The Inheritance

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Husband wants his wife to be seduced by his uncle.
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"Here he comes now."

The sudden urgency in my husband's voice startled me for a second. I stopped scrolling through the social media site on my mobile phone and looked up to see Kevin staring out through the front windscreen of our car.

"Where?" I asked, peering over the top of my glasses and squinting my eyes as I leaned forward in my seat to take a look.

"Over there," he pointed with his finger, "just coming out of the solicitor's office now; down the steps. Surely you can see him?"

"Oh yeah, I see him now. He doesn't seem to have changed much." Even from this distance he looked slightly unkempt. "He does seem quite sprightly though," I added as I saw him almost skip down the steps and out onto the pavement.

"You'd probably be sprightly too if you'd just inherited the amount of money he has!" I could sense the envy in Kevin's voice. "Bastard!" he spat out.

"Kevin," I scolded him, "there's no need for that!"

He didn't answer but continued to stare out through the windscreen, seemingly lost in thought, his eyes following his Uncle George until he finally disappeared from view.

"Still; don't let that fool you," he finally said, turning to face me, "he may look okay but don't forget he's already had that heart attack and triple bypass surgery in the last year, and then he fell and broke his arm, so his health can't be that rosy. It can't be good for your body, you know, all those operations. Surely it's got to take it's toll!"

I sensed Kev was desperately seeking assurances that his master plan was going to work. Fine for him; seeing as it was me that had to implement it!

"Yeah, I suppose ... but I'm still not sure this is a good idea."

Kevin's eyes narrowed and I knew this conversation was far from over. It had been our only topic of conversation for days; weeks even.

"Oh not again; not now," Kevin snapped at me angrily. "Come on Heidi, we've gone through this time and time again and you've agreed with me that it's a good idea. So why the negativity?"

"No, YOU think it's a good idea, not me!" I scowled back, hesitating for a second, slightly irked by the condescending way he'd said my name. "And I'm not being negative. It's just a lot to ask, that's all."

He let out a big sigh of exasperated disappointment. "Oh for fuck's sake!"

He started up the car and we drove home in silence. But I knew we were going to talk about it again when we got home.

And we did. Kevin opened a bottle of wine and got me pissed, which made it easy for him to eventually get his way and talk me into it all over again.

* * *

I guess at this point I should go back to the beginning and explain how we arrived at our present situation. I'll start with the basics.

My name is Heidi Stokes. Okay, actually it's not. That was my maiden name. My married name is Postlethwaite. The same as the British actor, the late, great Pete Postlethwaite OBE. But sadly although I loved Pete as an actor, I hate the name. It's too long, too Northern and people seem to struggle to spell it correctly. I probably should have kept my own name, you know like the celebrities do after they get married.

Anyway, I'm thirty six years of age, nearly thirty seven and I've been married to Kevin Postlethwaite for twelve years. Kev's a bit older than me, he's nearly forty four. There's just the two of use, we've no children. It's not that we can't have kids or that we made a conscious decision not to have any. We just never seemed to get around to it and all of a sudden my biological clock had ticked past it's best before date and was well on the way to it's use by date as well.

I know, I know; some of you will be saying that nowadays women have children well into their forties, but I was pretty sure my change of life was coming early. My mood swings had been much more pronounced recently, especially where Kevin was concerned. He was certainly managing to piss me off a lot lately!

It had all started a few months ago. Times were hard and we were desperately short of money. The bills had piled up and if we weren't careful we could be out on the streets soon with nowhere to go. Kevin was at his wits end trying to make our money stretch but as we continued to sink deeper and deeper into the mire he became more and more morose. His depression about our state of affairs was made worse as he complained bitterly at the amount of money I continued to spend; mainly on me. To say the least it had made our relationship somewhat strained.

But his mood lifted briefly one day when he heard through the grapevine that his Uncle George was about to inherit a substantial amount of money. How the news got out we never did discover. We certainly hadn't seen much of Uncle George over the last few years, in fact the last time had been at Kevin's mother's funeral. Sadly all of Kevin's family from both sides had now passed leaving George as the sole surviving relative to Kev.

