The Nanobots Pt. 01

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Tyler brings experiment home and accidentally exposes family.
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Authors note: this is my first story on here, written partly on a phone so pardon any errors. It's a bit of a slow burn with things heating up towards the end. If you all seem to enjoy it I'll get to work on part 2!


Tyler stared at the results on his computer in amazement. He'd put so much time and effort into his nanomachine project that he just couldn't believe it looked like he had finally succeeded. At 20 years old, Tyler was a whiz kid in his college's science department. He had a knack for computers and robotics, and after reading a few too many science fiction novels over the years with the miniature robots he'd asked himself "Is it possible?"

So a year ago he had dived into his work, researching anything and everything related to the technology as well as reading more fictional novels to give himself ideas for directions he could take his work. His final goal had been to use his tiny robots to improve a person's overall health by making changes within a human's body. These changes could vary from increasing the speed at which a cut might heal, to potentially directing the bodies resources to regrow a lost limb.

Tyler glanced from his computer screen over to the mouse cage next to him. His test subjects were acting completely normal but their vitals being relayed to his screen told him they were at the pinnacle of health, plus one had miraculously regrown an ear it had previously been missing! The potential applications of his new technology were limitless! But first Tyler needed to move his testing into the next phase: Humans.

Exhausted from working all day, Tyler filled a few vials with samples of his nanobots and packed up his laptop. As he was walking to his car his phone started ringing.

"Hi honey, are you on your way home? I was about to start dinner." Tylers mom Samantha asked.

"yeah mom, im heading to my car now. What're we having?" Tyler responded as he got into his old 4-runner.

"Your sister wanted something healthier tonight so I thought we'd have salads. But don't worry, I have some steak to put in yours." Tyler's mom and his sister Hayley were always on a health kick these days. Tyler wasn't sure why, yeah maybe they could lose a few pounds he thought, but couldn't everyone?

"Sounds good mom, I'll see you guys soon." Tyler thought about his family as he drove home. At 39 years old, Samantha was beautiful in Tyler's opinion. She looked like the definition of a mother, about 5'5" tall, long brown hair, friendly face, busty up top and full figured on the bottom. Her smile always made him feel better at the end of a long day. His sister Hayley was 18 and was about to graduate from high school. Hayley had definitely taken after their mother in many ways as she was always friendly and easy to smile, but she'd also taken after her mom when it came to her figure. The biggest difference was that she'd inherited their fathers dirty blonde hair and height (she was about 5'9"). His dad had left when he was young leaving his mom to raise Tyler and Hayley alone. She'd done the best she could and the house had always been filled with love. Between the two women, Tyler had high expectations when it came to girlfriends. He'd been around 2 beautiful women (inside and out) his entire life. He'd outgrown the childhood crush-like feelings he'd had for his mom growing up (he had told himself), and Tyler hoped he could repay her someday for all her hard work and love through the years.

After parking his car in the driveway, Tyler grabbed his samples and laptop and walked inside. He gave his mom a hug and then wet willed his sister's ear as he walked by her on the couch. "Ew Tyler!!" Hayley yelled as he ran down the hall to his room. Once inside he pulled out his laptop and began going over his results once more. Everything looked promising. Now he had a decision to make. How confident was he? As he stared at one of his vials he finally said screw it. He was going for it.

Tyler searched through his backpack and pulled out his water bottle. There was still water inside he could use as the delivery system for his machines. As he poured some of the solution carrying the nanobots from the vial into his water he thought about all the improvements he could make to himself. As far as he knew his only limit was his imagination!

Before he lost his courage Tyler quickly drank about half of the cup before setting it back down on his desk. It had a slight lemony taste to it but otherwise tasted fine. He moved back to his laptop and booted up the program that communicated with the nanobots. The information started flowing in and informed him that the machines were replicating to the optimal amount based on biomass and were in the information gathering stage. He knew from his tests that it would take a few hours to survey his body and compile the results so he decided to head back down for dinner.

As his mom and sister talked about Hayleys plans for summer and where she wanted to go to college next year Tyler spaced out. "What's going through your head honey?" Tyler's mom asked when she noticed his far off look.

