The Perks of Being a Futanari

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Robin's got a dick and she wants to fit in.
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It was eight inches erect, going from base to tip. A cock of this size, by any realistic measure, was a formidable instrument of sexual gratification. Any man, even a taller one, would consider himself lucky if he were blessed with a fleshy pillar of such impressive proportions.

The same might not be true if you were talking about a young, petite, and quite voluptuous girl.

"Why do you do this?" she asked rhetorically, giving an exasperated sigh. "Every morning, like clockwork..."

Robin looked at the time on her phone, then looked at the dick under her sheets. It was few minutes past six in the morning, and it was fully erect and gently twitching. One would think that a morning wood shouldn't have been very remarkable. When you were at the ripe age of eighteen, still very much at the mercy of adolescent hormones, it wasn't unusual to wake up with a raging erection.

Yet it was something rather different when your throbbing cock was accompanied by a perfectly normal, healthy, and fully functional female vagina.

"You're lucky that you feel so good," Robin quietly scolded her large penis, throwing sheets to the side and exposing her lower body. "It almost makes it all worth it, you know..."

She let out another sigh and proceeded with her typical routine.

On her nightstand, she always kept all the necessary paraphernalia that she used to carry out her morning (and not just morning) ritual. A thick roll of paper towels and a large bottle of watery lubricant were probably the most important items there. But one should not forget about a terrycloth towel that she'd throw under her perky butt. The bed sheets could only take so much, after all, and Robin tended to be quite prolific in her discharges.

"Ahh, that's better," she moaned, smearing several dollops of lube over the vast expanse of her pulsing shaft. It was quite laborious to do it with her small and dainty hands, but it was all just practiced movements for Robin. She had done it so many times, ever since she started puberty, that she could consider herself a virtuoso of this fleshy instrument. Compared to the musical ones, like piano or flute, her penis had one obvious advantage: the satisfaction of a piece well played had always felt a lot more visceral.

"Mmm," she purred, getting into her usual rhythm. Despite the erection being already at its full and rock-hard intensity, Robin was in no hurry to bring the ritual to completion. She still had at least half an hour before she would start getting ready for school, and that was plenty of time to enjoy the sensations that came from pleasuring her overdeveloped genitals.

Besides, it was only her massive cock that she'd been tending to so far. If she wanted to achieve the highest peak of orgasmic release, one that would put her in the best mood to tackle the difficult day ahead, she also needed to devote enough attention to her warm and rapidly moistening pussy.

Needless to say, Robin wasn't exactly your typical eighteen-year old girl. On the surface, though, she definitely looked like one -- and a beautiful one at that.

Standing at a little over 5'3", she was a fun-sized package of burgeoning femininity, not too far from developing into a truly curvaceous vixen. Her hourglass figure was prominent even at her young age, underscored by wide flaring hips and the luscious swell of her bountiful breasts. Going by bra sizes, the girl was already close to a D-cup, enough to make her bosom an eye-catching and tantalizing feature, no matter how modest an outfit she'd choose.

Above the neck, Robin was no less attractive. She had a light brown complexion, owing it to some distant Latina ancestry, and her skin was always effortlessly smooth and unblemished. Locks of curly hazelnut hair flowed around her round mellow face, adorned with deep azure eyes and topped with a cute button nose above the soft pillows of her puffy lips. She wore little makeup, not much more than an eye shadow and a lipstick, just enough to add a touch of feminine allure to her otherwise innocent face.

In other words, Robin was a beautiful teenage girl. Under normal circumstances, she would be the object of salacious attention from not just the numerous horny boys at school, but also many adult men.

"Ooh, that's it..." she whispered lustily, and groaned. "I'm soooo gonna shoot that load all over!"

Except that, well, she had a cock.

"Okay, wait," she said huskily. "Not yet... Where's my dildo?"

And also a regular, often pretty demanding pussy.

Robin was one of those people that had come to be known as futanari, or futa for short; she was a girl with a dick. This wasn't a medical term, but one that originated from a particular kind of pornography, mostly in Japanese anime and manga. Real world cases were exceedingly rare, almost to the point of nonexistence. In the whole nation, the number of females born with working penises was perhaps in the dozens, and that was a very generous estimate.