Now ever since I've known Uncle George he's been a randy old bugger. Whenever there had been a family get together in the past he always made a beeline for me. From the very first time we met he seemed to take a fancy to my body and took every opportunity to squeeze up against me, either to rub his crotch up against my ass or try and cop a feel of my boobs. Of course I complained to Kevin about his Uncle's unwanted attention and his apparent lust for my body but he just made light of it. He didn't seem bothered at all about my concerns so in the end I took matters into my own hands and just became very adept at avoiding him.

I don't know why he fancies me so much. It's not that I'm that pretty, in fact I'm not even attractive although according to Kevin, when I get the right amount of makeup on I can look sexy and desirable. I think he only says that because he thinks he's going to get some! My face is a bit angular, with high cheekbones and a long Greek nose. My lips are full and are probably my best feature after my brown eyes. My hair is naturally a light brown colour but I have blonde and copper coloured streaks and highlights in it at the moment. Lengthwise it comes down to rest just below my shoulders. I like it. My hairdresser did a good job.

But it's my body I guess that Uncle George likes the most. And why not, there's a lot to like. I'm 5'7" tall and weigh in at 175lbs and with measurements of 36F-28-38 I'm a fairly big unit. According to the charts that means I should fit into UK size 12 clothes. Ha ... no chance!

I think there's a saying that goes, 'I'm actually a size 12 but a 14's so comfortable I wear a 16!' Well that certainly applies to me as I struggle to get clothes that fit correctly. I sometimes think I'm a perfect size 13 or 15. If only the clothing manufacturers would make odd sizes! But that's why I bought expensive clothes. They seem to fit better than cheaper makes. Well that was my reasoning and how I justified my excessive spending to Kevin!

For his part, he's always appeared to be happy with my shape although I admit my weight has fluctuated a bit over the years. But I always curve in all the right places so it isn't all bad. Plus my ass is still fairly tight and my boobs don't sag much. No wonder Uncle George was always trying to feel me up.

Anyway, news of the inheritance came as a shock to say the least and it took a bit of digging before Kevin was able to piece all the bits of information together. It had come out of the blue but it seemed that some long forgotten relative whom we had never heard of had died without making a will. A professional firm of will hunters had picked up on the case and had eventually tracked Uncle George down having made the familial link.

Apparently it was a seriously large amount of money and according to Kevin it hardly seemed fair for one old man to have so much when we needed some so badly. Of course Kevin had reached out to his Uncle and asked if he could help us out of our predicament and when that failed even asked if we could borrow some money and we would pay him back with interest. That too was refused out of hand.

That didn't go down too well with Kev especially when Uncle George finished off his refusal by trotting out that trite quotation from Hamlet; "neither a lender nor a borrower be!" Understandably he was furious with his Uncle, calling him a pretentious wanker and even stating that if he'd had a gun he would have shot him because if he was dead it would put an end to all our worries!

But out of that stupid, flippant remark a seed of an idea was planted in Kevin's mind. A couple of days later he sat me down with a bottle of wine to lay out his master plan. The conversation as I recall went something along these lines ...

"Heidi; you know that I'm Uncle George's last remaining relative, don't you?"

"Of course," I replied. Tell me something I didn't know.

"And of course you know I asked him if he would give us some money to help us out?"

I nodded my head.

"Well I've been thinking. If he won't give me some money then the only way we're going to get our hands on ANY of it is if Uncle George dies." He paused as if deep in thought.

"So what's your point?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders.

"My point is, that ideally what we need is for Uncle George to drop down dead and then I would inherit all the money as his only living relative."

"Hah!" I snorted derisively, "well I don't think that's about to happen any time soon. He seemed perfectly well at your mum's funeral." Even though he was supposed to be grieving the loss of his sister he'd still pursued me relentlessly trying to cop a feel of my ass and tits. He truly was a dirty old man!

"Yeah, I know but he's had those operations since then so maybe things aren't as rosy for him as we think," Kevin said thoughtfully. "I've been thinking ..." he then paused and looked me directly in the eye, "... you know how he is with you, always after you, wanting to touch you up and grope you ..."

Didn't I just. That man had more arms than an octopus!