Tyler was brought back to reality as he answered "Oh nothing sorry mom, just had some exciting results today at school. I've got more work to do but so far so good" Samantha had leaned forward when she spoke to tyler and he couldn't help but notice how big her breasts were and the cleavage showing. He quickly looked elsewhere but not before Samantha had noticed. When you grew up with a chest like hers you got used to quick glances or even stares. She didn't think too much of it as she got up to clear the table.

Back in his room Tyler stared at his laptop. There it was, "Subject A". All the data the machines had gathered about him. He looked it over and was impressed with how efficient and quick they were. He was excited as he pulled up another program on his computer. This program was the one that could translate his directions to the machines into code that they would then act upon, based on the parameters he set and the state his body was currently in. This program had been one of the hardest to create. It basically was able to take all the readings from his body and present them in a manner that was more user friendly for someone who was not some kind of medical expert. It would also work in the reverse, attempting to translate common English commands into sophisticated commands for the nanobots.

The first thing he wanted to do was add a little muscle tone to himself. He wasn't shabby by any means, being 5'11", 180 pounds, but who doesn't want to look a little better? He looked for the current information regarding muscle tone and increased the current value by 10%. That would be a good starting place. The next thing he looked at was height, at 5'11" it had always bugged him that he wasn't an even 6 feet tall. He instructed the machines to add an inch to his height as well. As he did he chuckled to himself, why not add an inch somewhere else too? Tyler was already 7 inches-ish down there and he put the new value for the machines to work on as 8". And fuck it, add an inch in circumference too he thought.

Tyler added in the normal things as well that would put him in overall excellent health before he hit the "Execute" button which would send the commands and closed his laptop. He couldn't feel anything happening right then and there but wasn't surprised. It had been along day so Tyler got ready for bed and eventually fell asleep.

Tyler absentmindedly turned off his alarm as he slowly woke up, but he was distracted by something else. His shins ached, and his boxers felt tighter. He bolted upright as he remembered what he'd done last night. Holy shit, this felt like the growing pains he'd had when he was younger! He ran over to the mirror in his room and looked at himself. Holy crap, he could see some extra definition in his muscles, he couldn't be quite sure about the height but he'd see how his pants looked when he put them on. He then pulled the front of his boxers forward and looked down. Yep. Bigger! This was amazing! Success beyond his wildest dreams!

Tyler was walking to the bathroom with a big smile on his face, as he reached for the handle the door opened first revealing Hayley wrapped in a towel after having taken a shower. First she looked up at him noticing the goofy smile on his face and asked the obligatory "What're you so happy about?" She seemed like she was having to look higher then normal to look at her brother. Then her eyes drifted down a little and she noticed that Tyler was in better shape than she remembered.

"Have you been working out Tyler?" She asked.

Tyler just chuckled "Yeah something like that" he responded as he moved past her into the now empty bathroom.

"Well maybe you could let me and mom in on your secret? You know we're trying to get ready for bikini season with summer starting soon."

"Yeah maybe" he said as he closed the door. Tyler thought about what his sister said as he brushed his teeth. He could help them out definitely, but he was worried about the temptation that would come along with it. He wasn't ready to tell people about his work yet but he did need more subjects for research, and he wasn't sure how they'd feel knowing someone else had the ability to make changes to their bodies.

Meanwhile, as Tyler was going through his normal morning routine, Samantha was running around the house looking for her water bottle so she could make it to her yoga class on time. She peeked her head into Tyler's room and saw his sitting on his desk. "He won't mind if I borrow it" she thought to herself as she headed out the door.

A few hours later, when Samantha returned home, she saw Tyler sitting with his sister on the couch watching some tv. "Tyler" she started "I had to borrow your water bottle this morning since I couldn't find mine. Don't worry I'll clean it out, but since when did you start drinking lemon water?" she asked as she went to the kitchen.

Tyler froze in shock as his brain started to piece together what his mother had said. "What's wrong with you?" his sister asked when she noticed his startled expression.

