The Last of Her Kind Ch. 05


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"I don't think you will," he told her. "The fact that you would even consider letting me leave tells me that you aren't just a predator. You are still a person, and people can control their fate if they try hard enough and have some help."

She shuddered, then tilted her head, her lips finding his. When she kissed him, he felt a tiny puncture in his lips, her venom now entering his bloodstream, his body becoming hot. He was suddenly rock hard, his dick standing at full attention and bumping against her belly, which made her step back, her face bright red.

"I've never done this before," she told him, her trembling fingers undoing the buttons of her blouse.

"Well, I have." He tilted his head at the webs. "Let me down and I'll show you."

"I can't." Ana shook her head. "You might try to hurt me. I want to trust you, but there's a part of me that doesn't." She waved a hand over her backside.

"Maybe, but I was willing to trust you." His heart was pounding in his chest now, his cock now bouncing in rhythm with his heart. "Maybe you can try trusting me, just a little bit."

"Just your hands." She stepped to the side and casually shredded the web with her fingers. They parted like magic when she touched them, the silky threads falling away. "For now."

"That will do." He touched her face, running his fingers over smooth cheeks, then pulled her in for another kiss. She hungrily lapped at his tongue, and when they disconnected, a thin string of spit connected them.

"Please," she begged him, stroking his cock with her hand. Already, he felt like he was going to burst.

"No, not yet," he told her, the gears in his mind whirring. "Don't rush it. Not yet, anyway. You're worried about giving in to your instincts, yes? Well, maybe if we cater to something else, you won't have to." He held her face in his hands now, pulling her close. Her eyes gazed deeply into his own, full of longing.

"Darren, Iā€”" she let out a moan when he kissed her again, running one hand along her neck and wrapping his arm around her torso, pulling her close. Her lips were hot while the rest of her felt cool, and he let go of her long enough to tug aside the blouse she was wearing, revealing the dark bra she wore underneath. It contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, and he kissed his way down her torso, nibbling at the tops of her breasts.

She sighed, leaning her head back to give him better access. Her breasts were firm and her torso was fairly lean. Her skin was extremely soft, and it was only with the sensitive skin of his lips that he discovered that she was covered in an extremely fine layer of hair.

"Your skin is beautiful," he told her, running his hands along her ribs. She straightened her legs a bit, raising her torso so that he could kiss his way down her stomach. Pheromones had flooded his senses now, his entire world now concentrated on the being before him.

His hands slid behind her back, and he fiddled with the clasp of her bra. It took him several seconds, his fingers fumbling over each other, but she was patient. Finally undoing the clasp, he pulled the bra away to reveal a pair of perky, ice-blue nipples that stood at full attention.

"Wow," he whispered, touching them with reverence.

"This is... a little embarrassing," Ana said, her face bright pink.

"There's no need to be embarrassed. I think you're body is wonderful." He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue. Ana's moans fueled him on, and she resumed jacking his cock with her hand.

"Oh, Darren," she moaned, looking down at him. "That feels so good."

He grinned, then sucked on her nipple a bit harder, then gave it a playful bite. He switched breasts to give her other nipple the same treatment, happily sucking it down.

"Um, Darren?" She pulled away from him. "I need to... to get you ready."

"I don't understand. I'm already ready." He pointed at his cock. "See?"

"No, it's... you'll understand in a second." She kissed him, then moved her face around to the side of his neck. He felt the pinch of teeth for just a second, but the pain vanished shortly after, replaced with a floating sensation, as if he was drunk. He grinned like an idiot as she kissed her way down his body, lingering briefly on his chest to lick at his nipples.

"How does that feel?" she asked, pausing for a second.

"Feels nice," he told her, watching in fascination as she slowly moved down to his cock. She pumped it a couple of times and then took it sloppily into her mouth. She was actively drooling now, and the sensation of her throat squeezing around his glans as she took him all the way in nearly had him burst.

"That feels fantastic," he whispered, shivering in delight. He put his hands on the back of her head and let her do her thing, moaning in encouragement. He felt a couple of small bites on his shaft, but they only hurt for a second. She pulled her mouth free and pumped him with one hand while sucking gently on his balls, and he felt that piercing shock a couple of times down there as well.

