The MD and IT guy


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Since her hand touched my cock she kept stroking it and I told her that if she kept doing that we would have more mess to clean up, she straddled me and took my cock inside her. She gasped as my cock entered her and she sat right down so our pelvic bones were touching, she then grabbed my hands and placed one on each of her breasts. "I thought you were worn out?" I asked with a smile on my face.

She slowly ground her clit on my pubic hair and hissed "You just said totally the right thing; I'm going to call in sick tomorrow and tell them I've pulled something because I'm not going to be able to walk."

"Yeah me," I replied and kept slowly palming her breasts.

She started to pant as she moved her hips forward and back faster and faster until she tilted her head back and screamed "Coming." I don't think the TV was loud enough for Harold not to hear.

As she came I let go of her breasts and pulled her down so her chest was on mine started to ram it into her from below, she pushed back and we kissed as we did so until she needed to breath and she just said "Fuck me, my lovely boyfriend."

We fucked like that for 5 minutes until I emptied myself inside her causing her to come again very loudly.

We detached and she cleaned up in the bathroom again and I heard Harold moving about on the landing, I walked into the bathroom and suggested we had a bath together, she liked that idea and we started the water and held hands as we walked back to the bed and kissed and cuddled until I checked it 10 minutes later, we got in the bath and she sat between my legs as I washed her down, she then turned around and did the same to me.

"I don't need to tell you to keep this secret between us for while, I have an idea on how we can be together but it will mean moving away, is that OK?" she asked.

"Are you telling me that you love me?" I asked.

She looked down and said "Yes, you never hit on me really, you could have had me a while ago but you let things go at a slow getting to know you pace."

I lifted her chin and kissed her thoroughly and then told her "Je t'aime Margaret."

"What am I going to with you?" she asked as we got out of the bath and dried each other with towels, "I know what I'd like to do but to make sure I'm ready for another go later can we do something else now?" she continued.

"Let's get dressed and head out for a drive, I know a beautiful spot where the views are spectacular," I suggested.

"Sounds good," she said with a smile.

She put on a green velour tracksuit and a black coat over that, I put on my clothes and she found a coat that was left by a builder a year or so earlier and handed that to me. It fitted me perfectly, "he left it in the garage but it looked new but he went out of business before I could contact him to tell him where he left it, so I kept it," she explained.

She threw me the car keys and said "As an employee of the company you are insured to drive any company car."

The Mercedes was a dream to drive and 30 minutes later we pulled up on a tree lined hill side over looking the town, we left the car and walked arm in arm across a field until we cleared the trees, it was now early evening and the town's lights were on as it was getting dark, "I never realised that the town we live in could look so beautiful," she said as we sat on a bench and watched as the night closed in. she rested her head on my shoulder until she said "I'm getting cold but I really like this view."

"I come up here and think sometimes when I want to get away from it all," I said, "now this is our special place."

"Thank you for sharing it with me," she replied.

"Come on let me take you home if you are cold," I said and stood up offering my hand to her as we started to walk back to the car.

As I drove home and she said "Thank you for sharing your special place with me; that means more than anything else."

"No problem, you are the first person I wanted to share it with," that prompted her to lean over and kiss my cheek.

We got back to her house at 9PM and there was a strange car in the driveway, I went in the house first and just heard Harold saying "Come on give it to me," from the lounge.

I peaked through the door and saw he was being anally fucked by a huge black man.

I told Margaret who walked in and said "How could you where you might get caught, if you are going to do that sort of thing do it in your own room," the black man pulled out and looked around for his clothes.

Harold said "I was enjoying that, now Seb will you come to my room and finish me off," as he took Seb's hand and walked upstairs.

Margaret looked at the floor where they had been and just said "I'll get the carpet vaxed tomorrow."

With that she led me upstairs and we went to bed holding each other naked but not having sex as she was tired emotionally and physically. I woke up at 6 with her alarm and found she was lying with an arm and a leg across me, she stirred with the alarm and just said "Morning love," and kissed me gently on the mouth, and I kissed her back and just said "Morning sexy, what time have you got to be at work?" I asked.

"My first meeting is at 9 but I'm normally in by 8," she said.

