The Office Ch. 09


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"Grant won't be coming to your aid Tony. He's a little, erm, out of sorts at the moment. Just as you will be shortly." Hamilton turned on her heels and found her own mock Georgian chair to settle into on the left hand side of the fireplace facing Franklin.

"What did you do? You can't have.......this is a safe space."

"Oh Tony. What I find strange is your naivety. Did you honestly think that making me come to the venue of your choice, your safe venue, would protect you from me if I really wanted to compromise you? After all, your goons search me thoroughly enough when I arrive. What could I have brought into space?"

Franklin rubbed at his brow with his right hand. His mind felt foggy and he was feeling vulnerable knowing that he was now exposed by someone skilled at the art of sexual compromise.

"No paper trail, remember," Hamilton chuckled. Franklin stared at Hamilton for a moment and then began to rub his hands together. "After all, my only role is to spread my thighs for you remember. How could you have been so foolish to fall for one of my...plays?" Hamilton chuckled again. "Hmm, having seen how much Grant enjoyed himself earlier with my daughter I think the next few minutes will be entertaining."

Franklin laughed, but it was a nervous laugh. "My men will be here shortly you stupid woman. You'll never get away with whatever you think you've done to me."

"Oh, do you expect them to burst into the room with your latest whore? But of course, they would only do that if there was a whore. Otherwise, they would not wish to face your wrath for arriving unannounced and, empty handed. So, probably just as well I contacted the service earlier today and declined your latest shag. The girl will still get paid of course, but your debt to me is much larger and remains outstanding. Today Tony, you're about to make a down payment."

"Debt? What fucking debt?" Franklin was beginning to slur his words.

"Tracey come and say hello to your father." Tracey stepped closer to Franklin as instructed. Hamilton watched as Franklin recoiled slightly.

"Hello Daddy." The mirroring of Chloe's definition deliberate.

"That freak is not mine!!!"

"DNA tests say otherwise Tony, but you've always known that. Of course a single mother whose reputation was deliberately ruined by a powerful man can hardly get herself heard. I became well aware of the effectiveness of your lawyers and thugs in keeping me at arm's length from your world. How many illegitimate children have you got scattered around Tony? I'm sure Ruth can't be that blind to your...........indulgences."

"You leave my wife out of this."

"Such a good husband Tony. So good that you have pre-paid snatch delivered to you at your place of work before returning home to be the dutiful husband and, of course, father." Hamilton noticed that Franklin was beginning to look increasingly unsettled. Caroline had told her that increasing the target's heart rate would increase the body's ingestion of the toxin into the bloodstream. Hamilton's taunts had been suitably targeted to achieve that goal.

"Are you a dutiful father Tony?" Franklin did not respond. "Do you love your daughter Tony?"

"Of course I love her."

"Enough to father an illegitimate child with her?"

Franklin's eyes glared. He made to move from the chair but seemed unwillingly glued to the seat as the toxin confused his thinking. "You're sick!!"

"Was that a yes?" Hamilton chuckled once more.

"You will pay for this bitch."

"Oh, Tony I think you will be the one paying from now on. Or rather, working so that I get paid."

Hamilton looked towards Chloe who stood beside the king size bed that adorned the right hand wall of the room, her head bowed. "Do you love your Daddy Chloe?"

Hamilton noticed Franklin's head shift towards his daughter with a degree of urgency.

Lifting her head Chloe looked towards Hamilton and chimed "Yes Mistress." Franklin's head moved swiftly towards Hamilton who met his glare with a smile.

"You will regret this Hamilton."

"Oh I doubt it Tony. In fact, I think I'm going to enjoy owning you. My only unknown is once I've done with you what employment I can offer Ruth so that she can pay her bills. Do you think I should have her on her hands and knees scrubbing floors or on her hands and knees being fucked by a punter in my brothel? What do you think Tony?"

Franklin's eyes were becoming glassy. "I...will......."

Hamilton cut across him. "Do you think your Daddy loves you Chloe?"

"Yes Mistress." Franklin moaned with a defeated air at his daughter's response.

"Do you love your Daddy more than me Chloe?"

"Of course not Mistress."

"Chloe!!" Franklin recovered himself and looked angrily toward Hamilton once more.

"What HAVE you done to her?"