"Is that more of your venom?" he asked.

"Yes." She looked up at him, his cock near her cheek now. She kept stroking him, her dark eyes on his. "Most potential mates are less... accommodating than you are. There's usually only time to couple once, so we have to make it count."

"I see." His balls were suddenly bursting with pressure, and he could tell that they were already slightly swollen. He thought about the blowjobs, and the sheer amount of cum that had covered her mouth and face afterward. "It's like a performance enhancer."

"Yes." She sucked him back into her mouth, her hands dropping to her sides. He heard the subtle rip of velcro and she tossed aside the tartan skirt, followed by a black shell. Her eyes were on him suddenly, full of intensity.

"I'm nervous," she told him upon spitting out his cock.

He laughed. "That makes two of us."

She took a step back, revealing the rest of her body. Her abdomen was human all the way down to her groin. Where her thighs should have been, the dark skin of her arachnid body started, and he saw that she had several hard bumps where her pubic hair should have been. Her vulva was light blue in color, much like her nipples, and she raised up her whole body, her crotch now level with his.

"Oh, wow," he whispered, getting a better look at her pussy. Alongside her pussy lips were a pair of thick protrusions that looked similar to fingers. Fleshy in nature, they flexed hungrily, massaging the skin around her vagina.

"It doesn't scare you?" The whole world seemed to balance on that question.

He lifted his head to look her square in the eyes. "You don't scare me. At all." In truth, he was fighting a battle between fear and lust, but was hoping that he could trick her predatory instincts by remaining largely confident. He reached for her, pulling her body against his. The webbing was pulled tight, and he kissed her lips, wrapping an arm around her back and squeezing the dark shell where her ass should have been.

"You're so smooth back there." He tilted his head to look at her behind. The thick abdomen had swirling patterns in its ridges, like a giant fingerprint.

He felt her shudder in his arms, then shift her body. His cock was now placed tightly against her opening, and the fleshy protrusions grasped at him, trying to pull him in. She shifted some more, and he sank deeply into the tightest pussy he had ever felt.

Both of them moaned, and he felt those weird fingers squeeze him tight, forming a weird cockring. Ana held still for several seconds, making odd sobbing sounds into his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked her.

"I've wanted to feel this for so long," she said quietly, then began moving her hips. Her whole body had to undulate to do this, and she stood on her back four legs, her front pair wrapped around him. The remaining legs were spread out, balancing on the thick strands of the web. "To feel a man inside me."

"It feels good for me, too." He thrust himself into her, his cock moving slickly through her tight canal. The inside of her pussy was covered in weird bumps that felt like they were shifting over the skin of his cock. The sensation was indescribable, so he sucked on her neck while moaning.

She wiggled her whole body, moving in a circular patterns and then thrusting down on him. Her face was scrunched up in concentration as she moved, her human eyes closed, but her spider eyes were wide open. With every gasp and cry, he could feel her arousal growing, and he knew that her inexperience was working against her.

Ana drooled, her torso tensing up, and she let out a high pitched squeal when she came, her pussy fingers clamping down on his shaft. Trembling, her upper body leaned back, and he grabbed her by the waist and held her tight, thrusting into her. She flipped back up, her eyes glazed over.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't... couldn't hold back..." she gasped. He could see how tired she was by the slump in her shoulders. Her back legs weakened, and he found himself supporting most of her weight with her arms. His balls were aching for release, the pressure within driving him out of his mind.

"Cut me down," he ordered. "Let me be a part of this, too."

He could see the indecision on her face, feel the war inside of her head, but she nodded and ran her fingers over his body, slicing clean the lines that bound him. He fell from her web, and they both fell to the ground, Ana landing on her back with her abdomen behind her. His cock popped free, sliding around on the smooth skin of her pelvis.

"You're really flexible, aren't you?" he asked, marveling at how her body had twisted about. Lying on top of her, he grabbed the base of his cock and lined himself up with her soaking wet entrance.

