The Office Christmas Party Setup Ch. 02


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"It's alright. I got the impression she was looking for an extreme reaction. She got it, maybe just not what she expected."

I did share a shower with her. A nice long gentle shower where the two of us made love standing up, both of us enjoying a well-timed, mutual orgasm, only mine squirting on her instead of inside her. After breakfast, we dressed, Betsy putting on the dress she wore to church the previous evening. I wished I had something else for her to wear, but she was comfortable wearing it home. She'd change before heading across town to her parents' house to meet up with the rest of her family.

Sam was still butt naked as she worked in the kitchen, cooking some bacon and eggs. I still wasn't sure WHY she seemed to need to be naked, but I wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. I ate what she made, and kissed Betsy goodbye, okay, so it was a LONG kiss. And watched her walk away into the cold morning.

"You know. I really would have preferred that you find a different way to make your point." I said to Sam quietly as she stood by the door, watching her walk away. "I guess you were trying to shock her or something?"

"Or something." She said.

"I doubt you can. She's come into my office and dropped her dress already. If she's confident enough to do that, I doubt much will shock her."

"Maybe so. She seems like a good woman, Dad. I hope you know enough not to lose her."

"She tried to walk away already. I told her I wanted her to have her chance with me too. Partly because, well, I really do feel a lot for her. Maybe more than Denise, definitely more than Evelyn. I just don't know if I can handle having little kids again. It wouldn't be fair to her to not let her have that chance."

"IS that the problem? Why you don't want to do more with her?"

"I hadn't really thought about it until last night when she told me she wanted to have my baby. I'm no spring chicken. I don't know if I still have it in me to chase a toddler around."

Sam turned me away from the door and stepped against me. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I could feel her hard nipples pressing through my t-shirt into my chest, and my dick almost immediately started to get hard, much to my embarrassment. She pressed her cheek to mine and held me tightly as I let my arms slide around her and hold her against me. "I think, if you love her, you'll find a way to give her exactly what she wants. That's what you were always good at with Mom. Finding out what she wanted and doing your best to give it to her. She loved that about you almost more than anything else. Except maybe your dick." She said with a giggle, pushing her pelvis against the bulge in my pants. "She did like your dick."

"That's not appropriate," I whispered.

"It's a hell of a lot more appropriate than what I'm thinking right now!" she said with a giggle. "If Richard wouldn't object I'd, what did you call it? Throw down and let you fuck me? It might be worth it either way, given how big you are. I always wondered why Mom was so loud when you two were going at it. Now I know."

"What do you know now?"

"Shit Dad. It's BIG! Any girl would give her eye teeth to ride you."

"It's not that big."

"It is. You want me to measure it to prove it to you?"

"I don't think that'd be appropriate either."

"Maybe not. But you have to admit, it'd be fun." She said before releasing me. She gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I better go put some clothes on before I really do what I'm thinking."

"And just what is that?"

"Letting you push that dick into my very wet pussy, just to see how it fits." She said with a grin before walking away.

I shook my head in dismay and watched her ass wiggle its way away, wondering just how determined she was to sample Dad's dick.

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oldtwitoldtwitabout 6 hours ago

It’s still a one handed boys read, full of sexual descriptions.

Silly plot but not bad writing.

Deckard1982Deckard198223 days ago

Need to be continued, maybe with some dad/Jennifer development!

alpinesilverfoxalpinesilverfoxabout 2 months ago

I would enjoy reading the rest of the story! I’m hoping for time with Jennifer, Sam, and others. However, the historic time line is messed up. Jennifer is his youngest, but the one who proves they had sex before marriage. Oops.

The dialog, especially his, is a bit stilted and doesn’t show his true nature. There’s more here!

scut001scut0012 months ago

Great story 5 stars. I'm hoping that you write a couple of more chapters soon.

rkinsella002rkinsella0023 months ago

Sequels are hard. That said you were doing great until the insane shift it tone at the end.

Don’t get me wrong. You’re a good writer. Really good. Somehow you kept me reading

That said, this maybe could have been better split into two parts. The location of the split is fairly obvious. (Don’t want to spoil anything)

MormonJackMormonJack3 months ago

Fun, sexy romp! Thank you!

Emma2009Emma20094 months ago

Really, Really want to see it finished. I’m rooting for Betsy……..

Hotstuff1PHotstuff1P4 months ago

Fantastic. So glad I have read this series again. 🙌

Mr_Hit_ThatMr_Hit_That5 months ago

Good story, hoping you find time to complete it.

myassisdraginmyassisdragin6 months ago

Excellent story in spite of the minor mixup with the daughters ages. Like some others I agree we need some more of this story, too many unanswered questions...

Please add a conclusion...

tsgtcapttsgtcapt7 months ago

Excellent story, so far... need "the rest of the story"! Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What does Richard think?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Love your work. Please continue this storyline and keep writing in general.

bezelbub69bezelbub699 months ago

Loving how this series is developing 😀

GrubermanGruberman10 months ago

Good other than the definite mixup in ages. Jennifer is the oldest, not youngest. And only thing that also works with his age.

avp92117avp9211710 months ago

Uh, so if Marie got pregnant with Jennifer, the *youngest* daughter, a month before the marriage, then Samantha, the *older* daughter, was conceived even before then. But, Marie and Michael only had sex those two times just before the marriage.

In my opinion, the whole scene back at the house with the daughters didn't make much sense, and seemed very implausible.

jchamb268jchamb26810 months ago

I wish this story had more parts. I’d love to see him go farther with Evelyn and his daughters. Such good storytelling

MaretayuMaretayu10 months ago

Absolutely in red series so far, I really hope you keep it up and maintain the great balance of story and action you have so far!

notactnotact10 months ago

In addition to the existing compliments, I want to give kudos to the development of each character's personality. No one is perfect, yet their traits seem consistent and realistic. I especially appreciate that each woman he dates has some flaw or incompatibility [married, wants a child, just wants sex]; these attributes eliminate the reader from thinking 'one woman is perfect' and supports why the dad still sees them all (for various fulfillment).

jwswinglejwswingle10 months ago

All good. Maybe Betsy would consider sharing him down the road, or learning what it's like to have a poly fffm relationship. He's going to have a VERY good time, no matter how this ends up. The daughters? Just another fun wrinkle in his life. Maybe Sam will actually share Richard with her sis, Jen needs to relax a little. Maybe the sisters take Dad together.

davp6255davp625510 months ago

WOW What a follow up.. In the next chapter may be Jen can find out just why Sam married Richard and sample daddies dick after Sam is finished with it and everyone gets a taste of Betsy too

redbaron172redbaron17210 months ago

What a twist?? Hope you continue just don't take so long... 5 Stars all the way !!! Rooting for Betsy too!!

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