"So we've got time for this then," I said as I took her hand and placed it on my cock.

"Oh yes," she said and rolled onto her back with her legs wide open, I rolled on top of her and we started kissing, let's just say that in the next 45 minutes she had 4 orgasms from my tongue, lips, fingers and cock.

We got showered and dressed, I watched as she put on her normal everyday underwear and then a white man's style blouse, she finished the outfit with a grey pin stripe trouser suit, as she checked herself in the mirror I told her "I thought you were going to ring in sick."

She looked at me and said "As much as the idea of telling Mandy that I'm not going to be in today because I am shagged out is tempting but it may cause too many rumours so I will go in as normal and try to resist the urge to call you into my office later to bend me over my desk."

"Don't resist and wear a skirt so it will be easier. " I said and smiled.

"I wish, can I drop you off near work as unfortunately it may not be seemly to walk in together," she said.

"I understand and in your position being seen seeing a member of staff may not be seen as a good thing, can you drop me off at home so I can get changed and maybe pack a bag for another overnight stay?" I asked hopefully.

"Why couldn't I have met you 30 years ago, but tonight I need to have a proper chat with Harold and I won't be able to that with you here, can I see you tomorrow night?" she asked.

"Of course whatever you need to do." I replied and held her hand as we walked down the stairs together.

She dropped me off outside my flat and gave me a big kiss before driving into work. I put on my work suit, shirt and tie and made it into work by 8:45. My supervisor gave me a list of jobs for the day; the first one I noticed was to setup the meeting room for Margaret and the exec board for their monthly meeting at 10.

I was setting up the room when Margaret and one of the senior directors walked in, the senior director was a gentleman called Andrew and he was a total arsehole, "Why are you still here? The room should have been setup for our arrival," he shouted at me.

I looked at my watch saw it was still only 9:30, I politely replied "I was told to make sure it was all setup by 10am, I've got 2 things left to do and will out in 5 minutes."

"Get the fuck out of here now," bellowed Andrew.

"Andrew, if I ever find out that you speak to a junior member of staff like that again I will sack you faster then your feet will touch the ground, is that understood? Now apologise," Margaret said quietly.

Andrew looked shocked and muttered "sorry," before quickly walking out of the room to get a coffee.

I was just about to say something when Margaret walked to where I was cabling up the projector and just said "that was not just for you, he needed bringing down a peg or 6 anyway, but I will not have my boyfriend spoken to like that."

She then walked down to the other end of the table and patted my bum on the way past, 2 seconds later Mandy her PA walked in and took a seat next to Margaret's.

5 minutes later I finished and just said "all done."

Margaret and Mandy both smiled and said "thanks," as I walked out of the room.

The rest of the day went in a blur of broken laptops, printer and computers and by the end of the day I was glad to get out of there, I stopped in the bar and had a beer and a chat with the manager before going up to my flat, I cooked some eggs on toast for tea before packing an overnight bag ready for the next day.

I sat watching TV when the text alert on my mobile started to ring, I saw it was Margaret and immediately answered it, "Hi darling," I said.

I heard a giggle followed by "Hi yourself, the chat went ok with Harold, we have come to an understanding, can I come round yours tonight? I need to see you and would prefer to talk face to face."

I felt a bit nervous and just said "OK, no problem," thinking "how the fuck am I going to get the flat tidy in 15 minutes."

"I'll be about an hour, is it ok if stay the night?" she asked.

She must have heard the smile on my face as I just said "See you then, love you."

"Love you too," was the reply as she hung up.

I quickly run round the flat and made it tidy as I could when she rang me to tell me she outside the bar, Margaret was wearing a long baggy denim skirt with a purple blouse and her black leather jacket. I took the bag from her hand and held out my other hand which she took. I led her through the bar upstairs and into the lounge and offered her a seat on the sofa before taking her bag into the bedroom, she started to talk "Harold will move into the house's granny annex so he can continue his affairs from the comfort of his own home and will not be disturbing us, I feel like a slut but I wanted to ask if we can keep seeing each other but I cannot ask you to move in with me as we still have to hold business dinners and the like and it may raise too many questions if a good looking young man is seen coming and going from my bedroom."

