The Marshal Pt. 06


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He placed his cheek against her head to comfort her. Rob's parents were still alive and well, living in Tucson, and his two brothers and their families lived in Bangor. He could only try to imagine what Britney was going through. She'd lost her mother when she was only fifteen, her father fifteen years later, and now her only living relative was serving life behind bars in a federal prison.

She had his family now. She'd been welcomed with open arms by both David and Stuart, Rob's brothers, and their families, but that wasn't the same. Worse, she couldn't even tell anyone, or talk to anyone about her loss, other than him. As far as the world knew, and could know, Han Kyun-ki had no connection to Britney Hadley.

He held her until her tears began to dry. She sniffed as she pulled back. "I'm sorry," she said, wiping at the wet spot on his chest.

He took her hand and held it. "I'm sorry too."

She sniffed again, obviously trying to get control of herself. "It's okay. I knew this would happen. I thought I was ready for it but..."

He glanced to the kitchen. He could see the long rolls and a bowl sitting on the counter. A nice cold sandwich seemed just right on a hot August day. He urged her to a chair. "Here. Sit. Let me finish dinner."

"I can do--" she began.

"Sit. Let me do it."

She sat. He looked at what she'd stirred together and took a taste to see where she'd left it. It was pretty good as it was. He popped the rolls into the toaster oven to warm them while he began pouring drinks and dumping chips onto plates. As soon as the bread was toasted, he spooned lobster into the rolls, placed them on plates, and sat them on the table.

"Thanks," she said, but her voice was flat.

"I slaved over it all day." He didn't expect a reaction and didn't get much of one.

Normally Britney was full of energy when he got home, and she'd prattle on about her day as they ate, but tonight she ate mechanically and, just as worrisome, silently.

"Anything I can do?" he asked softly.

Her eyes focused on him. "What? No. Sorry."

He took her hand. "No need to apologize. I can only guess how hard this must be."

She shook her head but said nothing. After dinner he shooed her away. Normally they cleaned up together, but not tonight. She didn't make as big a mess cooking anymore, and the lobster rolls didn't require much cleanup anyway. As he tidied the kitchen, he watched her sitting on the deck as she gazed at the lake. His house faced south to take advantage of the winter sun, and it made for some beautiful sunsets.

He finished cleaning the kitchen and poured two glasses of blueberry wine. He'd introduced her to the wine, a Maine tradition, and she'd developed a taste for it over the past year. He cubed some sharp cheddar that paired especially well with it and carried both to the deck. She looked up at him as he sat the glasses and cheese on the table between their chairs. He received only a ghost of a smile, but it was the first hint of a smile he'd seen since he'd broken the news to her.

"To help you relax."

"Thank you," she murmured as she picked up the glass and took a sip. She laid her head against the back of the chair. "I know what Dad was, and what he did, but I'm still going to miss him." He said nothing. "Is it wrong of me to love a man who had people killed?"

"No. No matter what else he did, he was still your father, and he did one thing I'll always respect him for. He brought you into the world."

"Do you think he died thinking I was dead?"

He shook his head. "No. He might not have known where you were, but I suspect he knew you weren't dead and had disappeared into witness protection."

"Do you think he forgave me for what I did to Kwang-hoon?"

"Didn't he tell you to get away from Kwang-hoon?"


"Then I think he knew you did what you had to."

She nodded slowly. He sipped his wine and watched her in the fading light. She was the most incredibly beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

"I love you," he said softly.

Another ghost of a smile touched her lips as she reached for him. He took her hand. "I love you too," she replied.

"You'll get through this."

She nodded slowly. "I know."

"Come here," he said softly, pulling softly on her hand.

She set her glass on the table and moved to join him in the chair. It was a too warm to be snuggling, but she needed this. She crawled into the chair with him. It was a tight squeeze, but they'd done this many times in the past and quickly became comfortable.

She was quiet for a long moment. He knew she was weeping softly again from her soft sniffs. He said nothing, holding her close with an arm around her back, slowly caressing her arm with his other hand. He felt helpless, so he did the only thing he could think of and held her, trying to lend her strength through his touch and his occasional kiss on her head.