"How did you put it Tony? Ah yes, she's mine. I own her. As I will do you shortly," Hamilton said with a knowing laugh. Franklin scoffed loudly. "Shall we see? Chloe, take off your mackintosh and your scarf and show your father how you've enjoyed becoming mine and more importantly, how you're so much more delectable than one of Daddy's whores."

Hamilton watched Franklin's reaction as his daughter first removed the chiffon scarf from around her neck revealing her collar. Hamilton watched Franklin mouth Chloe's recently acquired label of enslavement and then his eyes widening as Chloe untied the mac's belt before unbuttoning the coat itself from bottom to top as she had been directed to do. When she finally shook the mac off her shoulders Hamilton was satisfied that the toxin was suitably embedded within Franklin's bloodstream. Franklin did not protest nor did he tell his daughter to cover her naked body, he merely soaked up the sight of his daughter's enhanced physical appearance. "Now, show your Daddy how much you love him Chloe."

"Yes Mistress."

"No. Don't." Franklin's voice was weak almost inaudible. Hamilton was not overly surprised by Franklin's final outburst as his personal conflict made one last fight for survival. But, as his daughter moved towards him and then slowly positioned her legs over the low arms of the ornate chair Franklin could only follow his daughter's eyes with his own as she now towered above him straddling her father and the chair. He moaned again in a defeated manner as Chloe leaned down to kiss him. Franklin made no attempt to deny her this time as she placed her hands on the back rest of the chair and began to meet his tongue with hers. Franklin's hands were soon on his daughter's back drawing her in.

The incestuous actions caused Franklin's gown to part slightly and from her seated position Hamilton could see his erection breaking through the garment's front opening. Hamilton was surprised by Franklin's girth. She had never had the 'pleasure' of seeing his cock face to face, as it were, having been taken by him from behind when in his employ. Hamilton continued to watch as her former employer writhed on her father's lap in an affecting manner as she had been trained. "Do you want to fuck your daughter Tony?"

Franklin released troubled sounds from his mouth before finally responding. "No." But his denial was meek. Hamilton could sense he was edging towards his emotional trap door.

"Do you want to fuck your Daddy, Chloe?"

"Mmm, yes. Daddy makes me so wet." As Chloe's statement completed Franklin cried out. The trap door was fully open.

"I want you to fuck your Daddy, Chloe."

"Yes Mistress." The enslaved former executive shifted from the chair and taking her father's right hand with her left pulled at him gently to encourage him to move from the chair. Franklin responded without protest. Hamilton watched as Franklin got to his feet. His eyes were fixed on his daughter as if hypnotised. Chloe led him to the king size bed before Hamilton halted their progress.

"No, I want you to fuck your Daddy on the floor Chloe."

Chloe giggled. "Yes Mistress." Hamilton's control of Chloe extended to her control over her father as, still holding his hand, Chloe began to position herself on the carpeted floor of the room. As Chloe settled into a fully horizontal position Franklin removed his gown as he landed gently between his daughter's spread legs. Franklin's rigid cock extended from his groin just below his middle aged paunch as he began to lower himself onto his daughter's body. Chloe responded by drawing her knees upward using her feet to steady herself as her thighs widened further in anticipation of being taken.

Franklin's hands were on Chloe's waist as he moved between her, slowly travelling upwards towards her enhanced breasts. He teased at her bullet nipples for a moment with his fingers, Chloe's bimbofied senses causing her to giggle playfully as she placed her right index finger into her mouth and sucked and nipped at it seductively as Franklin sank his head onto her left breast taking the flesh hungrily into his mouth. Chloe's head shifted to the right and she cried out as he flicked at her left nipple and nipped at her flesh with his mouth. The air was a symphony of his heavy breathed excitement and her feminine giggles as the femme seduced the bull towards an incestuous act of betrayal.

Having feasted at his daughter's upper body Franklin pulled up straighter and looked into his daughter's eyes. "Fuck me Daddy." Hamilton smiled at the unprompted words which had the desired effect as Franklin shifted closer to his daughter and momentarily her cries confirmed that she had finally been entered. Franklin's initial thrust was soon replaced by a more rapid rhythmic pace and Hamilton watched as Chloe wrapped her legs around her father's back to ensure his penetration was sufficiently deep.

Hamilton had never been interested enough to pursue her former employer's sex life. But, based purely on demeanour and the general air of disgust whenever she was confronted by the realities of Hamilton's actions of compromise, she assumed her sexual experience had been slight. Caroline had indicated that Chloe's transformation had been simpler than expected because, it seemed, the Technician was presented with a seemingly blank sexual canvass. And now, watching on as Chloe giggled and moaned as her father pounded her cunt Hamilton allowed herself a quiet chuckle. She wondered how the old Chloe would have viewed this act of compromise if proposed.

