Emily nodded and said well she supposed they were. "I could say you never took any notice of me."

"The elder married daughter. Yes you could say that but you'd be wrong. I often was captivated by your tits and you ass is as good if not better than Stephanie's."

"But she has a beautiful... are you saying I measure up to Steph?"

"In my eyes, yes."

They were walking to the pickup. Eliot said, "Do you fell like spilling out your tits to give me a good look at them?"

"What here in the parking lot with security cameras. Are you mad? No way. Wait until we get... oh god, what am I saying."

"I could be wrong if I said you are thinking of committing adultery yourself."

"I had thought about on when on the train to teach that bastard a lesson. But I had not thought it would be with you. Eliot, please, you can't talk to me like this."

He held the door open and Emily climbed in, receiving a slap on the ass halfway there.

She giggled.

He jumped in and drove off, saying nothing, knowing he'd wound Emily up so tight she was about to burst. If she spoke first she'd allow him to fuck her."

"Are you fucking my stepmother?"

That wobbled Eliot's confidence but he managed, "No."

"We all thought you would be. Steph's theory is daddy extended your stay in the chauffeur's apartment for a year to allow that to happen."

"Well that's news to me. Your stepmother talks to me but distances herself."

"You've never dated?"

"No and I've not been in the big house since your guys left and she hasn't been in my apartment though of course I sometimes meet her in the garages. I did see her in the city one day and took her across the road to a bar for a drink. But as far as I could tell she appeared far from being comfortable. It could happen of course but she'd have to change to make it happen."

"Do you want me to talk to her about it?"

"Emily, please don't. I seem to put her on edge and you talking to her about me like that would possible make her go berserk, spoiling your time with her."

"Oh right, I get your point. Are you thinking of having sex with me?"

"Not really. You are a wounded woman."

"I want it to happen."

"Okay, let's get started. Flop out your tits."

"What here – passing motorists will see me?"

"All of them would have seen tits before."

"It could cause an accident."

"Right, sound thinking. Unzip me and play with my dick."


Eliot parked in the garage and Emily giggling, waving her panties above her head, had gone running up the stairs. Eliot ran after her yelling he wanted to bite her ass.

Emily stood in surrender position at the top of the stairs, panting, and her face scarlet.

"I've never gone the whole hog on adultery before," she almost whimpered, "I've had my pussy licked a couple of times and done fellatio a few times when drunk and being fingered."

"Some say there is a first time for everything."

Her eyes widened and she nodded. "I can agree with that." She reached for Eliot, unzipping him.

"May I kiss you passionately? Some women in this situation with loyalties to another male often don't like that."

"You adulterous bastard... you must frequently cohabit with timid married woman. You may stick your tongue down my throat and shaft me down below until I'm senseless. I'm letting go of everything."

"But not my erection."

"Oh no Eliot, I'm taking this lethal weapon home with me," Emily said, filling her hand with her find.

Standing, Emily thrust her pelvis forward and was so wet that Eliot's cock went straight up requiring only minor adjustment. He grabbed behind her thighs and she half-leaped to assist him, mindful she didn't want to rip him out of her. Eliot staggered to get her back against the wall and he then hammered her, they tongued each other mercilessly until Emily's gasps came together like machine-gun fire, her face by them crimson, and her eyes rolled up to the ceiling.