The Letter Pt. 02 - More Fun & Games


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Awe struck by the dark one's beauty, and her sexy purple bra, Jason turned and started to advance toward her as she backed herself into the corner away from the door.

Motioning to Peggy, she half whispered, as she pointed at door. "Go... go... Get out of here."

When Benny saw their crazy attacker start to turn back to Peggy-- as she slowly scooted sideways and off the bed-- she cried out, "Hey mister, you like my bra. I bet you do. But I bet you will like what's underneath better. You wanna me to take it off?"

Jason, distracted once again, turned his attention back toward Benny.

Reaching behind her she started to unhook her bra as Peggy crossed the bedroom toward the door. She was almost as the door, when she got moving too fast in her high heels and stumbled, loudly, smacking against the doorframe.

Jason grunted as he turned back toward the blonde one. He was just starting after her when Benny bravely reached out, snatching his arm as she yelled, "Run, Peggy, run."

Peggy propelled herself through the doorway as Jason struggled, not very hard though as he didn't want to hurt the pretty brunette, to extract himself from her grip.

Finally, he managed to wrench himself free, before pushing her gently away and heading toward the door.

After reaching the great room, Jason experienced a brief moment of panic, not knowing if the girl escaped through the front door, or the back door, before he felt a draft of air coming from the kitchen. Heading for the kitchen, he saw the back door was still partially open.

Racing across the kitchen, he dashed outside just in time to see his prey reach the edge of a small grouping of trees. Luckily for his half naked prey, the night air was unseasonably warm.

Setting off at a hurried gallop, he gave chase knowing he would be easily able to catch up to her in a less than a minute, considering how slowly the blonde girl was now stumbling through the sparse forested area in her high heels.

The chase, text book grade B horror movie stuff with the pretty young girl wearing nothing but her bra and panties and high heels, stumbling through the woods while being chased by a deranged killer, was all going down exactly the way the clever Maria designed it.

Maria assured the girls, although it was Peggy who really was the only one who needed reassuring since Benny already knew this, the land behind the cabin for quite a ways back was their private property, and with no close neighbors to speak of their privacy was ensured.

Of course, she told them the chase scene outside would only be done weather permitting. She had a backup plan, just in case of inclement weather, but the girls were able to fast forward through that part of the tape since it was a warm night.

Peggy lurched ahead, clumsily, in her high heels, heading for a stand of trees to her left. Hearing her "attacker" coming up behind her, she decided to do things by the classic horror movie text book: she stumbled and fell, allowing her attacker to catch her.

He stood looking down at her for a long moment, allowing the tension to build as Peggy sat there, looking up at her masked attacker, helplessly.

Finally, Jason reached down snatching his helpless prey up by her arm.

"Please, mister, don't hurt me," Peggy cried as her attacker half pushed, half pulled her to a nearby large red oak tree.

Peggy glanced back, wondering if Benny was coming to save her. She could just make out the cabin, thanks to the light on in the bedroom, through the stand of trees, but there was no sign of Benny coming to her rescue. Far from intending on rescuing her cousin, Benny instead was inside the cabin's bedroom, humming softly while preparing things for Act II of the night's drama.

She was rudely shoved back up against the trunk of the large tree as once more she plead for mercy. "Please mister, you can do anything you want to me... just don't hurt me."

His only response was a low grunt as he grabbed one of the two sets of handcuffs dangling from his utility belt. Wasting no time, he cuffed the blonde girl's hands up and over her head, behind the thick trunk of the tree.

Jason took a deep breath as he stared at the helpless blonde girl, allowing his desire to build.

"Please mister..." Peggy whispered as she watched him raise the threatening machete. She then flinched when he violently threw the machete, sharp end first, down toward the ground, just to the left of the tree. The machete easily stuck in the soft ground as he reached out and kindly stroked the young blonde's pretty face.

"Please... what is your name?" Peggy whispered while the stranger used one finger to trace small circles across first one cheek, then another before he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear, "Cute girl."

"Yes, yes. I am a cute girl and the cute girl wants kisses. Do you wanna kiss me, Mister?"

Her attacker did not respond for a long moment as he continued to stroke her cheek, before he spoke, again in a deep throaty whisper just barely loud enough for her to hear. "Ja-son."

