The Last Demigod Ch. 02

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The Last Demigod's quest continues.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/30/2014
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Of Wars

With his brown eyes fixed on the growing fire, he knew it was time to hang the pot of beef stew. Once a former Olympian champion, Heracles was reduced to a mortal whose days were shortening ever so quickly.

"One thing I've been wanting to ask," Anthony said while lounging on one of the two couches that were placed opposite the fireplace, "how can I be the last Demigod if you're still alive, Uncle Herc?"

"I thought I asked you not to call me that," Heracles replied before continuing with, "It's simple. When Demigods die, they're earthly bodies go to the Underworld while our 'souls' become gods on Mt. Olympus."

"So there are two of you?" Anthony asked quickly.

Heracles began to stir the soup while noticing it had began to boil. He then turned to his nephew and nodded. "Yes."

"Why would anyone want to go to the Underworld?" Anthony asked.

Heracles paused, turned to look at Artemis, then back at Anthony, but remained silent.

Artemis sat up, gripping her right arm that was still healing, and replied, "There have been times. I've never been there, but your father and Heracles have visited the halls of Hades in their time."

"Where is Hades?" Anthony asked.

"We don't know. He did come to Mt. Olympus' aid during the Third War of the Titans, but after the Olympians failed, all surviving Olympians were thrown from Mt. Olympus randomly across the world," Artemis replied.

"It's been sixteen years, though. Why haven't you all found each other yet?" Anthony asked.

"As I told you earlier, Olympians age faster on earth. Heracles' and my generation were the youngest. It seems that the older generation, that of my father's, weren't so fortunate," Artemis replied.

Heracles cleared this throat before adding, "The only member of our father's generation that I have seen since the destruction of Mt. Olympus was Poseidon. He was with Perseus, who had died from his wounds. That was shortly after we arrived. Poseidon and Perseus had landed near Ancient Troy. I landed on a small island in the Aegean nearby. I found a boat and took it to mainland. From there, I got my bearings."

"Where is Poseidon now?"

"I do not know."

"Okay, Anthony, that's enough questions. It's time to eat," Artemis said before standing up, pulling the stew pot from the fireplace.

"Uncle, what happened to that blonde woman?" Anthony asked.

"She lives with her two sisters on the other side of town. I visit her every now and then," Heracles replied.

"Typical," Artemis added quickly.

They all shared a chuckle while preparing their bowls then beginning to eat.

"Okay, last question," Anthony said. "What's next?"

Heracles and Artemis looked at each other before answering, "We go see Ares and Athena, the gods of war."


CLANG... CLANG... CLANG went the sound of metal crashing on metal. The cavernous room they occupied had walls that were seemingly made entirely of iron. The smell of fire filled the air and the sound of burning was accompanied by the occasional rhythmic clanging of metal.

A brawly, stout man with a bushy brown beard and curly short black hair stood by the forge fire raising then hammering on a burning piece of metal. He was flattening the metal, fashioning it into some kind of a weapon.

The sound of footsteps began to accompany the sound of the ever-burning fire of the Great Forge of Olympus.

"Hephaestus, the great blacksmith!" called out the man who walked in.

"Apollo, what brings you to these dark parts?" said Hephaestus as he laid his great mallet down against large black anvil. He used the leather straps on his wrists to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Father has summoned us."

"Hrmm," the great Olympian blacksmith replied before continuing his work.

Apollo crossed his arms. "Look-."

Hephaestus quickly interjected by saying, "The great father of the gods knows where to find the only blacksmith in this realm."

"Brother, please. It is a matter of great urgency."

Hephaestus glared at Apollo, threw his mallet to the iron floor, and stomped his way towards the exit of the Great Forge.

Moments later, the two arrived at the Throne of Zeus greeted by a small gathering of their half-siblings.

"Welcome, my children," said Zeus with his arms spread open as he stood atop his throne. By his side, the mother of all gods, Hera. Beside Hera, sat Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis.

"Why have you summoned us?" Hephaestus called out after stepping through the small group of gods.

"There is trouble lurking beneath Mt. Etna," Ares replied. The tall, muscular god of war stood clad in his black leather and steel armor accompanied by his sheathed longsword and axe that hung at his back.

"Of course there is trouble!" Hephaestus replied. "Typhon and Enkelados, two of the greatest threats to the universe, are housed there! And it was you, great father, who decided to put them there!"

