The Play Ch. 01


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Then he said, "The props in the bed. You know, the bra, panties and underpants? I want you to remove them and lose them. If I can't fuck her, then at least I will get her naked in my arms. It's only for a laugh and to wind up that pompous prick of a husband. In a way it serves her right. She has been sending me home with aching balls since we started the stupid secondment."

They finished whatever their business sin the toilet and went out the door still discussing their intended prank.

I finished up myself and it was show-time. I had no chance to talk to Jess before the start and once it got going, she was on stage most of the time so the opportunity did not arise. I mentioned their intended prank to Jason, but he was too preoccupied to pay me any attention. I had to try and prevent it and asked Alan Ward to make certain that the props were not removed and he promised to see to it. I felt relieved that I had stopped their intended prank and was confident I had control of the situation.

First Act went very well, maybe because we were all well into our roles by now. Second Act was also very good right up to the final scene where I'm sure I heard Jess gasp when Gerald tweaked her nipples a little too enthusiastically. She gave him such a look as the curtain came down that was hard to fathom. It was neither one of chastisement or of lust, but there was a definite message transmitted!

It was the third and final act. I stood in the wings watching as the seduction progressed and when she slipped into bed to be joined by her lover, I could see her searching around to try and locate the underwear props. Next thing was the bra appeared and put on the bedstead as planned, but it was not her hand that completed the task, but his. His union flag underpants soon followed and after some twisting around under the duvet, her lacy panties followed. This all happened so fast that I didn't really register with me immediately, but it slowly dawned on me that this was their actual underwear! I looked across the stage to see Alan Ward holding up the missing underwear in his hand and smiling fit to burst!

The bastard must have been in on the prank from the start!

I went to move onto the stage, but Leo prevented me with a hiss, "Don't ruin it now! Wait for your cue!"

I allowed myself to be restrained and watched as the two lovers got down to the nitty gritty. Gerald manoeuvred Jessica until she was astride him and they started the dance of love. This was not in the script, but I had to acknowledge that it was a more effective move for her in the role of vamp. My cue came as the lovers were reaching their climax and I have to say, they convinced me that they were not simulating the act this time! She was making that little keening sound that I knew so well as the indication that she was about to come! Gerald was also bucking around as if trying to throw her off or bury his cock right up to her throat!

I could wait no longer and burst onto the stage just as they apparently reached their respective climaxes. They fell apart and for a moment Jess's torso was exposed before she hastily grabbed the duvet and covered herself.

I and everyone else in the wings could see that she was naked! The fucking slut was as bare as the day she was born! I admit I lost it then and made to grab her by the throat! I have never been a violent man and had never thought that I could be driven to hit a woman, but she shrank away from me, still clutching the duvet to cover herself screaming at me, "Tom! Please listen, this is not what it appears! I can explain, please let me at least try to explain?"

"I don't think any explanations are necessary! I warned you what would happen if you betrayed our marriage!"

While all this was happening, Gerald lay there watching with a huge smile on his face and he reached out to touch her shoulder. I remembered my lines and pulled out the gun and pointing at him, pulled the trigger!

It failed to fire! The expected bang didn't happen, so I tried again and again. Failed again. Gerald laughed and said, "Look Jessica, just as you said, he fires blanks!"

At that point I admit it, I was no longer acting, I threw the gun onto the bed and snarled, "You're not worth going to prison for."

I then punched him in the face with all my strength behind the blow. I don't know what damage it did to him, but I felt something give in my right hand and was surprised at the lack the pain, just the recognition that I had hit someone for the first time since my schooldays! I checked on Gerald to see he was no longer grinning and there was some blood leaking from his mouth. He was trapped in the bed and he couldn't get up without revealing his nakedness and that thought brought me to my senses.

I looked coldly at my wife and said, "Jess, I'll be back tomorrow for my things. On Monday, I will see a lawyer and start divorce proceedings! You have destroyed twenty years of marriage for a romp with this young stud, I hope you enjoyed it and that it was worth it! Have a nice life."

I turned and started to make my exit off stage and was surprised when half way to the wings, I heard the audience start to applaud! They thought I was just acting a part, but I wasn't, I had meant every word. I turned back to look at my wife for the last time and saw her reach for the gun As the curtain came down, the sound of a single shot boomed out. The fucking thing worked for her! The applause got even louder, but I wanted to get my hand seen to. The adrenaline that had fuelled my rage had also dampened the pain, but it was now starting to hurt like hell!

As the curtain came back up, we all stepped back on stage to a standing ovation! I looked over to Jess standing on the other side of the stage with Gerry and smiling! Fucking smiling! I couldn't believe it! I turned and left heading for my dressing room. I wiped the make up off and collecting my wallet and keys, left without even changing into my own clothes.

I drove to the Accident and Emergency and after three hours of waiting, finally got my hand seen to. It wasn't broken, only sprained and a support bandage applied. I had switched my phone off during the performance and had neglected to switch it back on. When I did, it started ringing immediately. From the caller ID, I knew that it was Jess and I thought about ignoring it, but decided, I might as well get it over with and answered.

She started in on me straight away!

"Where the hell are you?"

Before I could answer that question another one was fired at me, "Why did you hit poor Gerry so hard? It looks like he may have a broken tooth and his face is all swollen."

This time, I roared back with, "My heart just breaks for him, now just shut the hell up for a minute and listen. I meant what I said at the finale. We're through. You were stark naked with him under that duvet and you can't tell me that you pair didn't fuck right there on the stage in front of everyone! I know you too well and recognised the signs of you having a massive orgasm! If you think I can forgive and forget, you're very much mistaken. I will move out over the next few days and intend to divorce you on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. I won't cite the real reason as you will need your job to finish the mortgage repayments."

