The Nobility of Now


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It wasn't memorable, but it was good meat-and-potatoes fucking so Guadalupe didn't hold back, feeling her balls pull up into her body as they churned up a nice, thick load for the girl's pussy. She grabbed the black girl's shoulders with both hands crossed over each other to hold her firmly in place and began drilling her, pulling her entire length out and slamming it back in, letting the sound of long thrusts and skin-on-skin impact dominate the room. Ghaliya's hand drifted down, between her legs, three fingers kneading her clit in a circular motion as she took in short breathes cut even shorter by Guadalupe's inward motion.

Finally Guadalupe came, pulling back on the girl's shoulders to drive as deep as she possibly could, splattering seed into her fertile womb with a series of sharp gasps and deep exhale of air. Barely giving herself a respite, Guadalupe pulled out and climbed onto the bed where Cassandra was now lying on her side across Linus' legs, holding his cock with one hand while her other hand propped her head up as she gently lapped at his raging erection – like a cat would a bowl of milk. Guadalupe watched for a few seconds, then pushed Cassandra's face away from him, swinging her legs over his body and boldly straddling his dick before dropping onto his length and finally rolling her hips to let his manhood work her depths.

He moaned under her and Guadalupe her hands on his chest, playing roughly with his nipples. She started sliding her hips back and forth while her dick dribbled lovejuices onto him: some of them Ghaliya's and some of them her's but maybe a few drops belonging to his sister. The thought reignited Guadalupe's passions and she picked up the pace of her cowgirl fucking, looking to the side and motioning for Cassandra to stand. With an expression of confusion on her face, the auburn-haired girl complied, only to have her member set upon by Guadalupe's lips in a wanton act of hedonism. Guadalupe put her whole head into it, burying her face into Cassandra's mid-section and vigorously sucking her delicately pencil-shaped member to full attention while continuing to ride Lunis like a prize stallion.

Guadalupe didn't care about anything but pleasure, in a machine-like fashion she sought it out, reaching for any sensation that might provide it. Turning her head again, letting Cassandra slip from her lips in the process, she saw the final unengaged participant, "You, tall girl, come over here and lick this boy," pointing her finger at his chest for emphasis as she rocked against his body.

The girl approached self-consciously, her hands and arms covering her bikini areas ineffectively, unable to meet Guadalupe's casual gaze. Still, she was cute enough and only needed to send the boy over the edge and into Guadalupe's pussy once more and to that end Guadalupe grabbed her when she was close, pulling her head down to his chest viciously and hissing through her teeth, "Lick his nipples, make him cum."

Guadalupe watched for his reaction as she pressed the raven-haired girl's face to his chest, seeing his face contort into an unreadable expression before she clamped down on him with her thighs, springing up and crashing back down upon his cock. Her own cock was rejuvenated by all this, slapping wet and hard against her belly. Every muscle she had was on fire from the strain, but she wouldn't let up, closing her eyes and giving herself to the feeling.

She lost track as she rode Lunis and sucked Cassandra: of all the limbs and bodies and sweat and juices and muscles and skin and hair, it was a blur under dim colored lights and the intoxicating smell of sex in the air. What she could remember were merely snapshots - Lunis rolling over and putting Guadalupe on her back, screwing her while holding her legs in the air by their ankles; the raven-haired girl splitting her attentions between kissing Cassandra desperately and licking Linnet's tits; Ghaliya in her own world on the edge of the bed, still lying face down and enthusiastically fingering herself, two fingers working her clit while the middle finger of her other hand was two knuckles deep in her butt; Cassandra jacking off directly into Guadalupe's mouth. She didn't even recall her own orgasm, although she was certain she'd cum at some point.

Instead there was simply light bleeding through the still-closed blinds in the morning as she came to, a tangle of bodies around her under the sheets. Quickly accounting for those present revealed two few. Her head hurt for some reason, filled with a buzzing sound—

Guadalupe took a second look at the blinds. The light around them was flickering, quite unlike "sunrise" on the ship. She rose up and rolled off the bed, not bothering to cover herself as she looked out and nearly fainted in shock. An entire wing of the mansion looked as if it had been uplifted and then dropped. Controlling her urge to panic, she looked to her smart bracelet, but it was off the network – or the network was offline, rendering it a digital deaf-mute – and her control over her panic began to slip. She started the offline swap-over process. She hastily gathered up clothes discarded many hours ago and opened the door to her room, poking her head out and seeing two armed and armored figures in the halls.

