The Last Wallace


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"Are we washing or playing?" she teased.

"I can't help it," I groaned. "I love your sleek body."

I backed her against the shower wall and directed, "Put your hands on my shoulders." I nudged a finger into Daria's tight pussy, and she clamped down on it. "Relax," I whispered.

With more kisses and caresses from my free hand, she did gradually relax. A second finger joined the first inside her. I felt around to locate her g-spot, then curled my fingers against it.

"Ah!" she sharply gasped. Her hands squeezed my shoulders.

"Relax and enjoy it." My fingers in her pussy slowly made the come-hither motion, firmly pressing her g-spot.

She shuddered.

The pad of my thumb rested on her needy clit. Daria jerked and yelped, "Ellie! Ellie!" and finally yelled, "Ellie!" She yanked my head to hers for an urgent kiss while she orgasmed. Her legs failed and I had to catch her to prevent her from falling.

"You cum super easily, little sister," I praised. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."

I reluctantly dressed and went to the office.

"Five reporters have already called this morning," Crystal informed me when I arrived at the office.

"When are they going to give up?"

She shrugged. "Until you talk to someone, they all hope they can get the exclusive."

"Yeah no," I replied. "No interviews. I have nothing to say."

"No problem. I'll continue to fend them off."

The ongoing crap with the reporters was a good reason to sell. If I let Walkville go to auction, I could go back to being anonymous Ellie.

"What time is my meeting with parks and recreation?" I asked.

"Ten o'clock," my well-organized assistant answered.

I met with Patricia, the head of our parks and recreation department, at the rec center on the east side of town. "In the winter our programs move indoors," she explained. "After school and in the evenings this place is booked solid with volleyball, basketball, gymnastics and swimming."

"Great," I said.

"It is, but it's also overcrowded. We'd like to put a second rec center on the west side, but our requests have been shot down for the last three years."


"It's expensive. $22 million to construct and ongoing costs to staff it," Patricia told me.

I knew we had a lot of money in reserve, but I wasn't going to commit to anything. "What's the process for getting a project like that approved?"

"We submit a proposal to Jack Warner and he schedules a presentation to the board of directors."

"And now the board of directors is just me," I stated.

"Yes, ma'am."

I sighed. "Well, submit your proposal again. I'll discuss it with Jack and I want to see your full presentation. But I'm not promising anything. Frankly, I'll probably be more cautious than the old board because I'm fucking terrified I'll screw up the whole town's finances."

"I don't envy the burden you've taken on, Ms Wallace," Patricia said. "Oh, our non-motorized Christmas parade is tonight. Are you coming?"

"What is it? A Christmas parade but with no trucks to pull floats?"

She nodded. "Exactly. It's fun."

"Sounds good. I'll be there."

Back at the office, I told Jack Warner to expect parks and rec to submit another proposal for a new rec center. "Why hasn't it been built yet?" I asked.

"The board was very cautious spending money. And there are several large potential projects competing for attention," he explained.

"Well, how do I decide what to do?"

"Tomorrow I'll go over the long-term budget with you, and I'll give you a quick overview of potential new projects. Just enough so you can start thinking about them. In the coming months you'll get more details on each. Then you can decide which you like the most. The other managers and I will make sure you don't spend us into financial trouble. Don't worry."

"There's got to be someone better to make these decisions."

"No, Ms Wallace. This is your main duty, and I'm sure you can handle it. Seriously, there will be so many meetings and discussions about big projects that you'll become very well informed," Jack tried to reassure me.

"Jack, I don't want this much responsibility. It's suffocating," I whined.

"You'll be fine."

It didn't feel like I'd be fine, so I took the rest of the day off.

It was a sunny and warm-ish day for December, so that afternoon Daria and I went for a ride on bicycles I found in my grandparents' storage locker. She was excited to show me around town.

Walkville was only three miles across, so it was quick and easy to get anywhere on a bike. We rode around the outer edge, where there were parks, sports fields, factories, warehouses, an amphitheater and other things that needed a large plot of land. The Tennessee River formed one edge of the town and it was lined with luxury apartments like mine, parks and a marina.

Four trolley lines divided the town in a tic tac toe pattern. Everyone lived within a half-mile of a trolley. Apartment buildings were located around trolley stops and single-family homes filled a lot of the remaining area.

