The Lake House Ch. 07


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Haley had her arms around my neck and she was not letting me up. I had been in this position several times over the past couple of weeks. This was the first time with someone closer to my height. We fit well together.

Bill was filming again. Haley wasn't able to move much, so almost all of the sensation was in the back of my ass. I could feel the tip of Haley's cock on my prostate, but it wasn't causing enough stimulation to bring me off.

We flipped around so that Frank was below me, still facing my back, and now Haley was driving that cock into me from above. Her cock was now rubbing my prostate. Frank had his arms wrapped around me and Haley picked herself up and started jacking me off as she slid her cock in and out. I didn't last long.

After a moment, I started shooting cum on my abdomen. This caused Haley to start filling my ass with her baby batter. One more position change and Haley was on the bottom, kissing me again, while Frank was on the top bringing himself off.

When we were done, Bill clapped. "I hope the video is as hot as what I saw going on."

Bill suggested that I go take a shower. He showed Haley and Frank to their room and showed them where their shower was.

When I was done with my shower, I joined Bill in bed. I went to give him a blow job and he just twisted me around and spooned me. "Get your rest Jack. You earned it." We fell asleep.

I woke up a few minutes before 7. My alarm had not gone off yet. Sean was expected at 8 to workout in the gym. I had not changed that. I turned my phone alarm off so it wouldn't wake Bill up and I woke him up myself. I dove on his cock. It took a couple of minutes and I felt Bill's hand go on the back of my head. When we were done, I thanked Bill for last night.

I told him that I would get the coffee started if he wanted to take a shower. Bill said, "I just might keep you." He gave me a kiss and walked to the shower.

I ran across to my room and put on a jock strap and went to the kitchen and started a cup of coffee. By the time that Bill's cup was ready, he was walking into the kitchen with some gym shorts on. "If they don't use you as a model for those jock straps, I just may buy the company and set it up myself."

I looked at Bill. "Can you actually afford that?"

"I've never thought about it. I just might look into it, or at least set up a link on our website for a fee."

Bill thought to himself. This is the second time in 24 hours that Jack has given him some good feedback about the website.

Sean showed up at 8. He knew that Bill was here. He did not know about Frank or Haley. He came prepared with his swimsuit this time. We were on free weights when Frank walked out to the gym. I introduced him to Sean. "Frank is a trainer with the Michigan team."

Sean looked at Frank. "Football?"

Frank acknowledged that he was.

"So you're on the field during the games?"

"Yeah. I've got to tell you that it's a kick in the butt."

Sean smiled. "Man. I've had wet dreams about playing on that field."

"You play football?"

"Yeah. I'm a tight end on our team."

Frank checked him out. "You look more like a wide receiver. Do you know your time for the 40?"

"My time last fall was 4.6."

Frank looked him over again. "That's fast enough. Why do they have you at tight end?"

"I was the biggest receiver on the team. The coach talked to me before school ended last spring and said that he was thinking of a sophomore for tight end this year, and moving me outside."

"I'll give you my number. Let me know if they move you. What are you guys working on today?"

"Legs and abs."

"Well. Don't let me stop you." Frank walked into the kitchen. Bill had seen him and already had a coffee ready for him.

Frank brought his cup back out by the pool and found a seat and watched our workout. He scrolled through his phone while he was watching us. When we were done, I stripped down and got under the shower to rinse off.

I could tell that Sean was hesitant to do the same, but we were all guys here, and he shared showers with guys in high school all the time. After my shower, I jumped in the pool and started my laps.

Sean rinsed off and saw that I was swimming nude, took a glance at Frank and saw that he wasn't really watching. Sean jumped in and started swimming as well.

About lap 10, Haley walked out in her sleeping attire. A loose top that came down just below her breasts and a loose pair of sleeping shorts. She must've had morning wood still, because she had a tent leading the way. She stopped by Frank and he stood up and gave her a big kiss. When Sean noticed her, he stopped swimming and tread water in the deep end. I stopped next to him.

He whispered to me: "That's a dude man."

I looked at him. "That's Haley. She is Frank's girlfriend." I turned and waved to Haley. "Haley. This is Sean."

Haley waved. "Hi Sean."

I started my laps again. Haley walked into the kitchen and talked with Bill. Sean continued his laps.

When we finished, I told Sean to grab his swimsuit and meet me in my room. I ran there to grab a swimsuit of my own. It may have seemed cruel, but I truthfully didn't know Haley was going to be out there.

It was a chilly morning, but was supposed to get into the upper 70's in the afternoon. When we got back to the kitchen, Bill asked if we wanted to water ski this afternoon, once it warmed up.

Sean thanked him for the invite and told him that he would text him once he got back home and checked with his parents. We set it up for 2:00.

Bill said he had some things to take care of in his office. Haley, Frank and I sat on the patio.

Frank had mentioned that he could introduce me to some football players when he gave me the tour of the Stadium. "Frank. Have you messed around with any of the football players?"

"A few."

Wally and Blake were football players. They were pretty big. "Are they all big?"

"Would you like to meet some of them?"

