The Magic Remote Ch. 03


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We slid back into the pool and practiced for a bit. One of the benefits of practicing in shallow water was that I had something to stand on when I got tired. And I did get tired. Trying to focus on staying afloat using just my legs was much harder than I thought. June was patient with me, and we talked for a bit as I struggled.

"How long did it take you to learn this?" I asked, resting my legs for a second.

June tilted her head to the side. "About the same time it's taken you. Of course, learning it is easy. Mastering it is much harder. You'll soon find out how much we practice treading."

I groaned. "I'm not sure I want to."

"You'll love it, trust me. If nothing else, you'll love how good you'll look after the season ends."

"You're just saying that," I replied, pulling my legs off the bottom so I could try again.

She made a dismissive gesture. "We're seat partners, I'd never lie to you. Trust me, Water Polo builds muscle. You'll look good and feel good."

After June was satisfied with my treading, she watched me swim for a bit before we joined the others. I didn't get much time to talk to them. Dr. Larson had us begin a series of swimming drills that were exhausting. We started with swimming laps, then we began treading across the pool using only our hands. After a few laps of that, she pulled out some Water Polo balls and had us practice throwing and catching. Since I was still a beginner, I was paired with June.

It was hard trying to stay afloat and focus on catching the ball. At first, I tried to grip the ball, causing it to slip out of my hands. June couldn't help but laugh, but she was nice enough to show me the trick. Instead of gripping the ball, I was supposed to cushion the ball by bringing my arm back with the ball. This was useful as it set me up to immediately throw it. We practiced for a bit before Dr. Larson ended practice.

By the time we were done, I barely noticed I was wearing a speedo. None of the other guys made a big deal out of it, and neither did the girls. I felt a little self-conscious as I walked to the changing rooms, but once it was just the guys I felt a lot better. We chatted for a bit as we changed. They seemed cool, but my mind was elsewhere.

Fully clothed, I stepped onto the pool deck and tried to look for Dr. Larson. She was standing by the door, saying goodbye to everybody as they left. I was so focused on watching her that I didn't notice June sneak up behind me.

"So, what did you think?"

I jumped, almost falling into the pool. "Don't scare me like that." Once I was more stable I turned toward June. "It was fun. Much better than I thought, I guess."

With a wide smile, June nodded. "Yup, Water Polo's pretty great! Just wait until we start doing scrimmages, that's where the real fun is."

As the last person left, Dr. Larson yelled, "Mr. Green, June, my office!"

This was it. I checked to make sure the remote was still in my pocket. My hands wrapped around the small remote. June looked at her mother, confused, but did start to walk toward the office. Could I go through with this? After taking a deep breath, I followed June. This was what I wanted. Thanks to the remote, I could do whatever I wanted.

Dr. Larson's office was small. It had a desk with some chairs around it and a small bookshelf pushed against the wall. Degrees and awards were hung on the wall next to pictures of Dr. Larson and June. They looked happy. Before I began, I took one last look at the two women. This would be the last time they were their true selves.

Holding the remote, I pointed it at each of them and pressed the power button. It was time to get to work.


The process took much longer than I thought it would, but it was done. Dr. Larson was now my mother. According to her new memories, Mom and Dr. Larson had started dating around the same time Mom and Dad would have married. Because I could also use the remote to control Mom, even though she wasn't there, I gave her those memories as well. This meant that I had to erase Mom's memories of Dad and replace them with Dr. Larson. That was a sacrifice I was willing to make.

Using stem cell technology, they had me and June without the use of a sperm donor. This was so everyone would think we were all related. After all, this was to fulfill my incest kink. Since June was now my sister, I gave her some false memories of us growing up together. Using my memories of growing up with Aaron as a base, I reshaped her into the perfect sister.

During the whole process, I found it Dr. Larson's name was Piper. Since she and Mom would be a couple, I made sure Mom knew that. I also did the same for Mom's name. Piper and Candace, my mothers. I was sad that Dad would be forgotten, but I was excited to see what came out of this new relationship.

Even after I was done, there was still a lot to do. Piper and June needed to move into my house. There were a ton of documents that needed to be changed, and others who needed their memories changed. I decided to leave all that for another day.

