The Office Party Pt. 02

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The evening isn't over, as Mark learns more about his wife.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/11/2017
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Mark reached the casino after his wife and the man with her moved out of sight. The weather was finally breaking and the snow had finally showed signs of ending, but the clouds had the night come earlier. With that in mind, Mark made his way inside, constantly on the look-out for his wife, though he knew it didn't matter much, she knew he was here now, only he wondered how would she act.

Entering the casino again, he expected to find her waiting for him, but she wasn't. He knew she couldn't be far as she just walked in a few minutes before him, so he decided to put his jacket in the coat check room and see if she turned up. There are several of them located throughout the casino and as he handed his jacket to the woman behind the counter, he heard noises coming from around the corner. Curious as to where his wife could be and wondering what the noise is, he walked past the check in room and saw a closed door, hosting a cheap plastic sign stating that this room is for the Thomas Corporation Holiday Party.

Okay, so this is the room Veronica's company was using. Opening the door, he walked in to find a large number of people here, some of whom he recognized and everyone present greeted him as a friend. He stopped a woman walking by that he knew. "Hey Janice, have you seen Veronica?"

Janice looked around the room a moment, and replied, "I just saw her a moment ago, but not now. Maybe she went out the back door," she said, pointing to a door at the far end of the room.

Mark thanked her and hurried through the door, finding himself at a series of elevators. She wasn't here either, so rather than retracing his steps, he took one up to the main floor exiting near several gaming rooms. He quickly spotted Veronica in the first room he checked, the one closest to the elevator, but she didn't seem to notice him. He walked up to her as she played a slot machine and she was sitting on her coat. It was quickly brushed off, but there are still signs of snow on the collar. He walked over and stood next to her.

Veronica noticed him then. "Hi Mark, I'm glad you're here," she said, getting up to give him a kiss. Mark scanned the room, but the man who followed her to the casino wasn't around.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for spending so much time at work. I should have left sooner."

"It's fine. I was a little pissed, but you want that promotion. I understand. It's fine."

"So how much money have you lost?" He asked with a smile.

"Actually, I won four dollars. See, gambling doesn't always mean a person will lose."

"I guess you're right. So why aren't you down at the party?"

"You found the party room?"

"Yeah, when I checked my coat. Why didn't you check your coat as well?" He said this casually, but noticed the look of concern that crossed her face for a second.

"Well sometimes it's cold in here and I brought my coat up with me. It's nice in here today and I didn't want to have to walk back down and check it."

"Fine. Well are you interested in a drink from the bar?" He asked.

"No thanks, but go ahead and get one," she responded.

Mark walked to the bar, throwing a quick look over his shoulder and saw his wife get off her stool and walk back into the game room, probably meeting with the man who had accompanied her from Mr. Thomas' home. They both looked in his direction, but Mark had already turned his head and made his way to the bar. Quickly making a purchase he returned to the room arriving just as Veronica sat down. Not sure how to proceed, he decided to give her some rope and see what developed. "Honey, do you want me to take your jacket to the coat room and check it in. You'll be more comfortable that way."

"Oh yes, please," she replied, then added, "Hey, I might move to another room with less people."

"Sure. I might wander around a bit myself. If we don't see each other, let's plan on meeting for something to eat in what, say about an ninety minutes. We'll meet over at the restaurant. That okay with you?"

"Yeah. You don't mind me wandering around by myself, do you?"

"Absolutely not. I trust you," he added, wondering if she would feel a little guilty, but she just smiled and handed him her coat. Knowing she would be watching him carefully, Mark casually took her jacket down and checked it in, then rushed back up the stairs, but she was already out of sight. He stood there thinking. She had left as soon as he did and was lost in the crowd. She could be anywhere, but, he would bet that she had probably skipped the closer game rooms and headed to the far end of the casino. That's where he started to look. Moving quickly, he didn't waste time looking in the closer rooms, or the bar, instead he thought he would head all the way down and start backtracking. The casino was seven stores tall, but the gambling section was only on the second and third floors, the smoking area one flight up and the non-smoking area on this floor. Since Veronica didn't smoke, he was certain she would remain on this floor.

