The Pleasures of Hell 01.014


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"All demons want," Caera said with a raised claw, "is for a kind, tender, caring man to love them and take care of them." She couldn't say it with a straight face.

"Somehow I doubt that," he said, at the same time Jes laughed and shook her head.

"I'll take giant cocks and deep, hard fucking instead," the gargoyle said.

Shrugging, Caera snuggled into his side harder, and leaned over him a bit to make sure both her huge breasts squashed against his chest. And then she slid down, the same way Dao had. Soon she was mostly snuggled into the side of his leg, but her massive body let her easily keep her breasts pressed against his abs. Dao's breasts were already there though, and both sets fought for space on his body.

Jes jumped on the wagon without hesitation. She let go of his glans, slid down, and pressed her large breasts into Dao's from the other side. The two ladies shared a kiss, before Dao slid up a ways, and pressed her breasts down directly over his abs, pinning his now absurdly long, absurdly thick cock's tip against his sternum.

All he could do was freeze, and watch the ladies cuddle into him, into each other, and bury his length in three sets of breasts. Dao leaned down and ran her tongue along the only exposed part of his cock: the last few inches, most of which was his swollen, ripe, exposed glans. Instant pleasure shocks shot through him, and the tingling vibration of his aura poured out in response. The girls all moaned.

"I think later, I want to try some of that rough sex," Jes said. "See what your puny little soul muscles can do."


Giggling, Dao clicked a few times and nodded to Jes.

The gargoyle sighed, but nodded back. "But for now, Dao wants to cuddle."

"Cuddle? We're uh... doing a little more than cuddling."

"Seems like cuddling to me," Caera said. Her tail, out of sight, slithered over his leg between her and Dao, and then over his leg between Dao and Jes. Another, much thinner tail joined once again.

David was seriously starting to wonder if this aura thing of his was like a drug, addicting, and all this was just an act to try and get more out of him. But, no, the three ladies were genuinely interested in him for some reason he couldn't fathom. And--And maybe he should stop thinking about it, and just enjoy it.

He did something he almost never did. He lifted his hands, reached down, and touched their boobs.

Jes rolled her eyes, licked a fang, and smiled at him. Caera didn't bother with the eye roll, but she did lick her bigger fangs like a hungry mountain lion.

"You know," Jes said, "if it weren't for this aura, I'd tie you up and punish you."

He yanked his hands back. "Sorry."

Another eye roll. "Of course you are. Dude, they're tits. Feel 'em, squeeze 'em, massage 'em." To demonstrate, she reached out with her closer hand, slipped it under Caera's closer breast, and gently bounced the huge thing in her palm. It rippled, almost like a water balloon. Apparently his facial expression was funny, because she laughed some more, grabbed his palm, and placed it under Caera's breast instead.

So heavy. So warm. So soft. He shivered as he squeezed gently, traced his fingers around and underneath it, and slid his thumb up and touched her swollen nipple. When he got a little braver, he pushed the huge pillow toward his cock, and melted into the feeling of the softness molding to its shape.

With a playful chuckle, Caera leaned in, and absolutely squashed both breasts against his cock, pushing it toward Jes. The gargoyle had to back up to avoid accidentally kissing the tiger.

"Hey," Jes said. "Running out of room, here. I--"

Dao reached out, slipped a hand behind Jes's head, and pushed her toward Caera, even as she leaned in forward herself to get her head between them.

"Hey, wa--" Jes's lips met Dao's, and she shut up as the two ladies fought for room on top of his cock. Caera tried to back up this time, but Dao her had other hand on her back, and she pushed Caera in, too.

David froze solid, breath stopped, heart rate skyrocketed, and his hands fell to the ground underneath the ladies. The three of them shifted about as they fought for space, but Dao made sure Jes and Caera couldn't pull away. She also made sure their lips interlocked, and she lifted her head so she could look over them down at David as she made the two ladies kiss. After a few cheerful chirps, she leaned in between them, nudged a horn against one of Caera's horns, and put a kiss on the tiger's cheek.

"Horny bitch," Jes said, "making me kiss other women, just to get your pet off?" Smiling, she leaned in and kissed Dao's cheek and chin. The satyr turned toward her lover, kissed her some more, and lowered herself further so she could kiss his cock, too.