"Maybe, but I was being more curious than anything else."

"I rarely see a hard cock in the clubhouse. The cocks that I've seen outside of the clubhouse have all been pretty big. Wally would be one of the smaller ones."

"Did you play with Wally when he was there?"

"No. I didn't get with the team until after he left, but I've played with him for scenes."

"So, Wally would be one of the smaller football players?"

"I don't know. Out of over 100 or more that have been with the team since I've been there, I've been with less than 20."

"20? I hope not at one time."

That got Haley laughing.

Then she said, "What are you planning on doing once you get to the University, Jack?"

"I'll be studying architecture."

She laughed. "That's nice, but not what I was inquiring about. Are you planning on hitting the bars, looking for girls or guys?"

"Well, to be truthful, I've never found a girl that was interested in more than a couple of dates, and I have been having fun with the guys."

"Would you be interested in a girl? What if I said that I have a couple of friends that I could introduce you to."

I sat up and looked at her. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely. I have several girl friends that I think would be interested in you. Excuse me for saying this. You're short, but you're a stud. You've got just the right amount of muscle. That is an incredible turn on."

"I'm not sure how to say this. Would these girls be like ... you?"

"If you like, I know a couple of girls like me, but I was talking about girls with a vagina."

"Make sure that I have your number before you leave here. Would either of you like something to drink?"

It was noon on July 2nd, and I mixed us all a margarita. I even took one into Bill in the office. When I served it to him, I leaned over and gave him a big kiss.

After water skiing, Bill suggested that we all take a shower and we could go out to dinner. We drove into the city and had dinner at a nice restaurant, and then went to one of the two nightclubs in town. Haley and I couldn't drink, but she danced with each of us, and we talked at the table.

I drove us home, and Haley and Frank headed off to their room. Bill and I spent a quiet night together. Frank and Haley were leaving in the morning.

Bill had me practice making omelets in the morning. I got Frank and Haley's phone numbers for when I moved to Ann Arbor. I didn't mention anything to Bill about Haley finding a girl for me to date. I figured he already knew about it.

July 4th was a lazy day for us. Ma and Jim were coming over for dinner after they got off work. Bill and I grilled swordfish steaks. Ma had brought a salad. After dinner, Ma helped me clean up in the kitchen, sending Bill and Jim off to Bill's office.

There wasn't much to clean up. We loaded the dishwasher. Mother suggested that we go out on the patio. She took a glass of wine, and I grabbed a bottle of water.

"You haven't learned to like the taste of wine yet?"

"No. I've tried it a couple of times, but just haven't developed a taste for it."

Mother took a sip of her wine. "You know Jack. You can tell me anything."

Oh boy. Bill had told me that he would be surprised if my mother didn't know about my activities over here. "You mean, about Bill and me?" I doubted that she knew about the rest of it.

"Yes. About Bill and you. Do you love him?"

"I know that he means an awful lot to me. I do love him, but I don't know that it's the type of love that you're imagining. It's more like he's a big brother to me."

"But you're sleeping with him." It wasn't a question.

"Well. He is incredibly good looking, and he cares about me."

"I can tell that. Are you happy?"

"Yes. I can't tell you how happy I am."

She set her glass down, and gave me a hug. "Then I'm happy. Let's see if Bill would mind taking us out on the boat."

By the time that we got back to the dock, it was just getting dark. Jim had brought some fireworks and said that he would shoot them off from the dock. Bill mixed up some margaritas and poured another glass of wine for my mother. Jim took the fireworks out to the dock and told us to have a seat on the chaises on the patio. After 15 minutes, Jim was finished, and the Walkers, next door started their display. We were near the northern end of the lake. You could see fireworks exploding around this end of the lake.

Ma and Jim left around 11. It was a work day again for them tomorrow.

After they left, I told Bill about my discussion with my mother. He asked me how I felt about it?

"She asked me if I love you. I told her that I did, but I wasn't certain that the love wasn't more of a brotherly love."

Bill hugged me. "I love you too, Jack. We've got plenty of time to determine what that is about." Then he kissed me.

When my mother was speaking with me on the patio, Bill and Jim were finalizing the plan for next Tuesday.

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BidickulousBidickulous5 months ago

This whole series is a fun, hot, well written and quite different take on a coming of age story. So glad the relationship with Bill continues to be the anchor for Jack with all the other sexual experiences taking place! College was the beginning of the fun for me, and most other bi guys in my experience, so I continue to amused and jealous at the head start Jack is getting; looking forward to it and his story continuing for quite a while!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer5 months ago

Great chapter! This was as hot as always, but it also covered several unfinished topics that needed to be settled, particularly the one about Jack's mother. I'm glad she brought up the subject of him being gay first, it helped him open up and have a conversation about something he probably would have had difficulty initiating with her. And not surprising she already knew; mothers usually do whether they want to admit it or not. It's good that she's ok with her son's relationship with Bill, but I'm not sure how she'd react to Jack making porn videos. Unless she's very open minded and maybe also knows about Jim, the videos might be something best kept secret. Looking forward to what happens next Tuesday and hopefully a big reveal.

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