The Manipulatrix Ch. 02


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And also, for that same reason, knowing he'd want to feel useful while sharing our home, I'd let him take over all the housekeeping. Before that, I used the in-house Pantana housekeeping service; it was just added on to the rent, and a housekeeper would come once a day and take care of whatever I'd requested. Now I'd canceled that, so he'd be able to do it all, and feel good that he wasn't just some useless deadbeat, like some squatter at his girlfriend's place. I told him this is OUR home now, so I wanted him to have a role, so he wouldn't feel like he was just *there*.

I said the other contracts weren't that important, and I didn't really want to burden him with all the details, but basically he'd be liable for all his personal expenses, and I'd keep detailed records: His bus pass, his phone, his white bread and bologna, any personal supplies, gas for his car, maintenance on his car. (I had already added yesterday's bill to that.) Basically, one contract said he was responsible to reimburse me for all such expenses, but of course, it didn't really matter now. I just didn't want him to feel embarrassed or emasculated by the idea that his girlfriend was paying for everything for him.

Another contract simply put force to the monthly "alimony" I was collecting from him. Of course, it wasn't properly called alimony, legally; Claire came up with some fancy term for it, but basically it was an agreement that he would pay that amount to me every month, in perpetuity, until and unless we both agreed to annul the contract.

Another contract was a loan agreement: I was loaning him the money to pay off his car, because if those car payments lapsed, it would get repossessed. And I couldn't let that happen to him; he would feel like such a failure. So he was responsible to pay back the loan to me, at whatever interest rate was on there (which Claire knew, I couldn't remember). Also part of the loan was to pay his outstanding utilities, and his back rent. I told him I would take care of paying all that.

So it wasn't a humiliating bailout; it was a way for him to get back on his feet and not feel like a failure. Accomplishment is very important to men, ladies, so you always want to set your man up to feel successful in that regard.

He wouldn't be sharing my bedroom but would have his own room. It was important that he really feel like this was OUR apartment now, not just his girlfriend's place, where he was a perpetual guest. So I wanted him to have his own space there. I had prepared a "man cave" for him, to make him really feel at home. I had a hallway closet that was about 4 by 4, and wasn't really being used. There was a broom in it, but that's about all. I decided that would be perfect for his bedroom.

It was completely bare, though, so it needed a girl's touch: I decided to decorate it a little, to make it cozy for him. I put a bunch of my clothes on the rod. Many were dresses which hung down almost to the floor. Then, noticing a hook on the inside of the door, I found a hanging canvas shoe rack, filled it with my shoes, and hung that in there, too. We went out and found a dog bed, one for large breed dogs, which would fit into the floor space perfectly and make a cozy little bed for him. He'd have to sleep curled up, with lots of dresses hanging around him or just above him. It would make him feel nestled and cozy, which I was just sure he would love.

The shelf in the closet had nothing on it, so he could use that space to put all his things, which just consisted of his clothes, because we sold everything else he had in his old apartment. Of course I kept all the cash from that, because I did all the work to sell the stuff, and also, I didn't want to give it to him and have him be embarrassed, you know, just receiving a handout.

Speaking of clothes, I insisted he never wear any in the apartment. I was pushing him out of his comfort zone a little, but sometimes, girls, it's in your man's best interest to do that. I felt like he was still a little ashamed about losing his old apartment and having to rely on me for shelter, and that kind of thing, and about aging, since he was getting into his 40s and maybe he didn't feel as virile, or in as good physical shape, as he used to be. So having him naked all the time would help him get more comfortable with his body, plus he'd get to show it off to me all the time, and even show it off to Zoe or my other girlfriends, or even some of my guy friends, when they were there. People would get to see his chastity tube, too, and admire what a caring, loving, devoted boyfriend he was. I knew he would be very proud of that.

We had lots of hot sex that first weekend he was there. He pleasured me again and again with his tongue, and then with his penis inside me (after I strapped it onto his face, of course). In between sessions, I would lounge around, watching movies or chatting with my girlfriends on the phone while he did housework. At night, after he made love to me with his penis some more, I'd let him go to his room to go to bed. But of course, after he'd given me so much pleasure, I wanted to make sure he was satisfied, too. So I'd smear a little toothpaste on the head of his penis as it poked out the end of his chastity tube, smear some on his balls and put a little up his butthole, then I'd use pantyhose to tie my panties over his nose, or maybe one of my shoes. Then I'd let him go to his room, and he'd be able to enjoy my scent, and the cool burning in his crotch, while he settled down into his cozy bed. This way, even though we weren't sleeping in the same bed, he wouldn't feel so alone when he went to his room.

