The Lake House Ch. 03


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Bill took his seat. "It's called a Moscow Mule."

I took another sip. "I like it. Thank you."

Bill told us that he had invited Bart over for burgers tomorrow evening. Leaning over so that he could look at Wally and Blake. "He recognized the two of you from your videos."

Wally asked if he was gay?

Bill leaned back. "I didn't ask him, but I think so."

Bart was 21, stood about 5'11 and 170 pounds. I can tell you that he had a 7 inch dick, because I had sucked it.

Wally asked if there was a reason for inviting him.

Bill said none in particular. "If I'm right about him being gay, I don't think there is much of a community up here."

That got Wally's attention. He sat up and looked over at Bill. "Are you saying that you want Blake and/or me to show him a good time?"

Bill smiled. "I'm not suggesting anything, but if he should agree, just don't break him. He seems like a nice guy."

That got everybody laughing.

Bill touched my arm. "Jack. You have Sean's number? Can you see if he can come over tomorrow morning? I'd like to meet him." Sean was the kid that would be taking over my job the rest of the summer.

I dug my phone out and started texting. "What time?" Bill suggested 10 o'clock and I sent the text off. Sean responded quickly, stating that he would be here. One of the crew came out and said they were ready to take down the bar, and asked us if we wanted another drink before they did so. Bill made mules for everyone.

Bill set his drink down and ran to his office. The crew leader was on the patio explaining what she wanted done. Bill returned and handed her an envelope. "Please see that the crew gets that." She put it in her pocket and thanked him. I found out later that he had given the crew $1000 to split amongst themselves as a tip.

Bill took us all out in the boat. It would be light out until almost 10 o'clock. This was a great time of the year on the lake. He gave Blake and Wally a chance to drive the boat. There was still quite a bit of traffic on the lake tonight, but Bill was able to open it up at one point to show them what the boat could do.

When we returned to the dock, Blake asked about the jet skis.

Bill told him that we don't take them out at night, but reminded him that I had volunteered to show them how to use them tomorrow. "Does anyone want to watch a movie before we hit the sack?"

I wondered what type of movie he was thinking of? He put Mission Impossible 4 in the DVD player.

When the movie was done, Blake and Wally went to the guest wing of the house. Bill steered me to his room. "You can sleep here, even when I'm not here Jack."

"I told my mother that I would be in the big guest room. I don't think it would be a good idea for her not find my clothes in there if she visits."

Bill nodded. "Good point."

I removed my clothes and showed Bill that I could follow orders, as I modeled one of the jock straps he bought for me. Bill bent me over the bed and fucked me with my jock strap on. I came, filling the pouch with my cum. Guess that I'll have to wash that before I wear it again.

Bill got a wet washcloth and cleaned us up. We hopped into bed and Bill turned on the TV. "This is the first cut of a video shot yesterday. We put out two a week."

I had a question. "Blake and Wally are both tops?"

Bill looked at me. "Well, Wally will occasionally flip, but Blake is always a top." Bill explained to me what flipping was.

"So, are they messing around with each other tonight?"

Bill laughed. "I'm not sure. Did you want to go check on them?"

I actually thought about it, but decided that if I did, it may be a while before I got back to Bill's bed. I had a feeling that I was going to be able to sample one or both of those cocks tomorrow. We watched the video for a half hour, then Bill had me climb up and ride his cock, while we both watched the video. When the video ended, Bill laid me down and finished us off. I fell asleep in his arms. I slept well.

Bill and I were up at 8 and in the gym. A quick workout and some laps, and we were cleaning up for breakfast. Bill made us an omelet. I didn't know he could cook.

Bill told me that he would pick up burger patties and supplies while he was out today. "Can you cook, Jack?"

"I can grill, and I know my way around a microwave, and mother showed me how to make bacon and scrambled eggs."

"Ok. You're in charge of the grill tonight."

Both Bill and my phones alerted us to someone being out front. I looked at the clock. It said 9:59. I said, "that must be Sean."

I went to the front door and let him in. I escorted him to the kitchen and introduced him to Bill. We had just started our conversation when Wally came out into the kitchen, scratching his head. "Is there any coffee?"

Bill pointed towards the coffee maker. It used pods. "You might want to put some shorts on first." Wally was nude.

He looked up, and noticed Sean. Sean was staring at Wally's dick. Wally let him stare for just a second, then said, "Oh. Sorry." He retreated to his room.

