The Marriage Ch. 05


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"My husband, may I present mistress Kady," Angelica said with a sneaky smile. Kady curtsied to me, but her eyes were on Balen.

"Well met, mistress Kady," I responded, smiling, "you know my friend, master Balen?"

"We have met in passing, my Lord," Kady said. Balen looked to faint on the spot. He gave an unconfidant bow.

"Mistress Kady...'tis are." Balen's words were lost in his throat. He coughed and I saw a fierceness come into his eyes. He stood up straighter. "I would court you if your family would allow." It was sudden and unexpected. He had leaped past all preamble. Angelica covered her mouth to hide her grin.

"Oh, what a lovely beginning," Kady replied with delight. She held out her hand which Balen took properly. "I hear your voice is as pleasant to ears as your visage is to my eyes." Balen's smile grew and he emptied himself of his thoughts about her beauty. Angelica and I only heard the first few moments since they had forgotten us and moved off to speak alone.

"You work fast, my love," I said humorously.

Angelica smiled. "Was not hard work. She was already infatuated. I did not but quicken the pace. I do believe Balen would have been old and gray afore he confronted her."


It was later than we wished when we decided to depart. It would be well dark by the time we made it home. We would not ride fast, not with Angelica's condition. It took quite a while to say our farewells. The King of Spring was fast asleep on his throne so the 'queen' did the honors.

We retrieved our mounts and started the long journey back. We had not even made it out of town before six other riders joined us.

"Your escort, my Prince," the lead rider called out as they approached, "we will not have the princess in danger this night." I smiled and welcomed the six men. I recognized two as merchants I had spoken to earlier. Three of the men had even retrieved arms before they joined us.

"Thank you kindly, Sirs," I said to all, "we overstayed, and welcome your guard." The talk moved to a rehash of the events of the festival. I acquired the history of the King and Queen of Spring. They were man and wife, he a tailor of some reputation. It was suspected his wife did the bulk of the work, but no one questioned him since the quality was high.

It was quite dark when we heard riders approaching at great speed. I was doubly happy the men had decided to escort. I maneuvered Storm in front of the princess and the others surrounded her. It was tense, but for naught. It was Commander Kancraft and a small contingent of guard.

"The king was worried, my Prince," Boris called as soon as we recognized each other.

"I had ample protection, Commander," I said brightly, "we overstayed, and these men have chosen to make our travel easy."

"It is good to know there are such brave souls," Boris said, nodding to our escort. It was a strong compliment from the commander of the kingdom's forces. The escort took it as such and straightened in their saddles.

"Commander, the merchants have asked us to coordinate our north road patrols with their caravans." I gestured to the two merchants that were present. "It seems a reasonable request and I intend to grant it." Boris's eyes went high in thought. A sly smile formed.

"What say we do one better, my Prince," Boris schemed. "If they are willing, we can gather many with large loads, a tasty morsel that cannot be ignored." He looked at the merchants. "You can make a show of it. Add empty crates and barrels if there is not enough product." Boris's smile grew. "I tire of these brigands. We could draw them out with a large force in the waiting. If it works, unseemly men would think twice afore confronting a Southerson merchant again."

Details were discussed out on the road. There would be soldiers in disguise on every wagon with horns as signals. A small force in front and a larger in the rear. The merchants were most pleased to help with the clearing of the road. One trip's risk was worth a future of safe travel. It was set. A trap conceived by crown and commoner. It was a splendid thing if it worked.

It was not a month later when three brigands were dead and six imprisoned and word traveled of how. Southerson merchants were traveling unmolested and making, instead of losing, much coin.


"I am too fat," Angelica cried, "Mylle has lost her love for me." Mylle rolled her eyes at Angelica's newest mood swing. I tried not to laugh, knowing I could leave and return an hour later to a jubilant wife. My mother told me it was normal, but I thought it all Angelica.

"Come, my love," Mylle said, pulling Angelica out of the chair. Angelica wobbled to her feet. She was right about one thing, she was fat. I thought there may be a whole army in her. I moved forward to help her stay upright.

"Ow," Angelica called, "quick Mylle, feel this." Angelica took Mylle's hand and placed it on her belly. Mylle smiled as she felt the baby kick. Angelica guided my hand as well. It was a strong kick, I could almost feel the foot.