He figured it would take a while to locate her, but to his surprise he spotted her as soon as he had reached the end of this floor. She was off to one side talking with the same guy who had accompanied her to the casino, but also with Mr. Thomas. Mark liked that, figuring her having to chat with the boos, would interrupt any plans she had made to go somewhere else. Casually he entered a game room nearby and began playing the penny slots. The machine he chose gave him the perfect view of her and the two men and provided the perfect cover. Just a few minutes later the three passed by the room as they walked casually back toward the center of the casino, Veronica throwing nervous glances around, obviously looking for him. Mark knew she was up to something again, but he was patient. After they passed by, he followed them from a distance to the main stairwell. It looked like they were heading to the party, so Mark moved quickly back to the elevators and took the same one down and made his way through the rear entrance of the company party.

He noticed immediately that most people had left, but by entering from the rear, he wasn't seen and was able to hide behind a small desk inside a glass walled room with no door and observe the party room. The lights in this part of the room had already been turned off, leaving him in shadow and providing a good view into the room where the party was now almost done. As the people filed out, Mark quietly watched what was happening and pulled out his phone. He made sure it was set to vibrate and then set it to record anything that might occur.

With only the workers now clearing up the party remains, Mark couldn't hear the conversation between his wife and the two men, but they appeared to be relaxed as the workers finished up and departed when Mr. Thomas released them. Mark saw Mr. Thomas say something to Veronica, which made her laugh, but then he noticed the man who had been accompanying his wife seemed a bit bored and began looking at his watch. Mark figured either he wanted Mr. Thomas to leave, or he was thinking about doing that himself. The question was answered shortly after, when he got up, shook hands with the owner, bent down and said something to Veronica, but she shook her head. He then turned and headed out the door. That left only his wife and her boss.

The two talked some more as Thomas got them drinks and when he returned, he sat right next to Veronica. She glanced at her watch then smiled sweetly at her boss. Mark checked his watch and was surprised to see that 45 minutes had passed since he left her, but she didn't appear anxious at all. That's when Mr. Thomas said something to her that made her exclaim loudly, "You're so bad!"

Mark heard this clearly and then pressed record. With no other noise in the room, he could hear only some of the things they were saying, but suddenly he saw Mr. Thomas get to his feet and head for the door and instead of leaving, he stopped and locked it. Then he walked right to Veronica and bending over, kissed her on the lips. She didn't object, instead she pushed him off, then stood and put her arm around him as they began kissing once more.

Mark watched the scene through his camera which he put on maximum magnification, giving him a view like he was much closer. He saw Thomas rub Veronica's back, then watched as his hands moved around to caress her side, getting closer and closer to her breasts. Veronica stepped back and said something, which Mark couldn't hear. It was like watching an R rated movie with the sound turned down to the lowest setting. He could see what was happening, but he couldn't hear the total conversation and it was like a reverse of the house he had been in; there he could hear but not see, here he could see but not hear.

Mark reset the camera to prevent running out of space and had just started again when he saw his wife say something that indicated she was upset. Thomas just seemed to ignore this and instead grabbed her hand and placed it on his pants, right over his cock. Now he heard her say, "What are you doing?" To which Thomas' voice came in clearly as well. "You know what I'm doing. Now shut up and kiss me again."

Mark saw her hesitate and try to pull her hand back, but Thomas kept his hand on hers and pulled her in for another kiss. His wife seemed to struggle for just a second before relaxing and allowing him to kiss her. Thomas then removed his hand, but Veronica kept hers right where it was, in fact Mark could see her rubbing his cock through his pants without being forced to, exciting Thomas more as he moved his hand to her large breasts and began to fondle one of them. Veronica stopped rubbing his cock at this point, instead pulling his zipper down and pulled his cock free. They broke the kiss then, and Thomas said something quiet to her as he sat. Veronica smiled down at him then dropped to her knees and began stroking his cock. Thomas was now staring at her as Veronica lowered her head, licked his stiff member once before taking the top his cock into her mouth.

