The Perfect Victim


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He was angry, murderously angry. "You bitch! You fucking BITCH!" He shouted as he curled his fist, stepping toward her. Her heart lurched in her chest, the look in his eyes told her she was about to feel real pain. But then he laughed. "Alexa! Alexa Alexa Alexa... What am I going to do with you?" He asked.

"If you want to rape me I'm going to make you work for it, you bastard." She snarled at him as she set her stance, working her arms against the belt that was holding them.

If she could get her arms free... He didn't give her the chance, stepping forward suddenly and punching her once, quick and hard in the abdomen, doubling her over and stepping around to her side again. He grabbed her arm and kicked her behind one knee, forcing her legs to bend and dropping her painfully to her knees on the hard tile of the kitchen. Her cheek was pressed to the floor and her waist was bent, her ass up in the air as he settled in behind her, the hardness of his member back in the crack of her backside as his hand fastened at the back of her neck and his hips shifted.

"You surprise me, Alexa." He said and she could hear the smile in his voice. "I thought all of the fight was out of you, and that I was going to get bored. I'm glad to see I was wrong."

He adjusted his hips, the head of his cock again resting at the entrance to her pussy. She whimpered at the feel of it, that harder presence pressing against her there, parting her outer labia as he settled himself on one knee with his other leg cocked forward, bent over her as he pressed her face and chest against the floor. She struggled as best as she could, wiggling her hips, trying to get movement back in her legs to fight him off. But his punch had knocked the wind out of her and she was just starting to get her breath back. Further, the drop to the floor had made her legs go numb and he was holding her tight, pressing a hand against the nape of her neck, her head turned and her cheek pressed to the cold tile floor. Hot tears leaked from her eyes at how helpless she felt.

"I'm going to enjoy this, Alexa. If your pussy is half as tight as I think it is, and half as hot as it felt in my hand, then then I am really going to enjoy this."

At the last word, his hips surged forward and his cock slid into her deep. She gasped at the feeling and her body tensed, clenching around him and she tried to deny what he was doing, tried to stop it from happening. But she was wet from his earlier attentions and with his second thrust, she felt his hips slap against her backside and his balls swing up to slap against her labia as he groaned, grinding against her and savouring the feeling. She started to buck and twist, trying to get him out of her body, to make this feeling of him inside of her, defiling her, filling her, fitting her like a hand in a glove to cease. He held on to her neck and arms and just let her fight, enjoying the feel of her around him, listening to every squeal and moan as her restrained fighting caused her to twist and turn around his shaft. She struggled for a while and as the fight was starting to leave her, his grip shifted, he went to both knees and one hand tangled in her hair while the other went around her waist and he pulled her up to a kneeling position, and she saw that she was facing both mirror and camera.

His hand slipped from her waist up to her throat, holding her back against his chest. His other hand slipping from her hair and around to cup one breast and squeeze, making her gasp as he rocked his hips, lifting her from her knees with each movement, not really thrusting into her but grinding deep within her, pressing the head of his cock against the barrier of her cervix. Hot tears streamed down her face as his mouth moved to her neck, kissing and suckling, latching on and making her cry out as his hand slid from her neck down to her other breast, cupping and squeezing that as well, pulling her tight against him as he sucked hard at her neck, his shaft grinding at her, pressing deep against her core. When his mouth came away from her neck, she saw the dark purple blotch he had left on her skin, too high to cover with a collar, too far forward to hide with her hair. She sobbed then, knowing that this had marked her far more than the penetration, far worse than the spanking he had given her. Those she could hide, this mark was something that would haunt her for the rest of her life, even long after it faded she would see it whenever she looked in a mirror.

