The One for Me Ch. 01-03


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Anna accompanied my friends and me to the nightclub that first night and seemed to latch on two new girlfriends.

She seemed to have a great time at the club. The building was alive with music. The other ladies from the office that accompanied us quickly engaged Anna in conversation.

She was animated as she talked to them. I could not help but compare her to them. Jill and Sara wore make up, form fitting clothes, and didn't mind showing cleavage. Anna was conservatively dressed. Out of all three women, Anna was the most beautiful.

Anna was ready to leave and of course, Mark volunteered to drive her home. I could not allow that. So cutting Mark a look, I told Anna I'd drive her home. As we were leaving, I saw Mark looking at me with a smirk on his face.

When I arrived at her apartment building, I walked her to her door. I unlocked the door for her and was prepared to leave but I looked at her and was overwhelmed with the need to taste her lips, so I kissed her, and it was amazing. I didn't plan it, but I saw fireworks. When she began to respond with fervor, I never wanted to let her go.

I pulled away, but he pulled me back in for a second kiss. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and held her close. She felt amazing in my arms, and I'm not a saint. You see, I've been with a few women. I've never pressured them in anyway. However, for a moment a small part of me wanted to see how far I could take things with her.

In the end, I decided to pull back. Was it easy? No, but I want her to be with me of her own free will. I also knew that if this went any farther, I'd never be able to let her go. She is so sweet and kind. I could possibly fall for this girl and I can see that happening.

I had to leave before I did something we both might regret. So, I kissed her once more and went home.


After hanging out with Ross and his friends at the local night club, I realized that maybe, I could be like everyone else.

After Ross kissed me for the last time and left, I was in a daze for a while. Eventually, I showered and dressed for bed. I imagined what it would be like if he was here.

Standing under the spray of hot water, he enters the shower and wraps his arms around me from behind. I moan and wallow in the feel of him. He kisses my neck as his hand roam and caress the front of my body.

He massages my breast, gripping each one firmly testing their weight in his hands. My hands move to massage them imagining the things Ross would do.

He started kissing my neck as his hands moved toward my hot molten center. I want to scream for him to hurry, and eventually his caresses me. He orders me to spread my thighs, and I comply.

Slowly he strokes my slit as I press my hands against the shower walls. I moan; my body quivers. My hand had a mind of its own as I stroke my burning flesh wishing it was him.

Heat rushes through my body as energy build. I scream softly as my body climaxes leaving a sticky stream of my own cum trailing down my thighs.

The fantasy ends and I realize the water has gone cold. I end my shower and put on my robe in search of warmth. Exiting the bathroom, I wish for a moment that Ross Thompson was truly mine.


Damn, I didn't want to drive away from her. My body is throbbing. My cock in need of release, holding her sent shock waves to my groin. I can still taste her wet tongue and feel her soft lips pressed against mine.

As I drove I recalled the feel of her lush curves pressed against me, how she held on to me tightly as I tasted her for the first time.

I rushed into my apartment, praying no one called for a while.

I climbed into the shower thinking about Anna,

Stroking my cock,I needed release. I imagine that Anna is here with me. As I stroke my cock, I pretend it's her hand gripping me tightly. I envision her curves pressed up tightly against me.

Please baby, grip me tighter, I moan. Fantasy Anna does as I ask. She strokes me strong and hard, before long. Ropes of hot cum spew from my cockhead. Coating my shower walls as I shout out Anna's name.

I finish my shower then clean my spunk from myself and the shower walls. I wish that the beautiful girl I work with would someday be mine.


I had a great time hanging out with the people from work last night. When I arrived to work, the ladies that I hung out with last night made sure to speak to me.

They were in the lounge drinking coffee when I walked in to fix Mr. Smith's first cup.

"Hey, Anna" Sara greeted me.

"Good morning" I replied, not sure what to expect since usually no one ever bothered to speak to me before.

"Girl, stop being like that. You know we had fun last night." Sandra laughed.

I chuckled at well recalling the fun I had with them.

"So, tell us about you and Ross?", the other lady that was with us, Jill asked.

"What do you mean?" I queried. I wondered if they could somehow tell he fueled my fantasies last evening.

"Girl, that boy was glued to your side. You know his Dad is a preacher, so you'll probably end up married before you can get some." They joked.

I blushed because I am not really used to such bold conversation. This made them laugh even more.

I quickly fixed Mr. Smith's coffee and exited the lounge.

As I walked back to my work area, Ross stopped.

"Good morning, Anna. How are you this morning?" he asked. "I had a great time last night. You should join us more often." he said.

My words froze in my throat because as soon as I saw him my mind wandered what he looked like without his clothes.

"Good morning, Mr. Thompson. I am fine, and how are you this morning?" I spoke. He smiled at me. I could hear angels singing.

"Well, I am looking forward to spending the day with you tomorrow." he stated.

