The Music of the Mind Ch. 15


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"See, I told you it would work. Dolkoff will be quite pleased with our success. He might even open my third channel," the leader growled.

"Don't count on it until it happens, but he should be pleased with all of us."

Wendy continued to cry and sob at their feet and I wanted desperately to reach out to her, to comfort her but I was lost in a sea of emotions I couldn't manage. The leader lashed out with his foot and kicked her in the stomach doubling her over.

"Shut up bitch!" he said still smiling. I felt nothing, I sat and stared. "Either of you boys want a boy at his girlfriend while he watches?" the leader asked with a sneer.

"Yeah, I think we earned it," said the large man on the left of the leader, walking over to grab Wendy's arm and pull her to her feet.

"Mike? Are you over there? Is everything okay?" Meg's voice drifted up the alleyway and I could almost feel, could almost scream inside to run. I felt the ball of emotion spin over my head and Meg's sharp intake of breath and small shriek, then it was quiet.

The leader nodded in Meg's direction. "Get her."

The other thug nodded and walked down, dragging Meg up the alley by her arm. She looked dazed and lifeless. Her eyes stared out, but I don't think they saw me. I wished I was dead. I though that to feel this bad that surely soon I would just die, and this could be over.

"Here she is. Looks like I won't have to have any sloppy seconds," he said, and the leader's two companions both chuckled.

"Well hurry up. We need to get him back."

The man with Wendy threw her over a trash bin pinning her to it with one massive arm. She was limp, passive and I wondered if he had taken her mind, but somehow I couldn't act to find out.

I feel I should explain a little more about what was happening to me. If you have ever suffered depression, or grief, or sadness to the point where you are not functional any more, then you know some of its power. This was 1000 times stronger than that. My mind was crushed by the power of these emotions, and though some part of me fought, I sat helplessly in the mud and slush barely even aware of these things I describe to you.

Then I felt something. I felt a small trickle of anger that seemed to bob to the surface of my emotions. I reached for it, clung to it as though it was like a lifeline thrown to a drowning man in a hurricane tossed sea. I held it to me like a spark, like hope.

Some tiny part of my mind then realized that this was not coming from within me. Somewhere, far across the city Ellen and Suzan sat, and they felt me, and they reached out to me. Through our link there trickled a tiny flow of their love, and their anger.

I pulled on it and it grew. I sucked that emotion into me like I was a man dying of thirst trying to drink through a cocktail straw. As I pulled, it was as though what was offered became greater, or the size of the straw expanded, but only a little. I could feel Suzan and Ellen now. They were frightened beyond belief, but also angry. That anger began to fill me like I was an empty cup, but still I could not move.

The man had pulled down Wendy's pants, and had pulled his small cock out and was stroking himself to hardness as she limply lay before him. The man with Meg leaned against a dumpster watching with Meg stunned at his feet.

I could not get enough energy through this weak connection with the girls to break through the emotions that had been forced upon me. Try as I might the pipe was too small, but I was thinking more clearly now with the emotion trickling into me. I needed more, but the only time the connection had been stronger was when we had all been making love. Love?

I reached out, ignoring the anger and concern and reached for love. Now I must explain, that in the music of emotions love is the most tenuous of things. It is not one sound, or even a multitude of cords, but a little of many things that stir through the human mind. To reach out to it I had to relinquish control, and call out to the whole being of my friends.

It happened immediately then. The garden hose I was pulling aid through with all my might became a waterfall. The love and caring of my friends washed over me like a river of power. It flooded through my mind whipping it clean. I could feel Tuyen now piggybacking on the mind of Ellen, and her love and caring was in me too.

I don't remember rising to my feet so much as it felt as if I was simply standing again, both in mind and body. The man with Wendy turned to look at me, his half hard cock in his hand.

"What the fu . . ., " he began, but he never finished the thought.

He flung emotion at me and it was as though it hit the surface of a river of emotion that flowed through me, and was simply washed away. Like a drop of water in the rapids of the Amazon.

I began to rage now. Every fiber of my being was filled with a power and a hate so intense it burned away reason and compassion. I flung ball after ball of thought at him so quickly that it tore his curtain aside like a sheet on a clothesline in a wind storm.