He pushed her forward again with a laugh, his hands slipping to her waist as his leg cocked forward again. He didn't try to hold her down, he just pulled his hips back and started thrusting deep into her, slowly withdrawing and then pushing back in, taking his time, not hurrying at all. This wasn't rape, rape was violent, a deep hard thrusting for a few moments or a minute at the longest until he spewed. This was worse, this sick bastard was going to make her enjoy this, and he was trying to make her orgasm. He pushed and pulled on her smooth, rounded hips as he rocked back and forth, pushing her forward away from him and then pulling her back to meet him, sliding smoothly through her as he drew a single strangled moan from her lips. She tried to struggle but her body wouldn't obey, she tried to fight him, to do anything to resist, but she was helpless as he stroked through her wet, heated core. She sobbed and each time a moan escaped her she felt the humiliation of the moment acutely. He was patient and he seemed tireless as he fucked her. Before long she could feel an orgasm welling up, and she knew she was going to climax soon, she could feel it building. The thought of it, of this bastard making her cum, was enough to make her struggle again, bucking her hips and trying to get enough traction to get away from him.

"You bastard! Don't you dare make me enjoy this." He just laughed at her, a hand gripping her bound arms to keep her near enough to control her as he just waited patiently for her to tire, letting her do all of the work, her hips bucking and moving his member inside of her. She was trying to get away but it wasn't working, and his next words made it a thousand times worse.

"Ohhhh yeah... Alexa... Fuck me harder, Alexa, fuck me harder." She sobbed then and felt some of the fight drain out of her, she tried to slump back down to the floor, let him do what he wanted and get it over with.

But he wouldn't let her, his hands held her up, his hips started to move again in that slow, sure way. He seemed to know his way around her body, one hand cupping a breast, her nipple caught between thumb and forefinger as the other hand slid up and down her tummy, caressing the smooth skin, his touch light and she gasped as he aroused her more, his hand finally slipping down to caress her upper labia and clit as he ground into her, those slow, long strokes making her pleasure and humiliation rise as he brought her closer and closer to an orgasm. And when it finally came, it was a darkly powerful climax, it started at the core of her belly, and slowly spread out until it encompassed her sex, and then exploded through her body. Every muscle tensed and clenched, her back arched and the cords of her neck stood out as she felt it tearing through her body like a wildfire, burning and destroying even as it gave off heat and light. She cried out in pleasure and in denial, her eyes rolling back and her hips involuntarily grinding back against him, pleasuring him as he had pleasured her, an animal need, a deep, horrid reflex that forced her to reciprocate.

And deep inside something dark awakened within her, something that had enjoyed every moment of what he had done to her, something she so feared and reviled that she had no name or words for it. The orgasm crashed over her, wave after wave, and he never stopped or slowed, groaning around the clench of her core as he continued until he brought a second crushing wave over her, making that dark thing deep inside of her swell with need... swell with life. Her vision narrowed and her eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open and gasping, trying to draw air that she then released in a scream of mixed passion and fury, the sound trailing off to a sob as she came down from her high. The world was spinning and dark spots and sparks and flashes of light danced across her vision as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was beautiful... more beautiful than she had ever been before... she gasped for air, her throat rasping as the world spun and then the room went dark as she passed out.

A Clock Strikes Three

She was stiff and sore when she woke, and for a moment wasn't sure where she was, or what had happened. Her arms hurt, she felt like she was standing, and when the clock struck three, she started to remember, and opened her eyes. What she saw brought the memories all flooding back. A camera was set up on a tripod in front of her, and behind it was the mirror. All of the humiliating memories of the rape and torment he had visited upon her were back and fresh tears streamed down her face as she remembered how he had made her enjoy what he had done to her, his touch caressing and arousing, not pleased with just defiling her body, he had made her enjoy it as he took her. And she remembered the feeling inside of her, the deep, hidden thing in her own mind that had wholeheartedly enjoyed what was happening to her... had enjoyed being the victim.

When her sobs trailed off, she looked around the room to see what he was going to do to her next. Only two hours had passed, but it seemed like two years to her mind, in the fragile state it was in. She could see that she was standing in her living room, Most of the furniture had been moved out and metal rings had been driven into the walls. Her arms and legs were spread and tied out tightly, her hair was bound up by a rope to the ceiling and she was completely naked now, her skin bare and clean. She looked around and saw two more cameras in the room, both pointed at her, but she didn't see him anywhere. Looking back at the mirror, she saw the camera come on, the screen flickering and coming to life, then she saw him in the mirror. He walked up behind her casually, naked as she was and stopped behind her, one arm going around her body to caress her side and cup one breast as he smiled at her in the mirror.