"ENOUGH!" said Zeus as his voice boomed throughout all of Mt. Olympus. The clouds surrounding the great realm of the Olympians grew grey accompanied by the low rumble of thunder. "You forget to whom you speak."

"A fool," Hephaestus replied defiantly. "And an old fool at that." With that, he turned and began to make his way from the throne.

"Hephaestus! This isn't about me. It's about your family, your home. Do they mean as little as I do to you?"

Hephaestus turned, glaring at his father and replied, "You can go to Tarturus."

Each of Hephaestus' siblings gasped at the statement as Hephaestus eventually left. Apollo had wanted to call out, but Artemis held him back, shaking her head while bringing a finger to her lips.

Zeus continued to speak, but the words were muffled.

"ANTHONY!" Artemis yelled. "ANTHONY!" she repeated.

Anthony opened his eyes and threw the blanket off him. He tumbled out the door and into the backyard of the home of his uncle, Heracles. He threw open the back door that led to the kitchen and there stood his uncle and aunt, Heracles and Artemis.

"Something wrong?" Artemis asked.

"Another vision... dream thing," Anthony replied.

"I remember those..." Heracles added.

"It's time to go," she said.

The three exited the white clay house with their large backpacks swung on each of their shoulders. They carried jerky, water bottles, extra pair of clothes, vials of peony flower, and other small necessities for the trip.

"So where to?" Anthony asked.

"To Litochoro. Athena has established a base there," Heracles replied.

"A base? A base of what?"

"Olympians," Heracles said.


"The reign of the Olympians is over. The Second Age of the Titans has begun," said Typhon, the monstrous creature with three heads of a dragon, body of a man clad in black armor, and several serpent tales for legs.

"Father, what of the remaining Olympians?" asked Kerberos. "We should finish them off while we have the chance."

"No, my child, let them wallow in their pity. Not only have they lost their home and their immortality, they have lost their precious mankind."

"And what of your brethren in Tartarus?"

"I will..."


"I hear something..."

Below the crumbles of the once palatial throne of Zeus, Apollo was crouched and hidden beneath them. Or so he thought. He tried to step backwards without dragging his feet. He was surrounded by pebbles and shattered glass making his objective of complete covertness all the more difficult.

Kerberos turned his three dog heads toward the general vicinity of where Apollo hid. He lowered his three heads to the ground and began to sniff.

"MASTERS!" yelled a creature with the lower body of a gigantic spider and the body of a man with four arms. "We've found the escape passage!"

"Kerberos, go with Edecras, now!"

Edecras and Kerberos dashed out of the ruin of Zeus' throne. Apollo watched Typhon as the great father of all monsters stared upon his destructive victory.

"Come out, son of Zeus. I can sense your presence," Typhon said.

Apollo leapt from the rubble and attached an arrow to his bowstring. He aimed it at one of Typhon's three dragonheads.

"You know better than that, son of Zeus. I'm father of the hydras. Do not be so foolish."

"Your other progeny didn't seem to inherit your survival skills."

Typhon chuckled. "Unfortunately so. How about you lower you weapon and let us speak titan to god."

Apollo loosed the arrow sending it coursing on a directly line to one of Typhon's serpent legs. Typhon let out a yelp as the arrow dug deep and connected with a second serpent leg. Apollo then leapt forward and proceeded to shoot another arrow with Typhon slithering to the side. The great father of monsters seemed to move slower. Apollo loosed another arrow and another. Each one finding it's way into Typhon's serpent legs until finally the great father of monsters fell to his side.

"Interesting. You fall so easy to the Master of all Archers," Apollo stated as he attached one more arrow his bowstring and aimed it at Typhon's body. The head of the arrow was blackened with a syrupy substance.

"The famed poison arrow of Apollo and Artemis..." Typhon muttered as he lay on the ground. "I've always seen the bow as a cowards weapon. It reminds me of that one cowardly pup of King Priam of Troy. What was his name?"

Apollo remained silent.

"Whatever his name... the one who downed the mighty Achilles. A sad thing, really. Achilles was mightier than most Demigods but in the end he really was just a man after all. Pity. His body still floats about in the Underworld. What a great Olympian he would have been..."

With that, Apollo pulled his bowstring as tight as he could, but before he loosed it he was knocked forward onto his chest. He turned to see who it was...

