The Joys of an Empty Office


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The air conditioning in the coffee shop was nice, but for Diane, it just gave her goose bumps all over her exposed body. The goth beauty hesitantly joined the line, which thankfully only had two other people in it, another person getting in line behind her just as she did. She was trying her absolute best not to look around at all the people in the suspiciously quiet coffee shop. All she could hear were the hushed whispers of conversation, she was sure was about her from the shop's patrons.

"Next! Naked girl, that's you! "

Diane jumped, having been lost in thought, as the barista addressed her (as 'naked girl' none the less, just hearing that from a barista gave her another spike of arousal.) Diane hesitantly approached the counter, entire body trembling with both humiliation and arousal, as she bit her lip in moan suppression, before taking a deep breath, and with a shaking voice, gave her order to the barista.

"Sure thing cutie, should only be a few minutes," The barista said, staring Diane up and down as her co-workers got to work on her order, "So what is this, a lost bet? Or do you just enjoy the thrill"

"N.. no!" Diane felt the blood rush to her face with shame at the barista's words, and her arousal shoot to unbearable levels.

"You sure? Cause you might be the horniest thing I've seen in years..." The dark skinned barista stated in a seductive tone. Diane could feel it, the same feeling from earlier when she was sitting on the copier, more turned on than she'd ever been. Better than any fantasy of hers, more than the hardest she'd ever been fucked, she was unbearably horny, and this random strangers words, as well as her current situation, being naked in a coffee shop with so many eyes on her were the cause.

"Order should be ready in a moment; I need to do some mopping..." The barista came out from behind the counter, grabbing a nearby mop and approaching Diane. It was only when the raven haired goth looked down did she realise what the barista was talking about, her face paling...

She was dripping on the fucking floor...

Her sweet pussy juices, dripping onto the floor of this coffee shop. Diane was barely able to mutter an 'oh god' before moving out of the way, moaning at the arousal that started coursing through her more intense than It ever had before. The barista just smirked and started mopping up the little puddle Diane had left behind, as the patrons just giggled, some looking on with amusement, some with disgust. But all Diane could register, was she felt like she was going to cum.

She couldn't! Not here! She tried to think of unsexy things, and not how a barista was mopping up her lady goo because she was naked in a coffee shop and couldn't control herself. Finally, she saw her order of three coffee's being put on the counter, and hurried over to it, thinking her nightmare was finally over. Diane shakily handed the credit card Emma had thrown her, before the barista appeared next to her...

"Don't worry about that cutie..." She purred in her ear, "It's on the house..."

With a final word the barista delivered a spank to Diane's bare ass. A hard one at that. Diane went cross eyed, the spank having set her off, all the arousal that had been building within her...

She came, hard. Her entire body went into spasms and she moaned out loud, another puddle forming at her bare feet as yet another orgasm wracked her naked body. Diane slammed both hands down on the counter next to her coffee, using all her willpower simply to remain standing, the entire store looking on at the goth as she had an embarrassing climax, one or two of the patrons taking out their phones to record the spectacle. Feeling the spasm's in her pussy begin to subside, the raven haired beauty, couldn't even bare to open her eyes, to look at the people she just came in front of.

Finally opening her eyes, and thinking on her feet, Diane muttered a small 'thank you' before grabbing her coffee, and turning around, seeing every eye in the building on her. Despite having cum seconds earlier, Diane could already feel herself getting aroused again. With one hand busy with the coffee, Diane could only cover her large tits as she walked slowly on unsteady legs towards the exit of the coffee shop, not being able to make eye contact with anyone in the building. Reaching the door, she decided she could never visit this particular coffee shop again...

The haze of her mind so soon after orgasm must have made Diane more confident, or more likely, made her care a lot less, because she was soon outside walking towards her office building. She hadn't even checked to see if there was anyone on the streets before she did. In any case, that would probably just make her more horny than embarrassed Diane thought, as she started coming to terms to the fact that yes, her body really liked being naked in places she should not! The two strongest orgasms of her life so far were a testament to that!

The afternoon sun on her body and the cool breeze against her once again hot and engorged labia that she was unable to cover with the coffee in her hand just made her all too aware of just how horny she was already, her senses slowly returning to her as she was once again naked in a public place. Quickening her pace once again she soon found herself at the front doors to the office building, uncovering her large swaying breasts to open the door and hurriedly made her way towards the elevators.

With the thought of the nightmare finally coming to an end overtaking the overwhelming embarrassment and arousal the goth was feeling, she was quick to push the call button for the elevator, shifting bare foot to bare foot, eager to get back upstairs as the exposure of being down here was just making her more and more aroused again. She wasn't sure she could take another embarrassing public orgasm without changing her name and moving to a different country, which she was considering doing anyway!