Crap, Mark was now excited once more and almost came right there. He sat mesmerized, watching his beautiful wife suck almost all of the smaller dick into her mouth and her head began bobbing up and down. Thomas sat there for a few seconds, watching her, then reached down and unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it open, exposing her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra, and as she sucked, he put his hand on her tit and began rubbing it, playing with the nipple.

When he was in the house, he couldn't see what was happening, he had a good idea but was able to listen with a shred of doubt, thinking maybe it was another woman and not his wife. This however was undeniable and he watched as his wife used her mouth, the same mouth she refused to give him oral sex. He made sure the camera was catching this all, and as she continued, he developed a plan, a way of getting even.

He was thinking of this, when suddenly Veronica stood up, pulled her shirt off and then stripped naked in front of Mr. Thomas. Then she moved forward seductively and helped Thomas slip a condom onto his cock. At least she is using protection he thought, watching his beautiful wife guide Thomas' cock into her waiting pussy. Okay, so not only had she performed oral sex on her co-workers, she obviously was fucking them as well. How many? At least two he was sure of and probably more, but he also had to admit his viewing this was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

Mr. Tomas stopped abruptly and pushed Veronica off his lap. Mark wasn't sure, but he thought he saw a look of disappointment on her face. There was more talk, Thomas quickly dressed, kissed her once more, then walked out of the room, as Veronica shook her head and began dressing herself, throwing looks at her watch. With the show over, Mark felt maybe it was time to blow the whistle, but as he was getting up, another man entered the room and spied Veronica who was still only half dressed and again locked the door. This was a surprise to Mark as the guy walked over to Veronica, kissed her on her lips and began removed what she had put back on.

"How many fucking guys is she going to fuck tonight?" Mark said to himself in disbelief. All those times she said she was too tired, well no more. He began filming again as this man wasted no time in getting into her. He didn't bother to put a condom on as he pulled Veronica to a small couch much closer to the room where Mark was hiding. Now Mark could hear the conversation easily and he recognized the man who was her immediate supervisor, Andy. As they fucked, Mark heard him say, "I knew Mr. Thomas wanted to fuck you, and when I found the door locked, I knew he was making his move."

"You knew he wanted me?" Veronica asked.

"Hell yeah, he used to say things about you that made it clear, like how lucky Mark was to be married to you and able to fuck you when he wanted. Or how your tits drove him crazy when you didn't wear a bra, like today. He wanted you bad." Andy said as he grunted into her. "It was so hard waiting outside and knowing what he was probably doing to you. But I knew he wouldn't satisfy you like I could. Hell, I bet even your husband can't get you off like I can."

This made Mark angry, especially when he heard his wife admit this was true. The two kept humping the tempo increasing. "I hope fucking Mr. Thomas gets you that raise you wanted, you hot little thing. Oh God, I'm almost there." Andy became quiet at this point and began kissing Veronica passionately. She didn't seem to be as intense as he was, and Mark wondered about that.

Mark watched fascinated as Andy really went at it, his ass pushing up into her ever faster, until he finally pulled his cock out and scooted up to her face, where he emptied his load into her open mouth. Veronica eagerly swallowed most of it, then used her fingers to wipe the remaining spunk from her face and sucked them clean, even swallowing some of the cum left over from Thomas. The two of them lay there totally spent, until Veronica lifted her watch up. "Oh my God, I was supposed to meet Mark at the restaurant right now. I have to hurry." Veronica said.

"When are you going to leave him?" Andy asked.

"What? I can't leave him. He isn't as good a lover as you, but he's a good man," she replied. "It would hurt him if he knew I was doing this."

"Whatever," Andy replied. "I would treat you so much better than he ever could and I wouldn't be spending all my time at work if I had such a beautiful wife to come home to. So what if it hurts, he's an ass, working all the time. I bet he's actually seeing some other woman. If he wasn't he would have gotten here sooner. Just fuck him, Viv. He doesn't deserve you."