"Well well well Alexa. I would never have guessed that you were so eager and so... wet... for a man." He said with a chuckle. "You gushed all over me, I had to take a shower to clean all of the cream off of my lap. I may stay a little longer and have more fun with you." He said.

Then his hand came up and turned on her television, and he made her watch the length of her rape, from when he first tried to take her, at the island by the refrigerator, all the way through to her orgasm and passing out. She had been with other men, and knew from time to time, when she was very turned on and really enjoying sex that her orgasms were very messy, but it was rare. He had made her gush twice in less than two minutes. She had never gushed more than once for a man before, ever. and this rapist had drawn it from her twice already. As they watched the video, she could feel the stirring of the dark thing within her, wanting more of what she was seeing, and with a pang in her belly, a burning in her sex, she felt herself getting wet watching her own rape and defilement. Then he turned the television off and stepped around to face her. She looked him in the eye, defiant and angry as well as humiliated. yet all she could seem to focus on were his eyes. They were cold, cobalt blue eyes, with a hint of humour and little compassion in them.

"Well, I think that is enough of an intermission, don't you?" He asked with a bit of dark humour. "Lets get on to the next part. I have two more holes to fill, Alexa, but I need time to recover first, so I will have a little fun. After all, I didn't just promise you rape, I promised you pain as well."

He set the remote control aside and piked up a belt, probably the same one he had tied her hands with. She shook it out and raised his arm slightly, then cocked his arm back and lashed her across the side with the length of black leather. The belt whipped around her side and cracked against her back. She had just been opening her mouth to beg him not to when he hit her and her plea turned into a scream. He hit her again and again, circling around her a little with each stroke, lashing her smooth, soft skin with the unforgiving leather. Each stroke the belt would wrap around her body and the end would sting her flesh. When he reached her back, the lash cut into her belly and legs, making her howl and thrash in her bonds and he stayed behind her for a while, working over her back and buttocks, the lashing was awful and he went in both directions, the belt wrapping around to strike the soft flesh of her breasts and shoot hard, horrible pain through them. Her already abused bottom was numb quickly, but then he striped across her upper thigh and the end of the belt just caught her tender, engorged sex and wrangled a howl from her like a wounded animal. He struck her there again from the other direction then lashed around her sides to her breasts and went back and forth.

She had no idea how long the beating went on, but when he stopped she hung limp in the ropes, sobbing and hurting all over. The pain was a fire under her skin as he set the belt aside and moved over to her. She was slick with sweat and her chest was heaving as she fought for breath and tears streamed freely from her eyes as she sobbed. And when he touched her, it sent shivers of icy fire up and down her body, exciting her nerves and making her skin crawl with the sensation. She couldn't place what it was, her mind was too far gone for names at that point, it was a heady mix of pleasure and pain that had the thing, the BEAST within her clawing to the surface of her mind.

She had thought it gone to sleep with the beating, but that only seemed to feed it, to make it come more alive and closer to the surface. She found herself leaning involuntarily into his touch as he moved around her body. He stopped behind her, stepped close to her, his hands gliding across her back and around her sides and up to cup and squeeze her tender, painful breasts, kneading and squeezing, drawing gasps from her. He pinched her nipples and pulled hard at them before he drew her back against him as his mouth sought her neck. Looking up into the mirror, she saw the purple mark he had already left on her neck, and while his hands mauled her breasts, almost fisting in her bruised flesh, his mouth left another purple mark on the opposite side of her neck.

"I have a confession to make, Alexa. I have not cum yet. I promised to fill all of your holes with my seed, and here I haven't even started." He said and she growled at him,her voice rough and raw from her screaming and thirst.

"Don't force yourself on my account." She spat and he laughed.