I snatched his mind to me, and then I called sound. Every time I had used the gift I had thought of emotion and sound together, but this time it was as if I simply screamed into his mind filling it with a thousand notes of raging sound. The emotions that this generated were like madness come to life.

He tottered once, and fell to the ground. I could feel the balls of emotion of the other two but they were so petty compared to the emotions that raged through me. I tore into the man by Meg, and in moments he joined his fellow on the ground. The leader faced me now, and there was terror in his face.

"Please...please no...," his voice broke like a teenager's.

His assault had stopped, and I could feel the strength of his defenses as he poured his whole being into them. For some reason this made my anger greater, and the assault I launched on him was like nothing I thought I was capable of. I tore that forcible defense aside and left him naked before me in moments.

He stood before me shivering, silent and naked to me. At that moment, for some reason I remembered the man in the office with his gun to his head and my anger cooled. I stood looking at this man, this coward, and all I could feel was contempt. My link with the girls was fading, and I could feel pain and fatigue drift through the connection as it shrank back to its small thread of connection. I was tired now, tired and resigned.

"Go tell Dolkoff that if he ever touches my friends again, in any way, I will do far worse than kill him when he finally has the balls to face me himself. This is between us."

The man stood for a moment before the recognition that he was not going to die. He turned on his heel and fled. No, he didn't flee, he ran as if all the demons of hell were on his ass, and not once did he turn to look back.

Meg was still stunned, but Wendy had apparently recovered when I had blasted the man that was attacking her. She had managed to get her pants back up, and was sitting against the wall crying.

I walked over to her, my knees almost buckling once from the fatigue and the adrenaline. I kneeled down and took her in my arms, and she clung to me sobbing. I reached out and sent notes of strength and comfort into her. I needed her help, and we didn't have much time.

"Wendy, I'm so sorry. You're going to be okay. They can't hurt you now, and I won't let them again." She cried softly into my shoulder for a moment as I held her.

"I need you to help me with Meg dear, we can't stay here, and I am not sure what is wrong with her."

I continued to pour strength and support into her, but I have to give Wendy credit. It took her a only moments to realize another woman was in need, and for her own strength to surface. She wasn't well, hell she was in shock, but the need to act can suppress that for a short amount of time.

"Okay, help me up."

I nodded and stood pulling her to her feet. We hurried over to Meg, and she still lay there looking stunned. Together we pulled her to her feet, and I reached out and called her note to me. She had simply been paralyzed, and her thoughts were racing in her mind. The note of the paralyzing effect was slowly fading, and as we supported her on either side she tried to help, but she was like a baby.

I sent more notes of calming and support as we half carried half-dragged her down the alley. Wendy was still crying, and I realized tears were streaming down my face as well. It wasn't until we were near the end of the ally that I realized I hadn't even looked at the thugs I had attacked, and then in the next breath I realized I didn't care.

The car was several blocks away, but as luck would have it the snow seemed to have sent most people home early, and the streets were relatively quiet. The few we passed I sent thoughts of how nice it was that we were helping the drunken woman home, and they didn't even seem to notice us after that.

As we walked, I felt Tuyen's presence in my mind, and I realized I was walking unshielded, as I had when I was flooded with the love and support of my friends. I sent her notes of comfort and assurance that we were okay. Then I sent her the image of us walking to my car, and then an image of Suzan's house. There was a feeling that appeared in me of confidence, and then it felt as if Tuyen's warm lips were on mine for a brief second before she vanished from my mind, and I pulled my curtain almost closed.

When I reached the car, I pulled my cell phone out of the consol. where I had left it charging, and called the girls. Tuyen answered.

"Mike! What the hell was that? Susan and Ellen are both out cold." She sounded a little hysterical, which was exactly how I was starting to feel.

"What do you mean they are out?"

"They said they could feel something was wrong, then they said they were trying to help, and I joined in, but I could only support them, I couldn't reach you like they could. When it was over they just passed out. They are breathing and everything, I think whatever happened just drained them."