For all intents and purposes, Robin's case was essentially unique.

"Oooh!" she moaned, thrusting her favorite nine inches of plastic tumescence into the sopping wet folds of her pussy. "Fuck, I gotta be quiet," she chided herself, her other hand still stroking her rigid erection. "Mom and Dad are probably still sleeping..."

Because of how rare futas like her were, Robin had been under medical supervision for most of her life, especially early on. When it was determined that she was in fact developing normally, including going through the regular female puberty, she was at last released from the yoke of constant tests and checkups.

Now that she was past the age of maturity, she could finally feel like a person instead of a curious medical case. While her parents had always been very supportive, they could also be quite overbearing, so it was only after this official proclamation of health from her doctors that they finally stopped worrying about their daughter's physical condition.

"Shit, shit, shit," chanted Robin, getting closer to the fabled dual climax that she'd so often chase. The sensation of simultaneous orgasms, from both her cock and pussy, was indescribable and completely overwhelming. It was one of the unquestionable upsides of being a futanari, and Robin wasn't at all ashamed to indulge in this one-of-a-kind ecstasy as often as she could.

Indeed, Robin didn't really feel ashamed about her whole 'condition' in general. From the early days, her parents ensured she was always under good psychological care, so that she'd never feel wrong in her obviously unusual body. Once she was old enough, this included Robin's sexual health as well.

The therapist she was currently seeing, every other Thursday over a video call, focused heavily on this particular topic. Dr Clara Wilkinson specialized in assisting patients of atypical gender identities with overcoming issues related to sexuality. She had helped the young futa embrace her natural desires, leading Robin to discover the awesome potential that her dual genitals possessed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuck!" Robin almost screamed. She bit into the pillow at the last second, before the mounting intensity of her double orgasm overwhelmed every nerve in her system. Wad after massive wad of pearly white cum erupted from her rampant dick, coating her naked body in multiple layers of hot semen.

This happened often: the girl's sperm eruptions were always plentiful, so it wasn't always easy to catch the seminal outpourings in a paper towel or a bunch of tissues. And if she managed to achieve the increasingly less elusive dual peak of pleasure, there was really no catching anything at all: she'd be too overwhelmed by pure bliss to react.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" she wailed, her body cringing in orgasmic resonance. Just like her wildly spurting dick, Robin's clenching pussy was shuddering from its own climax. Her vagina was quite a lot more sensitive than average, so it was easy for her to come from just a few thrusts into her hot, soaked depths. And when she did, invariably there would be a streams of female ejaculate coming from her nether regions, which was the reason for the extra towel she had used today.

Yes, Robin's orgasms could get very messy indeed.

"Phew, looks like I missed the sheets this time," she said with a laugh, having recovered from her minutes-long release.

Sighing in contentment, she carefully shuffled about the bed and slowly rose to her feet. Holding the softening cock aloft, in an attempt to avoid dripping cum all over the carpet, Robin went to the bathroom and quickly jumped under the shower. Cascading water felt good on her delicate skin, still tingling from the aftershocks of her intense orgasm, as she soaped up her body and washed away all the copious semen. Her pussy gently quivered, suggesting that another session of self-pleasure would be in order, but Robin chose to ignore it for the moment.

Right now, she had to get ready for school.


"Go get 'em, squirt."

From the passenger seat, Robin smiled at her father.

"I will, Dad," she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks. See ya later!"

She watched the car disappear and allowed herself a quiet sigh. This will be another difficult day at school, she knew it.

For someone like Robin, who couldn't help but to stand out from the crowd, the pressure cooker of teenage hormones that was the average high school was an especially tough environment to navigate. Every day presented a new challenge, as most students and even teachers weren't making it any easier for her to fit in.

"Hah! Look, the resident freak is here!" hollered a tall, muscular, acne-ridden jock in a varsity jacket, noticing Robin as she walked down the corridor. "If cops were doing their jobs, they would've arrested her for fraud ages ago!"

"I know, right?" said his shorter companion. "What a waste of a hot chick's body... Why can't you just cut it off, ya know?"

"Yeah, maybe I'll do that," Robin talked back icily. "Then you can take it and sew it in there"--she glanced pointedly at the guy's crotch--"so at least you'll have any dick to speak of, little boy!"