"You have no idea," she muttered, and then cried out when he slid himself back inside of her. Her front legs wrapped around his waist, followed by the second pair. The four legs in the back curled themselves up to support the both of them as Darren thrust himself into her, his hands on her hips. In that moment, all he could see was her, the pure lust on her face as he pounded her from above. They both moaned, cursed, and cried out to one another as he felt that magnificent pressure building, her pussy fingers squeezing him tight.

"Ana... Ana, I'm gonna come!" His hands were on her breasts now, and he looked deep into her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, a pair of dangerous fangs now visible. Her face had twisted up, her eyes unfocused. "Look at me, c'mon, look!"

Ana's eyes snapped onto his, and he felt that connection once more. Her features rapidly softened, her fangs sliding back into her lips. In this moment, he needed her to know who he was. Grabbing onto one of her shoulders for support, he pushed himself into her as hard as he could, the pressure in his balls now at critical mass. Her legs wrapped around him tightly, those fine hairs scratching grooves into his back.

Darren let out a low roar, his whole body tightening up as he flooded her insides with hot, sticky come. Instead of just a few spurts of semen, he could feel his cock unload inside of her, a steady stream of spooge leaving his body and filling hers. His whole body shook, and his mind went blank as a second, third, and then fourth orgasm struck him. The venom in his body hadn't just gotten him hard, but had transformed his biology just enough for this moment, enabling him to empty every single sperm cell he had all at once.

He let out a scream of his own, his cries echoing off the canyon walls, and his whole body went limp beneath him. Ana caught him in her arms as he fell, his face next to hers. Gasping for air, he realized that he had become completely numb, unable to move his arms or legs any longer. When his cock slid out of her, the fingers closed, holding her vagina shut.

"Ana." He whispered her name, completely helpless in her grasp.


The moment Darren came inside of her, she felt the quickening begin. Her body soaked up his seed like a sponge, her DNA mixing with his. On an instinctual level, she immediately knew that this had been a success, that she would bear his children and carry both of their legacies forward.

She was also starving. It took a tremendous amount of energy to mate, and she had a perfectly good meal lying on top of her. When she had looked in his eyes earlier, she had fought off the urge to kill him immediately, but it had come back.

"Ana." When Darren said her name, he was no longer a meal to be had, but someone she knew. She couldn't eat him, not now! He had trusted her, had given her everything she could ever want in this moment. He had been tender with her, loving even, and if she turned her back on that now, she would lose herself forever.

Minutes passed. She slid him off of her body, letting him rest on the dirt. Picking up her clothes, she got dressed, concentrating on the task before her.

"Your clothes are over there," she told him, pointing to the alcove where she had hidden. "There's also some water and food, you're going to be hungry. There's a small hole in the back that you'll fit through."

"Wait, what? Are you leaving?" His voice was weak, but slowly gaining strength. She had less than ten minutes before the paralysis wore off.

"I have to. I need to feed, and I can probably catch a deer or something." She let out a heavy sigh. "I won't have to eat you after all."

"That's... that's great." Darren let out a sigh of his own. "So... after you eat, where should I meet you?"

The question stopped her heart for a second, but she pushed through the pain. "You won't. I'm leaving town tonight, and won't be coming back."

"Wait. Why can't I come with you?"

"You know why." Grabbing her chair, she undid a few pins on it and collapsed it down so that it was smaller and easier to carry. She didn't know if she would need it again, but figured that it still had its uses before reaching Oregon. "The path I travel isn't for you. I must go it alone."

"You... you really don't." He managed to roll over, his eyes imploring her. "Please, let me come with you. Don't you see? There's something here, between you and I."

"That's the venom talking," she told him, pinning the wheels in place.

"It is and it isn't. I feel peaceful around you. Calm even. Look, I don't fully understand where you are coming from, but I don't think you understand where I'm coming from either. You're worried about giving in to your instincts, worried about killing people and eating them. You just proved that it doesn't have to be this way."

"This time."

"Never. I can come with you, and we can teach our children the same thing." He let out a weak laugh. "Our children. I'm going to be a father. How weird is that?"

"You're going to be a father to a bunch of monsters." Ana shook her head in disgust. Now that the urge to mate had fled, she was left with self loathing. She had perpetuated the cycle once more.

