The Perfect Life for Davey Ch. 07


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Other meals I often ate off of someone's ass. It was always leftovers. Everyone ate before me, and my food was always mixed into a slop. Tyler, Candice, and Shelly all enjoyed having a pile of food dumped onto their ass while they lay on their stomach, watching TV. One time Shelly even had me wait until she took a dump, and then she came out of the bathroom, without wiping, to have my dinner placed in her ass crack.

Once Candice left for work, about 7:40, I could sleep until Tyler got up. But often that was around 9, and sometimes even earlier. Whenever Shelly went to work, and only Tyler and I were there, he would sometimes allow me a nap if he sensed I was super-tired. He was the only one who ever cared enough to let me catch up on some rest. I'm not sure Candice or Shelly would have noticed or cared if I never slept at all.

When Dale called to say he was passing through, Tyler asked his mother if she'd be OK with Dale spending the night at the house. She said she would prefer to meet him first, so we all went down to Maggie's Restaurant, while Shelly was working, and had dinner. I was served water and nothing else; I'd be allowed to eat leftovers when we got back home. Dale did manage to charm Candice with his Southern gentlemanly ways. Even though he was fat, it became clear very quickly that she was attracted to him.

We stayed at the restaurant until Shelly got off work, and then led Dale back to the house. He parked his truck there on the property so he'd be able to leave at 6 the next morning, before anyone was up, and without requiring a ride back to his truck. The other three were eager to show Dale how they made me eat meals off asses and wondered if he would like HIS ass to be my dinner plate. They took all the leftovers from the restaurant (which by now were thoroughly cold from sitting for over two hours), mixed them all together, and dumped them on Dale's ass. Shelly and Candice each grabbed one of his big butt cheeks to spread his ass apart, while Tyler dumped the mess in. Tyler thought it would be fun to fuck my ass while I was eating, so he did, and meanwhile Shelly, Candace, and Dale passed the ball-shocking remote around.

That night Dale "treated" me - well, the real treat was for Shelly, of course - to a hard belt-whipping while she and Tyler had sex. The whipping continued while I licked Tyler's cum from Shelly's pussy, and then Shelly sucked Dale's dick for a little while to thank him. When he was ready to cum, though, she grabbed me by the hair and pushed my face down onto Dale's dick, so I could take and swallow his load.

Dale got himself some pussy that night, too, for a change. As far as I knew, apart from the time Ms. Smeltzer had fucked him at her house, Dale had not had intercourse since I met him. But Candice was more than happy to fuck him, because she genuinely liked him. I was thankful that there was another outlet (a *welcoming* one, even) for his dick besides my mouth or ass.

In late July, Kelly Smeltzer took her vacation from TU, and she came to visit. The ONLY reason I wanted to see her was that she held the key to my chastity tube, and I hadn't cum for three-and-a-half months. If I had known beforehand what her visit would be like, and had been given the choice of whether to have her come to Keenesburg, or not, I would have just endured the sexual frustration for the rest of the summer.

She got a motel room in Keenesburg, but she did come to the house to see (and savor) all of the abuse and humiliation that Tyler, Shelly, and Candice subjected me to, and of course to join into it herself. Tyler got to have a threesome with his 19-year-old girlfriend and the 32-year-old Director of Resident Life from his college. Both women sucked his dick at the same time, and they kissed and fondled each other, and all kinds of other sexy things.

Ms. Smeltzer also staged a scenario in Tyler's bedroom, with just him and me. She took my chastity tube off of me, and also removed my butt plug, and collar-and-leash. She made me kneel before Tyler, with my hard-on poking out obscenely in front of me, and my long-neglected dick dripping pre-cum. She held her phone in a way that made me think she was taking pictures, or capturing the scene on video, and beforehand she had coached me to tell Tyler I wanted to suck his dick, how much I loved doing that for him, and how glad I was that I'd met him and we'd been assigned as roommates. I sucked him to completion and swallowed his cum. Afterwards I was to say, "Mmmmm. You came in my mouth, and I swallowed it. I love that."