"Crap. Look I am bringing Meg and Wendy with me. They were used against me in the attack," I said my voice shaking. "See if you can revive the others before I get there."

"Okay Mike, I'll try. I think I know where Suzan keeps her kit, she has to have some smelling salts in there or something."

"Okay Tuyen, thanks. Keep your shields up, and watch the others, I'll be there in 30 minutes or so."

"Okay Mike, be careful."

I hung up and for the first time looked over at Wendy. She was watching me closely. I reached out and called her mind to me. The surface of her thoughts was a boil with what had happened to her, and what had almost happened to her. I tried to calm her aggravation, make her feel safe.

"That's you doing that isn't it?" she asked quietly as she turned and looked out the window. "Making me feel better." Her voice was flat. This was something new for me.

"Yes, just trying to help. Do you want me to stop?" She shook her head no, and continued to look out the window at the dark. I continued to soothe her as we rode in silence the rest of the way to Suzan's

As we pulled up Tuyen ran out of the house and nearly crushed me with the hug she gave me. We talked as she helped Wendy and me with Meg. Meg was almost able to stand with aid, and she slurred out a thank you as we helped her stumble to the house. I called her mind to me, and found her remarkably calm, though angry.

Once in the house I saw Suzan and Ellen side by side on the couch looking quite pale and drawn, sipping cups of coffee. Susan spoke up as we entered

"Mike are you okay, any injuries?" I shook my head no.

"No Suzan, I think the only injuries we sustained tonight will take Ellen's help to heal." Ellen was leaning her head on Suzan's shoulder, and she sat up a little straighter at this and spoke.

"Mike what happened?"

"Let's get everyone settled here, and I will explain what I know," I said as we put Meg on the couch next to Ellen, and Wendy sat on the floor at their feet, and I took the big armchair facing them. It took a surprising amount of time to explain what had happened to the girls, and I took extra time to fill in the details about the gift for Meg. Part of me cringed at revealing to her the details of the gift. Wendy knew quite a bit, but I figured it would be good to give her a refresher too. I gave them both some images, but was careful not to overdo it like I had before.

When I got to the part where Wendy was about to be raped, Meg began to cry, and all three women gathered around her to hug and support her. She told them she was okay, but I noticed she didn't turn down their attention and comfort.

The story wound down at last and we sat looking at each other until Meg spoke.

"So you all have this gift?" her voice was quiet, but steady.

"No, just Tuyen, Ellen, and Susan. Wendy knows a little about this simply because she is a friend, and I had confided in her when I needed some support."

"You used this gift to find me in the club, and to help me?" I nodded, a lump suddenly in my throat.

"Yes Meg, I did. I'm sorry if you feel I invaded your privacy. You can ask my friends here, I only use the gift to try to help, never to harm. Well, almost never," I said quietly as I thought about the two men in the alley, and the man behind the desk in the club.

I was lost in my own thoughts when Meg startled me out of reverie. She was standing in front of me, only a little wobbly. She sat down right in my lap, put her arms around me and hugged me for all she was worth. I honestly don't remember if I was crying before that, but when she pulled back both our faces were tear streaked.

"I'll be honest Mike, I don't like the idea of anyone roaming around in my head without me knowing about it, but I am still very grateful to you for what you did in that club." I nodded and smiled through my tears, unable to speak for a moment.

Meg climbed off me and went to sit between the girls on the couch again. They were all staring at me as if I should say something, and I found myself at a loss for words. Finally, Wendy broke the silence.

"Mike, I want the gift. I want to help kick that asshole's butt."

Her face was stern, and her jaw set when she finished speaking, but for some reason that made her look even younger then she was. I felt the guilt begin to rise in me as it had so often through this crazy adventure.

"Wendy, thank you, but look at how much danger you were in tonight just from knowing me. I don't even know how many people I am up against. I have endangered my best friends, and I don't want to put anyone else at risk." I looked down from her face, fully expecting her angry reply, but it was Meg that answered for her in a voice barely a whisper.

"What makes you think we're safer without the gift Mike? If we had this gift, we could have helped you tonight, we could have helped ourselves." There was a long pause as I met her eyes before she spoke again. "We wouldn't feel so helpless. I wouldn't feel so helpless." More tears slid down her face as she spoke.