Peggy smiled inwardly at the way her uncle was so cleverly disguising his voice by using such a deep, throaty whisper.

"Good, good, my name is Peggy. Do you wanna kiss me... Jason? You can if you want but you'll have to take off your mask. I bet you are handsome."

Jason slowly pulled a black bandana out of his pocket. He shook it out, revealing a Jolly Roger with red glowing eyes imprinted in the middle. Carefully, he wrapped the bandana around Peggy's head before adjusting it just right to completely cut off her vision.

"Good, good," she whispered. "This way I can't see you. Better that way huh but you are still going to kiss me right?"

There was no answer. Peggy could hear his heavy breathing, could feel her uncle's eyes crawling all over her nearly naked body, and despite her helpless circumstances, or maybe because of them, this excited her immensely. Her singular thought at this point was how absolutely, devilishly, brilliant her Aunt Maria truly was, considering how the naughty little game they were playing was turning out.

Bending over, he picked up the machete. He brought it slowly up to the blonde's mid-section, allowing the sharp point of it to rest delicately just above the blonde's cute little belly button.

Ever so slowly, ever so lightly, as to not cut her, he scrapped the sharp edge up and across the flat plain of her perfectly toned tummy. Peggy let out a long shuddering breath as the point played delicately along her skin causing her to break out in goosebumps.

He toyed with her boobs momentarily, scrapping the flat edge of the machete along the smooth satin material of her bra, before he withdrew it. Next, she heard the soft thud of the machete being buried in the ground when he threw it down again.

Peggy held her breath waiting for what he would do next. She felt his hot breath tickling her neck, his hands around her belly and rising, causing a stirring of excitement in between her legs.

He kissed her. Hot and passionately, yet with a tenderness utterly turning her on. When he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she found herself responding by allowing her own tongue to go exploring. His mouth tasted like cinnamon gum as she punched her tongue into it, swirling it around to good effect --she assumed-- when she felt him stiffen.

His hands were pawing gently at her tits now through her pretty pink satin bra causing the previously gentle stirring between her legs to become more pronounced.

Jason's kisses slid off her lips, slipping down to her neck and throat, attacking it with such lustfulness as to cause the stirrings between her legs to explode into shameless desire.

"Take my bra off, Jason," she hissed at him.

He responded by pulling back. She could feel his eyes upon her once more as he bent over to pick up the machete. Once again, she felt the sharp point resting just above her belly button, and then it being ever so carefully dragged upwards.

When it reached the lower edge of her bra, he paused, letting the tension build. "Do it," she whispered at him harshly.

After another brief pause, he neatly sliced open her bra in the middle. The cool night air assaulted her bare boobs making her large nipples snap to attention.

She could sense him staring at her tits, could hear his breath, ragged and heavy, could feel the cold steel of the flat side of his machete toying with her boobs briefly before she heard the machete fall and hit the ground.

He cupped her tits delicately. His hands were a bit coarse but warm, and felt entirely delicious as he gently fondled her tits. Once more they kissed, rough and passionate. Pressing his lower body against her, she felt his immense hardness as he started to lose control.

Fondling her tits with a greater urgency, he propelled his tongue deep in her mouth, giving her a passionate series of kisses such as she never experienced before in her young life.

Again, she felt his kisses slipping down off of her mouth. This time they didn't stop until they reached the twin peaks of her gloriously naked tits.

Peggy let out a long moan as his tongue delicately flickered across first one, and then the other of her fully erect nipples.

"Oh God suck on them please," she moaned as the incessant teasing continued.

Obliging his captive, Jason began slurping loudly on her tits, causing her to squirm wildly against the trunk of the tree. She allowed him to feast on her virgin boobs for some time before she whispered, "Please... it's... it's my turn... to suck on something."

Jason pulled back, staring at the young blonde thoughtfully.

"Please... you want me to put it in my mouth. I will."

He reached out, using both hands on her shoulders to push her gently down to her knees. Peggy could feel the dirt staining her knees even as she heard him unzipping his dark jeans.

Peggy's heart rate nearly trebled when she felt his hardness pushing against her mouth. She had never had a cock in her mouth before, but felt she knew what to do from the way her friends described, in graphic detail, what they did to their boyfriend's when they gave them blowjobs.

Taking a deep breath, Peggy told him, "Wow you're... you're so big and hard, Jason."