"That is a wonder," I said and kissed my wife, "a miraculous thing." We moved Angelica to the bed and Mylle removed Angelica's dress. Mylle knew how to sooth. Mylle sat on the bed and Angelica half lay in her lap. Mylle would massage Angelica's fat tummy and whisper in her ear. Normally I would leave, but the baby was moving and I so enjoyed that. I laid my ear on Angelica's belly, under her swollen breasts. I could hear the movement, and every so often my child would kick my face. That brought smiles to our lips.

"Men and large breasts, " Alia jested as she entered the room. "How am I to compete with those monsters?" Angelica laughed, her misery of a moment ago gone on the breeze. I waved Alia over, and put her hand on the active belly. The child was usually quiet, but now it was extra active. Angelica was enthralled at the attention. The three of us were mesmerized by her naked belly.

Angelica was caressing her hand through my hair as I concentrated on my child. It was then that it happened. She tried to pull a fist full of hair from my head and groaned awfully. I tried to have my head follow her hand to lessen the pain.

"Wife, my hair," I shouted. My hand on the bed was suddenly warmly wet. Alia carefully separated Angelica from my hair as the groan turned into a half scream. Mylle wrapped her arms around Angelica.

"I am here, my love," Mylle whispered. It was over after a moment, Angelica breathing hard with sweat forming on her brow. I stood dumbly.

"Get the midwife," Alia said pushing me away. I was barely out the door when another scream pierced the air. I ran down the hall and pounded on mistress Pythos's door. We had been housing her for over a month for just this day. I pulled the old woman back to my wife. We entered the chaos.

"I do not want this anymore!" Angelica screamed. Her hair was matted with sweat. Mylle was in a panic, and Alia was relieved that Pythos had showed.

"Well, it is too late for that, my dear, " Pythos responded calmly. "It is a natural thing that you will forgive once the babe is in your arms." She moved swiftly to Angelica's side. "When did it begin?"

"Just moments ago," I answered out of turn. A sense of utter uselessness washed over me.

"Send someone for water and towels, my Prince," Pythos said turning to me, "then leave the rest to us. It is not a place for a man." I was glad of the duty and left amidst another cry from Angelica. It took me a few moments to organize for Pythos's needs. I then went for my mother.

"The baby comes," I told my mother who promptly dropped her needlepoint and moved with acuity. "She is in great pain. I have worries," I said stupidly. My mother kissed me and smiled.

"It is always that way, my son," my mother laughed, "it turns out that it is the easy part of raising a child." I could not imagine giving my mother that type of pain. I followed my mother back to Angelica where I was forcibly kept out. I sat outside in the hall and cringed at every cry that made it out the door. I watched as servants brought water and towels.

"Frightening, is it not?" My father had snuck up on me, my head buried in my knees.

"It is hell," I said truthfully, "there is naught I can do. She screams like she is on fire." My father nodded.

"Your mother was like that most of the night." My father sat next to me, quite out of place, he being the king. "I remember chewing my fingers bloody waiting for you to come. I thought you would finish her." I looked at my father and saw the truth. I fisted my hands so he would not see my nails were now nubs at best.

"I wonder why it is so painful," I thought out loud. It was supposed to be blessed, not horrendous.

"Wait," my father said, "some day your child will disappear for a day, and your heart will wish for such pain as this." He chuckled referring to my running away when I was young. I could not even remember why I had done it. I only made it to the woods before realized I had missed lunch. A young boy does not think of the future when the present seemed so distasteful.

"I do not even remember why I left that day," I smiled.

"I had taken your sword." My father shrugged his shoulders. "You had broken a vase with it, and we thought it best you learned to be careful. You did not take it well." He chuckled again, "We had half the kingdom looking for you. Then you just waltzed in for dinner."

"I remember being hungry," I laughed.

"Aye, and your mother and I could not eat a bite." My father remembered. "We were so sure something terrible had happened. Thinking on it still gives me shivers. You were too young to be so stubborn."

"Do you regret this, the family I have assembled?" I asked. I had been wondering if my life was a disappointment to them.

"At first, yes." My father shook his head. "Now I see no other way. There is happiness in you and Angelica. I could see nothing but a long, unhappy life without Alia and Mylle. It is strange, but your mother and I have no regrets. Your mother would cut off her arm to hold Alia here now." My father smiled in reference to my anger with my mother when she tried to undo my love.