"Oh, um nothing, I just remembered something I gotta do for school" Tyler managed to get out as he raced to his room.

As Tyler waited for his laptop to start up his mind was racing. Had his mom gotten some of the nanobots? Oh shit, he hadn't drank the whole bottle and he specifically remembered the lemony taste! Finally his computer was on and he opened up the program that showed the data it had compiled for him... there was a second subject, Subject B! His heart raced as he realized what had happened, it was gonna be ok he kept telling himself. He was fine, the mice were fine, everything had gone smoothly!

Tyler exited his room and found his mom still in the kitchen still at the sink. The first thing he noticed was how good she looked from behind in those yoga pants. "Damn it man, get a hold of yourself that's your mom!" he silently chastised himself.

"Hey mom, how was your class? How are you feeling?" Tyler asked.

"It was okay honey, I always struggle with the motivation to get myself there, but I always feel better afterwards" his mother replied.

"Hey mom" Hayley yelled from the living room "Tyler's been secretly working out and I gotta say, whatever he's doing it's working! Maybe he can show us his routine some time?"

Samantha looked up at her son "Is that true? Oh my gosh that would be so great if you would" his mom said as she gave him a big hug. Tyler was acutely aware of her breasts pressing into him through her thin sports bra and he struggled to maintain his cool as he thought of what to do.

"Uh sure mom, I can help you guys out I guess" he stammered as he looked down at his mother's beautiful smiling face. "How about this afternoon I'll show you girls a few of the exercises I've been doing?" Tyler asked.

Both the girls agreed as Tyler walked to his room trying to think of how to deal with the situation. Once he got to his room he started pacing, thinking of all the ramifications now that his mother had the nanobots inside her body. First off, he had another person to watch how the machines affected, secondly he could help his mom with the issues she's always complaining about. Most importantly though, he could potentially pay her back for everything she'd done for him and his sister!

Tyler sat down at his computer and started thinking of instructions to give the nanobots. Firstly he decided to give her the generic excellent health. After that, his mind drifted towards the cleavage he'd seen lately along with her tits pressing against him during the hugs. "Damn it" he muttered to himself. "That's your mom asshole."

Deciding to help her with the whole exercise thing, but also subconsciously remembering his mother's recent affection Tyler started to type out his instructions.

"Subject B feels pleasure being around Subject A" If Tyler was going to help his mom WANT to work out with him, having it feel good would help her along that path he rationalized. This instruction should make the nanobots have the brain release "happy hormones" when she's exercising with him.

The next instruction he came up with was a little more dubious as he tried to convince himself it was in his mom's best interest to achieve her goal. "Subject B takes Subject A's suggestions very seriously." In his head, Tyler told himself this would help when he made suggestions about things like working out, meals, etc.

Not wanting thing to seem abnormal, but also wanting his mom to see progress and wish to continue with working out, Tyler increased her muscle tone by 5 percent and reduced her body fat by 2 percent.

Tyler's curser hovered over the "Execute" button for just a second before he finally clicked it. He then started thinking about how his mom had affected him and thought to himself "Man, I really need to get laid." He wondered if the nanobots could help him out in that respect. He had already increased how good a shape he was in, and he could increase that in the future, but was there something else he could do? Then an idea popped into his head, could he possibly use something straight out of a nature documentary? Maybe he could increase his pheromone output and that would help him get laid, or at least a date. He entered the necessary command and thought "Lets see what happens", looking forward to Monday when he went back to school.

Meanwhile, Samantha was in the kitchen cleaning up when all of a sudden she was struck by a strange feeling. She wished Tyler was here with her. The more she thought of him the happier she felt. All of a sudden she noticed her nipples hardening and shook her head. "What's that about?" she thought. Its been too long since she used her trusty friend in her bedside table she guessed. She got back to cleaning and found herself looking forward to working out this afternoon with her son.

Tyler spent the next few hours looking up workout routines online in an effort to give himself some direction for what to do with his mom and sister. He then got his workout clothes on and headed out to the living room. He saw his mom and sister watching tv and asked if they were ready to start the workout.