Reaching down, Jason tangled one hand deep in her luscious blonde hair before pulling her face forward just as she whispered again, "This will be my first time you know."

Jason wondered if that could be true just as he let out a shuddering breath when he felt his rigid cock slide into her mouth.

Peggy slurped, if not expertly but eagerly on, her uncle's cock before pulling back. Twisting her mouth around, she attacked his manhood with a gentle series of kisses all up and down his immense, hard shaft. Upon reaching the tip of his penis again, she opened wide taking as much as she could deep in her mouth.

Peggy began to suck on it with joyous enthusiasm, egged on by the way she could hear him moaning ever louder and louder.

She slowed her pace as she felt his fingers twisting into her hair tightly, forcing more of him deeper in her mouth. She pulled back, letting it almost slip from her mouth as she twisted her tongue around the bulbous head of his cock. She heard him let out another low moan allowing her to believe she was doing a really good job.

Benny was close now. Her mind was wholly focused, just as her mother insisted it must be, in this being not her father, but some highly disturbed stranger.

Peering around the trunk of the tree she was hiding behind, she saw their attacker getting a blow job from her best friend.

Fighting the jealous feeling washing over her from seeing his cock in another woman's mouth, Benny gripped the thick piece of firewood tighter in her hand.

Creeping out from behind the tree, she cinched her robe around her body as she slowly approached the stranger getting pleasured by her friend. Resisting the urge to smile, she raised the piece of firewood over her head before plucking the "stranger" on top of the head with it.

Jason was about to squirt a huge load in the young blonde's virgin mouth when he was rudely smacked by the firewood on top of his head. Although she only hit him lightly, still it was enough to ruin his pending orgasm, while hurting just enough to get his attention. Pulling back, he turned and found himself face to face with the gorgeous brunette.

"Hey," she hissed quietly at him, "You are supposed to fall over and play dead so we can escape."

After a brief pause, Jason fell over, playing dead... just like the brunette wanted. Of course, he would do anything for her as she was the love of his life.

Leaning down, she whispered in his ear. "Now remember wait there until we disappear deeper in the woods and then head back to the cabin and hide in the bedroom closet... just as planned."

Jason only grunted in response as he closed his eyes, eager to play along with whatever the dreamy brunette girl told him.

Producing the spare key from her robe pocket, her mother told her on the tape where it was hidden in the kitchen, Benny, after tearing the bandana off of Peggy, quickly unlocked the hand cuffs securing her cousin to the tree.

"Wow... you were just in time," Peggy cried. "I think he was about to... you know... in my mouth."

"Shhh, we can talk about that later. Let's go... Here I brought you a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. Put them on," Benny told her as she thrust a gray tee shirt and a pair of navy blue U of M gym shorts in her hands.

"Hurry," Benny admonished her cousin as she got dressed. Once she had the shorts and tee shirt on Benny grabbed her hand and dragged her, purposefully, deeper into the woods.

Just before disappearing in the wrong direction though, Benny tossed the handcuffs down on the ground next to the prone Jason, along with Peggy's ruined pink bra, and the Jolly Roger bandana. "Here... a couple souvenirs from the bit of fun you just had with my innocent little cousin you asshole," she said with a giggle.

Maria's plan was simple after Benny's hit and pretend knock out of Jason/her daddy in the dramatic rescue scene. Benny was to lead Peggy away from the cabin for a short distance, allowing him time to recover from the dramatic death blow he just received. Once he recovered, which would take all of twenty seconds or so, he was to quickly make his way back to the cabin where he would hide and wait for the girls to return.

The plan went accordingly as when the girls circled back around from being lost, they passed by the spot where they had left the allegedly unconscious Jason. Both he and the machete were gone... along with the handcuffs and bra.

They both smiled at each other before hurrying back to the cabin, although Peggy's smile was a bit more worrisome. Rushing inside, they quickly made a beeline for the perceived safety of the bedroom where they closed and locked the door.

Benny hustled about the room, pulling the curtains shut before turning off the light. "I think we are safe now."

"Please I don't like the dark," Peggy whined.

"Fine, fine, I will light a couple of the candles on the nightstands."

After lighting a sole candle on each of the nightstands, Benny turned to her cousin. "Better?"

"A little, but I'm still scared."