I don't cook, so every evening my boyfriend made dinner. This was always a special time of togetherness for us. It would have been easy for me to just eat while watching TV, or messing around on my laptop. But I made sure, instead, to use that time to give him some undivided attention. I would eat at my high table, on a stool, and let him kneel under the table on the hardwood floor, and as I ate, I'd put one bare foot under his balls, and rub them, and put my other foot in his mouth. These romantic moments helped keep the spark alive between us, and I'd share with him some details about my day while he was at work, some shopping I did, or a cafe Zoe and I went to, that kind of thing. After dinner, I might go relax on the couch, and let him get back to his housekeeping. Sometimes some of the delicious food he'd made was left over, and I always loved bragging on him to my friends, about his wonderful cooking skills, which I knew made him feel proud. So I'd have him save the leftovers so Zoe, or Katrina, or whoever might visit that night, or the next day, could have some. Of course, I always had his favorite, white bread and bologna, on hand for him, so he would usually have that for dinner while he cleaned up the kitchen.

As the weeks went by, I noticed that sometimes he would get a little irritable. Sometimes, girls, we are really unfair to our men when it comes to this. Somehow we think we're the only ones allowed to be bitchy now and then. We forget that men have feelings, too, and they can get a little testy. One evening, Zoe and I were trying on a bunch of different outfits, getting ready to go out dancing. We were laughing, and getting a little silly, and tossing clothes and shoes and jewelry all over my room. I asked my boyfriend to bring me something, and he got a little testy with me. But I didn't get angry, because again, girls, we have to remember nobody's perfect, and your man just needs a little patience sometimes. I realized he could really use a little time to himself, so I walked with him to his man cave and said, "Hun, why don't you just relax in here a little while? You seemed stressed."

Before he moved in, there was just an ordinary doorknob on that closet-turned-bedroom, but I had a new one put in that locked from the outside. And of course there was no light in there, so this way he could gather his thoughts and not be distracted. With the door locked, he wouldn't be able to let himself out, but still, he might call out to me, for me to open the door. You know, he might feel pressured to get back to his chores, or he might start to feel like he's hurting my feelings by hiding away in his man cave, or something like that, and I didn't want him to have to worry about that. So I put his gag/dildo in his mouth and strapped it to his head, so he wouldn't feel pressured to speak. Of course, he might be tempted to just take that off of himself, so I helped him avoid that temptation, too, by cuffing his wrists behind him, and cuffing his ankles, and using rope to tie them together tightly.

Now he could just lie down and relax, and not feel guilty about taking time for himself. And to help calm him, I gave him a little aromatherapy by putting my worn panties over his nose, and tying them to his face with pantyhose. Then, finally, I dabbed some toothpaste on my finger and slid it up his butthole, to give him some sensation to help him turn his mind away from whatever had been making him irritable.

Then I closed the door and locked it, so he could be cozy, and wouldn't have to feel bad about taking a few hours for himself. Many women feel threatened when their man wants to spend time alone, but you should let him do it, ladies, because you'll find that if you do, he'll come back to you much more attentive and appreciative.

Earlier I mentioned performance anxiety, where our men worry that we'll be unsatisfied with their sexual performance. I had a good solution to that issue as well. Of course I loved my boyfriend's penis, and how he pleased me with it, but all of us need a little variety in our sex lives. So one night I told my boyfriend I'd probably be out very late, because Zoe and I were going to the club with her boyfriend and this guy, Rich, a friend of his. I told my boyfriend he could put his mind at ease about my intercourse pleasure, because Rich was willing to offer me some of that tonight, so, first of all, my boyfriend would be allowed to turn in early, and get plenty of rest in his bed, while I was out.

But I'd make sure we got to see each other before morning, because when I came home, I'd come into his room, and he could maybe lie on his back, and bend at his waist, and put his legs up along the wall. Then I could sit on his face and allow him to give me loving kisses on my butt and pussy, and french-kiss them both. It would a nice little change, too, because my pussy wouldn't have the same old taste he was used to. It would taste different, almost like he was being naughty with someone else, and wouldn't that be exciting? As I've said before, it's good to spice things up like this, so your man doesn't get bored with you.

Once I'd paid his overdue bills, and paid off his car loan completely, I waited a month or two for his credit score to go up. I kept up the minimum payments on his credit cards, so before long, his credit score increased enough that I knew I was ready to help him take on some more debt. Even though he didn't see any of the statements anymore, I could help him feel really good, and more like a man, by taking him out with me to shop, with some new credit cards. So I had him apply for several, and we also went to some stores and had him apply for store cards, and we applied for a couple of gas cards as well. The store and gas cards had really high interest rates, of course, but that's OK, because again, his failed marriage was still painful for him. I knew keeping his debt as high as possible was really helping the whole healing process for him.

So I let him come with me from store to salon, to store, to boutique, to restaurant, to club, to store, to cafe, so we could have that togetherness time, just the two of us, and occasionally Zoe, or Katrina, or some hairdressers or manicurists, and I worked really hard to show him how much I care for him by maxing out all those new cards.