There were snickers from several onlookers, and the target of her saucy retort was visibly fuming. She paid him no mind, however, sauntering away from the scene as her hips swayed deliberately under the plaid, half-thigh skirt.

Rowdy boys like this were thankfully not a huge problem for Robin. She could humble them pretty easily, because too much of their still fragile masculinity hinged upon the size of their dicks. At over eight inches long, Robin was bigger than practically all of them -- a fact that was often proving handy when she had to shut down their uncouth remarks.

Girls, however, were a tougher nut to crack. For obvious reasons, she couldn't quite fit with the female crowd, even though she absolutely had the body of a hot, downright voluptuous girl. With her extra endowment, it was awkward to participate in physical activities like sports or cheerleading, so she never really developed an interest in either.

What also didn't interest Robin were the various complicated and at times vicious social games that the conniving, adolescent girls often participated in. Here, too, she was the obvious target of scorn and derision; not nearly as blatant as what was coming from the guys, but no less annoying or hurtful.

So, it was no surprise that Robin wasn't a huge fan of the "in" crowd at school.

"Alright students, please sit down," said a mousy, quite overweight woman in her late twenties; with pink highlights, a few metal piercings in her brow, and a floral tattoo covering most of her upper arm. She was Robin's new geography teacher, now waiting for the class to file in and take their seats before introducing herself. "My name is Sophie Martinez, my pronouns are she/her, and I'll be filling in for Mrs Edwards until she's back from maternity leave. Now, if you would be so helpful and have each of you stand up, say your name..."

Robin zoned out a little, her gaze and thoughts wandering to the rainbow-colored livery on the classroom walls. She noted that it greatly expanded and multiplied in the recent days, basically since Ms Martinez had come in as the substitute teacher. In theory, Robin should find this rather comforting: her very existence pushed the boundaries of gender and sexuality, so this kind of raised awareness and visibility would seem to be to her benefit.

And yet, she was no minority: Robin was just one girl; a single individual. There was no stripe on the Pride flag that she was keen on calling her own, and it slightly annoyed her whenever someone stuffed her under the trans umbrella. She wasn't transitioning towards anything, now, was she?... No, of course not. To the contrary: she was finally content enough to be herself, the girl she had always been.

She was simply Robin.

"Robin Myers," she said to the teacher, ready to sit back down.

"And your pronouns, dear?"

"I'm a girl, Ms Martinez."

"Like hell you are!" shouted some unruly asshole from the back row. "Come on, show her what you've got under --"

"Mister whatever-your-name-was!" the teacher yelled at him. "Do you have a problem with Miss Myers's gender identity?"

Robin couldn't help but smirk at the guy's predicament. He definitely picked the wrong class and teacher for a demonstration of his silly prejudices.

Thankfully, idiots like this were increasingly rare. Most of Robin's classmates -- the background cast of characters who were neither very popular nor widely scorned -- treated her with polite indifference. Though she wasn't explicitly shunned, the result was that she hardly ever felt like she actually belonged anywhere.

So, she tried her luck with nerds, shysters, and other social outcasts. They would at least give her a seat at their table during lunch break, as long as she feigned enough interest in whichever video game or anime series they were currently obsessing over. Robin did actually give many of those things a honest try, but she never found anything that would hold her interest for very long. One issue that she had, with trying to find a pastime that'd help her make some real friends, was that Robin actually had a rather time-consuming hobby already.

"Fuck," she cursed quietly, just as the loud bell announced the end of the geography class. "Did I really get hard because I saw that jerk get what he deserved?... God, I can't do it here!"

Robin's favorite leisure activity, by necessity and also very much by choice, were the long sessions of sexual self-gratification. Or to put it more bluntly: she masturbated like crazy.

Being a horny teenager with two sets of demanding genitals was like doubling down on the adolescent sex drive. Her cock would get hard at the slightest provocation, and her pussy was wet more often than not. There was definitely some extra synergy between the two, because Robin would get equally aroused from either kind of her intimate body parts, which in turn would make the other half of her equipment perk up as well.