After a time, her breathing became slow and regular. He couldn't tell if she'd gone to sleep, but if she had, he'd hold her until she woke up or he had to get ready for work in the morning. The stars were beginning to come out, bringing with it a pleasant coolness, when she stirred. She squirmed in a little closer and became stilled again.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too."

She was quiet for a long moment. "What time is it?" she asked without moving.

"Don't know."

She sighed. "I could stay right here."

"Then do."

She was still and quiet for another long moment before she slowly rose. She took his lips in a long, slow kiss and sighed deeply before struggling out of his embrace. "I'm ready to go to bed."

He didn't know the time, only that it was early, but sleep was probably the best thing for her. He rose from the chair and began collecting the almost untouched wine and cheese.

"Go ahead. I'll get this," he said.

She went directly into the bedroom as Rob used another door to enter the main part of the house. He poured out the warm wine and dumped the cheese, added the plate and glasses to the dishwasher, and closed the door without starting it.

He turned off lights as he made his way to the bedroom. She was rinsing her mouth as he entered the bathroom. Normally he'd step up behind her, press into her back, and nuzzle her neck until she turned for a kiss, but tonight he only briefly caressed her back as he passed behind her.

She left the room as he was brushing his teeth. In addition to shaving in the morning for work, he also shaved at night to save her face and the inside of her thighs. He'd been doing it for a year, and it was a habit now, like brushing his teeth, so he shaved even though he was pretty sure he didn't have to worry about her face or thighs tonight. After he'd finished shaving, he turned out the bathroom lights as he wandered to the bedroom. The moon wasn't up yet, and the room was pitch dark, but he didn't need light. He slowed as he approached the bed, feeling until he touched it, and then settled between the sheets.

Britney rolled into his arms. His Rooster, as Britney had playfully dubbed his manhood, was hard, but he was going to have to do without his workout tonight. He kissed her on the forehead.

"Love you."

"Love you too," she said with a slight nod.

After a moment she rose and kissed him, the caress of her lips slow and loving. He returned the kiss but let her control it. She allowed the kiss to dissolve. He couldn't see her, but he knew her lips were close as he could just detect the tickle of her breath on his lips.

"I want you," she whispered.

"We don't have to." He didn't want her to think he expected her to make love after the news he'd delivered.

"I want to. I want to feel you close, to feel you inside me as you make love to me."

She kissed him again to drive the point home. Britney was a dynamic and unpredictable lover. Some nights she wanted him to make slow, tender love to her, other nights she wanted to fuck hard and fast, and some nights they started out one way and finished the other. He could tell by her kiss tonight she wanted him to take her with love and tenderness.

He drew her into the kiss, wrapping her up and holding her close as he gently pulled her to his chest. He kept the kiss slow and deep before he feathered kisses leisurely over her face as his fingertips explored her with gossamer lightness. He couldn't see her face, but he could sense from her breathing she was soaking up his touch as parched desert soil soaked up life giving rain. She kissed him again, more aggressively than before.

"I want you," she sighed as their kiss dissolved.

He gently rolled her to her back, but he didn't enter her. He decided not to kiss her womanhood tonight because often, when she was in one of her loving moods, like now, she preferred they forgo the positions and techniques they used when they fucked to focus on emotional closeness over physical desire.

He slowly kissed down her body, pausing to tease her nipple to erectness with his tongue as his finger lazily caressing its mate to equal hardness, before his finger and tongue switched partners.

She allowed him to play for a long moment before she tugged his lips back to hers. As she took her lips he entered her, her soft exhalation into the kiss erotic in the extreme. He pulled back from the kiss, pushed in deep as he braced on stiff arms, and then held himself there. He still couldn't see her, but her soft sigh and the feel of her moving under him told him everything he needed to know. In his mind's eye he could see her tip her head back, her mouth opening slightly as he pressed in harder, then relaxed, only to press in and relax again. Her hands gripped his arms as she pushed her hips up, grinding into him as he did the same, both of them wanting him deep as possible. He lowered himself over her and began sliding into her with slow, deep plunges, pushing in hard before withdrawing, her soft moan each time he pressed in firmly signaling that she was enjoying his deep thrusts.