"You and Angelica work well together," Father continued. "The people love you two. What you started with the sheepherder, and then the festival, it has made us seem less onerous. I will one day leave this world and I will be happy that I leave it all in your hands. I am proud with what you have made with what you have been given."

"Master Balen is getting married. Did I tell you that?" I asked, remembering the news.

"She will be a lucky girl, that boy was born below his station," my father complimented. "He sure saved your pride with that voice of his." My father stayed with me that night as I listened to Angelica's screams turn to exhausted moans. Alia came out and gave us notice that Pythos said all was normal. I could see the pain in Alia's face and knew she grieved for Angelica. It was almost dawn when I heard a small cry that wrapped my heart. I did not wait for permission, I entered the room.

"Look what we have done," Angelica said hoarsely. She was horribly pale from her exertions and she looked terribly weak. She held a bundle in her arms and wore a smile that belied her previous efforts. "He is so beautiful. Come and look at our son." I ignored the red towels and moved to the my wife.

Life changed.


Hamund was near one year old when we decided him fit to travel to Douderson. He was fully mobile, and needed eyes on him at all times. He would disarm you with his smile then move off at great speed on all fours. Making him laugh was now my favorite pastime. I do believe Alia and Mylle felt ignored for the first month as Hamund became our joy and held our time. Angelica and I then made an effort to hollow out time for our lovers. Hamund then proceeded to bond with his adoptive aunts, endearing himself for life. Sometimes it was hard to tell whose child he truly was.

It was thought best that Alia and Mylle not join us for the trip to Douderson. Uri, as far as we knew, still had not accepted the two and we did not wish the problems it may cause. This was a visit to solidify the alliance and present Hamund to his other grandparents. Angelica was overly excited at the chance of seeing her parents, along with coming home with an heir in tow. To her, it was a victory of sorts. It pleased me to show Hamund to anyone who would look.

The night before we left, my mother took Hamund. She said it was because she would miss him and desired him for the night so he would not forget her. I thought it more her machinations for allowing us to be undisturbed the night before a long parting. It was a good thing either way. I did not enjoy leaving Alia behind. I was busy filling a satchel with documents for the trip when Angelica and Mylle hastily entered my room.

"The queen is coming," Mylle said with some trepidation.

"She does not seem pleased," Angelica added. I was at a loss. My mother had just retrieved Hamund and seemed in the best of moods. I turned toward them, both looking quite haggard.

"I am sure...." I started, then stopped, as the door opened and a goddess entered. Alia strolled in between Angelica's and Mylle's formal curtsies and bowed heads. She was wearing a sheer silk gown that hid nothing and boiled my blood. Atop her head, a wreath of white flowers had been woven into a crown. Mylle suppressed a giggle which brought a glare from Alia.

"Do you dare stand," Alia said with bearing. I smiled as I dropped to my knee.

"Forgive me, my Queen," I said humbly. Alia had enlisted aid in help for our play. I was most intrigued. Alia moved gracefully toward Angelica.

"This one has displeased me," Alia stated as she gestured toward Mylle, "she cannot hold her tongue." She bade Angelica rise. "You shall take her and spend the night teaching her courtly manners." Alia looked at me. "This one I shall chastise myself."

"At once, your Majesty," Angelica said, trying desperately to keep a straight face. She looked to me. "I fear for you, Sir. I have never seen her so wroth." Angelica collected the giggling Mylle and they exited quickly.

"If I have offended you, my Queen," I started an apology as I began to stand.

"I have not given you permission to rise!" Alia snapped. I returned to my knee, watching her body move toward me. I could see her breasts, the nipples teasing the silk as she walked. It was a most attractive wrapping. She was struggling to keep a straight face, and I was not helping by smiling.

"I have word you are leaving my service," Alia scolded. "Does your impertinence know no bounds?" I bowed my head lower and glanced at her naked feet poking out beyond the silk. I knew her weaknesses. I could break this game.

"'Tis only two months, my Queen," I said, "what can I do to make amends?" I leaned forward and kissed her toes.

"Now you have touched the royal personage without permission," Alia played, with hands on her hips, "I must think of a suitable...." Her words got lost as I lightly stroked below the ankle and just above the heel. It was a spot I had found long ago. My lips traced to the top of her foot. I could feel her losing her role.