"... well why don't we let him catch you and see what happens. If you let him have what he wants ... who knows ... with a bit of luck the shock will kill him!"

I felt an immediate tightening in my chest and a tension in my stomach as my husband uttered those words. My breathing became a bit strained, so it took me a few seconds to respond.

"I'm sorry. Did I hear you right? You want your Uncle George to fuck me!" I gulped, my eyes as wide open as my mouth. "Eww ... no ... NO! You're out of your mind! I've never heard of anything so stupid in all my life!"

Kev could see how incensed I was but if I thought he was going to apologise and back down I was sorely mistaken. If anything he seemed really annoyed.

"You wouldn't have to fuck him. For god's sake Heidi, as soon as he gets his hands on your tits he'll probably have another coronary!"

I shook my head. This was almost surreal. "NO," I said firmly. What the hell was he thinking. My husband wanted to let his uncle molest me? Not a chance in hell of that happening. And I told him that in no uncertain terms with a fair bit of agricultural language thrown in for good measure.

We discussed it for another half an hour in which time Kevin opened a second bottle of wine, weakening my resolve as one by one he removed my objections. In hindsight it was easy for him especially as he knows how much I like money. I admit I'm selfish like that and some would even say I'm high maintenance. But I do like to shop and I hadn't been able to do much of that recently due to our financial situation.

So all he did was tell me how great it would be to have loads of money to spend and in the end; according to Kevin; it seemed I would probably only have to flash my boobs at Uncle George for him to expire on the spot.

Now I should at this point tell you about our sex life. Or to be more precise our lack of it because at the moment it was spasmodic to say the least. We hadn't had decent sex for months and months and months. We still did the deed from time to time but I can't say it was particularly fulfilling for me. Kevin ejaculated inside me but I hadn't had a decent, proper orgasm for ages.

As Kevin explained what I would have to do and aided by the amount of wine I was consuming, talking non stop about sex was starting to turn me on. And for some bizarre reason I was thinking more and more about what Uncle George might do to me. The sheer wrongness of it had my heart fluttering away inside my chest as I imagined him bending me over the back of our sofa and taking me forcibly from behind, sliding his cock in and out of my sopping wet pussy, making me cum multiple times. Phew! I got so turned on with my fantasy that I eventually agreed to co-operate. With me now on board with his master plan the next half hour was spent with Kevin explaining how he would set it all up. All we had to do now was wait until his uncle's next appointment with the solicitor when he would finally get his hands on the cash.

The cold light of dawn however soon put a dampener on the whole sorry mess. As well as a severe hangover I was suffering from cold feet and Kevin had to talk me around again. It was fairly easy for him. All he did was remind me of what I wouldn't be able to buy if this didn't work. And that was how we came to be sat in our car outside the solicitor's office watching as an old man skipped down the steps and onto the pavement.

* * * * * *

Today was the day. There was no backing out now. Understandably I was nervous, after all I'd agreed to let another man have carnal knowledge of my body. Not that there hadn't been others before Kevin. I'd never been a shrinking violet when younger and had enjoyed a number of dalliances including several one night stands and even a couple of double teamings. But I curbed my wild side and calmed down when I met Kevin. We seemed to click in more ways than just in the bedroom and it wasn't long before he had me standing in front of the registrar exchanging vows of love and fidelity.

Sexually Kevin was into kinky stuff. Nothing too outrageous and certainly there was never a hint of him wanting to bring other people into our sex lives. But now it seemed all this had changed and he wanted me to be unfaithful with his blessings. And despite Kevin's comments about Uncle George expiring on the spot after groping my tits, I knew that I would probably end up having to let him fuck me.

In fairness, it wouldn't be the first time I'd cheated on my husband. A few years back Kevin was really into swimming, so much so that he used to go to the local pool three or four times a week. It was here he met Sue. He got real friendly with her and for a while she was all he talked about. Sue can do this. Sue can do that. Luckily for him he never said why can't you be more like Sue! But constantly hearing her name bandied about in our day to day conversations pissed me off big time and understandably I got jealous. He assured me there was nothing to it, they were just swim buddies but I convinced myself there was more to it than he was letting on and that he was in fact a lying, cheating scum bag.