They weren't wearing the red-and-grey of Crew Security/Police; instead they both had twin gold armbands on their upper arms, the mark of the Yellow Legion, along with folding stock pulse rifles, gas masks and dark grey hard-suits. They were methodically proceeding down the hall in a combat spread, weapons at the ready and with enough spacing to ensure clear lines of fire. Guadalupe held her scream in – covering her mouth with her hand – before regaining her senses as she retreated back into her room, closing the door quietly.

It didn't matter though. A few seconds later the door came flying open courtesy of a mule-kick from one of the armed figures, who then cleared the doorway as the other entered, barrel of the pulse rifle sweeping the room as the figure moved to the closest corner and kneeled. The other figure came in a second later, heading straight for Guadalupe as she stumbled over a pair of discarded boots, recovering as she posted out her hand and stabilized herself, then dashed for the bathroom. But the figure giving chase was too fast and caught her in fewer than three steps in spite of their bulky gear. Whoever they were, they were strong, strong enough that Guadalupe found herself restrained and bodily carried from the room and into the darkened hallway. It was only then she realized now would be a good time to scream.

She never saw or felt the rifle stock that knocked her unconscious.


Guadalupe awoke in complete darkness. The only clues to her surroundings were the steady hum of an electric motor and the slight rocking motion of a shuttle. She was grateful for the sounds. They meant she was still alive.

"Is she awake yet?" A voice in the darkness, obviously modulated to cover its origin.

"Should be, the adren has had thirty seconds to kick in." A second voice, higher pitched than the first and also modulated.

"Guadalupe Salazar, No. 4051, can you hear me?"

Guadalupe debated whether or not to answer, but the chime of her smart bracelet as they passed a radiation spike caused her to involuntarily flinch her head as if to look at it, forcing her hand, "...Yes. I can hear you."

She heard an audible sigh of relief before the first voice spoke up again, "Good. Do you know who we are?"

"No. I saw nothing, I know nothing."

The second voice laughed mirthlessly, mocking the statement. The first voice continued, "You saw enough, even if you don't know it. But I'd like to assure you're safe and in good hands –"

"I saw you destroy the mansion, so excuse me if I need more than words to be assured."

Neither voice spoke for a long interval. The shuttle was turning and dropping, either throwing off pursuers or trying to confuse her, Guadalupe couldn't tell. Either way, these were probably professional kidnappers, unlike the last batch of fools who'd tried to make a quick fortune off her. She decided to stay silent, let them do the talking. But after her last comment, it didn't appear they were in a talking mood.

Seconds stretched into minutes and minutes into an hour before the shuttle stopped, doors opening and rough hands hauling Guadalupe to her feet. Her smart bracelet chimed louder and louder into her ear and she began to sweat; this was no mere spike of transient radiation, they'd brought her – a Colonist – to a hot zone! She began to resist, wishing she'd done a hundred things differently: asking for a weapon, posting security outside her door, reviewing the screening protocols for the mansion. But no, those were violations of tradition, harsh insults delivered to gracious hosts. "Gracious hosts who cannot keep kidnappers off the premises, hah!" she thought bitterly. The hands brought her into a cool building, where she heard and felt a heavy metal door clang shut behind her. The chime on her bracelet died away. A shielded building? Only Colonists and the richest, most powerful Crew had shielded buildings at their disposal! Who were these people?

The blindfold was wrenched from her face gracelessly, causing her eyes to squint while she adjusted to the bright lights. The guards on either arm remained masked, but two more men, both wearing sunglasses, were standing in front of her, with a bright light behind them. "Welcome, Colonist Number 4051, to our humble abode," a disembodied voice, screened behind the lights, greeted her, "We've spent a long time looking for someone of your stature. And it took even longer to arrange this meeting."

Oh, a simple ransom. Odd circumstances aside, it was the most likely scenario. "How much do you want?"

"I beg your pardon? I have enough money. I have more than enough money. If I've discovered one thing is this short life, it's that money becomes a boring irrelevancy when the things you want you cannot buy. Rather, what I want is what you have. Or something like it anyway."

The man stepped forward out of the light, he was short and barrel-chested, with a series of bright red pockmarks down the side of his face and round little glasses that looked too small for his eyes. "What I want, my dear, is to be a Colonist."

