The Old Dyke Bikers Ch. 07

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Kayla is forced to wear and wet into diapers.
2.9k words

Part 7 of the 18 part series

Updated 01/06/2024
Created 11/05/2023
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Today was Saturday and I woke up at my usual five-thirty. All the other bitches were sleeping peacefully. I had to pee so bad, and did not know what to do. I sat with bladder pain for twenty minutes until Hailey stirred under blanket. I reached out, gently shook her awake and shared my problem with her.

"The Sisters partied hard last night." Hailey explained, "So they will probably not be down here until after ten in the morning. You can either sit in pain, or just piss yourself. We have all pissed ourselves many times, while being caged."

"I really didn't want to spend another four plus hours sitting in a puddle of my piss. I continued holding it in and squirming to try and relieve the pressure.

Hailey reached an arm through the bars of our cages and grabbed my hand. "It's alright." She soothed me, "We have all done it before. Just let it out."

I did let it out. The warm piss flooded the plastic basin, that was the floor of the cage. I felt the warm puddle envelope my ass cheeks and sighed in relief.

"See, that wasn't so bad. "Hailey once again soothed me.

I sat in the cage. In a puddle of my own piss, holding Hailey's hand. The pain in my bladder was gone, but I felt so much humiliation from sitting in my own piss. I thought that I should be wrapped up in Big Jade's fat warm arms. The fact that she wasn't here filled me with even more desire for her. I realized, that I needed Big Jade. I was longing for her and not Ken. I knew, sitting in that piss puddle, in my cage, what my decision would be, in two weeks.

Eventually, I drifted back to sleep with Hailey's warm hand in mine.

I woke up again a few hours later. It had to be mid-morning, by the sunlight coming in through the little windows, at the top of the basement walls. All the other Bitches were awake and talking quietly.

I noticed that the puddle of piss was gone. The edges of my blanket, that had fallen, to the floor of the cage, were all wet and smelly from soaking up my pee.

Half an hour later Big Jade came down the stairs. She walked over to the cages, and made a face showing that she smelled something nasty. Big Jade unlocked and opened each cage. Each Bitch crawled out after Big Jade opened her cage.

Big Jade came to my cage last. "You couldn't control your bladder, could you?" She asked.

"No Mistress," I answered, "I drank to many beers yesterday. I woke up with an awful need to relieve myself, in the middle of the night."

Big Jade opened my cage, and as I crawled out, she walked over to a cabinet and removed an adult diaper.

"If you act like a baby, you will be treated like one." She stated, with authority. "You will wear this the rest of today. If you need to relieve yourself, it will be in the diaper. No bathroom for you today."

The shame burned deep in my guts, and made my pussy itch with desire. As I stepped into the diaper, I could hear the other Bitches giggling, and that only added to my deep shame.

"Come upstairs and prepare coffee and breakfast." Big Jade ordered.

Big Jade turned around and started climbing up the stairs to leave the basement. Us bitches followed her up. I could hear how much more the stairs creaked with her weight, than with the rest of us. She was massive and she was my queen.

Upstairs half of the sisters were lounging on the sofas. Serp had a beer in her hand. Bandit was still sleeping in the guest bedroom. Red had left the previous night, to be with her partner and was not present.

We went into the kitchen. Lacey put on the coffee, and the rest of us started cooking bacon and eggs, and toasting slices of bread. By the time that we had the tables set, Bandit had woken up and came out in a robe. All the sisters sat at the dining room table and began to eat. Us Bitches sat at a fold-out table and chairs, that Dawn and Lacey had taken out of a closet.

I was famished and gorged myself. I ate until I was full and drank two cups of coffee and a large glass of orange juice.

All of the Sisters, were dressed in their denim and leather vests, or were wearing robes. Us Bitches were naked, except for myself, in my diaper.

"I don't know what makes me feel more humbled, being naked in the presence of everyone, or wearing a pamper." Lacey stated.

"Well thanks for laughing about it down there, girls." I shot back.

"Come on Kayla." Hailey responded, "We have all been in diapers before and will be again. The look on your face when you saw that diaper was priceless!"

"Well, I got to go pee." Dawn stated, and got up from the table, to go to the bathroom and relieve herself.

The caffeine in the strong coffee was doing its job on me and I also had to relieve myself again.

When Dawn got back, I absent mindedly got up, to also go to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Lacey asked.

"To the bathroom." I replied.

"Remember Kayla, the bathroom is off limits to you today. You are going to have to make due in your diaper." Hailey reminded me.