"Ganymede?!" Apollo exclaimed.

The young Immortal stood before Apollo in his typical Olympian toga. He had the same wavy long red hair and perfectly round shaped facial features. His eyes were a deep auburn. His physique wasn't that of a soldier, but more of a musician.

Anthony opened his eyes again to see the starry sky up above. Who was Ganymede, he wondered. He tilted his head to the right to see Heracles still asleep and then to the left to see Artemis still asleep as well.

The fire they had set up for their dinner was already dwindled down to a feint red glow. He sat up slowly so as to not wake his protectors. He recalled the countless times where he lay on the dirt during his younger years. The group he had grown up with called themselves the Nomads. There were twenty-four of them the first time he remembered being able to count and as the years went on their numbers diminished. He was the youngest.

The day before he decided to finally leave the group and be on his own, the group was down to seven members. One couple had been stricken with grief after their son, who was a few years older than Anthony, died of a fever. They took their lives a few days after their son's death.

He traversed what he knew to be Greece until he wound up in the town of Karissa where there was a larger group of survivors. He continued to ask each and every person he met if they knew anything about a place, person, or thing called Apollo until one man had told him that he would find Apollo in Dion.

"Anthony?" Artemis said, still half asleep. "Everything ok?"

Anthony smiled and nodded. "Yes, Aunt Art, I was just thinking of how I got to you."

She smiled before quickly falling back asleep.

Anthony lied back down, cupped his hands beneath his head and tried to find the constellations. The only constellation he knew by heart was of Orion the Hunter. He wondered if Orion ever existed. He chuckled at the thought. He let his mind wander before falling asleep.


Across the stretch of both ancient and modern ruins of Greece, stood a small battalion of twenty-five Olympians and the two gods of war, Athena and Ares.

"They should've been here by now," Athena asked.

"You give them to much credit, woman," Ares replied. "We should get to the Dias Gate at once."

She shook her head in disagreement. "Don't be a damned fool."

"You have a better plan?"

The goddess of war nodded, "Yes, we wait for Artemis and the Demigod."

He scoffed in reply while gripping the hilt of his sheathed sword tightly. "Look at us!" he yelled. He ran his fingers through his greying hair and yelled, "We're getting older!"

She quickly stepped right in front of him, within inches of his face. She was just as tall as the god of war and even more deadly than he. "Get ahold of yourself. Now is not the time for self-pity. Go do what you usually do when you're in need of a confidence boost."

He turned from her and headed back to the once abandoned house that he had made his residence.

The area of Litochoro that Ares and Athena had made their base camp was in the most prestigious area of the small city. The house he chose for himself had originally been built as a three-story manor, but most of the third level was mostly destroyed.

As he entered his home, he slammed the large wooden door so hard that the walls along the frames seemed to crackle in response. He turned to gaze at the ceiling above the door with concern. He then realized he was concerned about something so inconsequential. He scoffed. He went up the stairs to his bedroom down the long hall. The house had eight bedrooms though two of them no longer had outer walls. The bedroom he chose was the largest and seemingly retained most of the luxurious furniture that the house's original owners had purchased.

His bedroom had two large white wooden doors with golden knobs. He opened the door and found the two nymphs that had stayed with him for the past couple of nights. He realized he was getting tired of them, but maybe one last romp would do.

"Wake up," he commanded.

Both the nymphs were still nude though under the covers. One of the nymphs had a thin, limber body of a dancer. He could see her long brown hair hanging off the side of the bed where she lay on her stomach. Her name was Ismene. The other nymph, Combe, was quite the opposite. She was slightly muscular and taller than Ismene though still short compared to Ares. She had long black hair, but it was always kept in one tight braid that hung at her back.

"Wake up," he commanded again as he slowly pulled the sheets off them revealing Ismene's creamy light complexion and cute round ass. As for Combe, he favored her muscular ass and legs along with the darker color of her skin. He wanted them now.

Combe was the first to wake as she turned. Her eyelids were still heavy from sleep as she slowly turned to her back. She waved for him to come to her. He stood to the side of the bed and grumbled. With her eyes still closed, she unzipped his pants, slipped her hands inside and took hold of his huge limp cock. She pulled it from the zipper hole and placed her lips around the soft head of his cock and began to stroke his shaft. Slowly, but surely, his cock began to come to life revealing its true length. She could only fit the head of his cock and maybe four more inches of it into her mouth, but used her hand to keep the rest of the shaft slick with saliva.