"So am I." I answered, wondering how I would survive without jumping his bones at the first opportunity.


I came to work early hoping I'd see Anna. When she walked from the lounge and spoke to me, it made my day one thousand percent brighter.

I could not get this girl off my mind. She was wearing a flowered patterned skirt with a solid matching top and small coverlet.

She actually donned lip gloss this morning, and this made her lips seem plumper. I remembered how they tasted and longed to feel them presses against mine again.

She spoke to me and my heart sang.

"Anna, how are you this morning? I had a great time last night. I can't wait to spend the day with you Saturday." I smiled.

She smiled in return and I reminded her that I would pick her up early.

She smiled and said we'd talk later as she proceeded to report to her office.

I went back to work and decided that I was treating Anna to lunch. Hours passed and it was time for lunch. I rushed to Mr. Smith's office to catch her before she left.

Unfortunately, she was having lunch with the girls from last night.

Deacon Smith invited me to join him. So I joined him and he asked about Anna.

"She's a good girl. I know a lot of the PAE members would frown on you dating her, but they are being judgmental and hypocritical. She is a great girl and you son are a great guy, but be warned if you hurt her, you deal with me." He concluded patting me on my back.

"Mr. Smith, I really like her. I would never..." I stammered. Mr. Smith laughed.

"She's special to us and to be honest, you should be more worried about the missus. than me. She loves that girl to death." He laughed.

We chatted a little longer, and then my break ended and I went back to work. Anna and then ladies returned from lunch and I exhaled the breath I had been holding relieved that she had returned.

The end of the day could not come soon enough. Upon leaving I quickly sought Anna out to remind her of our plans tomorrow.

"Hey, Anna, I'm picking you up at eight in the morning, don't forget." I said to her as she was packing her things to leave.

She smiled at me and said softly, "I'll see you then."

Mr. Smith walked out of his office just as we finished talking. "Good, just the two people I needed to see. We're having youth services at the church tonight. I want you two young people to come. Anna, you've been to our church before right?

The pastor's wife keeps asking when you'll be back. Ross can pick you up. Service starts at six o'clock." He concluded.

He then patted each of us on the back, as he left the office. Ross smiled at me. Well, I guess I'll see you a little before six.

Although I was annoyed at Deacon Smith, I was also grateful that he found a way for me to spend extra time with Anna.

I drove up to Anna's apartment at fifteen minutes to six, so we could head over to the church. I got out rang her doorbell, and she came out wearing the cutest white and yellow sundress with a small yellow coverlet.

The milky chocolate brown color of her skin was a stark contrast against the vibrant yellow of the dress. Her milky brown complexion fascinated me.

"Ross, Ross, are you ready?" Anna called staring at me inquisitively. I was embarrassed that she caught me staring at her, but I simply could not help myself.

"Sorry, let's go. Anna, you look lovely this evening." I told her. She smiled and thanked me.

We arrived at Deacon Smith's church just as the service was about to start. Pastor Rash and his wife greeted us as we entered. First Lady Rash gave Anna an extra-long hug. I could tell she was very special to these people.

Of course we sat with Deacon Smith and his family. Service was wonderful. They had a guest speaker; a young minister from Mississippi named August Mason. He was dynamic. Service ended and of course I wanted to meet him, but he seemed to want to meet my lovely companion. After speaking to several members of the church body, I noticed how Mr. Mason made a beeline for Anna, my lady.

I intercepted before he reached her. Introducing myself as I shook his hand, I introduced him to Anna, making sure I placed my arm securely around her waist so that he could see that she was taken.

August was extremely polite and kind. He chatted with us a moment and then the Pastor and wife commanded his attention. He excused himself from us and left.

I kept my arms placed around Anna's waist as we proceeded to leave. Deacon Smith and his wife caught up with us and ordered us to join their family at a local restaurant for dinner. We tried to refuse when Mrs. Smith looked at Anna and spoke up.

"Now, Anna, you already missed dinner once this week and I know you haven't been eating well. Ross, we expect you to follow us to the restaurant, now." She said giving Anna a quick hug and me a stern look.

So here we are once again, having dinner with the Smith's. Their oldest son Royce is visiting from school. He's twenty-five and is working on his MBA. I see how he keeps watching Anna. I make sure she's sitting next to me and I am close enough so that he gets the message that she's spoken for.

Royce talks about his experiences in grad school and Anna seems enraptured. I feel jealous. I don't like how attentive she is to him hate the fact that he has her complete attention.

Mrs. Smith noticed my discomfort and intervened. She asked Royce about meeting someone and giving her grandkids. Royce looked away and blushed. He laughed and told his Mom to be patient.

Eventually we finished eating and I was driving Anna home, I realized that although I had only just met her. This girl is the woman God created for me. She is my helpmate.