Revenge was easy. There was this guy at work, Cliff, who had made it abundantly clear at the last Christmas party he would welcome the chance to get inside my panties. I'd obviously made it clear to him that I wasn't the slightest bit interested but now, several months later I began to flirt with him. And it was following a particularly nasty argument with Kevin about Sue, during which I finally convinced myself that he'd fucked her, that I finally decided that Cliff could have what he wanted.

One night I deliberately stayed late and made it obvious with my eyes that I was open to his seduction. When everyone else had left for the evening I began by letting him cop a feel of my large breasts through my blouse. He liked that and so did I, especially when he started to nibble on my ear lobe. It's one of my key erogenous zones and he soon knew how to make me dance to his will. I couldn't help myself as I arched my back and thrust out my chest, pushing my heaving bosom further into his grasp.

It didn't take him long to free my tits from my blouse and bra and then he went to work on them. Within five minutes he had me gushing down below like a broken tap. And when he shoved his hand up into my kitty and frigged me for a short while I exploded with one of my biggest orgasms ever.

The man was a magician with his fingers as he strummed my strings like a virtuoso to make me cum again and again. Which was just as well because when he finally shoved his cock inside my sopping wet gash I barely felt him enter. A quick couple of grunts later and he stood up off me. He was done. "Fucking outstanding" was his comment. Maybe for him it was ...

Despite his shortcomings in the penis department, everything else was perfection. His ability at pussy licking was second to none, so I persevered with him for a few weeks. I ended it when he began to get a little bit too clingy. Besides, by then I'd also found out that everything Kev had said about his swimming buddy Sue was true. Oh well, never mind!

Anyway back to the present. Kevin had made contact with his uncle a couple of days ago and told him that he was having to go and work away for a couple of weeks. This was true. His company had been begging him to work away for a long time but he'd always resisted. He laid it on thick about how much he didn't want to leave me but he had to as we needed the money. At that point I think he was hoping Uncle George might take pity on him. Sadly, he didn't. Kevin then went on to tell him that the location of the site was a communications black hole and he wouldn't be able to contact me at all during the two weeks he was away even if he wanted to. This was worrying him so much that he wondered if Uncle George might perhaps look in on me from time to time; just to see I was okay ...

We reckoned that he would be here at our apartment within two hours of Kev leaving.

For my part I had to dress up in something appropriate. In the past Uncle George has had little hesitation in trying to grope my ass and my boobs no matter what I was wearing. I don't think it would have bothered him if I only had on a pair of old jogging bottoms and a baggy sweat top.

And I suppose from a man's perspective I could understand why. Kevin has told me many times I have a great backside that's full and curvy, which I suppose is helped by the way my back arches due to the curvature of my spine. It just seems to make my butt look bigger and stick out more alluringly. Added to that, I do have enormous natural breasts. Kevin says God was being more than generous when he handed out my tits. As I said before they are a full 36F size with no real hint of sag or droop and my nipples when aroused become huge.

I'd already got on my lacy bra and thong with the matching suspender belt. I smoothed the honey brown stockings up my legs and clipped them to the suspender belt. I had settled on a tight fitting black skirt and a lovely mustard brown silk blouse as my outfit. I figured that dressing sexily might add to the pressure on his heart and I knew Uncle George wouldn't be able to resist me when he realised I was wearing stockings.

I turned to take a look at myself in the mirror and despite my reservations about why I was dressing like this, I still thought I looked hot. The blouse was so tight across my breasts that the fabric was gaping between the buttons as my tits fought for their release. I turned my body from side to side, admiring the way the hem of the short skirt clung to my large, firm, sculpted thighs. My ass looked okay too. I slipped on my 5" high stilettos.

Another thing you should know about me, I love high heels! I am absolutely besotted with wearing them. I love how empowered I feel as I tower over other women who don't have the resolve or willpower to wear them all the time. Kevin loves to see me wearing them too. In fact he always insists I wear them, no matter where we go or what we do. And I feel so feminine when I slip them onto my feet. I suppose there will finally come a day when I won't be able to wear them but until that day comes I will continue to strut my stuff in them! I also like how they seem to lengthen and streamline my legs. Not a bad thing given my overall size.