Exhausted, I ended my control and waited to see the results of my work. It took a few minutes for Piper and June to become conscious again. Blinking rapidly and holding their heads, Piper and June slowly came back to reality.

"Why did you call us in here, Mama?" asked June. So it wouldn't be confusing for me, I decided to give Piper the nickname 'Mama' and my mom the nickname 'Mom.'

Piper smiled. "Oh, yeah, I just wanted to say good job today. Henry, I'm glad you decided to join the team. You and your sister will do great!"

I made a dismissive gesture. "I don't know, I still have a long way to go."

"Don't act so modest," said Piper. "You're my son, after all. You'll do just fine."

I couldn't help but grin. Everything was working. "For sure. By the way, aren't you guys moving in today? Do you need any help packing?" Of course, there weren't any plans for them to move in before I took control of them. This was all part of the process to make them family.

June nodded. "I do! I've still got loads of books I need to pack up."

"Alright, kids, I'll meet you both at the house," said Piper, laughing. "I've still got to finish some paperwork."

June and I left and drove to the Larsons' apartment. It was small, much smaller than I had assumed. Still, they wouldn't be living there for long, so it didn't matter. As quickly as we could, June and I packed up all their belongings and stuffed them into the back of our cars. We didn't worry about their furniture, we planned to come back for that over the weekend.

As we worked, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a video message from Dr. Carter. Without thinking, I called June over. Holding the phone so both of us could see it, I pressed play. In the video, Dr. Carter stepped in front of a full-length mirror. She wore a matching set of pink lace underwear. I wouldn't have called it lingerie, but it was still hot seeing so much of her. Dr. Carter did a couple of sexy poses before the video ended.

My eyes glanced at June. Her face was red. "Is that... Dr. Carter?" she asked. I nodded in response.

Stuttering, she asked, "C-could you send that to me?"

"Sure, sis, whatever you want." I sent her the video and the picture Dr. Carter had sent me yesterday.

"Thanks," she muttered, grabbing more of her books and placing them in a nearby box.

So June had a crush on Dr. Carter, there was a lot I could do with that. As we finished up for the day, I thought about how I wanted to include Dr. Carter in my plans. I didn't know enough about her to decide if I wanted her in the family or not, but that hadn't stopped me with June and Piper. Still, it was a lot of work changing them. I decided to wait until everything was settled before I added more people to the family.

With the essentials packed, June and I drove home. I waited in my car while I watched June walk up to the front door. In reality, she had never been to my house before, but in her mind, this was her home. She paused at the door, causing me to worry that my control had waned before she turned to look at me. Sticking out her tongue, she rushed inside and closed the door.

So this was what having a sister was like. Shaking my head, I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. Disappointment flashed across June's face as I entered. "No fair!" she exclaimed. "Mom hasn't given me my new keys yet."

I grinned. "Then you better hope I don't lock you out."

Mom peeked her head out around the corner. "Are you two getting along?"

June and I feigned innocence. "Yes, Mom," we said in tandem.

Mom shook her head. "Those two..." she muttered to herself.

Once she was gone, June and I smiled at each other, but our intentions behind the smiles were different. I was smiling because everything was going to plan. As far as anyone in the house knew, we were a family.

We spent the next hour unpacking. Since we didn't have a guest room, June's stuff was put in my room. Even though she had a lot of clothes, I had room in my closet so it was fine. As for the rest of her belongings, we made room where we could. I was a bit of a minimalist, so there was plenty of space.

However, since we hadn't moved any of the Larsons' furniture, there was only one bed, but June didn't mind. "Why would I have a problem sharing a bed?" she asked as we unloaded my car. "We've always shared a bed."

Yes, that was another false memory I had given her. It had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, but I was glad I had made it. While my full-sized bed could fit two people, it would be a tight fit. That was what I was looking forward to.

Piper's belongings were put in Mom's room. As they were supposed to be a couple, there weren't any problems with them sharing a room. In order to fit her stuff, I had to toss out some of Dad's old belongings. That was fine, most of it was his old clothes. It wasn't like he was going to wear it.

But was it fine? Was I really okay with erasing my Dad from existence? All to satisfy some fetish? I tried not to think too hard about it. This was what I wanted. Besides, Mom would be happier with Piper. I hoped she would be happier.