I must have struck her dumb, because silence was her only response, instead she said, "But, I can explain! Someone removed the underwear from the bed and we had no option but to undress. The show must go on and maybe we went too far, but we never.....!"

"Maybe you went too far!" I thundered back at her, "fucking right you did. We're through!"

I terminated the call, I was in no mood for her excuses and in any case in my own mind, I knew what I had witnessed at close quarters. She had screwed Gerry and I was in no mood for reconciliation!

Instead of driving home, I went to the storage facility where we housed our caravan and even in the middle of the night, managed to find it and settle myself in for the night.

The next day was Sunday and I was up early, my wrist hurt like the devil and I took stock of my situation. Lawyer was the first priority followed by the bank accounts. Fortunately, our banking was on-line and all I needed was Wi-fi access. I had my laptop and the Scottish fast food joint solved that problem even if their egg mac-muffins were almost inedible. I reorganised the accounts, carefully splitting everything fairly and cancelled the joint credit cards. Whilst there, I decided to check my emails and there were a number from Jess. I deleted them all without opening them.

I tried to use my mobile to call my sons, but it was full of messages from Jess asking me to talk to her. Not a hope in hell! Monday I would see our solicitor and start the divorce proceedings.

To be continued!

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Helen1899Helen18997 months ago

He admitted he had let himself go, only in his 40's yet fat and balding, any wife married to a bloke like that, would enjoy the flirtation of a young man. Did they fuck, nobodies 100% sure, ok I accept she was way out of order but what a wimp he proved to be and then taking off and threatening divorce, without talking it through was stupid. He would live a lonely miserable existence, I will be amazed if he doesn't have her back, me being a woman, I wouldn't want him back.

bigurnbigurnover 2 years ago

No man, in his right mind, would have allowed this to go so far.

PencarrowPencarrowalmost 4 years ago

....would have been to rip the duvet cover off them both just as they climaxed, and let the whole audience see them actually fucking.

There would be no room for excuses from Jess, no "we didn't really have sex", etc.. and no room to deny she was unfaithful. With a bit of luck the judge that will eventually (I hope) preside over their divorce would also be in the audience.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Just another heartless Cunt and a sissy wimp husband crap story


jtwheelsjtwheelsover 5 years ago
So tired of wimp or Cucky acceding to wife no tongues or fondling

So many stories have these elements

Real life how many actors and actresses cross the line and have affairs

How hard to get balls and say hell no you are not doing that

I get tired of husbands that have no balls and self respect and help in their own cuckolding

Someone stop you hell no push aside scream your ass off

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Why do I see a RAAC coming

Talk about disrespect to her husband. Not once did she care to acknowledge her husband's serious concerns and put a stop to things. And the show must go on excuse. Clearly she started doing things to hurt and humiliate him. He was right in dumping her.

However I see RAAC coming. Somehow Tom will become the bad guy for overreacting or some other such bull shit. Even though she clearly was enjoying things, allowed things to progress and even initiated. She even had the nerve to take Gerry's side in all of the arguments. Total disrespect. Tom clearly loves her but she does not love him; her actions were meant to hurt Tom.

Just because Tom loves her doesn't mean he should stayed married to her. The trust should be gone which is just as important as love. Also her respect for him is obviously gone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


kimi1990kimi1990almost 8 years ago
Oh, no!!!

Now you will pay!! Policywank is a guy or Fag cuck shit guy, or Facebook profile guy or Annony is an fat old ugly fag will get dropped on your stories. On noooo. You will pay!!

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 8 years ago
Liked the ending

But he is a stupid shit for even allowing the play in the first place.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Really love this story. Still five stars. Very well developed.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

some are for the better others not-so. TK U MLJ LV NV

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
"Show Must Go On"


When the prop underwear wasn't there she NEVER should have stripped!

And she CERTAINLY shouldn't have let him enter her! Sheesh!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good for the goose, better for the gander.

From the start, I kept thinking hubby should have insisted on a script change. When he discovers his cheating whore, he adds a scene where he is leaving with a hot young chick, far hotter than his middle aged wife all the while in a jot sex scene with her, fully of "simulated" sex. After all what middle aged guy wouldn't love to be making out wirh a hot chick on stage? A little ego gratification goes both ways. Hope hubby burns the bitch. She richly deserves it.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3almost 11 years ago
Keep the faith

Don't let the slut back. Show that you do have some balls.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 11 years ago
did a mental retard write this turd of a story..

The husband who knows how hot wet and horny this young guy is making his wife... OVERHEARS a plot to fuck here on stage and he cannot find the time to say 11 words....."jess he says he plans on fucking you on stage tonight..."

3 seconds of speech?

I am laughing so hard at this contrived plot twist.... I gotta go pee!!!!

bruce22bruce22almost 11 years ago
Well Presented.

I will get irritated if he goes back to her, but that means that the author has gotten me emotionally involved and shows his talent.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbialmost 11 years ago
Slow start . . .

. . . but a good stretch run finish. For most of the reading I was comparing this story to another one on Lit few years ago of similar plot; this story didn't hold up well. I must say the finish worked well. Real bullets in the gun might have been satisfying to some, but unrealistic and rather messy for stage and story.

I do always have a problem reading GB English as I am an unabashed American but I managed to get into the flow of the language. I think this is a case where the writing through the first three quarters of the story could be tightened to help the flow. In some cases terse is better.

All in all I will await the next chapter to see how things go. Can Jess save her marriage? Can Gerry find a good plastic surgeon?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

Very well written and creative story. Five stars.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 11 years ago

I bet she would have acted a jealous fool if the roles were reversed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
First off he as nuts to start this play and allo his wife to do it.

Secondly he should have stopped it hen it heated up. Third he should have beat the kid more and put him in the hospital. Third he should have beat the producer or director too!!! This is a good read but it's not believable.

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