There simply wasn't enough room on his torso for the three of them. Even with only their breasts and heads fighting for space, they overwhelmed him, and breasts slid off and squished against his sides and ribs. He didn't mind, considering Jes and Caera both leaned down, and also set their lips onto the head of his cock, right next to Dao's.

Three sets of lips, kissing, suckling, and three tongues bathing his cock in massaging strokes, was enough to send sudden pulses of tingling bliss up his length.

"H-Hey, wait," he said, earning surprised looks from the two ladies with eyes. "I uh... can we... go back to breasts only? That was making it take longer, and I don't want to cum just yet." And he really wanted to watch them kiss again.

Dao giggled, clicked and chirped a couple times, and lifted her head up and out of the way. With how heavy and huge her breasts were, she managed to lift her chest quite a bit with her breasts still able to hang beneath her and reach his cock. It did allow a little more room too, and Jes and Caera both took advantage.

"So," Jes said, "after this, I'm expecting your tongue on my clit for a good long while, David. Fingers inside me, too. And then I expect a rough, hard fuck up to the lungs. Alright?"

He managed a gulp and nod, but barely processed what she said. The way Dao's breasts, now hanging underneath her and only gently brushing against the underside of his cock, was hypnotizing. It only got better when Caera and Jes both leaned back in again, squashed their breasts against her, and once again all three women squished their breasts over his abs and chest. His cock disappeared underneath the sea of soft, warm flesh, only his glans sticking out from between it all, and a couple drops of precum oozed from its tip onto his sternum.

"And you," Jes continued, cheek half pressed against Caera's with how close they were. "You make sure to take good care of Dao while I'm fucking her pet."

The tiger laughed, an oddly joyful sound she didn't make often.

"David's her pet, not yours. Shouldn't she be the one fucking him?"

"We've had him for a week and I've yet to get a hard fuck! I am sick and tired of waiting." Complete with an angry frown, Jes nudged her nose into Caera's, and kissed her. "Unless the pipsqueak isn't strong enough to fuck me hard, then you can help him out."

"Oh I get it. That's what you really want. For me to give you a really hard fucking, using David's cock."

"Ha, yeah, that does sound pretty perfect. You got muscles."

Nodding and chuckling, the tiger lady leaned forward even more, slipped her head past Jes on David's side, and put kisses on the gargoyle's shoulder while grinning at David. With Jes's head out of David's eye line, the gargoyle turned her head enough for the satyr to kiss her, but it wasn't long before Dao slipped her hands onto the back of the necks of Jes and Caera again, and guided them to each other.

She liked making them kiss, and according to Jes, she liked doing it because David liked watching it. And holy fuck yes he did. They were all so damn beautiful, and watching them trade off on who kissed who, while their six breasts squished together and pinned and rubbed over his cock, had him boiling. Pleasure waves tingled up and down his length, and another drop of precum leaked from his swollen glans. A small groan escaped him, and he slipped his hands underneath Jes and Caera's closest breast.

All three girls slid closer to him a few inches, and his glans disappeared underneath them. Jes and Caera grinned down at him, faced each other, and locked lips again, eyes half closed. Each time he fondled them, squeezed them, and pushed their breasts harder against his cock, they smiled into their kiss.

The first gush of cum squirted hard against their breasts, their soft skin the only thing that kept it from shooting him in the chin. It poured out of him with each flex of his inner muscles, thick, hot cum that came in pulses up his length before pouring into the crevice between Jes and Caera's breasts. He wanted to press their breasts against him tighter, but the position didn't allow it, not with their breasts already flattened against his chest and spilling over his ribs. But they knew. They broke their kiss, and Jes grinned at him as she leaned into Caera's neck, closer to David. Like this, they had the space to completely press their weight against his chest, and bury the top half of his length in their breasts as he came. His glans was covered and blocked by a sea of softness.

Thick, white cum oozed out from between the soft red pillows, and all three ladies made quiet little moans. They were playing with him, moans made for his benefit. They worked. He shivered as he watched them press their weight and breasts to him, and gently grind on his body as he came. His cum pooled between their breasts along his cock, out of view but he could feel the heavy, hot waves of it fill the crevices between their flesh before flowing down his sides. More, and more.