Restaurants, shops, offices, a movie theater and the concert hall clustered in the center of town.

We pedaled slowly, taking it all in. As always, many other people were walking or biking too. Kids played in the middle of streets.

We parked the bikes at an ice cream shop and bought chocolate cones. "So, what do you think of your town, your highness?" Daria asked with a playful grin.

I stuck my tongue out at her. "It's cool," I answered. "So different from the suburb where I grew up, which really sucked in comparison."

"What was that like?"

"A typical American subdivision," I explained. "As a kid I couldn't get to anything on foot or by bike because the neighborhood was surrounded by big, dangerous roads. Mom had to drive me everywhere."

"Our trailer is out in the middle of nowhere," Daria said with a sigh. "I wish I grew up in Walkville. Kids here are lucky."

That evening, Daria accompanied me to the annual non-motorized Christmas Parade that the Parks and Rec director had mentioned. A large crowd lined the street.

The Wallace High School marching band kicked off the parade, and were followed by a couple hundred people in costumes riding lighted and decorated bikes. There were several floats pulled or pushed by people, and a few had singers or bands on them. I thought it might be fun to play in a band on a float. Groups on foot included dance troupes, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, gymnasts and martial artists.

The finale of the parade was worth the wait. The University of Tennessee's huge marching band led the way, playing "Here Comes Santa Claus." So loud! I think the buildings shook. The band was followed by Santa's sleigh pulled by nine men in reindeer costumes. The "Rudolf" reindeer in front had a light-up red nose.

Santa rode in the sleigh and yelled, "Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!" Kids scrambled for the candy he threw to the crowd.



Daria braided her red hair in pigtails. My eyebrows raised and I asked, "Are you serious?"

"What?" she asked overly innocently.

I reached out with both hands and gave her braids a gentle tug. "Pigtails? As if you weren't dangerously cute already."

She grinned. "You like?"

I practically growled, "My favorite is when your hair is in a thick plait down your back, but this could be fun." I pulled on the pigtails to bring her face to mine for a kiss.

"They're pigtails, not handlebars," she teased.

"We'll see about that." I let go of her so I could push my sweatpants and panties down my legs and off. I grabbed her braids again and leaned back in my chair, tugging her face toward my eager pussy.

"Ellie!" Daria exclaimed and laughed. "Why are you so excited by pigtails?!"

"You're so damn cute; you drive me fucking crazy," I groaned. I pulled her face tight against my muff and ordered, "Get to work, little sis."

The minx laughed at me, which felt funny with her pushed up against my pussy. But she quickly began kissing and licking like a pro. "Nom, nom, nom," she joked.

Her bright, sparking eyes looking up at me really did it for me. In no time I was squirming. Two fingers entered me and my hips bucked. She stroked my g-spot the way I taught her. "Dar-Daria," I stammered.

She lightly nipped at my clit and I tumbled over the proverbial cliff.

Eventually I let go of her pigtails and flopped on the sofa. Daria crawled up my body and snuggled to me. "My little sister is a champion pussy licker," I kidded.

She beamed with pride. "I love making you cum."

"Your face is all wet," I chuckled. I grabbed my sweatpants off the floor and used them to mop up my stuff off her pretty face. It made her giggle.

"I'm so lucky," she sighed.

"Why's that?"

"Because my big sister is gorgeous and she lets me lick her pussy," she giggled again.

I giggled along with her and toyed with her braids.

"God, you're mesmerized by my pigtails," Daria teased.

"I think you might be giving me a fetish," I agreed. "Don't wear them too often or you'll drive me nuts."

"I can see that."

"Are you ready to move in with me?" I inquired. She was spending a huge amount of time with me but hadn't moved her stuff in yet.

"Uh huh, but I need to talk to Dad."

"Are you going to tell him we're lovers?"

"Yes. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Want me to come with you when you talk to him?"

She shook her head. "Thanks but it will be easiest if it's just the two of us. Don't worry, he'll accept it. He's great."

A few hours later, Daria bounced into the apartment, overflowing with happy energy.

"It went well?" I asked.

She hugged and kissed me. "He's really happy for me! I have the best dad."

"That's a relief."

She nodded. "He's excited to meet you."

"I'm eager to meet him too," I replied but the thought actually made me nervous.

"He told me he didn't like any of the boys I went out with, so you're bound to be a big improvement," Daria said and laughed.