Bill started his coffee for him. "Would you like some coffee Sean, or a pop?"

"No thank you, sir."

Bill looked at him. "Please. My name is Bill. That guy that just gave you a peep show is Wally, and there is a Blake around here somewhere."

Sean said that he had heard there was a big party here last night.

The coffee machine started gurgling. Bill said, "not huge, but big enough. Tell me a little bit about yourself, Sean. How old are you?"

Sean said that he was 18. I had assumed that he was younger. He was just entering his Senior year in high school.

The coffee was done. Bill grabbed the cup. "I'll take this to Wally and see if I can roust Blake. Jack. Why don't you show Sean the pool area."

I took Sean through the doors to the pool. He saw the gym and gravitated that way. "This is nice. You said that I would be able to use this?"

I sat on one of the benches. "Bill asks that you stop by on a regular basis just to check on the house. He encouraged me to use the gym as a reason to come here. He considers it part of your payment."

There was a second bench. Sean sat on that. "You've been using it obviously. You look buff."

I thanked him. "Yes. I use the gym and swim laps 3 or 4 days a week." I got up and grabbed a checklist with instructions for pool maintenance. I hadn't needed it for a long time. Bill had reproduced it and hung it up again. "I'll go over this with you next week, but if you need a reminder of what to do, it'll be up here for a while."

Bill came out. "I think the people are here to take down the tent. Can you bring them around the house, Jack, while I talk with Sean?"

Bill inquired about Sean playing football (he played tight end and if needed linebacker) and baseball (he played outfield). He said he wasn't good enough to get a scholarship in either sport, but he enjoyed playing them. Bill saw Jack walking into the backyard with the crew. He and Sean joined him out there.

Bill asked if Sean's parents lived on the lake. They did not.

Bill pointed to the dock. "You're welcome to use the dock for swimming if you like. You can even bring a friend or two, but no drinking please, and no parties."

Sean's eyes brightened. "Thank you, sir."


"Thank you, Bill."

Bill asked that I show the garage and the Bronco to Sean. "You have my cell phone number, Sean?"

"I do. Thank you." He didn't move. "Can I ask you a question?"

Bill apologized for not asking if he had questions. "Please. Ask away."

Sean looked at me. "Jack said that I would be paid $100 a week. Is that correct?"

I could see that Bill was pleased with the question. "Yes, it is. There will be more if I'm happy with the work."

"It just seems like a lot for the work that you're expecting."

Bill explained: "You'll be like a caretaker for my property. I think that I'm getting off cheap."

Sean thanked him. I showed him to the garage. I would show him how I worked the lawn next week.

Sean was looking at the Bronco. "He wants me to drive this once a week?"

That was the original deal. "Actually, when he's here on the weekends, he uses it, so I don't normally drive it unless he hasn't come up for a week. During the summer, he's up most weekends. In the winter, he just asked that I not drive it unless the roads have been cleared. Just take it for a spin around the lake."

Sean looked around the garage. "He seems awful young to have all of this."

I explained about the computer program that he wrote after he left college. "I don't know the details, but I think that he made a shitload of money from it."

Sean said that judging from this place, it made sense.

I asked him if he would like to join me for a workout on Wednesday? "I normally workout on Mon, Wed & Fri, and occasionally on Sat or Sun."

Sean seemed happy with this request. "I would like that a lot. I have a barbell and a bench at home, but this setup looks a lot better. And I like the idea of swimming laps."

He looked at the Bronco again. "I'm not sure that my parents would let me drive that."

My mother was hesitant as well. "Get them to talk with Bill. He won't push, but it's worked well for me."

"So. You're living here now?"

That made me smile. I enjoyed the idea of living here. "Yes. Just until school starts. We moved yesterday, and Jim's house isn't near the lake at all. I begged my mother to let me stay here. I've been spoiled since Bill moved here. I spent most of my summer days on that dock, swimming and getting sun. Bill is only here on the weekends, so I have the place to myself most of the time. I'm in one of the guest rooms."

We had walked out to the drive. Sean looked around. "You're a lucky guy. I'd love to live here. If there is nothing else, I'll see you Wednesday. What time?"

"I normally workout at 8."

Sean looked a little surprised. "A.M.?"


"Ok. I'll see you then." Sean shook my hand and took off.