"Fucking christ," Jes said, and she set her closer hand on his shoulder. "Dude, you can stop cumming any time now."

"Sorry, just--" He shivered again. The waves of bliss the friction of their breasts on his aching glans sent down through his length had his inner muscles flexing in more spurts, until more cum came flowing out of him. It wasn't long until he felt it leaking down between his legs, despite six breasts pressed to his cock and blocking the path.

It came to a stop eventually though, and the three ladies all sat up. Dao straddled his legs just below his cock, while Caera and Jes got on their knees beside him. They all looked down at themselves, and the thick globs of heavy, white cum trickling down their breasts. Their tits were drenched, and lines of white ran down their stomachs as big drops of the fluid dripped from the underside of their breasts onto their thighs.

Dao clicked a few times before she erupted into some playful giggles, gesturing to herself and her soaked chest.

"Sorry! Sorry," he said. "I just... really got a thing for boobs."

Whatever he said, it made Dao happy, and she leaned forward with full intent to climb onto him. But she didn't get far. Jes pushed her off him, literally, earning some surprised clicks that bordered on squeaks as her lover climbed onto him.

"Enough of this gentle stuff! Here's what we're going to do." Jes grinned down at him with fire in her eyes, and ran her hands down her soaked breasts, down her tiny waist and flat, hard stomach, and her tail wagged back and forth between his legs behind her. "You're going to eat me out, then you're going to finger me, then you're going to fuck me as hard as you can. So dial up that aura, change it from this silly cuddly stuff, to full-on rough fast pounding sex."


"I know you're a weak little pip squeak soul. Don't worry, Caera will do the heavy lifting, like that night you fucked Dao's ass." Jes winked at him. "And then you can fuck her ass again, too. Nice. And hard."

"Sounds like I'll be the one doing the fucking," Caera said, rolling her eyes as she wiped the cum off her breasts and flicked it aside. There was a lot of it, but Hell would suck it all up in an hour or three.

Dao did no such thing. She crawled back around so she could take Jes's original spot, knelt beside David, and smiled at him as she squeezed her breasts. Squeezing turned into massaging, and he watched, mesmerized, as his cum overflowed between her fingers.

"Dao and me will help him fuck you after," Jes said, "but I want some power behind those thrusts, okay? And--"


The girls stopped. Jes and Caera both blinked a few times, and all three ladies slowly turned their heads to face toward the cave exit, just slightly out of view around the curved stone wall.

"Uh..." He shut up as a quiet vibration filled the cave, so subtle he thought it was him and his aura. It wasn't.

No one moved. No one said a thing. No one breathed. The vibration grew louder, harsher, and he slowly sat up. Vibration turned into a more consistent, thudding pattern, quiet and distant, but something that came and went with the cadence of a slow heart beat, or a marching war drum. Louder, and heavier, something deep and bassy that rumbled through the mountains, like a distant avalanche. But, it couldn't be an avalanche, not unless an avalanche could play a beat.

The girls got up, took two seconds to wipe themselves off as best they could, grabbed their armor, and got dressed, skin darkening and hardening in seconds. His dick abandoned ship and shriveled down to its pre-death size, and now able to walk again without tripping over his third leg, David scrambled for his armor, too. Because he was an idiot, it didn't cross his mind to at least wipe some of the cum off, and he put the skirt back on over the mess. And because he was an idiot, he got his broken, worthless sword, too.

"The fuck is that?" he asked. With the way they armored up quick, they had to know.

"No idea," Jes said. So much for that.

Dao clicked a few times, shaking her head.

"It doesn't sound normal," Caera said. "Sounds like--"

"Oh shit." David threw up his hands. "That invisible monster again?"

"Could be."

Fuck. Double fuck.

"We sure we want to go investigating?"

Jes and Dao paused and looked to Caera. Caera paused at the cave entrance, looked down in thought, and looked to him.

"If it were just me, I'd say we need to investigate because this is our province, our hunting territory," she said. "But, this thing is chasing you. What do you want to do?"

"I..." Shit, what did he want to? He wanted to know what the invisible monster was, so damn bad. He wanted to know what was out there making what was now obviously some kind of lumbering, heavy walking crunching thudding sort of sound. He also wanted to live, and not get crushed into pulp, or eaten, or who the fuck knew what would happen if the invisible monster managed to touch him?