Benny smiled sympathetically at her lil cousin, knowing her mother had chosen their roles perfectly. She was the brave, strong one, and Peggy the shy, sweet, innocent one, scared of her own shadow. If her cousin was indeed acting, Benny thought she should earn an academy award for the role she was playing.

Benny moved closer to her. "Oh Pegs, you are shaking."

"I know... just what happened out there was so real." Dropping her voice to a low whisper, she added, "I mean your daddy was real creepy."

Benny glanced at the closet, hoping her daddy had not heard what she said. Probably not, she had whispered it, but still... such talk would ruin their game. Moving her mouth to Peggy's ear she whispered, "Shhh, we can't talk about that. Remember what your Aunt Maria said to us, 'guys he is not your daddy, he is not your uncle, but a wild sex crazed maniac.' You promised you would play your role and not chicken out. Please keep playing... for me. I'm having fun."

Peggy took a deep breath. "OK, I don't wanna ruin your fun but promise me... you won't let anything happen to me, Benny. Promise."

"I promise, Peggy. Now you are still shaking. We need to do something to calm your nerves. I will be right back."

"Please don't leave me--" Peggy's voice trailed off to nothing as Benny was already out the door.

She moved over to the bed and sat down, trying to get her nerves under control.

Benny came bouncing back into the bedroom, holding a bottle of wine in one hand and a large carving knife in the other.

"What is the knife for," Peggy asked as Benny hurried over to her. "For our protection?"

"Protection from what. We are all alone, of course," Benny announced loudly before casting a sly glance toward the closet. The door previously only slightly ajar now appeared to be opened a bit wider.

"Take a couple big swigs of the wine, quickly and it will help relax you and then I will show you what the knife is for."

Peggy, with Benny prodding her along, quickly tipped the bottle to her mouth, taking a pair of hearty swigs.

"Now..." Benny smiled brightly at her cousin, hoping between the wine and her own relaxed attitude, it would help to calm her friend down. "Is that better?"

"Hmm, a bit," Peggy replied. "I feel a bit dizzy. I don't drink wine that much."

"Well you better get un-dizzy cousin because we are about to do something fun to help relax you even more and you are going to need to be on point... unless you want me to kick your ass."

"W-hat are you talking about, Benny," Peggy asked.

"Like I said, we need to do something fun to help relax you and what could be more fun than a good old fashioned girl on girl pillow fight."

"A pillow fight. Are you serious?" Peggy said.

"Absolutely. It will be fun... and physical. Trust me."

"Actually it does sound fun... especially the physical part," Peggy replied.

"But, of course, in order for it to be an authentic girly pillow fight we both need to be scantily dressed... which neither one of us are."

"It will be easier for me," Benny said with a smile as she quickly stripped off her robe revealing an ultra-sexy matching lace black bra and panties combination underneath.

"You changed out of your purple bra. I liked that. It was pretty," Peggy told her.

"Yeah, well I am in a... hmm darker mood now so I thought something sexy and black would be more fitting. What? You don't like it."

"No it looks super sexy on you Benny."

"Thanks. Now for you... your innocent but sexy pink bra would have been nice attire for the pillow fight but since a certain someone, who we won't talk about, sort of ruined it, I had to go to plan B."

Benny picked up the carving knife, moving closer to Peggy.

"What exactly is plan B?"

"First hurry go into the bathroom and strip off those shorts and tee shirt and then hand me back out the tee shirt only.


"Go, no questions you shall see," Benny said as she steered her cousin to the bathroom.

A minute later Peggy was facing off on the bed opposite her cousin. Her plan B pillow fight attire, thanks to a bit of handy knife work by her resourceful cousin, now consisted of her pink panties and her gray tee shirt, but this time there was much less of the gray tee shirt to speak of as Benny had turned it into a homemade crop top by neatly using the knife to cut off a good portion of the lower part of the shirt.

The jagged lower edge of the homemade crop top now, just by the narrowest of margins, covered Peggy's ample tits in a most alluring manner.

Benny took one quick glance over at the closet. The door, if anything was open even a bit wider now. If her cousin noticed she was not saying anything, but then again, this was by design considering her mom's instructions to them on the tape were specific: when you get back to the safety of the bedroom and are about to embark on your epic pillow fight do it without giving any thought to your watcher in the closet.