Okay, Mark thought, I'm killing him. Veronica didn't say anything, just looked at him as they finished dressing, then making sure she had left nothing behind, hurried out of the room behind Andy.

Now alone, Mark turned off his camera, swore a few times and headed out the same door his wife had used, following her carefully as she quickly walked up the steps in front of him. He used the crowds as cover to slip up beside her and as they reached the restaurant, Mark reached out and grabbed her arm. "Where have you been?


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GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades8 months ago

Thanks for your writing.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Cuck’s wife is the office whore.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

First part can be tolerated as it is search introduction. The second part is idiotic as it is nothing more than peeping and I, as a healthy male, do not enjoy reading about peeping even though it is somebody else's wife.

If you enjoy reading about peeping then you need professional help. So ... 1 star for the second part. Hopefully we'll get some action in the third part.

tazz317tazz317almost 5 years ago

and she has been given plenty of rope, TK U MLJ LV NV

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 5 years ago

"Crap, Mark was now excited once more and almost came right there" - Crap is right!

Watching his wife fuck another man "was the most erotic thing he had ever seen?"

Why didn't he charge in and kick Mr. Thomas's ass?

"All those times she said she was too tired, well no more." - WTF? Surely he's not going to be staying with her, so what does how tired she is matter now?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

stupid cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Going nowhere

Some people want to see where this story goes. I bet it just goes off into outer space. I can't count the number of stories I've read here that never get finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just another cuckold

Yeah he gets turned on and demands oral and anal sex and then on all her lovers are invited to fuck her in her bed while he sits in the closet jerking off. Just another cuckold .

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 6 years ago
Way too much narration

These characters DO talk a little to move the story, but it is mostly narrated. Also the author is too wrapped-up in geography. Why not just put in a map and post in Illustrated.

Too date, we know little about Hubby, and much less about Sweetie. Hard to get into a story where the characters rarely speak (where We-The-Readers can hear it!) and we know zip about any of the actors!


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

So far, just unratable cuck drivel.

Will Mark retain any self respect?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Will wait to rate. So far just pointless cuck scenes.

When does this guy finally demonstrate some testosterone?

Oh, wait. Maybe that's what the wife was waiting for too? Looks like she finally found some, just not from her former husband. Its toast already. Just pull it out and butter it. Only question remaining, is anything else going to get burnt?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Sick because tons of people are fucking there coworkers. Cheating is so rampant that in nyc you can see private investorgators in cars trying to get pics all the time. A former coworker got suspicious after being in a Happy marriage for 15 years and juried a pi. He got shocking video , audio and pics . Twice a week she was fucking a coworker also married and from what they heard it was going on for some time. He waited almost a year planning his divorce. He refinanced the house taking money out started using there savings making a track record of him gambling even though he really wasn’t and running up all their credit cards while saving the money. He had a good job and so did she and on teen child. When he had her served at work he also served the guy at his home and the company they worked for . Those two were just to put them nothing came of it for him and his wife went nuts . He said he started to gamble when he found out about the cheating. Copies of everything was sent to the company, the guy and his wife. He also sent what he had to her family and all their friends. She was devastated , embarrassed and humiliated. He destroyed them financially. They sold the house for a loss. They had no profit,no savings ,major credit debt and he liquidated his pension. He was even able to get some of hers because they had to pay all the debt and than he split what she had left. He did give child support for a few years and after the divorce he paid half of his kids college and was waiting for her to be ready and was going to help with a house for her. The wife begged him to stay but like me he could never. He went out great hurting her in a different way with no damage financially to him , outing her to all, embarrassing her at work with family and friends, outing the guy to his wife causing divorce and most importantly showed his daughter the very tame non sexually but proff with time lines for how long what her mother was doing . He showed all because no one would believe him be cause they were so loving together. He says how great it is when guys they both know tell him how they try to fuck her and tell her how hot she looked while getting fucked. They say she gets so pissed off and embarrassed. Sad but true and as he said he learned trust but verify because you never know.

trandall9991trandall9991over 6 years ago
Please tell me this is a btb and not a cuckold story

Just finish this damn story already. WTF why keep posting one page snippets of a story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The depths of

Self loathing and need to see others humiliated is astounding. I guess these stories are modern Westerns in which the good guy must be thoroughly destroyed before the powerful rancher kills him. Oh Shane where have you gone?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Looks like it's time for some overdue scortched earth therapy

let's see how hot the slut and her fuckbuddy are are after the burning is done

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopover 6 years ago
More please

Keep it going, getting interesting xoxoxoxo Annette

etchiboyetchiboyover 6 years ago
Oh yeah...