Something in me shifted then. I don't like to think of the world in terms of epiphanies, or enlightenment, but more a slow plodding stride toward understanding ourselves and the world around us. In that moment, I saw myself as if through the eyes of these women, and I understood something about myself, and it stung.

"Meg your right, you might be safer with the gift, but do I give it to everyone I care about? It is a terrible burden at times, and a tremendous responsibility. But that is not the real reason I hesitate to give it to you both. The real reason is that it has made me feel powerful and important, and like the great protector." I looked at the eyes of the women staring at me from across the room.

"Just now, I realized that I have been a fool. I have wanted to help all of you, wanted to protect you. Suzan, Ellen, Tuyen, you know I love all of you, and when I gave the gift to each of you I still felt like I was the big dog. That was foolish. I have so tried not to let the gift make me feel superior, to abuse it but I have. I think it is time I stopped deluding myself."

"Mike you have done the best you could, no one is perfect," Ellen said in her best therapist voice. It made me smile in spite of myself.

"Thanks doc, I have done the best I can. But now I want to do better. Meg, Wendy, if you want the gift I will give it to you. However, I ask the same thing of you I ask of myself, that you try to only use it to help people."

Meg nodded as Wendy spoke up, "Okay Mike, I promise, but you have to promise me something too."

"What is that Wendy?" I asked apprehensively

"No more sheltering us, no more playing the hero. Okay?" I nodded.

"Deal," I said, and found my voice to be remarkably calm and sure.

I worked on them one at a time, putting both of them in a deep sleep before I did so. After words we carried them up to the ugly guest bedroom and tucked them in side by side before the four of us slipped back down stairs.

Tuyen spoke first, "Okay, now I have to know what the hell happened with that link?"

I looked at Suzan and Ellen. Suzan blushed and Ellen began to grin. It was Suzan who spoke first., "Well it just sort of happened." Her face grew redder as she spoke and Tuyen began to smile too before she looked at me.

"Okay Mike, just show me, this is driving me crazy."

I nodded and reached out for her note. It felt comforting to be in her mind, and I found it much easier to replay the events of the other evening for just one person, especially one with the gift. It was also interesting that I felt her get extremely aroused at the images I replayed for her. I did my best to stay focused on the task at hand, though when I finished I was sporting a rather hard cock as well.

"Holy shit!" Tuyen looked at Suzan and Ellen, "it is about time you two, I think it is wonderful you finally realized what Jill and I have known for a while."

"What do you mean you've known?" Ellen said defensively as she snuggled back into Suzan behind her on the couch.

"Oh come on Ellen, every time Suzan was around you practically drooled, and Susan you would strut and pretend not to at the same time."

For the first time ever I saw Ellen blush, though not nearly as red as Susan's already glowing face. They looked so right together to me on that couch, and Tuyen was grinning at them like they were the cats that ate the canary. Tuyen moved to embrace her two friends and for a few minutes there was lots of crying and hugging while I sat like a dork in my chair looking on.

Eventfully the lovefest wound down, and the three of them sat on the couch talking and giggling. Finally Tuyen looked over at me.

"Well Mike, what do we do now?"

"I don't know to tell you the truth. I am open to ideas," I said truly at a loss.

Tuyen sat thinking for a moment before she spoke. "The link you share, it seems that this is a big advantage in a fight. I was able to lend some support through them, but wouldn't it be better if all of us were linked?" The room grew quiet, and we all looked at each other.

Now, there was only one way that I knew to establish the link I had with Ellen and Susan, and that was through the emotional fusion we had while making love to each other. The idea of sleeping with all three of these women was in every respect an appealing one, but one. Eventually, I was going to have to tell Jill about this, or she would find out on her own.

I cared for these women very deeply. They were true friends, and had staked their lives next to mine in this battle. Jill though, I had fought to protect from everything. I had even refused to look in her mind, to help her as I had helped these friends. The answer as to why was finally staring me in the face this night, and it was as hard a pill to swallow as any I have ever taken in my life.