"I understand and will do whatever takes to be with you," and leaned in and kissed her on the lips, her hand came up and stroked my face as she kissed me back.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Margaret asked.

"I would be honoured," I replied.

"Before we get too deep into this relationship I have a question, do you really want me or is it a shagging the boss thing?" she asked me.

"Before I got to know you I only ever told 2 women I loved them, my mum and my Nan, so it is way more than a shagging the boss thing. Secondly I am besotted with you, any idea how hard it was not to hold your hand today when you came into the meeting room. I looked at you and thought that is the woman I love." I replied.

She leapt on me like a lion attacks a gazelle, she pulled me down on to the lounge floor on my back and straddled me she undid my trousers whilst kissing me on the mouth, I pulled the skirt up so it was up to her waist and grabbed her arse cheeks, at this point I discovered she had gone commando, she kissed me harder, she got my cock out and lifted herself over me just dropped onto me. She was so wet I slid right in and she grunted as we fully joined, we were still kissing throughout this and moved my lips away and she started to move her hips up and down on my cock, she leant back and I palmed her tits through her blouse and at this point I realised she didn't have a bra on., the blouse was a zip up and I reached for the zip and lowered it which made her move harder as she felt my hands move inside her now open blouse and tweak her nipples, "You really do fancy me don't you," she said through gritted teeth as she really started to move on top of me.

"I fucking love you," I responded and rolled us over so I was now on top, her arms and legs wrapped themselves around me as we fucked each other vigorously, she had me so hot that I came in about 3 minutes which triggered an orgasm in her. Margaret seemed to take an age to stop shaking.

"Wow," she said when she calmed down. "You do things to me I never thought were possible and now I've seized up, will you help me up please?"

I detached and our combined juices landed on her skirt, she pulled the skirt off as she lay on the floor so only had the undone blouse on, to me she looked the sexiest lady in the world, "If I could remember a picture of you this would be it, classy yet sexy," I said.

I pulled her up and she got the feeling back in her legs, "I'm not as young as used to be," she said as she held my arm and we walked to the bedroom, we didn't make love again that night we just held each other and kissed.

We woke at 7 in the morning to my alarm and we showered together where I licked her to an orgasm and she then wanked me off. She had a skirt suit in her bag and put that on along with the purple blouse she wore briefly the previous night. After we got dressed I walked to work and she drove, Mandy noticed she was later in than normal and didn't look as immaculate as she normally did and wondered what she had been up.

Mandy asked her "Good night last night was it?"

Margaret just said "Very," before catching herself.

Mandy shut the door to her office and said "I can't help but notice that for the past few days you seem to have a spring in your step and a glint in your eye and this morning you come in with what can only be described as a well shagged look."

Margaret looked at her and just said "You have been my PA for long enough to know what is said in this office stays in this office," Mandy nodded, "Good because I need to tell someone that I am being royally rogered by a 24 year old who thinks that the sun shines out of my arse and gets upset if he thinks I am doing him favours and I believe he genuinely loves me."

"Go girl," said Mandy, "Do you love him and is it someone I know?"

"Yes and that will be telling." Margaret replied.

"What about Harold?" Mandy asked.

"What about him, you know he's been having his gay affairs for years and I am now enjoying myself, he can piss off as far as I'm concerned," replied Margaret.

"Good for you, has your mystery lover got any good looking friends you can send my way?" asked Mandy half seriously twiddling her wedding ring around her finger.

Margaret smiled and asked Mandy to get her a cup of coffee.

Later that day my supervisor asked me to setup a new printer near Margaret's office, as I was crawling under the desk to find the cables I banged my head and muttered "Fuck and toss," to myself, as I crawled out I saw a pair of legs I recognised and looked up and said "Hi Margaret, how are you?"

"Very well," she said and walked past and gave me a little wave as she walked back to the office. I looked at her bum as she walked and had naughty thoughts about what I was going to do to her the next time we got together.