When I returned to the house, Blake and Wally were up. Bill showed me how to make omelets. Blake told me that I needed some practice. He suggested that I make him another one. He had finished the first one.

Bill asked me to take the boat and fill it with gas. "And take the gas cans for the jet skis."

Blake and Wally said that they would like to come along. They reminded me that I promised to show them how to use the jet skis.

Bill told us that he would be gone most of the afternoon and reminded us that Bart would be here around 6.

When I got out to the boat, I saw that there was enough gas to take them around the lake again. The traffic was light this morning, so I let Wally and Blake drive, opening up the throttle a little bit. We were back at the dock by 1.

Blake insisted that he go first on the jet ski. I got him on it, although I wasn't sure any of our life vests were going to fit him. I explained the controls and got him to take it out about 100 yards from the dock. The lake wasn't really busy, but I pleaded with Blake to take it easy. I got the feeling he never spent any time on the water. I led him out about half way to the island and then returned. Then repeated everything with Wally. After parking the jet skis in their berths, we headed inside.

Wally got us all a beer and we sat around the pool. He said that Peter had told him that I was a pretty good swimmer.

I liked the compliment. "I enjoy swimming, although I didn't really learn how to turn in a pool until I started swimming here. There are no walls in the lake."

Blake added that Peter had told him that I was a scrawny kid when he met me. "He said that you bulked up on your own by using this gym regularly."

I stood up. I still had my swimtrunks on. "I promised to model a jockstrap for you guys."

Blake said that he would enjoy a show. I told them it would be a few minutes. I cleaned myself out, took a quick shower, and returned to the pool in just my jockstrap. Blake was there. Wally was not.

Blake asked me to come over and give him a twirl.

I walked over in front of Blake and turned so that he could inspect my ass. I felt his finger dragging down my ass under one of the straps. Wally walked out in a jockstrap of his own. He filled the pouch out much better than I did. "Peter sent a new one up for you. It's in my room. Why don't you come with me?"

I followed Wally.

"Damn, Jack. That ass should be in pictures" Blake said from behind me.

Wally grabbed a jock from his bed and handed it to me. "Why don't you try it on Jack?" There was a second one on the bed, and he tossed it to Blake. "He sent one for you as well."

Blake started to disrobe. When he pulled his swimtrunks down, he was already at 9 inches and didn't look like he was entirely hard. I just stared at it.

Blake took the two steps to close the distance between us. I went to reach for his cock, and stopped. "Go ahead, Jack. It won't bite. That is, unless you do."

I looked up at him and saw the smile. I started to laugh. I reached out and grabbed his cock, then I started stroking it. I couldn't wrap my hand around it. I looked over at Wally. He had removed his jock as well.

He was stroking his cock, getting it hard. "I've wanted to fuck that ass since I saw it the first time, Jack. What do you say?"

I looked at one, then the other. "Take it easy on me guys. I've never had anything near as big as these."

Wally put his hand on my shoulder. "Get on your knees, Jack and give us a blow job. Please?"

I looked at him, got on my knees. "Well ... You did say please."

I tried to spend an equal amount of time on each cock. I got them wet enough so that when I wasn't sucking, I was stroking. This went on for 5 minutes or so.

Blake lifted me up, all 145 pounds of me, and placed me on the bed with my head hanging off the end. I wasn't sure which one was coming my way, but I knew whichever one didn't, it would be heading around to the other side. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, there was a black cock staring back at me. I opened my mouth, remembering what Wally had told me about treating a thick cock.

Blake started working his cock in. "I'm not going to choke you Jack. You're not the first twink that I've worked with." This was going to be work.

Wally had started the cameras recording before he left the room in his jockstrap.

Wally was getting my ass prepared. Once he got me loosened up with 3 fingers, Blake stepped back to allow Wally to press into my ass. After a minute of trying to penetrate, I felt him enter with the first few inches. I tensed up. "Relax Jack. Let it in."

Blake started playing with my nipples. I felt Wally working his dick in and out in little strokes. I could tell that he was going deeper with each push. After 10 minutes, I felt his balls on my ass. His cock was pressing against my prostate. Blake took this moment to start feeding his cock to me again. His girth wasn't any more than Wally's, but the length was about 11 inches. When he hit the entrance to my throat, he pressed, not hard, but he pressed. "Now you've got to relax that throat Jack. I heard that you got Wally in. You'll be able to get me."