He rose and hooked her legs behind his arms to force her knees back and raise her ass from the bed. Again he pushed in, forcing himself into her as hard as he could, his knees slipping slightly on the sheets as he strained. She moaned again, louder this time as she gripped his ass and tried to draw him even more firmly into her, holding him tight as they pressed against each other, not moving except for the tightening and relaxing of their muscles.

She tugged him, her fingers biting into his ass before she gasped softly, her pussy clamping down on his cock as she rocked her hips against his. After a moment she relaxed with a sigh, and he let her legs down. He settled over her and caressed her lips with a long kiss. He began pumping his hips in deliberate, easy thrusts as he propped on his elbows, his fingers caressing her cheeks and lips. He feathered gossamer kisses over her lips again as he upped the tempo of his hips slightly.

She took his hand, intertwining her fingers with his before holding it to her face. "You'll get through this," he murmured. "We'll get through it together."

He sensed rather than saw her nod. "I know. I love you so much."

"And I love you."

He took her lips for his own again as she captured his other hand and tangled her fingers in his. She reached over her head to straighten her arms with their fingers still locked together.

When she was feeling stressed she seemed to want to be gently dominated. It was almost as if having him take her control from her during their love making allowed her to release her burdens, or perhaps she felt he took them from her. He didn't know, and had never questioned her about it, but he'd learned it sometimes helped her and seemed to give her a measure of peace.

He braced on her hands, pinning them to the bed with his weight as he began to take her harder, driving into her with purpose now, her breasts moving against his chest as he made her his. She offered him her lips, an offer he gladly accepted, her kiss becoming ever deeper and more impassioned as he plunged into her.

She whimpered softly as she thrust with him while devouring him with her kiss.

"You're so beautiful and strong," he murmured as he pulled back from the caress of her lips.

"I'm going to come again. Come with me! Please come with me!" she begged softly.

"Yes," he whispered. "I'm going to come."

He continued to thrust into her with a firm, steady rhythm, his own pleasure rising with every thrust.

"I'm coming! Please come with me!"

He relaxed his hold on his rising pleasure, and as she clamped down on him again, he closed his eyes, seeing them together in his mind's eyes as they made love, and allowed his orgasm to take him. He kissed her as he spilled into her, grunting softly into the kiss as they devoured each other, until they sighed as their climaxes washed out of them simultaneously.

He lay lightly on her, supporting his weight on knees and braced hands, his cock still inside her. He kissed her again, trying to show with action what he could never put into words. She tugged at her hands and he released them, propping on elbows while sliding a hand under her head and tucking his elbows in tight to her body in the way he knew she liked. He held her like that, their lips dancing against each other's flesh as they kissed and touched. He finally softened enough that he fell from her, but still he didn't move.

"What can I do?" he asked as he softly kissed her eyelids.

"Just hold me."


He slid from between her legs and tugged her into a warm snuggle. She settled in, her fingers drawing a lazy pattern on his chest. "I wish I could see him. If I could just attend the funeral."

"I know. I'm sorry."

She nodded. "I know I can't, but..."

"What?" he whispered.

She shrugged. "It doesn't seem right not to go. I'm his daughter. I should be there."

"I know, Britney. I really do understand, but you can't. I know you loved your dad, but you can't take the risk. I don't want to bury you too."

She sniffed. "I know. It's just..." She broke and sobbed once before she gathered herself. "It's just that I don't have any family left."

"You're wrong. You're part of my family now. You have brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews... and me."

"And you," she murmured. "Please be patient with me. This is hard."

"I know, but know you're never alone. I know you can't talk to anyone, can't tell anyone that Han Kyun-ki was your father, but I'm here if you need someone to talk to, or you can talk to one of the counselors with the Marshal Service."

She shook her head and kissed his chest. "No. I'll be okay in a few days. I knew this was coming, and sooner rather than later, but now that it's actually happened..."

"I know. I'm sorry I had to tell you."