But, it hadn't managed to touch him. It hadn't even been able to pick up a rock without it crumbling. If it was the invisible monster, maybe he was safe from it? Kinda?

"I guess... let's go?"

"Listen to the conviction in that voice," Jes said, rolling her eyes.

Caera grinned at him, and prowled out of the cave toward the weird sound.


Well, at least it wasn't the invisible monster.

"That," Caera whispered, "is not good."

They stayed low. It was day time and the fire sky burned bright. Demons roamed the mountains, plenty of gliders, and plenty of others, too, but none of them were a threat. Every single one of them was either running back to the spire, or climbing the mountains to see what was making the noise from a safe vantage point.

If it weren't for the whole 'everything in the whole fucking universe was coming to kill David and Mia' situation, he'd have opted for staying in their little cave. It had no remnants and no visitors. A perfect place to lay low, and have three amazing women with amazing bodies pamper the ever living shit out of him. But, nope, they were outside, lurking around in ravines, ditches, crevices, and every shadow they could find, as they headed toward the very loud noise.

There were plenty of giant boulders around, many pressed against each other with crevices underneath them, a perfect place to get under and into, if you were willing to risk giant rocks crushing you to death for a peek. They were. Each one of them found a rock, a shadow, something to stick their head around and look across the canyon.

It was a dragon. No, that wasn't right. It didn't have wings. But it wasn't the wurm they saw before, either. It was bigger, and it walked on four legs. Jesus fucking christ it might as well have been a dragon considering how big it was, big enough each time one of its hands or feet landed, it made the ground rumble. Not Godzilla big, but big enough his brain struggled to accept the size of what he was looking at. Big as a blue whale? Maybe a little bigger? It was like someone had given an iguana enough drugs and radiation to mutate it to blue whale size, and cover it in the same sort of black spikes his girls had.

Those horns were big enough to rip a building apart in a single swipe.

"What the fuck," he whispered. The girls managed quick glances at him, long enough to nod before looking back at the creature. They didn't know what it was, either.

The creature moved at a leisurely pace, as if trying to stay quiet, but even its breathing was loud, like the quiet rumble of an ending volcano. Its belly was lower to the ground than he thought at first, making it look a little closer to a big lizard than an actual dragon. Its colossal tail dragged along the rock and stone behind it, but its belly never quite touched the ground. Its head almost looked like a classic Western dragon's, but it had five eyes. Two on the side he could see, two probably on the other side, and one facing ahead. Snake eyes, with red irises so wide they hid any sclera, and a gigantic black vertical slit for pupils.

The beast wasn't alone. A bunch of demons stood on its back, shoulders, and haunches. No imps or grems, but he spotted at least three gargoyles, a satyr, one tiger, a few vrats, a few brutes, a few breeds David didn't recognize, and one tetrad. A woman, four arms, walking on raptor feet and with a tail. That meant a fujara tetrad.

A couple dozen demons, and each one of them wore gold and bronze armor, with hints of red. Not as much armor as the rider, but more than Jes, Dao, or Caera's black armor, and they'd assured him aera armor was a lot tougher than meera armor. Caera had also said the only place you could really get it anymore was False Gate.

David grabbed Caera's wrist, and nodded toward the head of the dragon beast. She nodded, her eyes already staring up at the figure who rode it, clutching reins between its titanic horns.

"The rider," she said. "What the fuck."

That was the rider, the man who'd killed a tetrad and his goons in a matter of moments. He wore his gold armor, full plate, with a skull-like helmet that hid his face. And even from so far away, David could feel the edges of his aura, the hunger for violence, the need for destruction. The demons near the rider had to be feeling it too, their faces locked in permanent rage, all eyes looking forward toward their distant target.

David ground his teeth until his jaw clicked.

"They're heading toward the spire."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

OOo boy I can't what for more binge read it for two weeks loving it so much.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Thank-you for this amazing series. I appreciate all of the excellent work you have, and continue to, put into it.

FrenchTomcatFrenchTomcat4 months ago

Another amazing chapter. Tension is building nicely, I'm currently hanging by the claws on that cliff ;)

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