You might wonder, though, why I would max them out when I was now in charge of all the bills. Wouldn't I just end up paying it all back, with interest? Why not just pay for all those things outright, from my money (which, as you recall, is abundant)? Well, here is where a lot of women let their hearts rule their heads. Are you ready for some straight talk, girls?

As much as we all want to believe that our current love will be the love that lasts forever, all we have to do is look around to see that, in most cases, it doesn't. So it's important to have a plan, in case things don't work out. Sometimes people grow apart, and they reach a point where it's best to go their separate ways. What if one day, my boyfriend dropped a bomb on me, and said he didn't want to be with me anymore? Or what if, for some reason, I grew unsatisfied, and realized the old spark between us was no longer there, and wasn't coming back?

So I was looking out for my future, AND his. First of all, if we ever split up, I wouldn't want to just leave him with nothing. And I wouldn't want him to end up feeling like he was just nothing to me, so I was making sure to keep all his debt safe for him, so he would have it to remember us by. He would always know how special he was to me. It would be cruel to just pay everything off, and turn him out with no bills, no creditors, no alimony to pay me, no loan repayments to me.... nothing but his regular paycheck. I mean, he wouldn't even have his pink convertible anymore, because I had already bought that. I couldn't do that to him.

So I made sure that once every card he had was maxed out, and he couldn't get approved for any more, that I sent in those loan checks that had come in his mail... you know those checks you get for 30 thousand, or 50 thousand, or 90 thousand, that you can sign and cash, and it activates a really high interest loan? Those are intended for people who have high credit card debt and want to just pay it all off, so they'll just have one payment. Of course the new debt ends up costing a lot more in interest than the debt they eliminate... but anyway, I activated a couple of those, and went ahead and just put the money into my savings. And that helped him a lot, because just doing that almost doubled his debt. As I mentioned before, my annual income is over 10 times his, and I was able to get his total debt almost equal to my annual income.

At that point, I stopped making payments on any of it, and that way his debt would continue to multiply. The longer we stayed together, the more he would owe to creditors (and that's not even *counting* what he would owe me), and if we broke up, this would help him move on with his life. He would have a purpose, and not just be lost.

So like I said, we'd all like to believe love will last forever, but ... I don't know ... lately I *do* feel like my boyfriend and I are drifting apart a little. Maybe I'm just imagining it. Maybe it'll pass. But if not, and if I have to break up with him, at least I won't have to feel guilty that I didn't do everything possible to set him up for the next chapter of his life. I'll know he won't have to feel just dumped, and left with nothing. I mean, I know he might feel a little ashamed accepting a few bucks from me for bus fare, to leave my place and get to wherever he'd go next. But of course, I'd put that on his tab for him.

I guess I'll give it a little more time, and see if things improve and I start feeling better about us. If I realize I just can't go on like we are, I'll choose an opportune time to break it to him. Christmas is coming up in a few weeks, so Christmas Eve could be a good night to break up, because then the next day would be a holiday, and that would help him take his mind off his sadness, at least for a little while. It's important to handle these things sensitively.

Sometimes I wonder if he still has feelings for his ex-wife. So if I had to break up with him, maybe I could offer to call her for him, and let him know how happy I had been with him, and all the ways he was so sweet to me, and did she know what a wonderful cook, and what a great housekeeper, he was? Not to mention what a great lover, and how skilled he was with his tongue, and his new penis? Maybe she'd want to rekindle the old flame, and she'd take him back. He wouldn't have anything to offer financially, but since by now she was getting along fine without him to contribute in that way, maybe she would be OK with it. And that would be a great way to show him I still care about his happiness, even if we're no longer together.

I'm sure if we broke up, he would offer to let me keep some of the gifts I've given him. Like he might say, "You can have this chastity tube back." But I'd say, "Oh, no, hun, you can keep it. The gifts I gave you weren't conditional, they were yours to keep forever." Besides, I don't know how much use that chastity tube would be to me, especially without the keys, which I can't find. I had put them in the safe deposit box at the bank, but the last time I went there, to get some jewelry I thought Katrina might like, I fished around in the box and didn't see the keys. They might turn up eventually, but I wonder if they fell out when I was in that box some other time. They might have fallen on the bank floor and got vacuumed up that night. Who knows. Anyway, the point is, I can't just take back everything I gave him just because we're not together anymore.

And it's not like we'd never see each other again. He would see me and Claire in court, when we get a judge to garnish his wages to go toward his debt to me. And any time he finds he has a little money, he could always call my chat line and spend a few bucks per minute to talk to me, or he could buy a skype session with me, or something. I wouldn't just shut him out of my life, like he meant nothing to me.


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