She said nothing, and he continued to hold her, softly caressing her back. He was beginning to get sleepy when the tension suddenly flowed out of her and her breathing became deep and regular. He kissed her gently on the head, being careful to not wake her. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, wishing there was something he could do for her, some word, some action, he could offer to help her deal with her loss, but there was nothing. She couldn't even acknowledge her grief in public. All he could do was be there for her if she needed him.

Maybe he'd take a few days off and they'd go to the coast and do something to take her mind off her loss. He'd give it some thought over the next day or two, and if she were still struggling with her father's death in a couple of weeks, he'd surprise her with it.

He smiled in the darkness. Tomorrow he'd do some research and see what was available. She was a strong, resilient woman, and he knew she'd get through her grief, but he wanted to help her in some small way if he could.





Britney looked around the house. It was too quiet. She'd cried again when Rob left, not because he left so much as because not having him around left her alone with her thoughts. That wasn't a good thing right now because her thoughts always turned back to Dad.

There was no denying that Dad had been a class A bastard. He controlled the biggest Korean jopok in New York City for more than thirty years, and she shuddered to think how many people had been injured or killed by his order, how many lives ruined or made difficult. There was no denying he'd been an evil man, but he'd always been good to her.

When she was growing up, he'd been a distant father. She didn't know her grandparents, as her father had cut himself off from his family before Kwang-hoo was born, and her mother had been disowned by her family for marring a kkangpae, what Americans called a thug. He made sure she and Kwang-hoo had everything they wanted, but he didn't have time for his children, and left the child rearing to Mom. After Mom died, he tried to do better, but running the Han crime organization was a time-consuming task and he often had 'business partners' over for meetings in the evening. His demanding lifestyle was probably the reason he didn't notice that Kwang-hoon was beginning to slip into madness.

Kwang-hoon had always been manipulative and ruthless. She and her brother had fought like cats and dogs, sometimes to the point of physically damaging each other. He was terrific at playing the victim, and often, after they argued and accused each other of misdeeds, Dad would throw up his hands in frustration and tell them to sort it out between themselves. That was exactly what Kwang-hoon wanted, and because of that, she'd got pretty good at defending herself. Kwang-hoon was three years older than her, and after Mom died, he began to get more and more aggressive and cruel. It wasn't until she hit him with a pan, and fractured his skull, after he attacked her in the kitchen for some perceived slight, that he began to leave her alone.

While Kwang-hoon couldn't wait to join the family business, she'd wanted nothing to do with it, but she'd been terrified to tell Dad she didn't want to follow in his footsteps. She was afraid of Dad's reaction, but Kwang-hoon, being Kwang-hoon, had told him she didn't want to join the jopok, trying to curry favor or get her in trouble. That was the turning point in her relationship with Dad. Rather than being upset, as she feared, Dad had allowed her to go with his blessing. Later, she suspected he respected her for turning her back on the family and trying to make her own way.

As his health began to decline, father and daughter grew closer as Kwang-hoon began to distance himself from his father. When Dad could no longer effectively run the Han organization, he'd turned it over to Kwang-hoon, and that's when her relationship with Kwang-hoon really began going sour. Where Dad let her go with his blessing, Kwang-hoon tried to draw her back in. She and Kwang-hoo had terrible fights over it, but Dad always sided with her. Until a little over a year ago when it had all gone sideways.

She'd been visiting Dad when Kwang-hoon cornered her for what felt like the hundredth time and demanded that she rejoin the Han organization. When she'd refused yet again, he hit her. It was the first time he'd hit her since she'd bashed his head in with a pan. She'd gone to Dad and told him what happened, that she was leaving for a while, and why. He'd hugged her, told her she was doing the right thing, and to stay out of Kwang-hoon's way. Dad had then told her how proud he was of her and how he wished he'd taken more time when she was younger.

Britney's tears threatened again, and she willed them away. That was the last time she'd seen or spoken to her father because that fucking Kwang-hoon ruined fucking everything. She and her dad had so much to catch up on, and Kwang-hoon had robbed her not only of the opportunity, but also of the last year of her father's life. The only good thing Kwang-hoon ever did was his attempt to kill her had led to her meeting Rob.