I thought my reward for acting out this scenario would be that I'd get to cum somehow, but Ms. Smeltzer put my chastity tube back on (much to my disappointment), re-inserted the butt plug, and put the collar and leash back on. She then amplified my frustration, disappointment, and helplessness by shocking the hell out of my balls until I was dancing around like some kind of frantic monkey, and tears were practically flying out of my eyes. When she stopped I sobbed and panted, and my nose ran. She just laughed at me.

Then Ms. Smeltzer fiddled with her phone and with Shelly's laptop. She called Shelly in to help her. I didn't know what they were doing, but Tyler led me out of the room by the leash anyway, so he and his mother could... do whatever they did to me next. Who the hell knows, the abuse and humiliation never ceased, and the memories of that hellacious summer in Keensburg all run together.

Yet... one of those memories definitely stands out. The second day Ms. Smeltzer was in town, she took me with her from Tyler's house, and said she was taking me on vacation with her. She was planning to travel to the neighboring state and see some sights there. She'd deliver me back in a week. But we stayed in Keenesburg that night. She got dressed to go out. I always saw her in professional attire, very sophisticated and business-like clothing. But that night, she donned some knee-high leather boots, a short skirt, and a revealing top. She had me dressed in some clothes borrowed from Tyler: an old pair of slacks he'd outgrown, with legs not long enough to come down to my shoes, black socks, and some old dress shoes. The white shirt was a button-down, with long sleeves, a little too small for me. She made me tuck the shirt into the pants, with which I wore no belt. I thought it looked a little silly, but then the whole outfit looked a little silly to me.

We got in her car and she took me to a bar just outside of Kennesburg, an isolated roadside place, set on a little hill beside the road. The entrance was gravel, and you had to drive up the hill to the large gravel parking lot surrounding the place. Beside, and behind, were just woods and fields.

We parked, and she gave me a 10 dollar bill. She said to go inside, and go to the bar but don't sit down. She said to stand at the bar until someone waited on me, and tell him or her I wanted a diet soda. If they didn't have diet soda, get a regular soda. When I got my drink, I should pay for it and then go sit at a table or booth.

She said she would come in after a few minutes. She would sit at the bar. If she zapped my balls with the remote (which she would have in her purse), I was to bring my soda and come to the bar, come up behind her, and tap her on the shoulder.

I walked in, and almost every eye turned to check me out. I felt, and I'm sure I looked, completely out of place. All the patrons were men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. I stood awkwardly at the bar. A female bartender who was probably in her mid-30s asked immediately to see my ID. I told her I only wanted a diet soda, and she said, "Yeah, hun, we don't have diet soda." Regular soda, then, please. She served me, which was fortunate because I thought she was going to say I still needed to be 21 even to be in the place, and I had no ID. All I had on me was the 10 dollar bill. I gave the bartender the 10, and she brought back change. I said, "Um... OK... what do I tip you? Um, 15%?"

"Whatever you want, hun." I calculated that about 28 cents should be appropriate, so I counted that out, and left it on the counter. Then I went to sit at a table away from everyone, where I could see the bar. In a few mintues Ms. Smeltzer came in and sat at the bar. She drew immediate attention from all the men close enough to talk to her. One of them held up the money he kept on the bar in front of him, and told the bartender, "The lady's is on me."

The two were sitting at right angles due to the L shape of the bar, but he was three or four stools down from her. They talked for several minutes. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but at one point it seemed Ms. Smeltzer gestured for him to come and sit beside her. In the next moment, he picked up his things and made the move. After another few minutes, I saw Ms. Smeltzer reach into her purse, and then felt the zap on my balls.

I grabbed my soda, got up, and walked up to the bar, where Ms. Smeltzer was already facing away from me. I stepped up behind her, and as I did so, I saw that the man was watching me. I tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned around and looked at me as if I was a total stranger. "Yeah??" she demanded, as though I wanted something, and I just stood stupidly for a moment. When I started to open my mouth, she said, "Get lost, creep." Then she turned her back to me.