"That is not fair, Cayden," Alia moaned as my lips started to climb her leg. The silk was falling about me, tickling my skin.

"This garment is not fair," I replied, "you have piqued my passion." I continued up her leg. I could smell her desire and it was adding to mine. "You have forgotten your underclothes again."

"You have ruined my game," Alia said, smiling.

"Do not be so tempting," I grinned, "I would last longer." On my knees, and under the silk, my lips kissed her flower. The lovely sounds she made warmed my ears. Her hands surrounded my head and she guided my tongue. The sweetness of her drove me on and I shamefully employed new teachings. Mylle had given me information about pleasuring a woman that I had not known. My hands found places they had not been before, my tongue moved differently.

"Oh, my Lord!" Alia gasped as my finger pushed slightly at her bum. I could hear her pleasure and feel her legs wobble as I persisted. Fingers found her entrance and traveled to a spot Mylle said was deep toward the front. Alia's legs began to give as she released my head to grab the bedpost, in hope to remain standing. I continued with all of myself, desiring nothing but her pleasure. Two month's worth in one night.

She lost all posture when her release came. I could feel it travel through her, her legs tightening strongly about my head. I continued as she spasmed and slowed when she did. It was a beautiful thing to do.

"That was..." Alia paused to take a breath, "quite lovely....and different...and lovely." I had to hold her up as I came up from under the silk. She wore a sated smile and glossy eyes. I held her in my arms as her breathing slowed. I admired the way her breasts showed, so delicate looking, behind the silk.

"I am in awe of this dress," I said honestly, "it is nothing, but it is everything." Alia smiled and pulled my arms tighter to her.

"'Tis your mother's doing," Alia laughed. "She thought you would want something to think about while you are gone." It was a queer feeling having one's mother dress one's mistress. I had truly assembled a strange family.

"'Tis the only thing I can think about now," I said, "it is like too much wine. I would send the kingdom to war to get you if you were not already mine." I had never thought a garment would exist that would improve my love's nakedness. I lifted Alia in my arms and carried her to the bed. I had the night and I intended to make the most of it.


It was a grueling trip to Douderson. The weather was bad, the carriage was bumpy and Hamund was less than pleased to be cooped up for two weeks. He wanted out. I could ride with him for a while, but desire would soon have him trying to throw himself out of my arms and off the horse. He wanted to crawl and explore and I could not blame him. We would stop for meals or sleep. He was happiest then. We could play and he would explore in the grasses when it was not raining. Our retainers and guard would entertain him for short periods when we paused. Once we started up again, we were forced to imprison him in the carriage again.

Hamund was struggling to walk and had yet to grasp the balance of it. If he held my fingers he could take a few steps before collapsing and return to crawling. Angelica feared we were carrying him too much and forestalling development. The two weeks of travel would not let us relent.

Though our canvas was thick, the cold still ruined our sleep. Hamund, restless from a day in a small carriage, fought sleep like a soldier in battle. We both truly missed the respites Mylle and Alia would have given us, were we at home. Now, we were Hammond's only entertainment, and he demanded much. He was yet too young to understand a scolding and he had the right of it. It was not his fault we were dragging him across the countryside. Eventually, we would find sleep under many blankets, Hamund between us taking space meant for two.

It was a good day when we spied Douderson castle on the horizon. It meant a month of less tight confines. Hamund could explore, his grandparents could spoil him and Angelica and I could ease our cares. I saw a brightness in Angelica as we approached. I had forgotten this was once home to her. She was returning to her parents, proudly with a child. In her mind, it proved she was not broken and she desired all to know it.

I sighed when I saw the guard waiting for our arrival. It was to be a formal reception which begged much from my temperament. I wished only for a hot bath, a meal and, possibly, some uninterrupted sleep. It would all have to wait for a drawn-out public greeting.

Small children had their uses. They provided a font of love and smiles to their parents. And they had a way of shattering protocol. Hamund saw the keep and somehow knew the difficult travels were over. He struggled in my arms, smiling and reaching out with the intent to crawl on the stone floors. The queen, Angelica's mother, thought the movements were directed at her. She broke ranks and rushed to her grandson; Hamund obliged by falling into her arms, happy to see someone new. The king shrugged his shoulders and smiled.