Guadalupe couldn't hold back a sarcastic laugh, "Absolutely preposterous."

"Oh, but you're wrong," the man smirked, taking another two steps closer to Guadalupe, "You see, regulations state that Colonists may be officially married while en-route under certain circumstances. For non-Colonial spouses, the status of Colonist may be conferred as well."

She wracked her head for the answer, "You would never survive though, the radiation damage in your DNA, the cold sleep –"

"My dear, I have no intention of hopping into those freezers to waste my life waiting for the mythical promised land to appear."

"Then why do you want to be a Colonist."

The man smirked again and turned to look at one of his subordinates as if sharing the joke of her statement before answering her, "Power, my dear. You have it, I don't. And that upsets me."

"And what am I supposed to do about that?"

"Well, marry me for starters," he laughed, a cruel imitation of humor, "Then reign by my side as Queen of the Ship."

Guadalupe cocked a skeptical eyeball, "You're no king."

Again the mystery man smugly grinned, "No, not yet. But I will be once I have the full legal authority of a Colonist, as well as being a high status member of Crew."

"You are a madman. And what makes you think I'll go along with any of this? If you think for one second I'd agree to not just marry you, but also forsake any chance of seeing the planet, you're as stupid as you are unsubtle."

His grin disappeared in a flash, replaced by the scowl of a man unaccustomed to insult. Guadalupe didn't even bother trying to dodge with his goons still holding her arms in place, accepting the sting of his hand with stoicism and recovering quickly. He stepped back, thrusting out his arm to adjust his sleeve and restoring his composure, "I know everything there is to know about this ship and the people aboard it," he casually checked his watch, as if he had higher priorities, "Things you don't know, couldn't possibly know, not even about yourself. You know history, back in the day, the anointed class, they called them nobility, the nobles. They had all the power, the respect, the status. And regular people couldn't get in. But you know what? Things changed. Over time, people took power, forced the nobles to give them the same respect. Not by birth, but by sweat of their brow. Businessmen, politicians, industrialists, they became the new nobility. And that, sweet sister, is what's happening here."

Guadalupe stifled her laugh, badly disguising it as a cough. Fortunately the Mystery Man was too self-absorbed to notice. She now knew he didn't know the most important thing about Colonists. Therefore there was no way he could have taken any precautions or planned counters. She subvocalized to her smart bracelet and it keyed the chemical reservoir in her body, releasing an assortment of drugs into her bloodstream: beta blockers, stimulants, blood-boosters and painkillers. Guadalupe retched involuntarily, but the Mystery Man still paid her no mind, casually flipping through screens displayed on his watch. It took thirty seconds, and she was a shivering, sweating mess at the end of it, but the drugs rapidly harmonized.

Now came the hard part. Her smart bracelet detached from inside her wrist and migrated, from just under the inside of her skin and up to her armpit, then coiled itself tight. The pain would have been excruciating without the cocktail of drugs injected into her and, even then, it required a local anesthetic to keep the process bearable. Once that was done, the combat system tapped into her central nervous system, taking control of her bodily functions for the time being as it forcibly boosted her physical performance past safe, sustainable levels.

The Mystery Man looked up and spoke to one of his men, sharing a brief, quiet joke before speaking to Guadalupe, still looking at his watch "Well, Ms. Salazar? I don't have all day. Are you the one I'm looking for or just another dead Colonist?"

She saw him differently now – literally, as her visual acuity now reached into the infrared and ultraviolet spectrums and a small radar mounted in the bone behind her eyebrows scanned him for likely weapons. He'd looked back down at his watch and had nothing but an overpriced pocket pistol, but both of the goons on his flanks carried flash carbines. Fortunately, the one on the right had his weapon improperly secured and wouldn't be able to draw it for several seconds while the one on the left had a too-long retaining cord. The plan practically worked itself out.

Smiling, Guadalupe answered him, "I've made my choice. I will be your Qu –"

As she spoke those misleading words, Guadalupe deliberately dislocated her left shoulder and let the arm fall from the socket, pulling free of the tight grip that was holding her in place. She didn't even notice the pain, smashing her foot into the guard's shin, breaking it with a sickening crunch. It happened so fast that the Mystery Man was still engrossed in his watch and his goons hadn't moved a muscle as she mule kicked the guard on her right arm directly in his testicles, a dull thud resounding through the room as he collapsed, vomiting over the floor.