"Sure!" his sister said. "Let me get changed real quick." Meanwhile, Samantha, still in her yoga clothes from earlier. had just been staring at her son as soon as he entered the room. Her heart had started beating faster all of a sudden, and she once again felt her nipples hardening. Him just being in the room made her so happy, and when he looked at her it felt almost pleasurable. She felt so good when he was looking at her. She quickly recovered and smiled at her son and went to give him a big hug, "Thanks for helping us Tyler! How did I raise such a good son?" She also noticed how firm and strong he felt with her arms wrapped around him. As the embrace went on she also noticed something else, Tyler smelled amazing. How had she never noticed that before? She felt like she didn't want to let him go.

Tyler meanwhile once again felt himself lost in the pleasure of his mom's busty embrace. This time she seemed to be molding herself to him though. Tyler felt his body reacting to his mom so he embarrassedly pushed them apart before she noticed. He looked down at her and said "I hope this helps you girls out mom, though honestly I'm not sure you two really need the help." Samantha's heart fluttered a little bit and she flushed as Hayley re-entered the room in her workout attire.

"Damn" thought Tyler, "How lucky am I?" His sister's workout clothes hugged her body and he found himself thanking whoever invented yoga pants and sports bras. The name of one of his favorite porn stars, Lily Ivy, popped into his head as he saw her and he once again found himself embarrassed and trying to look elsewhere. "Maybe I can use the nanobots to calm my nerves and increase my feeling of confidence so I won't get affected like this" Tyler wondered.

"First, I thought we'd stretch to warm up. Then I'll take you two through a few exercises I like to do, followed by another round of stretching to cool down. I figured we'd take it a little easier today since mom's already worked out some today and I can get an idea of where you two are at." Both girls agreed that sounded like a good idea and the three of them got started.

The workout seemed to be going well so far and Tyler was glad he had looked up the exercises beforehand. Tyler and the two girls were slightly sweating as they neared the second round of stretching when he noticed something strange. Both women's nipples looked like they were trying to break through their sports bras and they seemed extremely focused on him. Unbeknownst to Tyler, his sweating had permeated the room with his smell. And with his new pheromone output the girls were being affected.

Samantha didn't know why but she was having a great time during the workout. It wasn't some groundbreaking workout but she just found herself feeling so happy. She kept thinking about how proud she was of her son and what a fine and handsome man he'd become. His arms, back, chest, and even *blush* his package all looked so impressive. Ever since the workout had become more intense after the first stretches she'd kept sneaking glances at his bulge. He was going to make some woman very happy some day. Those thoughts kept running through her mind as the workout went on, and her glances at her son kept getting longer and longer as Samantha realized she was getting excited. Holy shit, she was wet, and she couldn't remember her nipples ever being this hard. Damn this sports bra felt like it was suffocating her.

Meanwhile Hayley wasn't doing much better. While she hadn't been affected by nanobots the invisible pheromones had started affecting her as well. She didn't understand why she was starting to feel the stirrings of arousal. She was with her mom and brother! Sure she loved her brother to death, and yes he was attractive, but he was her brother! She'd had that childish crush on him when they were kids, thinking her big brother was so cool but she'd grown out of that, hadn't she? Yes he'd looked damn good when she was coming out of the bathroom earlier but she didn't understand why she was reacting this way right now. She was certainly admiring the view in font of her right now and he definitely had her attention but this was her brother!

Struggling to keep his cool after noticing the intent stares of the voluptuous women in front of him, Tyler decided it was time to move into the cooldown portion of the workout. He had them in the middle of a stretch (more of a yoga pose) when he noticed his mom was doing it slightly wrong from what he'd seen in the video. He moved over to correct her and as he got alongside her he couldn't help but notice just how gorgeous his mother's body was. The position was called child's pose, his mom was on her knees with her forehead on the ground but instead of her arms out in front of her they were pointing backwards towards her feet. He reached out to move her arms to the correct position but the moment he touched her her whole body shuddered and he could've sworn he heard a gasp.