As June placed the last book she had brought in my bookshelf, the two of us collapsed on my bed. "We're finally done!" she exclaimed.

Mom knocked on my door. "June, Henry, dinner's ready."

Grinning, June raced out to the kitchen. I laughed. Before I left to follow her, I took a final look around my room. For my entire life, I'd had my own room. Now I was sharing it with a complete stranger who believed she was my sister. I shook my head. There was no turning back now.

While I still felt some guilt about messing with the Larsons' minds, dinner made me feel better. It was nice sitting at a full table. Mom and Piper listened happily as June and I talked about our day. I noticed that Mom and Piper held hands the whole time. That was good, it meant my commands had worked. As far as they knew, they were lovers.

Of course, that wasn't going to stop me from using the remote on either of them. I still had needs that needed to be fulfilled. After all, all of them were totally under my control. Whatever I wanted, they would do without a thought.

"Henry, can you pass me the potatoes?" asked June, interrupting my thoughts.

I tried to focus on dinner. "Yeah, no problem."

After dinner, I played games on my computer while June worked on her schoolwork. She laid on the bed, her books sprawled out around her. The way she kicked her toned legs as she focused on her work was cute. Every time she noticed me staring, she gave me a smile. I would then return the smile and go back to my game, before eventually finding myself staring at her again.

She was beautiful. Like her mother, her naturally tanned skin and muscular body made her look like a goddess. Her muscles were just the right size, not too big that they were a turn-off and not too small that you wouldn't notice them. June had untied her ponytail, letting her black hair hang down the side of her face. Now that we were alone, I noticed that she smelled like vanilla.

June yawned. "I'm beat. You ready for bed?"

I watched as my character was killed for the tenth time. "Yeah, I'm done."

As I shut off my game, June stood up and walked to the closet. She unbuckled her jeans and pulled them down, revealing her bright pink panties. "I can't wait until it gets cooler," she said as she pulled off her tank top. My eyes widened as they focused on her matching pink bra. In the brief amount of time I had known her, I had never guessed she would like that kind of clothing.

"Can you help me?" asked June, gesturing to her bra strap.

I nodded. With shaking hands, I grabbed the clip and unclasped her bra. It fell to the floor, where she kicked it to the side with her shirt and pants. Before I could get to see what had been underneath, she had thrown on an old white t-shirt. I wasn't too upset, there were plenty of chances for me to see more.

"Are you going to change too?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

Normally, I wore gym shorts and a t-shirt to bed, but I decided to mix it up. "Of course," I replied pulling off my shirt. Hesitating, I turned around before pulling off my pants. I left my boxers on, but they weren't doing much to keep me modest. Watching June change had given me a raging boner. I wasn't sure how she would react to seeing it, so I hid it as best I could.

Thankfully, I didn't have to hide it for long. Once June saw that I was done changing, she turned off the light and slipped into bed. Nervously, I joined her. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous, the magic remote would solve any problems if something went wrong. Yet, being so close to June in a state of undress drove me crazy.

I could feel the heat of her body and hear her soft breathing. Her foot gently rubbed along my leg as she laid with her back to me. As I grew more confident, I placed my hand on her hip. She didn't pull back or make any sign that she was uncomfortable. In fact, she scooted closer to me. I gasped as I felt her ass meet my groin.

June grabbed my arm and pulled it around her. "I love you, bro," she whispered.

"I love you too, sis," I replied.

She giggled. "I can tell," she said, slowly pushing her ass back against my erection.

Recoiling back, I stammered, "S-sorry."

June laughed, pulling me closer to her. "It's fine, Henry. Besides, I like having you so close to me."

"You do?" I had only made her believe she was my sister. Whatever she was doing was from her own mind. Or was it? Was this part of my intentions when I changed her? She smelled so good, I was having trouble thinking.

"Yeah," she replied, grinding her ass on my cock.

After yoga, Water Polo practice, packing and unpacking, and using the remote on three people at once, my stamina was at an all-time low. "June... If you keep doing that, it's going to get messy."

She stopped but didn't move back. "Sorry."