"See, this is why I like you. You have got fire." He said, pinching her nipples hard and giving her breasts a shake as he spoke, then he went on as if she hadn't interrupted. "In all of the excitement of the moment I guess I just forgot. But now I think I need to fill you full before I burst. So tell me, Alexa. where should I fuck you next, Hmmm?" He continued to knead and squeeze her breasts, giving her nipples a twist

She could feel the hard rod of his cock against her ass, feel his chest against her back and she didn't answer, refusing to give him the satisfaction of it. He waited for a while before speaking again.

"Alexa, if you do not answer me, I will have to punish you. And I won't be so kind as to use the belt again. I have a bamboo cane in the corner just waiting for use. So tell me where I am going to fuck you next. The longer you take to tell me the longer I am going to fuck you, Alexa."

She hesitated for a moment before speaking. "My vagina... Use my..."

"It's not a vagina anymore Alexa. It's a pussy... a cunt... and I'm not going to 'Use' it, I'm going to FUCK it. Now, say it right." he interrupted, his hands momentarily gripping her breasts hard, his nails digging into the skin and drawing pain from her as he whispered it in her ear.

"My... my pussy... fuck my pussy." She said and he laughed and a hand slid down from her breast to the tender folds of her sex... of her pussy... and started to caress her there.

"Here, Alexa? Are you sure you want me to cum here?" He asked with a touch of humour to his voice. "I have no intention of using protection. I'm going to fill your tight holes with my cock and pump my seed right into you."

She hesitated, as she had never done anal before and with the size she knew his cock was, she was afraid to suggest it. "My mouth, then, I'll suck you and you can cum on my breas... Tits you can cum on my tits." She hastily amended as the hand still at her breast... tit... clenched again and the one at her pussy curled, scraping his fingernails over the tender flesh there.

She gasped as his finger slid into her slick pussy and caressed her canal, his palm rubbing over her mound as his hand on her breast softened and returned to a caress. The beast inside of her... for that's what it was, a beast, a monster... shrank a little at this. The tender caresses were not what the Beast wanted. It wanted her to be brutally fucked and treated like an object, that was what it craved... humiliation, degradation, abuse, dehumanization. And damn him but this man was feeding that beast, waking it and tossing fuel into its fire. A fire that might just burn her alive from within. The very thought of him bending her over and fucking her against her will, taking her forcefully and protesting had her wet and aroused, had an ache start deep within her belly that craved the brutal, careless attentions of this evil bastard.

"Hmmm, that's an idea, I suppose. But I said I wanted to cum IN you, not ON you, Alexa. And since you can't seem to make up your mind I'm going to pick for you. I'll bring the kitchen table into this room, bend you over it, tie you to it, and fuck your ass with wild abandon."

This wrangled a sob out of her as he stepped away, leaving her tied to the walls of her own home as he prepared the next torment for her. The beast stirred within the pit of her belly at the thought of it. He was back with the table a little later, the wide, double doors between the living room and the kitchen allowing him to push the small two-person dinner table through quite easily. He pushed it right up to her and bent to tie her ankles to the table legs, then he untied the ropes holding her wrists, keeping them tight and under control he tied her wrists to the table one at a time, forcing her to bend over the table as he worked. When he was done, she was bent at the waist, but not all of the way forward, as he stepped up behind her again, she could feel the hot shaft of his cock come to rest in the crack of her ass. She gasped at the feel and heard him chuckle, he knew the effect he was having on her, the bastard he knew and he was using it to his advantage.

He stepped away for a moment and then she felt one hand grasp her ass and pull that cheek to one side and a moment later felt the cool, slick feel as something was squirted across her rear. She was terrified, her heart hammering in her chest, her breath coming quick and shallow, but at the same time she was grateful for the lubrication. He was likely acting entirely out of self-interest, a dry fuck could tear the skin on his cock to shreds, but it would tear her open far worse. She felt both hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks apart, and his thumbs caressed her rear in circles, the oil heating as he worked it, and pressed with his thumbs, working her open in the back and preparing her for the hard cock she could feel resting against her ass. She pulled tight against the ropes binding her hands, the muscles in her arms standing out as she attempted to get free. But the ropes were well tied, the knots tight, but not so tight that they cut off her circulation.