Hamilton sat back and luxuriated at the scene before her. Her twisted intent created by a monster who had used her own naivety against her. A monster who had taken her virginity and then cast her aside when she had needed the most help. Hamilton looked towards Tracey, who remained motionless and disinterested in the actions before her. Her head bowed with her hands resting on top of each other at the front of her skirt.

Was Hamilton's transformation of her daughter a sign that Hamilton should have been in psychiatric care at an early stage after her experiences as Franklin's intern? Hamilton's mind often drifted back to the night when she was taken and used by Franklin and his colleagues. The laughter and ridicule as her virgin cunt and anus were used for their pleasure. Franklin's matter of fact brush offs as she asked him for help when her pregnancy was confirmed. Her own parents disgust that their daughter had allowed herself to ruin their reputation and her career, casting her into the streets and into a life of basic living. Hamilton's determination to right the wrong through revenge. Slowly and steadily working her way into Franklin's world. Watching as Chloe was protected and admired as an only child often is by doting parents.

Chloe's protection though creating a cotton wool world which meant that her vulnerabilities were easily exposed when she was not in the sphere of her father, in particular. Hamilton's ability to influence Chloe's decision making which itself enabled Hamilton to build her own world of riches and revenge. Chloe's wits lacking as she was manipulated by Hamilton. Only Chloe's business associates Abigail and Deborah generated any threat to Hamilton's plans as they aired some initial suspicions. But, once suitably targeted, they were each eventually compromised and transformed to serve their Mistress leaving Chloe vulnerable and defenceless.

Watching the tell-tale signs that Franklin had emptied his load into his daughter was at the zenith of Hamilton's vengeance. The long term effects of the toxin were still uncertain. The certainty that Franklin would have indeed impregnated his daughter in such an abandoned incestuous way increased by the pre-natal drugs that Caroline had introduced into Chloe's system as part of her transformation and within the toxin that now flowed through her father's system.

Spent, Franklin rolled from his daughter onto the carpeted floor. His chest rose and fell in a languid manner. His chest hair matted with sweat. His body jerked as if shocked by electricity as Chloe's left hand reached out for his flaccid cum covered cock. Franklin did not resist as Chloe ran her fingers over his fading length and then slid those fingers into her mouth and steadily cleaned each digit with her tongue. Hamilton always enjoyed when her slaves remained on script even without direction. Chloe shifted up onto her elbow and then moved her body so that her mouth was able to engulf her father's cock and initially clean and then slowly titillate him back towards hardness. As Hamilton watched she felt herself feeling unexpectedly wet between her own thighs.

Chloe's face was buried beneath her blonde extensions as she worked her father back to hardness with only the sloppy sound of tongue and mouth on extended flesh filling the room. Chloe's actions, embedded through virtual programming, now played out in reality. Hamilton's satisfaction in the sight before her was further enhanced when Chloe finally lifted her head and the obvious sight of Franklin's firm and ready rod in Chloe's hand became visible.

Franklin muttered incomprehensibly, just as Steroid had earlier. "Mmm, now I'm going to fuck YOU Daddy," Chloe said giddily. Hamilton could take no more and unzipping her slacks she placed her right hand into her panties and as expected found herself wet. As Chloe drove her cunt onto her father's pole Hamilton slid two of her fingers within her and began to stroke her tender clit. Hamilton never gave any thought at the time to what had turned her on so much, but looking back she might have considered that the sweet sight of revenge and the wanton appearance of her former employer, now enslaved by deviance, had probably been a sufficient catalyst.

Hamilton matched Chloe's pace as each allowed their cunts to be teased and pleasured in different manners. Chloe's sensing of her father's orgasm the cue for Hamilton's own explosion as each rode their enjoyments. Hamilton blushed slightly as she removed her hand and cleaned her fingers off with her mouth. But her embarrassment soon subsided as she watched Chloe collapse onto the top of her father and engage in a post coital embrace and exchange of deep kisses that possibly provided some further detail as to the lasting effects that the compromised Franklin would now experience within his cerebral and physical being.

As Hamilton's own orgasm subsided she contemplated her next move in the corruption and compromise of the Franklin household.

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