"It's fine. Let's just go to sleep." I could have tried to push things forward, but I was too tired,

"Are you going to be okay like that?" she asked, turning her head slightly to look at me. "I don't mind if you relieve yourself. Just don't make a mess."

My heart rate quickened. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Pull up something good on your phone, I need to get off too," she replied, sitting up in the bed.

With the covers still over both of us, I sat up in bed and pulled out my phone. Since Mom never checked my phone, I had a good amount of porn saved. Aaron always told me saving porn would lead to trouble, but I doubt he could have imagined this. As I scrolled through the thumbnails, June clicked on one before I could react. It was a video of a woman masturbating with a pink dildo. I had saved the video because the woman reminded me of Mom.

"This will do. No peeking, okay?" Slipping her hand under the covers, I could only guess what June was doing under there.

Since this was supposed to be for my benefit, I saw nothing wrong with jerking off as well. I held the phone between us as we masturbated together. Having to hide my cock under the covers made it slightly uncomfortable. Though being so close to June more than made up for that. She moaned quietly. My eyes drifted from the video, instead choosing to look at her face.

June bit her lower lip as she concentrated on the video. By the sounds coming from under the blankets, I guessed she was fingering herself pretty hard. She fidgeted in place, bumping into my shoulder as her emotions overwhelmed her.

"Sorry," she muttered, readjusting herself before bumping into me again.

As I had said before, my stamina was at an all-time low. Even if June hadn't been there, I knew I would have cum quickly. Grabbing some tissues, I prepared for my eventual climax. June's eyes darted from the video to tissues.

"Shit, me too. Fast forward to the good part," said June.

It was hard to scroll on a small screen with one hand, but I managed. As the women in the video squirted all over the floor, June and I came. I jerked forward, wrapping the tissues over the head of my cock to over splattering all over the sheets. June laid back, moaning as her climax washed over her body. After the last drop spilled out from my cock, I pressed pause on the video and laid back.

"Goodnight, bro," said June.

"Goodnight, sis."

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VisitorAnonVisitorAnon10 months ago

Good story. Not sure about the forced creation of a family that’s not based on blood. Making people who like you and treat you well forget their own selves, and their own family members, seems an ethically questionable life choice. But, it’s porn, and I’m ok with the use of the remote control to take down barriers that impede good sexual relationships. I am enjoying this a lot, and three episodes into it, I care about your lead characters and enjoy their universe. Looking forward to reading more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stupid plot twist, drops down from four stars to two. Hope you change your mind.

pitaya35pitaya35over 1 year ago

could have been a good story. But I simply can't understand why he would come up with such a stupid plan. Transforming people who are already kind to him, suppressing their memories, when all he had to do was to bring them together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

part 1 was the best

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why the hell is he jerking off when the ultimate goal is having an incestuous harem?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lost my interest. Too many moving parts now.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 1 year ago

I know that it's porn and that it's fictional but I can see so many complications popping up with a plot line like this one. Four stars.

DvusMasterDvusMasterover 1 year ago

Great story, eagerly awaiting the next instalment

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

(Chapter 3) - You are doing well, keep it up! Be careful as an author -- there is a difficulty in having too many members of a harem can get unmanageably difficult for an author as the number and accompanying necessary complexity of the relationships increase. You've had some good bits of realism as the main character confronts temptation, and his conscience makes him try to mitigate the consequences of his orders, yet he had failed in his resolve, so far. I will say, I personally found that his deletion of his father from the memories of those who loved him was a surprise, and a particularly heartless choice for a loving son to make about his father's very existence! Is this a line crossed much too far, and the character will have to confront the coldness of that choice? Plus, people live in networks and communities, and the main character can't control the memories of them all!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Keep it up. Waiting for part 4

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great 😀

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Brilliant story keep it going please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love this plot, keep it up!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 1 year ago

A little strange ...

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 1 year ago

I'm really liking this story. I can see a lot happening here.

The Aaron factor throws it for me, but I can see how a friend on the side can help process things.

Please keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Strong set up. Needs more sex

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Over complicated the family switch

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So complicated it's practically metaphysical! At least our hero tries to not make a complete dog's breakfast of it all… he actually gets too tired to fuck!

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