Not knowing what was required of me at that point, I turned to walk back to my table. But I only took 5 or 6 paces before she zapped me again. I stopped in my tracks, and turned back around, assuming she wanted me to come to her again. I stepped up behind her and waited a moment, figuring she knew I was there. But then I tapped on her shoulder. Again she whipped around and looked at me as though severely annoyed. She said, "What!? What do you *want*?? Get lost!" Then she turned to the man and said, "What the fuck is this guy's problem?"

At that, the man immediately rose from his seat and advanced toward me, intimidatingly. He said, "Hey, pal... What's your problem? You're botherin' the lady." I shrunk away from him, and said, "I'm sorry. I... I... didn't mean to."

"Yeah, well, you did. So why don't you just go back over there, and stay away from her."

"OK. I'm sorry." As I started to turn to walk away, Ms. Smeltzer said, "You should say, 'yes sir'."

"Um... yes, sir."

A few minutes later, as I sat at my table, I felt the ball shocker zap me again. Oh, no, I thought. I think I know what's going on here. She wants me to come up there and tap her on the shoulder, and get her new friend even more pissed off at me. But I didn't dare stay seated and thereby defy Ms. Smeltzer's instructions. I was more scared of her than anyone else in the world, so I proceeded to the bar.

This time I saw her glance over her shoulder briefly as I approached. She turned back to say something to the man, and he got off his bar stool and came toward me. He blocked my path to her and said, "Hey, buddy. Where are you goin'? I thought I told you not to bother the lady." Just then Ms. Smeltzer zapped me again, so I tried to move around the man to get to her. He took that as an act of defying him, so he said "Hey, back off, fella. Get the fuck outta here!" and pushed me so that I fell onto a nearby table. My soda flew out of my hand and landed somewhere along the wall. The table wobbled as I fell onto it, and a candle fell off of it, onto the floor. As I slid off the table and tried to right myself, I stumbled against one of the chairs and nearly fell on the floor myself. Ms. Smeltzer laughed, as did a couple of people sitting at the bar. She said, "This little creep needs his ass kicked. What the hell is WITH him??"

The man said, "He's GONNA get his ass kicked if he don't stay the hell away from you. Hey, buddy, why don't you just hit the road and get outta this place altogether?" I stood looking at him, and Ms. Smeltzer, for a moment, not knowing what to do, and then I turned to walk back to my table. The man called after me. "Hey! Hey! Hey, I'm talkin' to you, you little punk. Take your scrawny ass and get the hell outta here!"

When I didn't, the man solicited help from some of his buddies at the bar, whom he called by name. "Let's get this little creep out of here," he said, and I turned around to see a total of five men approaching me. I flinched, and then stood frozen as they gathered around me and grabbed me. Lifting me, and then carrying me toward the door, horizontally, with my belly down, they used to my head to bust open the door, and then they tossed me right out into the gravel.

When I landed, it knocked the wind out of me, and also nearly broke at least one of my elbows, with which I'd tried to break my fall. The fall put a little rip in one of the long sleeves of my shirt, and both my hands and forearms were bleeding a little bit from being skinned up.

I lay in the dark, on the gravel, stunned, for a few minutes, then stood up. What was I supposed to do now? I started to walk over to the side of the building, where I thought I'd just sit and lean against the building until Ms. Smeltzer came out. But then I felt my balls get shocked again. Oh, shit, I thought. Does that mean she wants me to come back in? It probably does.

I sighed, and looked at the entrance. I didn't want to go back in but I knew the longer I delayed, the more trouble I'd likely be in. As soon as I walked through the door, I heard Ms. Smeltzer say, "You gotta be fucking kidding me. Look. It's him again." Her new friend turned around, saw me, and got off his stool. "You better turn yourself right back around, boy. You take another step and you're gonna get a fist in the face." Just then Ms. Smeltzer shocked me again, and I knew that meant to come toward her, risking the man's fist. I did, and he immediately thrust forward with a punch right to my nose. I yelped and fell backward, against the door and onto the floor. The sting of his fist had immediately brought tears to my eyes, and I could tell my nose was bleeding, too.