We hopped in Daria's beat up old Ford Escort to go to her father's place. "We should buy you a new car," I suggested.

Daria frowned. "Essie is fine," she told me.


"Essie the Escort," she explained. "You don't have to buy me things, Ellie."

"I don't want you to break down on the side of the road somewhere."

"Essie isn't going to break down," Daria said and I heard anger creeping into her voice.

I put up my hands. "I don't want to fight."

"Me neither," she agreed. "Thanks for the offer, but I bought this car with money I earned and I want to keep it."

She drove us out winding, hilly roads to a single-wide trailer sitting in a small clearing in a forest. The trailer looked well cared for, but showed its age.

Her dad came out to meet us. He was a wiry guy, the same height as me and Daria. "Dad, this is Ellie," Daria introduced us.

"Welcome, Ellie," he exclaimed and gave me a hug.

I returned the hug. "Pleased to meet you, Mr Milko."

"Call me Earl," he insisted.

He was super gregarious and I liked him right away. The nerves I had about meeting him melted.

The inside of the trailer wasn't much. There was a living room, kitchen and bathroom in the middle and tiny bedrooms on each end. It was all clean and neat, but worn from age as well. Earl was obviously embarrassed by his humble home; probably because I was rich. I couldn't figure out what to say to put him at ease.

Earl told stories while we helped Daria pack up her stuff and load it in his pickup truck. One story about the factory where he worked made me laugh so hard I was gasping for breath. "Earl, you are awesome," I sincerely told him. "Now I understand why Daria says you're the absolute best."

He beamed with pride and Daria gave him a big hug.

A bit later, Daria was inside double-checking to see if she left anything important behind. Earl and I leaned against his truck. "Daria had a hard time after her mom died," he told me. "But since she met you, she's come out of her shell. You brought the old Daria back." Tears formed in his eyes.

I gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I love her to death, Earl. You raised a great girl."

Earl followed us back to Walkville in his truck, and we parked in a lot closest to our apartment. The town had pushcarts available so we used two of them to carry Daria's stuff. It didn't take long to push the carts across town to our building.

We took Earl to a Mexican restaurant for dinner and we all chowed down on sizzling fajitas. He was the boisterous life of the party and we had a great time.

After her father left, Daria and I spent the evening unpacking her things. The master bedroom's huge walk-in closet had more than enough space to accommodate her clothes and mine. I let her handle what to do with the rest of her personal stuff. She didn't bring any furniture or other large items because the apartment already had all of that.



Daria's occasional bouts of shyness drove me wild. When she was timid and hesitant I had an urge to jump her and lick every inch of her body. Isn't that weird? I don't know why it was so attractive to me.

I couldn't tell her because it would surely make her self-conscious. And anyway, I didn't want her to "act" shy, I only wanted her to be that way if it came naturally.

That day, I came back from a workout at our building's fitness center and I was wearing a black sports bra and black leggings. I looked hot in it, if I do say so myself, and I was slightly perspiring which made my skin glow.

Daria's eyes darted to me and away, then again and again. She was too shy to just stare, which was super cute. To entice her, I put my arms over my head and stretched my entire body.

Her eyes jumped back to me for a moment but again quickly flicked away. I suppressed a chuckle and stood there watching her, drinking in my girlfriend's endearing timidity and letting it stoke my libido.

She caught me staring and my eyes must have been smoldering because she blushed red and glanced away before bashfully returning her eyes to me.

"God, you're sooooo cute," I groaned. I pounced on her like a lioness on prey.

"Ellie!" my sister squealed.

In seconds I stripped off her sweats and wriggled out of my skintight sports bra and leggings. I pushed her back on the sofa and climbed on in the 69 position.

My sudden attack surprised her, but she immediately began kissing my inner thighs. The girl loved to get her head between my legs! I dove right in too, mimicking her kisses to the inner thighs.

In ten minutes we were both moaning and grunting. Fingers plunged in twats and tongues teased clits. We were both rising toward orgasm, but I didn't want that yet.

I surprised her again by suddenly getting up. "Let's take this to the bedroom," I urged. I grasped her hand and pulled her along after me. She looked dazed.

"What's gotten in to you?" she asked as I guided her onto our king-size bed.