When I got back to my desk there was an email from Margaret telling me that she had gone shopping lunchtime and that I was to come round tomorrow evening and she would show me what she had bought. I replied that I couldn't wait and asked if she needed any help with anything this evening, I just got a 5 word reply "You have worn me out, xxxx"

I spent that evening cleaning my flat and exchanging text messages with Margaret who was clearing out her wardrobe of old clothes she no longer wore to make room for some of mine so I wouldn't have to keep moving stuff around.

I was in work by 8:30 the next morning and I bumped into Margaret in the lift, the lift was full and Margaret and myself ended up at the back, I reached behind her and stroked her bum, she looked at me and pushed her bum back so my hand was trapped between her bum and the back of the lift, I gently moved a finger on her bum as she talked to someone else, we were the last in the lift as I was going to the execs floor and she just said "7PM, don't be late," before the lift door opened.

I had a ticket to see Andrew and when he saw me he called me in and closed the office door, he shouted at me never to show him up and make him look bad in front of anyone else or he will have me sacked, at that point the door flew open and as he had his back to the door he just said "Fuck off, I'm busy."

"You're fired Andrew," came Margaret's reply. He went white and chased her apologising profusely as she walked back to her office, all I heard was "You have had warnings about your attitude and now you ignored them all to bawl out someone who is your junior just so you can have a power trip," just as he followed her into her office. He slammed the office door behind him as he followed her into her office, "Get out now before I call security." I heard her shout, Mandy flung open the door and I heard his voice "You can't fucking sack me," and I saw him push my beloved to the floor, that did it I walked in and grabbed him by his hair and threw him on the floor, "Big man who throws women about are you?" and raised my hand, I saw the look of horror on his face and realised he was a big coward. I picked him up by the collars of his suit and whispered in his ear so that no one else could hear, "If you ever raise a hand to her again I will personally throw you out of the 6th floor windows."

He left quietly and looked at the floor as he realised everyone looking at him knew what he had done, I turned around and saw Margaret still on the floor being comforted by Mandy who saw the look on my face and concern for Margaret and guessed I was her mystery lover.

I helped Margaret up and into a chair whilst Mandy got her a drink and ushered everyone who had stopped out. Mandy closed the door and Margaret just held out her arms and said "I need a hug," just as Mandy walked back in and closed the door.

"Well lover boy, you turned up just in time," said Mandy who saw the look of panic on my face and just said "your secret is safe with me, now look after her whilst I deal with those outside and arrange for a couple of the post room boys to rearrange Andrew's features." Margaret didn't stop her and it turned out a couple of the post room boys were Mandy's rugby playing brothers who had chased their dad away when he started to beat up their mum and had a hatred of men who attacked women.

Margaret had sat on a sofa in the office and I sat next to her and hugged her close as she started to cry. Mandy came back in 10 minutes later and just said "All sorted, including letting your supervisor know you won't be back for a while."

I kissed Margaret's forehead and she said "I can't let that little turd ruin my day, now go back to work and remember 7PM at mine," and kissed me gently on the lips.

Mandy just looked at me and smiled and said "If you fuck her about you'll have me to deal with. She can be cranky and a bit of ball buster at times but I am fond of her."

Margaret heard and had straightened her face and said "There is no need for that, but I now seem to have 2 people looking out for me, now both of you back to work and thank you both for all your help."

I finished off my day and went home, had a shower and packed a bag; I then got a taxi to Margaret's and was there just before 7. I rang the doorbell and she answered it wearing a black thin silky thigh length bathrobe, she pulled me in and closed the door and locked it. She took me by the hand to the lounge where she told me that she would be back in a minute and left me sitting on a sofa, she came back a minute later and just said "what do you think?"

She was wearing a black and red baby doll outfit, it was joined by knot at her cleavage so there was an inverted v showing the bare skin of her stomach and she had on a matching thong, I sat there with my mouth open and she walked over and gently put her finger under my chin and pushed up closing my mouth and kissed me on the lips. "That's what I was hoping for and took my hand and lead me upstairs to her bedroom where I was invited to undo the knot, we fell on the bed and she removed all my clothing and pulled off her thong. I soon had my head buried between her thighs licking her to an almighty orgasm which never seemed to end and just continued when I entered her and vigorously fucked her.