"Ana, please. So what if they're different? It isn't what you look like that makes you a monster, it's who you are and what you do." Darren tried to sit up and failed. "I'm probably a bigger monster than you, and can prove it."

"Darren. I need you to let me go." He was getting to her, and she hated him for it. Emotions welled up inside of her, and she placed a hand on her belly, her thoughts on the life that had already begun. Her body would go through so many changes soon, and she was thoroughly unprepared to go through them alone. Still, it was for his own good.

"Ana, no." He managed to get up on his arms. "Please! It doesn't have to be like this."

"But it does. My future is dangerous and uncertain, and I don't know that I could ever forgive myself if something happened to you." She took another step away. Tears formed in her eyes at the sight of him, lying on the ground so piteously. She could see the heartache in his eyes as he struggled to stand, so exhausted from their lovemaking and the venom in his body.

"But what about what I want?" In that moment, he was truly pitiful, his eyes so full of sadness and despair. "I don't care that you're different, nor do I care about the danger. Please, let's just talk about this."

It was time. If she didn't leave now, she never would.

"Don't come looking for me," she said, holding back a sob. "Go and live." She grabbed her folded up chair and scrambled up the walls of the small canyon, ignoring the sound of her name on his lips. The night her nest had burned down, she had felt no small amount of sadness, but she would gladly do it again if it meant never having to relive this moment.

Once out of the canyon, she caught a glimpse of the afternoon sun over the trees. It was time to leave this life behind and head west to Oregon, but first she needed to run, to leave the man she thought she loved behind.

The Order might catch up to him, but he didn't know anything. As long as he kept his mouth shut, he would be fine. It was with that thought that she broke into a run, Darren's cries slowly fading into the woods behind her.


Stumbling in the dark, it was with great relief that he finally saw the top of the church in the distance. Happy to see the landmark, he pushed his way through the thicket and finally finding the trail that Ana had likely brought him by. When he closed his eyes, he could see her again, her body heaving beneath his, the look of joy and rapture fixed on her pale face.

It had taken him some time to move, and getting dressed had been like trying to do a puzzle while drunk. He had eaten the food she left and drained the water, leaving all of the trash behind. It had been almost an hour before he squirmed out of that canyon, and the woods had taken no pity on him. Covered in scratches, bemoaning his return journey, wondering where everything had gone wrong.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he heard that small voice shouting at him to snap out of it, to wake up to the reality that Ana was, somehow, a monster walking the earth. The voice bounced around inside his skull like a stray bullet, fighting for any sort of acknowledgement, but Darren could only think about the look of sadness on Ana's face when she had left, her final words floating to him across the darkness.

Don't come looking for me. Go and live.

Were those the words of a monster? She had clearly been using him, but to what end? Hers was a body built for killing, yet she had let him go. Did she not fear discovery? Being hunted down by scientists, hunters, or even the media? While Bigfoot was a big deal, what would people say about a giant spider-woman roaming the forests and eating hapless hikers?

Maybe he should follow her. His hands patted his front pocket, where a small slip of paper lie. He had found it on the ground where her clothes had been, a set of coordinates written on them. It had to be where she was going, but for what purpose? Nothing made sense anymore, and he needed to get home, to lie down and sleep off whatever she had poisoned him with. He could always make a decision tomorrow.

"Man, you've got it bad." Dwayne ducked to avoid a branch that swung back when Darren pushed it out of the way. "First girl you really like, and she's got eight legs."

"Must be a leg man," Hayden added from Darren's left. "Think of all those silky smooth thighs you could squeeze. Absolute heaven."

"Shut up," Darren mumbled, thinking of the scratches along his backside. He imagined there were four of them, radiating outward like a star. He wanted to be horrified, but had instead been enthralled. Something about seeing that large body hovering before him, that strange feeling of being helpless had made him hard as a rock. Seeing Ana's sweet face looking down on him had flipped the script, the terror of the moment stripped away by his trust for her. Perhaps it was misplaced, but something about being trapped by a woman caught up in the throes of lust had overpowered any fear he may have had.