"I want to show you something," I told her. I opened my nightstand drawer and pulled out my trusty double-ended dildo. It was bright purple. "I'm not really into toys, but I've had fun with this one. It's called the Share double dildo. This end goes in me. It's wide up here but narrow here, so I can squeeze it with my vaginal muscles and hold it in place. This bump also helps hold it in place and can stimulate our clits as well. The rest is shaped like a typical dick. That's for you, of course. It's a decent size but not humongous. The head has a nice ridge. I think you'll like it. Wanna give it a go?"

"I guess," she hesitantly agreed.

I generously coated both ends in lube and used my hands to warm the plastic. Pushing my end into me wasn't difficult because I was worked up from our 69 session, but I took it slow because the thing was fat.

Once it was in, I let Daria get a good look. It looked like I'd grown a purple prick. Her eyes got wide and she grinned. "It looks funny. Why is it purple?" she asked and giggled.

"I don't know. Maybe it's modeled after that purple dinosaur's dick." We both laughed. "Ready?" I crawled between her legs and the head of the plastic dick bumped against her pussy.

She nodded.

I nudged the head in. Like me, she was well prepped by our 69 session. Just a little push and half slid in.

"Ooooo," she groaned.

"You good?"

"Uh huh."

I pushed again and slowly impaled her with the rest.

Daria spread her legs wider and reached up to cup my tits. I slowly drew back then gliding back in. I worked into a nice easy rhythm.

She was smiling and playing with my boobs, but she didn't seem to be as into it as I wanted. So I decided to talk dirty to her the way she liked. "Your big sister is fucking you," I softly said.

"Oh god," she moaned.

"My little sister is going to cum on my dick."

She closed her eyes and thrust her hips at me.

I picked up my pace and angled it to rub more on the sensitive upper wall. "Fucking. Little. Sister," I exclaimed in time with thrusts.

"Ellllllllie," she whined.

"Cum for me," I urged.

Her hips flexed to meet every stroke, and her hands moved to her own boobs to pinch her nipples. "Almost there," she gasped.

I put a hand between us to twiddle her clit, and that pushed her over the peak.

"Ah!" she gasped. Her back arched and she tugged hard on her nipples. "Fuck!" Tremors shook her lithe body.

Mission accomplished. When she relaxed, I eased the dildo out of us and tossed it on the floor.

"So you liked that?" I inquired.

She cuddled against me. "Yeah, but I like lips, tongue and fingers more," she informed me.

"Me too," I agreed, "but some girls crave penetration."

"Not me, I guess."

"You don't want to do it again?"

"We can do it once in a while," she countered. "I mean, I did cum hard."

"We'll save it for special occasions."

"Can I fuck you with it?" she asked.

"Someday, sure. But for now I want it to be my thing. Is that alright?"

"Uh huh."

"Good," I said and gave her a kiss before I spun around to put us back in the 69 position we'd been in earlier.

An hour later we sprawled next to each other on the bed, naked, sticky, and wonderfully tired.

I looked over at my lover. Our eyes met and damned if she didn't blush again.

"Darrrrrrrria," I moaned, "you have no idea what you do to me." I quickly rolled on top of her.

"Ellie, we can't," she whined. "I'll be late for work."

"Fuck work," I said. "Quit and be my stay-at-home girlfriend."

Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. "I can't do that."

"Of course you can. We have more money than we'll ever need."

"I not gonna mooch off you," she stubbornly argued.

"Daria, I've told you the money is yours as much as mine. We're both rich. Both of us. Not just me. You don't need a job... at least not one you don't like."

She was quiet for a moment, then softly explained, "It doesn't feel like the money is mine."

"It is though," I repeated and kissed her. "I'm not gonna let you go to that job anymore. Some girl who really needs it can have it." To prevent her from fighting about it, I moved my lips to her right nipple and sucked it the way she adored.

"Elllllllllllllie," she groaned.

I kept her in bed for two more hours, and then made her officially quit her job. It was for her own good.

"So, what am I supposed to do all day now that I don't have a job?" Daria asked.

I smirked.

"Other than sex with you I mean," she responded with her cute shy smile.

"Find a hobby, exercise, learn to play an instrument, do charity work. You have the time and money to do anything you can imagine."

My adorable redheaded lover thought about it and nodded.

"Or you could endlessly pamper your big sister," I joked.

Daria smiled and bestowed me with a kiss. "I can do that."

Later that day, I was settled into my favorite spot on the sofa, watching TV.