Ms. Smeltzer said, "I really don't think this idiot's gonna get the message even with that punch. I think he needs one from you and every other guy in here. Why don't you and your friends take him outside and *really* fuck him up."

He said, "I think you might be right," then to me, "You gonna crawl your skinny ass outta here for good?? Or are we all gonna have to take this outside?"

Ms. Smeltzer forced my "answer". She zapped my balls, and I pushed myself off the floor and stood. I faced away from the door, toward the man, and took a step. Her friend immediately said, "God damn. What a fuckin' idiot. C'mon, guys, we're gonna have to take this punk outside." He grabbed me by the collar of my white button-down shirt, and dragged me out the door. Nearly everyone in the bar followed, including Ms. Smeltzer. Since the place emptied out and there was no one to serve, even the bartender came out to watch what would happen.

Over the next few minutes, whenever I was able to catch a glimpse of Ms. Smeltzer, I saw that her attention was rapt, and she was licking her lips or smirking. That is, if she wasn't saying, "Yeah, kick this fuckin' creep's ass!" Which all the men did. I got punched and kicked and tossed around. I grunted or sometimes squealed, not only from their blows but from the ball shocker which Ms. Smeltzer could easily access with a hand in her purse. Men held me by the hair at times and pulled me this way or that, I got punched in each eye, my nose, or my mouth at one time or another. My blood got sprinkled all over the gravel parking lot, both of my sleeves ripped, as did both pant legs, and several of the buttons of my shirt got popped off. My hands got all skinned up from trying to crawl away across the rocks, only to have a booted foot kick me in the butt or even the balls.

I was crying and pleading, when I was able to speak, saying, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please stop! Please don't hit me any more, OWWWW! Ow-ow-ow-ow-owwwwww!! Pleeeease!" Most of the crowd just laughed at me, saying, "Jeeezus! Listen to him scream like a girl." At one point I saw the bartender laughing, and she chimed in, "Kick the little faggot in the nuts for me, he left me a 28 cent tip!"

Ms. Smeltzer called out, "Guys, rip his clothes off so you can drag his naked ass all over this gravel!" I screamed out, "No! Noooo, pllleeeease! No, don't, don't!" I started sobbing as I attempted to run or crawl away from the men, frantically panicking. I knew if they stripped me naked they would see my chastity tube and butt plug, and know for sure - in their minds - that I was a "faggot". God only knew what kind of horrifically violent impulses that might trigger among these homophobic rednecks.

But it was clear that my evil, psychopathic chastity-key holder wanted to find out!

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PeterOmezPeterOmezover 9 years agoAuthor
How about if I turn the tables on you...

... and request that YOU write that ending? That sounds like a damn good story! I'd read it. I'm quite serious, if you wrote an alternate ending like that, I'd love it! :D But this one won't end that way, sorry :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I really want the tables to be turned......please please please!!

Make that happen, it's a request!!

I want Tyler to end up being castrated,shelly n candice to be sold off to Arabs as sex slaves.

And Ms.Smeltzer to end up as a prostitute!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wow - epic stupidity.

You want us to believe that in a crowded bar, no one would call the Police and she wouldn't get hauled away and spend years in jail? Even for fiction this was horrible. If I could give you a negative score I would. This is an example of the absolute garbage that is getting posted these days. Too bad the standards of this site have fallen so low.

PeterOmezPeterOmezover 9 years agoAuthor
Glad you're enjoying :)

Thank you for the comment. There are 2 chapters to go. At the risk of spoiling it for you, I can assure you that KS will not get a comeuppance, as my stories never include revenge or table-turning.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Poor Davey.

It seems like that guy can not catch a break. Thank you so much for the update. :)

But I am secretly hoping that Kelly gets her just deserts.

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