I must have turned redder than my hair because all the bitches started laughing hysterically.

"Thanks Girl!" I exclaimed in frustration and shame.

"Aw, don't sweat it, Kayla." Hailey soothed between laughs. "It actually, feels good flooding a diaper in warm piss."

"There is no way around this?" I asked.

"None, unless you want to hold it in all day." Hailey stated, "Just get it over with. No use being uncomfortable. The day is still young."

The Bitches could all tell, that I was pissing my diaper, and giggled even more. The piss flooded the bottom of the diaper, and a warm secure feeling encased my diapered pussy. Hailey was right. It did feel good, but also very humbling, pissing into the diaper.

When Breakfast was over, us Bitches cleaned up, put the folding table and chairs back and straightened out the kitchen. A couple of the Sisters, who were in robes showered and dressed in their denim and leather vests.

Big Jade ordered us to get dressed and clean up the yard.

My shorts were a tight fit over the diaper. I was quite conscious, of my now so much bigger padded ass. We all went outside, and picked up any rubbish that littered the yard, and put the rocking chairs back in their places on the porch.

By the time we were done, the Sisters were all ready to leave. The Bitches each jumped onto the back of their Mistresses' hogs. Bandit, Raven and Serp all sped off with Hailey, Lacey and Dawn. Smokey kissed Big Jade on the lips and rode off alone.

Big Jade possessively grabbed my diapered ass and we walked back into the house. Once the door closed, behind us, she grabbed my head and French kissed me deeply. All my insecurities melted away, as I hugged her big bulk, and allowed her to attack my mouth, with her big wet tongue.

"You did great yesterday night, Sweet Cheeks." Big Jade praised, "The rest of the Sisters all think very highly of you. I can tell that some of them are even jealous. In a good way. As you found out, we share our bitches and they will all get their chances with you."

I had to pee again, so I asked Big Jade, "Is the bathroom really off limits to me today?"

"Yes, Sweet Cheeks. "She replied, "That is one of the rules. You pissed the cage like a baby, so now you will be treated like a baby, for the rest of the day. Our rules, provide the humiliation, that you uppity Bitches so crave. Surrender to your dark desires, and enjoy the direction, us experienced ladies provide. I want you to let me know next time you must piss."

"I have to piss right now." I let her know.

Big Jade grabbed my ass with one big hand and cupped my crotch with her other hand. My right shoulder was nestled between her massive tits.

"Let it out, Sweet Cheeks." She coached.

I did and once again I felt the most satisfying feeling of warm piss encasing my pussy and lower ass cheeks. The shame, of what I was doing, only added to the satisfying warmness, in my crotch. I could feel that the diaper was now so much heavier.

"Very good, Seet Cheeks." Big Jade praised, "I can feel your crotch firming up with all the added wetness. It pleases me so much that you debase yourself like this, for me. Let me know each time you must go today. I want to feel it, each time. Now, you have made me horny. Come over to the couch and satisfy me."

Big Jade walked over to the sofa and took off her boots, jeans and huge granny panties. She sat down on the edge of the sofa spreading her massive thighs and leaned back. Her thick jungle of a bush was exposed, and I knew exactly what to do.

With burning shame in my bowels, and swelling pride in my chest, I knelt, between those massive thighs and sat back in my soaked diaper. Here I was, a young, beautiful, smart, college educated CPA, with a great job, sitting in a piss-soaked diaper, about to perform oral sex on an old, fat, cellulite ridden biker woman! How much lower could a girl go? How could life be any better!

I leaned forward and enjoyed my task. I parted her thick, fur covered labia, with my fingers and licked from taint to hood with a broad deliberate stroke.

"Oh, that is so good, Seet Cheeks." Big Jade moaned, as she grabbed the back of my red head in her hat hands pulling me in deeper.

She had showered that morning because she smelled of soap. The taste was rich, and my elation at being able to serve such queen swelled in my chest. I slowly teased her with my tongue and lips, backing off multiple times when I felt, that she was close.

Her fat thighs kept the sides of my face and ears so warm. I basked in the warmth and security of having my face encased in her flesh. I gave my Mistress the pleasure that she so deserved.

All good things must come to an end. Big Jade grabbed my head tighter, pulling me in. Her fat thighs clamped around my ears and started convulsing. I lapped at her clit, like a ravenous kitten, drinking milk. I was flooded with her squirt, and lapped it up. It was a gift from a goddess, and I swallowed it down.