I remembered that. I also remembered that Peter was fucking me when Wally was going balls deep in my throat. This time, Wally had spread my ass wider open than it had ever gone before, and Blake was trying to get to virgin territory in my throat.

I closed my eyes, and tried to relax my throat. I felt Blake start to slide in. "There you go Jack. I knew you could do it."

He backed out and let me catch my breath, then pressed at my entrance again. A little more slipped in this time. Wally started pumping a little faster. I felt his balls tapping my ass, but he wasn't driving all the way in. He took my attention off the cock in my mouth and I felt Blakes balls tap my forehead. He pulled out and let me catch my breath again.

Wally's cock was stimulating my prostate big time. He wasn't even touching my cock, or my nipples. I let out a mighty groan just as Blake pressed into my throat again. "That was great Jack. Keep moaning around my cock. I'm going to feed you my cum soon."

Wally picked up the speed again, and now I felt his balls slapping my ass. Blake didn't have to ask me to keep moaning. This dick in my ass was inspiring my moans. Within another minute, I started cumming. I felt Blake give a shove and his balls were laying on my forehead. I felt his cock spasm in my throat. His cock was so far down my throat, I couldn't taste his cum. He corrected that as he pulled most of the way out, filling my mouth with his cum. He pulled out of my mouth and finished off by painting my chest.

Wally took this as his cue to give me a couple of good pumps and he started filling my ass. When he finished, I felt some cum leaking out of my ass. Wally leaned over and started licking up the cum. I had my ass eaten before being fucked, but this was the first time someone had eaten my ass after being fucked. Blake started scooping up the cum from my belly and chest and was feeding it to me. Well, one scoop for me and one scoop for him. Blake leaned over and gave me a kiss.

Wally slapped my ass. "Let's go hit the showers."

The showers on this end of the house were big enough for 2 people, but the shower in Bill's bath would hold 6 and had several shower heads. "Let's head over to Bill's bath" I suggested.

I went to get up off the bed, and my ass was sore. I put a fake limp on as I was leaving the room, and Blake picked me up and carried me to Bill's shower. These guys were fun.

They had me scrub their backs, then they turned around and had me work on their fronts. They were getting hard again. So was I.

Then Blake took over and scrubbed me down. He started with my front, stroking my cock a few times. He had me turn around and started scrubbing my back. When he got to my ass, I felt his cock in the crack of my ass. "What do you think Jack? Are you ready for round 2?"

As much as I wanted it, my ass was sore. "I'm sorry, but I think my ass needs a rest."

Blake finished doing my back. "No problem little man, but I want a rain check." I told him that he had one.

After drying off, we returned to Wally's room and put on our jockstraps. Wally snapped a picture of the 3 of us. He sent it to Bill.

Bill returned to find us drinking beers on the patio. He told me the burger patties were on the kitchen counter. I was in charge. I took my beer and went to season the patties. Bill bought 8 patties. There were going to be five of us. I went ahead and seasoned them all. I dug through the groceries to see what else he brought. I found some oven baked french fries. I started reading the package to see what needed to be done.

I could do this.

While I was looking these over, Bill asked the two guys how it went?

Blake smiled a mile wide. "Man. I didn't get into that ass, but he swallowed my whole cock, and he took Wally like a champ."

Bill looked at Wally. Wally nodded and said, "he has one of those asses that just asks for it."

That made Bill smile. "That he does." He thought a moment. "But he didn't take both cocks in the ass?"

Wally replied. "No. But he will. This was his first time with something this thick." He was pointing at his crotch.

Bill processed this. "Ok. Thanks. You two remember. If Jack says stop, you stop. He's not to get hurt."

Bill could tell that Jack was infatuated with him. The thing is, Bill was kind of infatuated with Jack as well. This thing with Jim could be the biggest thing for his company in its history. Bill was thinking of a full length movie.

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beardaddy150beardaddy1502 months ago

Loving this series, very hot!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer7 months ago

By now I would have thought that this story couldn't get any better or hotter than it already was, but chapter #3 has definitely proved me wrong. It also answered the questions I previously had, about Bill's feelings for Jack and also whether Jack would want to have sex with Jim. I'm now not only looking forward to that happening, I hope that even if Jim decides that the blindfold should stay on that Jack still knows who he's having sex with. Can't wait to find out how much farther this wonderful story can go before my laptop bursts into flames.

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