With a ding, the elevator arrived, Diane not even bothering to check if anyone was inside before hurrying in and pressing the button for her floor. Her breathing was considerably more under control than It had been when she was going down in the elevator, probably relief that the ordeal was over. All she had to do now was stand there, covering her breasts with her hands and wait to arrive at her floor...


Diane gasped as the elevator stopped at the second floor, the doors opening before Diane could even react. Standing there covering her large tits with one hand, coffee in the other, legs crossed in an attempt to cover her dark curls, and a shocked expression on her face, Diane was staring back at a redhead girl, taller than herself, but just as well endowed in the breast department. The difference of course being this girl was fully clothed, though her blush could almost rival Diane's own.

Hesitantly, the redhead stepped in the elevator, obviously trying not to look at Diane too much, reaching past her a pressing the button for the floor above Diane's. Diane pretty much closed her eyes, being in such a small confined space with this attractive woman, completely naked and not being able to do a thing about it. Her co-worker was clearly trying not to look at her, though from her lack of questioning, Diane got the impression that she had read the updated dress code as well...

The elevator ride only lasted a few seconds, but to the goth beauty it felt like an eternity, as the elevator finally approached her floor. Diane finally opened her eyes, giving a nervous smile to her redheaded co-worker, and hurrying out, back into the familiar elevator lobby, hearing the sound of a camera snap on a phone, as the redhead took a picture of her bare ass. Diane squeaked turning around just as the doors closed, before turning back and making her way back into the office.

"Well finally!" Emma's exclaimed from her position sitting next to Helen, the two looking back at the naked goth carrying their coffee walking towards them. Diane tuned her out at this point, putting the coffee down next to her co-workers, body still shaking from every event that transpired that day.

"Wow Diane, you're even more turned on than when you left..." Emma teased, taking her coffee and heading back to her desk, her and Helen returning to their work.

Diane couldn't find the words to respond, Emma's teasing just serving to send more waves of embarrassing arousal through her naked body. She could feel herself getting to the same levels of arousal she had been on the photocopier and in the coffee shop, her sensitive body trembling, Diane not even wanting to cover up her privates at this point out of fear of bringing unwanted stimulation to her sticky crotch.

Sitting down at a chair at the end of the bank of desks, she jumped and let out a moan, her pussy having rubbed the wrong (or right?) way against the fabric of the blue seat, sending shockwaves through the raven haired girls sensitive body, pushing her even closer to orgasm. The events of the day replayed in her mind, stripping in front of Emma and Helen, cleaning the windows completely naked, going to get the file and exposing herself to everyone downstairs, practically soaking through her chair and having to take the call with the client. Diane hadn't noticed her hand subconsciously beginning to rub her outer lips, pleasure coursing through her as she remembered cumming on the photocopier, and then the coffee shop, Diane's breathing was getting heavier and heavier.


She could barely hear Emma's exclamation, one hand coming up to fondle her large breast, pinching at her sensitive nipples, shudders running down her as she began circling her quivering clit, her juices running out of her as she continued masturbating. She didn't care anymore, she had humiliated herself so much today, all the nudity and exhibitionism has gotten her more turned on than she ever had, she just needed one more...


With a graceful cry, Diane came by her own hands, her body once again shuddering at her orgasm, curling in on herself, her hand did not let up on her clit, stimulating her throughout her climax. Waves after waves of pleasure descending upon her, Diane could no longer deny, she loved being naked and exposed in public.

Coming down from her orgasm, Diane's senses slowly started returning to her, her eternal blush never more obvious on her cheeks than right now when compared to the rest of her pale sweaty body, her milky skin practically glowing in the aftermath of her climax. When she could finally register hearing again, the only thing that she heard was a slow clap. Looking over, Diane discovered the source, her college Emma...

"Well done Diane, glad you enjoy using valuable work time for your own pleasure." Emma was as sarcastic as ever, that damn grin never once leaving her face, "Why don't you head home for the day, Helen and I can finish up, not like you were doing much while you were here anyway..."

Diane stared at her brunette boss in disbelief, before looking over to Helen, the blonde giving a friendly nod in approval. Was it over? Her nightmare of a day was finally coming to an end? She could get dressed and go home, try to forget this day ever even happened?

"Can I... have my clothes back?"

"Your clothes?" Emma seemed genuinely confused by the question, "Oh right! There was a... problem with your clothes..." Emma's wicked smile returned in an instant, simultaneously a pit forming in Diane's stomach.

"Your shoes were far too unprofessional for this building, so I took the liberty of throwing them away..." Emma started, "And you see... Your panties got caught in between some documents I was shredding."