When she calmed down, I continued to gently lick her folds, and was rewarded, with some cream on her taint. I gently licked her gray mats of hair making sure I left them as clean, as before the act. However, she now had a musky smell that replaced the scent of soap. I liked her better musky.

We spent the rest of the day lazily watching TV, cuddled together. We made out so much that my lips hurt.

Big Jade kept making me drink Coors beer all day. I pissed my diaper many times. Each time with Big Jade holding my ass and pussy in her fat hands as I released myself.

After my fourth piss that morning a wet spot formed on the bottom of my shorts, from some of the piss leaking out. Big Jade had me follow her down to the basement, where she removed my diaper, and rinsed me off in the shower. I toweled myself dry, and Big Jade put a new dry diaper on me.

Twice more I had my diaper changed that afternoon when it overflowed. That evening, Big Jade drove us to the mall food court, to get Chinese food, on the back of her Harley. I was so self-conscious, because diapered, my ass was so big. My ass is full and firm from working out. With the diaper on, it was just fuller and so much rounder.

The shorts I was wearing were hip huggers, so the top three inched of the diaper were exposed above them. I burnt with shame as people in the crowded mall noticed. Most people politely acted as if they did not notice. A group of teenage boys loudly laughed and pointed it out. I thought I was going to die of humiliation, and my pussy got wet, from more than just piss.

The orange chicken was good, and Big Jade had me drink her soda, along with my own. I had pissed in my diaper twice already, by the time we got to Big Jade's motorcycle for the ride home. On the way home I let out another long piss into my diaper. My diaper was already so soggy, that most of this piss oozed out, wetting my shorts and seeping into Big Jade's jeans. When we got off the motorcycle, I could see that the front of my shorts were completely soaked with piss, as was a large part of Big Jade's Wranglers. I was so embarrassed.

"Who gave you the wright to piss on me?" Big Jade admonished, "I am going to beat your ass for this."

She grabbed my wrist, and pulled me into the house, and down to the basement. In the basement Big Jade stripped me of my clothes and heavy soggy diaper. I could smell the strong smell of piss all over me. She strapped me onto the horse, and got the tawse.

"This is going to hurt bad, but I know you want it." Big Jade explained, "You see, your skin has soaked in a lot of your piss and is wet. Leather always hurts more when the skin is wet. We had a great day together, but you had to ruin it by getting your stinking piss on me. That is disrespect, and I will not tolerate it."

I heard the swoosh of the tawse through the air, and felt the fire of its strike on my left ass cheek. I was helpless and convulsed in the restraints of the horse.

Big jade went on lecturing me about respect. I got another swat of the tawse on my ass, or inner thighs, after each sentence that she spoke. My whole body was on fire, but the hottest burn was in my pussy, where the shame and pain, from the whipping merged and multiplied into the most delightful burn imaginable.

Big Jade finished lecturing me and got down on her knees behind my body. This time the Tawse came down right on my pussy. All the humiliation, pain and shame burst out of me and I came so hard. Two more strikes of the tawse, landed on my exposed pussy, sending me higher into sexual oblivion.

Big Jade stood up and approached me. She cupped my pussy, and rubbed her big middle finger through the drenched slit. This gave me a smaller, but still very pleasurable orgasm. When my breathing returned to normal, Big Jade walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a tube of lotion. She gently rubbed it into the skin of my still burning thighs, ass and pussy. It soothed the scorched flesh, and she unbuckled the straps, that fastened my naked body to the horse.

Big Jade sat in a chair and beckoned me over patting her fat thigh. I came over and straddled her lap, hugging her fat body, burying my face into her neck. Her warm body was what I needed and I broke down sobbing.

Big Jade held me tightly in her arms, and I felt so secure in her warmth, and queenly strength. She soothed me, stroking my red hair lovingly. She explained to me how serving her, would not always be easy, as it was not a few minutes ago, while I was being given the tawse. She also explained to me that she would always have my back, and take care of me.

I loved her so much, and would do anything for her. Pain was trivial, and I hoped she would give me a lot more of it. It gets me off, and if I was going to be plated, I would need it.

Big Jade put a new diaper on me, and forced me to drink another two cans of beer. She spent the next two hours watching TV. I spent the next two hours drinking more beer, while on the floor servicing her old, hairy cunt, drinking more beer, and filling up yet another diaper with my piss.

Multiple orgasms later for Big Jade, she decided it was time for bed. She let me go down to the basement, shower and change into a new diaper. We brushed our teeth, washed our faces, and cuddled up in bed. I could not have had a better day.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wrong category. Blech.

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