This story, so far, gets a solid 3-stars (Its good, as I say, but no where close to StarStang06 or TTT). And unless there is an intersting nda strong twist at the end, it might go up half a star? Maybe?

etchiboyetchiboyover 6 years ago
Oh, not as written as some of the greats do here on Literotica...

... but a pretty good story, none the less. I’m hooked. What happens next???? Does he confront her? Does he BTB? (God I hope so) Does he beat the shit out of the boyfriends? (God I really really hope so) Does he kick her to the curb, or does he take her back as the sex slave she seems to want to be? Is there a prenup? Can he BTB? Does he take her home and rape the shit out of her, plunging his fist into that well used cunt saying “Is this big enough for you you lying whoring bitch”? Does he finally take her ass that she’s always denied him? Does he finally do an ATM to her cheating face, making her swallow loads of cum, something he’s alway been denied? Or is he happy to become a cuck that the story seems to be vaguely hinting at? (God I hope not)

Stay tuned folks. Same Bat Channel. Same Bat... errr time wont work here... so just Same Bat Channel. Truely, I wonder what happens next. I hope it isn’t a wimp out.

AyreGuardAyreGuardover 6 years ago
Great premise,

I love that you can go in a million different directions with this story.

Neglectful hard-working man who takes wife for granted.

Resentful wife of a man who values his job over his wife.

Her boss is shagging her and puts everything hes got into it as most lovers do.

She blew the owner but he did not finish.

How many is she screwing and is it limited only to men.

Is she simply the company slut? Was Andy jealous to share her? Does she have any self-respect or value? Can her husband get revenge? Looking forward to next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Trash and pure garbage....1* for this pathetic and nonsense story

What waste of time!

Is the husband a real cuckold who is going to get the diseased cunt soon like the useless wimp he is.

I did not like this shit story. 1* for this crap.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 6 years ago
I hope this is only a dream.

"What? I can't leave him. He isn't as good a lover as you, but he's a good man," she replied. "It would hurt him if he knew I was doing this."

OK, so you have this guy calling his wife telling her he is going to be late to her company Christmas party. She tells him that she will be at the casino, but shes not. He follows people over next door to her boss's house where he hears her preforming, A few seconds later, he heard Veronica who sounded like she was having second thoughts. "Come on guys, I have to get back to the casino. Mark will be getting there soon and what then?"(from #1) When he heard yet another voice shout, "Now that's more like it," then, "take it all. Oh baby, suck me. Suck me good." It sounded to him like his wife had actually started blowing someone, but that couldn't be possible, she had never given him the same treatment, calling it disgusting and something she would never do. Well he knew now that something had changed.

When he heard the man say, "I'm cumming!" That was all Mark could take and he shot a load out of his own cock, then when he was done, he felt like a heel.

I suppose for his Christmas gift she bought him the smallest cock cage out there. Maybe if he grew a set of balls you could end this with him running around on Christmas Eve in an old beat up class A motor home taking all her bosses hostage and cutting off their balls as a gift for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Hubby will be sucking another guys cum out his wife's nasty deseased cunt soon like the useless wimp he is.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 6 years ago
I am going to echo the thoughts of others

I am interested in where the story goes, though somewhat leery, given his reaction while watching his wife.

The problem is the length, for me. I am easily capable of reading eight and nine page stories at a gulp. One page stories are fine, if you are just writing a flash scene. Posting one page chapters is just a mistake. There is no reason for it. It is annoying to readers, and they want more than that. The first two chapters, together, hardly make one good chapter. More, please. Thanks for writing, Randi.

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