Diane could only listen on in disbelief at what Emma was saying, her eyes wide, her blush getting deeper, and her arousal beginning to flare up again.

"I had to clean your chair and the photocopier, the only things I could find absorbent enough to soak up your cum was your pants and your shirt. I didn't think you'd want those back after that so I got rid of them too..."

"So what do I have left?!?" Diane exclaimed, panic and arousal beginning to bubble up inside her. Emma simply sighed and tossed Diane her bra, Diane hurriedly putting it on before looking back to Emma as if expecting more clothing. Emma simply shook her head...

"Lucky you, that was too big to fit through the shredder... well happy trails, see you tomorrow!"

With that, Emma began leading Diane towards the door of their office, Helen shouting a "Bye Diane" as she went, before Diane once again found herself in the elevator lobby, wearing nothing but her large bra to cover her massive bust. Diane sighed, claiming her hands once again over her moistening crotch.

"Great, have to try to get home like this!" Diane thought, for the first time a grin accompanying her humiliating thought, her arousal building once again as she hit the elevator call button, "Oh well... the joys of an empty office I guess..."

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WellvyneWellvyneabout 2 years ago

What a fun story! I love tales of office nudity and this one was excellently written with a main character who was totally believable and realistic. Excited to see that there is a sequel and hoping for more from these characters and world.

TleroneTleroneabout 2 years agoAuthor

Sure thing kenring! That’s fine by me!

kenringkenringabout 2 years ago

I absolutely love this story. Always frustrating to see the critical comments from genre outsiders who don't realize that realism isn't an important part of ENF stories. I noticed that in your other stories you played less with dominance and exposure and I hope that wasn't caused by the negativity!

I would really love to see more stories in this series, I think you have something special here. Expanding on the relationship between these two with more forced exhibitionism would be wonderful and I love the idea of Emma as a bratty tsundere dom who maybe doesn't even realize her own true feelings. I would also love to hear how all about Diane made it home!

Also I'm a 3d artist and I have made a few scenes inspired by this story - obviously I will link this story but is it okay if I use excerpts from this story in my description? I'm kenring at DeviantArt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Hope there’s more!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Dislike Emma so much I wish I could give negative stars. Also agree with others about the dress code change being so implausible that I couldn't suspend disbelief.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Shitty ass premise. Author wrote this story as though the Dress Code shenanigans would actually be able to force an unwilling participant into going along with them, which, as people have pointed out, would just result in a slam-dunk lawsuit. Only way such shenanigans would work are if the story was set in a vastly more harassment-friendly timeline, or if Dianne had lost a bet or she had agreed to the exercise before hand or something, and the author wrong precisely zero words to that effect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I would love to see a follow up to this story where Diane comes in to work the following morning and finds an email from upper management sent to all employees of the local office saying that due to overwhelming positive response and feedback with no negative responses (due to Diane going home early and not being there to say anything when management contacted the office at the end of the work day) that the decision had been made to make the previous days changes to the dress code permanent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Enjoyed it but...

Was a good story and I loved the exhibitionism but I just struggled to get past the change in dress code catalyst. There is no way this could possibly be suggested , let alone approved without a big lawsuit coming!

mcenfmcenfover 3 years ago
I loved this

I loved this story, I hope more like this one.

TheMadHatter52TheMadHatter52over 3 years ago

You should write a sequel to this story about Diane's journey home.

Fixitman8267Fixitman8267almost 4 years ago

The story was two dimensional. There was apparently some history between Emma and Diane for her to be singled out like this. I have to accept that this forced nudity is something that Diane is okay with since she allowed it to happen rather than just leaving and going home. Diane always had the ability to say no. She didn't even call the real management or HR to lodge a complaint against Emma.

While I enjoyed the story, I have no sympathy for Diane. Make sure you leave your clothes at home tomorrow before going to work.

TheMadHatter52TheMadHatter52almost 4 years ago

This is among the best stories I've ever read on this website.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
What about jacket?

Great story, I really enjoyed it, thanks for it :)

But there was mentined a jacket, i think twice...

What happened with that jacket?

If I can suggest, you can describe the jacket (how long it is etc.), and Diane can go home bottomless :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Was expecting a twist

This was a fun romp. I was expecting a paranormal or mind control twist or something with the way everyone was behaving, especially Helen. Like Emma had used a spell or something to take over and do this to Diane or it was all a dream. Maybe it's not meant to be realistic, but it was fun anyway!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Cute, but...

... I hope Emma and Helen were FIRED! Diane should get a month's paid vacation, raise, and Emma's job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
good story

Well written. Kept me interested in whats next. I hope you will consider day two, or maybe even a whole work week. Pappasleaze!

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