Now the Mystery Man was looking up.

He was just in time to eat a severely powerful right hook that smashed against his temple, turning his head on his side and causing his proverbial lights to go out. As expected, the goon on the right was slow on the draw and Guadalupe closed the distance to the one on the left, as he raised his weapon grabbing the barrel with her good hand the moment it discharged, grazing her ribcage and putting the smell of cooked meat into her nostrils. With one solid yank and pull upward, the weapon was rendered irrelevant, her body out of its line of fire. Guadalupe squatted down slightly and, using her powerful legs to propel her whole body weight, crashed her head upwards into his jaw. He was stunned by the blow and loosened his grip on his weapon, a fatal mistake at this juncture as she reversed the weapon, one hand on the barrel, the other fingering the trigger, and fired into his face with four rapid shots.

She didn't even acknowledge the red-hot barrel scorching the palm of her hand; she simply brought the weapon to the ready, holding his body a few inches above the floor via the retaining strap and one good arm. She needn't have worried about the other goon though: he was standing in mute shock, completely immobile. Guadalupe fired anyway, blasting a hole straight through the center of his face and cauterizing the flesh around it. Then shot the Mystery Man twice in the back of his head. And the two injured, masked guards who'd taken her.

Finally, she let the carbine, still attached to the dead body, fall to the floor with a clatter. She looked down at the scorched flesh of her ribcage, looking it over and scanning it. It didn't seem to be anything but a grazing shot, and her smart bracelet concurred, but who knew what kind of horrible radiological considerations there might be. It would have to be scanned more thoroughly later. But first things first, she relocated her arm and began purging the drugs from her system while standing down the combat system from her central nervous system, an altogether unpleasant sensation.

She yanked the masks off the guards, seeing the fair faces of Linus and Linnet underneath. For a moment, regret panged at her heart; had she have known, she probably would have spared them. They were both incredible lovers and did much to make this wakeup memorable. Even without the kidnapping. "Oh well," she thought, "At least I can hope that Linus' sperm found my egg."

Staff Sergeant Guadalupe Salazar looked around at the carnage around her, taking it all in for the first time. There were chunks of sizzling gore spread around the room, bone visibly sticking through the pant leg of one of the guards courtesy of her shin kick, the sickening smell of burning flesh and static atmosphere she associated with repeated power cell discharge. "All in all, not a bad day's work chica."


"You know, you were right about the nobility and how they were replaced by others."

As she kneeled next to him, Guadalupe realized how odd it was to talk to a corpse, especially one that was still warm, but it was a habit, "But you missed one thing. Those nobles – or their children, rather – were replaced because they forgot how they earned their titles, years back. Those titles were fighting positions and rewards for service rendered in wartime, not by dint of birth. The nobility was a fighting class, not an administrative one and the moment their successors became too decadent to uphold that tradition, they lost. But guess what? The nobility of now, we haven't been succeeded. You are our children and you have grown lazy and decadent, not us. We knew we'd have to fight, one way or another."

She heard the sound of an emergency shuttle pulling up and stood upright, stepping over the cooling body in front of her on her way out the door. She was thinking ahead to the rest of the month's sessions with shy but big dicked Cassandra, the ebony beauty Ghaliya and whatever the raven-haired girl's name was, when she stopped in the doorway and turned to add one last line, "And that is why we – I – am still here."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story

I hope you continue this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
please sir, can I have some more?

Excellent. Need more! Hope you're working on a follow-up kuro!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Really enjoyed this. Particularly how you presented the world through actions rather than infodumps of background detail. I hope you continue with this world. Thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

The only real problem I have with is story is the backstory. Who , and what is a Colonist, was what are this rights? Would everyone in the ship be a colonist? I can make guesses, but I would rather that you give a little explanation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Very interesting

A very cool bit of sci-fi fun.

mitthrawnuruodomitthrawnuruodoover 9 years ago
Great stuff

You've got an interesting world here, I'd love to see more of it. (It's hot too, don't misunderstand me, but I really do think the setup is fascinating.)

OneIBlindOneIBlindover 9 years ago
Good story

Don't let the haters bother you. You're story was intriguing and had enough originality to separate it from the hundreds of others available. I think there's room for improvement and I look forward to more of your contributions.

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