She began to jack him off quicker as he was now completely erect. He felt himself slowly beginning to sway as he watched his muscular nymph go to work. He realized Ismene was still sleeping. He bent over Combe as she began to slide her lips and tongue along the length of his shaft while fondling his scrotum. He slapped Ismene on the ass hard enough to leave an imprint of his hand.

Ismene quickly sat up and turned giving him an irritated glare. He stood up straight and folded his arms.

"Come here," he commanded.

Ismene slid off the bed, walked around the bed and stepped to his side. He wrapped his muscular arm around her and used his other hand to cup her small breast as he slid his tongue in and out of her mouth. She pushed away, but he held her firm as he sucked on her upper lip. She continued to try to push away, but he slid his hand down from her breast over her flat belly and slid his middle finger into her pussy.

Her indifference seemed to melt away as he began to finger her pussy and play with her clit while Combe continued to slobber on his cock.

He then pulled away from Combe and tapped her on the shoulder. She moved so that she was now horizontal to the bed and directly under his scrotum. He nudged Ismene onto the bed so that she was on all fours and on top of Combe. He grabbed just below his the head of his cock and pressed it against the lips of Ismene's wet pussy. He pushed in quickly, forcing Ismene to moan loudly. He reached under Combe's head and pressed it up till her mouth met the bottom of his scrotum. She began to suck at his nutsack while he moved Ismene forward and backward on his cock. He tightened his grip on Ismene's hips and began to buck her forward faster while Combe continued to coat the bottom of his scrotum with saliva.

He felt a similar tightening in his scrotum. With that, he pulled his cock out of Ismene, took a step back, and shot his load over Combe's face. He hung the vaginal juice and cum covered mushroom tip over her lips till she began to suck at it. He shuddered as Combe lovingly sucked at the tip of his now sensitive cock. He pulled from Combe and slapped Ismene on her pale cute white ass.

"Get out," he said.

Ismene stepped over Combe and headed out with Combe following suit.

He stripped himself of his armor and clothing and threw himself onto his large bed. Fucking Athena, he thought to himself. He'll show the bitch once it's time for him to use his sword. He'll show her.


After just having finished breakfast, Heracles began to pack up the rest of their items on their horses. Anthony sat staring at the dwindling fire, thinking about nothing. Artemis placed herself beside him.

"What memory of your father's did you see last night?" she asked.

He shook his head in response.

"Don't want to talk about it?" she asked as she wrapped an arm around him. Anthony was taller and wider than she, so her arm only reached to almost his other side.

"No, not really."

"It could help. Remember that these are actual memories. Anything could help."

He sighed and finally answered, "Apollo... my father was in Mt. Olympus. It seemed like it was just destroyed and he attacked Typhon. But he found that they were betrayed."

She pulled away from in surprise and asked, "Betrayed? How do you know?"

"I don't know. When these memories happen, it's like I am my father. I... he felt betrayed."

"By who?"

"Someone by the name of Ga..."

"ARM YOURSELVES!" Heracles quickly interjected.

She jumped to her feet and looked in the direction Heracles was pointing. It seemed to be a pack of large dogs but each of them had three heads.

"Offspring of Kerberos!" she called out as she ran to her horse, unstrapped her bow and quiver, slung the quiver over her head and shoulder and grabbed an arrow.

"Sword!" Heracles called out. "Grab a sword!" he commanded to Anthony.

Anthony was already at his horse as he grabbed the longsword that Heracles had given him. He grabbed the hilt of the sword with two hands and stood in line with Artemis in the middle of the two men.

She loosed her an arrow and struck one of the six oncoming beasts. The arrow went through one of its heads, but didn't seem to slow it down even though that head drooped as the beast continued to run out. She loosed another arrow, and another till the beast tumbled to the floor dead.

"CHARGE!" Heracles commanded as he ran forward.

Anthony followed suit.

Two of the beasts leapt at Heracles. He swiped at the nearer one, cutting two of its heads off and tumbled away from the second. Anthony swiped at one dog beast, but it evaded him. The other three seemed to want to attack Artemis. She continued to loose her arrows. One hit a dog beast in the eye, then in the leg, and then in the body, but still it continued on.