I walked her to her door again, and remembered what happened the last time I walked her to her door. How soft and supple her lips felt against mine. My heart hammered in my chest. I needed to kiss her. I needed to claim her in some way and make her mine. She is mine.


I came back from lunch and found Ross staring at me. Looking relieved as if he was anxiously awaiting my return.

The rest of the day proceeded uneventfully. Finally at the end of the day, Ross came by my desk to remind me of our outing the next day. He said he'd pick me up at eight and I am really looking forward to spending the day with him.

Mr. Smith came out of his office and practically ordered us to attend a service at this church. I've visited his church before and had a really nice time. He ordered Ross to pick me up. Smiling on the inside I was overjoyed because this gave me a chance to spend more time with him.

I was ready to go at five thirty. He didn't arrive until fifteen minutes before six. When he rang my doorbell, I quickly rushed out to join him

When we arrived at the church, I saw that Royce was visiting. Royce is the Smith's oldest son. He is also one of the few people that I can call my friend. I greeted him with a tight embrace, but I could tell that Ross was uncomfortable with my familiarity with Royce.

At this point Pastor Rash and First Lady Rash greeted me warmly.

The speaker was a young man from Mississippi, and he was dynamic. At the end of service many people greeted him. He came over to where Ross and I were standing and I notice then possessive way Ross gripped me by my waist. It was as if he was telling August that I was taken. I liked it and for a moment I wanted it to be true.

We chatted with August for a moment and congratulated him for delivering such a powerful and moving message. He thanked us and we learned a little about his background. I was not lost on me that the Ross never let go of my waist the entire time we talked to August.

After August left to join the pastor and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, demanded that we join them for dinner. Mrs. Smith would not even give me the chance to make an excuse.

While we were at dinner, I had a chance to catch up with Royce. While we were talking, Mrs. Smith interrupted wanting to know when he planned to marry and give them grand kids.

My heart broke for my friend. You see, Royce is gay, and I'm the only person he has shared that secret with. Apparently homosexuality is frowned upon by the church and when he comes out he will be ostracized.

Ross found a way to sit even closer to me at this point and his possessiveness was starting to grate on my nerves a little. Royce laughed off his mother's question and we finished dinner. Ross drove me home.

When he walked me to my door, I could not help but recalled the last time he brought me home. How he felt in my arms. How firm his lips felt against mine. I wanted this man, but I am not sure how to proceed.

"Ross," I had to ask. "Are we still touring the city tomorrow? I'll understand if you would rather n-"

He kissed me. I mean it was a possessive, man-woman kiss. Left no doubt as to what he was thinking.

I wrapped my arms around him and held on. I loved the way he felt pressed against by body.

Ross reached behind me and opened my door and guided me into my house.

Closing the door behind me, his kiss continued to be possessive. My control had also snapped at this point. I returned his kiss with fervor. I needed to claim him, somehow. He was mine. I am not a possessive person, but in this case, I needed to own him in a sense.

Ross lifted me up and pressed my back against the door. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him. My hot center pressed against the hard steel of his groin. He pressed his hard cock into my weeping pussy.

My panties were completely saturated with the fluids that gushed from my body. I rubbed my hot core against him.

He ended the kiss, but still held onto me tightly. I didn't want it to end. He pressed his forehead against mine. Struggling to breathe normally, panted until his finally caught a second wind.

I stared into his gorgeous gray eyes as he spoke, "Anna, I want you so badly. I've never wanted anyone this much, this badly, before." He inhaled deeply.

"Then you can have me," I whispered to him.

"No, not like this. This is not right and I will not pressure you." He placed me back on my feet and steeped away from me. "I'm going home now, but know this Miss Annalise Rainer. I really like you and I hope you feel the same. I'll see you in the morning."

He kissed me softly on the lips and then left. I walked into my apartment and collapsed against the door. Ross Thompson may not have been every woman's dream, but he was the one for me.

I certainly hope you enjoyed the first installment of the story. The next section will be submitted soon. Thank you for reading.


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DecadentdessertDecadentdessertalmost 11 years ago

I have to agree with Anonymous on your characters being believable. I know people like them. This was a great read, looking forward to the update.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 11 years ago

Good story eventhough Ross' parents are very strict. Now he has to deal with the Smith's strict ways too. They don't seem as demanding as his parents but I can see them doing so especially when it comes to Anna.

chytownchytownalmost 11 years ago
Good Read***

Thanks for sharing this very entertaining story. Looking forward to future chapters.

2275jr2275jralmost 11 years ago
This story was so different from your others. i love it .

I alway knew you had that special kind of talent .

for writing . this story prove it . i just wonder why you never post it before .

you a dark horse . with all the different kinds of stories you have written.

they are numerous. each has it place in your list of brilliant writings

you should do another part of this awesome story .

one last word its outstanding in many ways .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This is a good start, and it is completely believable, especially when the story sounds very familiar to a realistic religious upbringing. :-)

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