"Oh well, who cares!" Robin said to herself with a sigh, then stood up and walked out of the class, trying to pay no mind to the prominent bulge that was tenting her skirt. As most other students had already left, there weren't many that would notice it anyway.

But one did.

"I... I can take care of this for you again, if you want..."

Robin shrugged. "Alright," she said with a blank face. "Let's make it quick, though."


Robin didn't normally think of herself as bisexual. She was interested in boys, first and foremost, but she also wasn't completely immune to the charms of the fairer sex.

This was partly the reason while she was now inside a stall in the female bathroom. In there, Robin had her knees on the closed toilet bowl, while another girl sat on it and greedily swallowed her throbbing erection.

"Mmm... You aren't half-bad, Mia..."

The other reason was that it simply felt better for Robin, to have someone suck her massive dick instead of jerking it all by herself. She would never turn down an offer of a blowjob, especially from someone who clearly knew what she was doing.

Mia, Robin's current pseudo-girlfriend, was adamant that she was still very much a lesbian, and that her newly discovered penchant for blowing futa cock did not change this fact in the slightest. Irrespective of her sapphic tendencies, Mia was nonetheless a total cumslut, eagerly swallowing Robin's plentiful loads and always bugging her for more. The skinny redhead had quickly become a frequent visitor between the futa's shapely legs, though she was yet to learn how to consistently bring Robin to her favorite dual orgasms. It was only sometimes that she managed to make her climax from both her spurting, rampant cock and also her squirting, wildly convulsing pussy.

"Yes, just a little more..." Robin panted, feeling an urgent swell of cum in her inner glands. "Now finger my cunt hard -- oh fuck! Fuck! Oooooh..."

Mia wasn't totally successful now either, for Robin's engorged dick only erupted at the end of her vaginal orgasm. Still, she had made her futa friend cum back-to-back for several minutes straight. This had more than earned her the copious discharge of white hot seed that Robin had poured down Mia's hungry throat.

"Damn, you are always simply gushing," said the elated cocksucker, licking up the seed that still lingered inside Robin's cock. "I've never seen a girl squirt so much, and I don't even mean your cock!"

Mia knew from experience that her friend's pussy was a veritable fountain of womanly juices. Blowing her, the slender girl would now always remove her clothes from the waist up, sparing them from getting drenched in Robin's abundant vaginal discharge.

"Yeah, apparently it comes with the territory," said the prolific futa and laughed. "Cum a lot, squirt a lot!"

Robin didn't mind seeing her friend half-naked. The sporty redhead was fit and toned, and her small but perky breasts were truly a joy to behold. Robin wouldn't mind it either if Mia decided to try how it'd feel to bounce atop her rock-hard cock. Unfortunately, the girl just couldn't be convinced to take a penis inside her pussy, no matter who it belonged to, so daily blowjobs were all that Robin could count on for now.

"You don't seem to be going soft, though," Mia said, wiping herself with tissues and ensuring that her hard nipples had been cleaned particularly well. She smiled. "Is it because of me?"

"Ugh, maybe?" Robin felt her cheeks burn a little, which wasn't too noticeable as she was still flustered from her recent orgasm. "You do have your tits hanging out, you know..."

"So you're saying you like them, huh?"

Robin just rolled her eyes. "I'm saying you should put your clothes back on! Come on, we've been here long enough already..."

Stuffing her still mostly erect cock back in her specially designed, extremely oversized panties, Robin soon parted ways with Mia and headed for the next period. Over there, while the teacher droned about the causes and chronology of the Great Depression, Robin reflected on a different topic that was also a bit depression-inducing: her own love life, such as it were.

Her relationship with Mia, despite how unusual and sometimes transactional it felt, was by far the highest point on the mostly featureless plane that was Robin's romantic or even just sexual landscape. Though she had done plenty of oral sex, the young futa was technically still a virgin. Her teenage snatch had never been penetrated by a hard cock, and Robin's own dick didn't get to fuck another girl's wet pussy. She wasn't too bothered about the latter, since other girls were mostly just an occasional distraction for Robin, but she absolutely did want to finally experience sex with a guy.

Problem was, the guys didn't seem all too eager to get it on, even with a chick as hot as Robin, if it meant that their cocks would have to navigate around a throbbing erection of her own.
