The Porn Star Next Door Ch. 06

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Sarah gets 'recognized' at work. A plot to fool parents.
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Part 6 of the 22 part series

Updated 06/23/2024
Created 05/25/2024
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Chapter 6 - Recognition

Monday, Sarah had a bad day. One of the men at Jaycor recognized her as Candy Sweet. He confronted her, and even tried to proposition her. Her radar had been up when he came by her desk multiple times, when she knew he had no real reason to see her, so she started to surreptitiously record him. He was pretty obnoxious, crude, and disrespectful. His proposition was blatant and unmistakeable.

Sarah played the recording to me over the phone. I told her to go to the head of HR and explain the whole situation. She did and by lunch time, the whole company knew she was a porn star, and that the company asshole had propositioned her and was getting dismissed for sexual harassment. He'd been escorted off the premises and told to never return and to not ask for a recommendation in future jobs. One by one his work buddies had come by her desk and just mumbled things like 'slut', 'whore', and other derogatory terms and expressions.

She was depressed that night, so Rachel and I took turns holding and comforting her. She said, "I just want a chance to do a good job for them. I thought I was doing so well, too." She cried and cried.

I told Sarah to offer her resignation to the president and see what he said. In essence, she was reporting to him anyway. I also told her to tell him her major accomplishments over the past couple of months that she'd worked there in the temporary position before she offered to resign.

Tuesday, turned out to be turning point in her life. The president had heard about her work history as a result of yesterday's harassment. The grapevine already had that news, even for the top guy. He also believed in giving people a chance to make a better future for themselves.

Sarah had been polite, explained about her past work that had caused the disruption, and the listed a half-dozen things she'd already been able to do to save the company money -- a lot of it, as it turned out. She then offered to resign her temporary post so that someone 'less controversial' could come into the job.

Morris Turner, the CEO, laughed when she'd finished her statement. He said to her, "Resign? God, I hope not. We were just about to offer you a permanent position with Jaycor doing exactly what you've been doing for us. As for your past, it is now public knowledge as well as what will happen if somebody harasses you about it. On that basis, I don't think there'll be any further problems but if there is, I want to know about it. Will you accept a permanent post?" He passed her a letter with the job offer and benefits itemized. He was way ahead of her.

Sarah told me she got tears in her eyes and then cried. The offer was for double what she was then making through the temp agency that had placed her in the job. The money would mean that she wouldn't have to dip into her nest egg any further. She kept nodding and thanking him repeatedly until he told her to stop. He assured her that he'd square off with her temp agency but that from that day forward she was a salaried executive with the company. He also said, he would be sure everyone in the company knew they'd be very short timers if they messed with her.

I sent her flowers at work after she texted about her 'new' job, so that others could see that she had admirers outside the walls at Jaycor. I had the card say, 'Congratulations and Love, Doug, Rachel, and Lindsay'.

We hugged Sarah when she got home and went out for a celebratory dinner. Rachel and I had our way with her later, much to her and our delight.

The next month seemed kind of scandal prone for Sarah. I think everyone at Jaycor watched one of her videos online every night. Rachel heard through a friend of hers that worked there, that there'd even been some Candy Sweet Porn Parties, where the whole purpose of the party was to watch some of Sarah's porn. Rachel had heard that at least one of the parties had turned into a small orgy.

Sarah held her head up every day and weathered the storm. I kept assuring her that it was like a rainstorm and would run its course with fair weather coming in behind. That's what happened.

After the scandal month, things quieted down. Sarah's earlier career was no longer titillating news. It was just something racy that had happened to the head of finance earlier in her life. Sarah never had to defend what she'd done and she never got hit on, although she was invited politely as a special guest to one of the porn parties, almost like inviting an author to speak to a book club that had read his novel. She politely turned down the gracious but obtuse invitation and nothing further was said.

Sarah came up with some unique financing schemes to sell some of Jaycor's larger boats. She worked with a local bank to see just what would be involved and soon the company's gross orders went up about thirty percent because potential buyers now had a new and attractive avenue to buy and finance getting their water toy. Morris Turner gave Sarah a special bonus at the end of the year and heaped praise on her innovations for the company.

* * * * *

I got a call from Sarah at work one Wednesday afternoon. She said, "I don't want you to be surprised, but I invited one of our neighbors over for cocktails after work. He's Greg Sands, and he lives in Unit 901 in our condo. He kind of saved me some grief at lunch today."

"What happened?"

"I went home for lunch. When I went to check the mailboxes, that nasty woman from 801 was there -- Nancy Murphy. She called me a whore and a bitch rather loudly, and said things about me being the most depraved person on the planet. I've learned not to rise to that bait, so I just tried to ignore her and turned my back to her, but that seemed to egg her on that much more. She was even yelling about what a slut I was and how I should move out of the city.

"Greg came along, and he turned to Murphy and gave her blast as the ugliest, meanest, least tolerant, most unpleasant and most unkind bitch in the city. He said that I was a competent financial expert doing great things for one of our town's good companies, and that she should take her shit, eat it raw, and shut the fuck up. I'm paraphrasing only slightly, but that was the gist of it. He had some more elegant words for her, too.

"Nancy looked shocked and did a really good 'harumph' and stomped off towards her elevator stack. Greg was still calling her nasty names and describing her rotten personality and wish for her miserable life as she got on her elevator and disappeared. I thanked him, and then, on the spur of the moment, asked him to join us at five-thirty for drinks."

"Great. I've never met him. He wasn't at the two Meet-Ups that I've been to. I'll be sure to be home by then. I assume we don't need anything to serve? I know we have wine, and there's cheese in the refrigerator and crackers in the pantry."

Sarah assured me we were good and told me that she'd also let Rachel know about our guest.

I greeted Greg warmly when I got home a little after five-thirty. He hadn't even sat down yet. I got us some wine as Sarah busied herself with the cheese and crackers for everyone. Rachel came in behind me, and kissed the two of us. Greg's eyebrows went up at the equal spread of affection. She also gave Greg a hug and thanked him for sticking up for Sarah earlier in the day.

I said, "I take it you've also recognized Sarah."

He smiled. "Yes. I heard about the uproar about her at Jaycor before today, I'm afraid. My sister works there in the design and development area."

Sarah almost jumped up from her seat, "You mean Sandy Sands? The young brunette with a blue streak in her hair?"

Greg nodded. "Yes, that's her. Her name was my parent's idea of 'cute' twenty-eight years ago. She hated it for years, but eventually got used to it. She got teased a lot. In part, that's why I'm sensitive to people being bullied by someone that thinks they're better than you are -- like Nancy Murphy. She's been an uptight number since I moved in here two years ago. Sandy lives with me, I might add."

I waved my arm in the general direction of his apartment, "Is she home alone? Get her to come over. We haven't met her either."

After a little more persuasion, Greg pulled his phone from his pocket and called Sandy. His sister arrived about five minutes later, still looking crisp and pretty from work. She was another brunette with long hair that included a blue streak, a pleasant face, and a girl-next-door personality. The lock of her hair that had a dark blue tint to it looked kind of sexy. After a few minutes of talking, I guessed that she'd been Miss Congeniality in school. She'd graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Georgia.

We learned that Greg had also gone to Georgia but had ultimately focused on the analytics behind investment banking. He worked for Wells Fargo, a major banking and investment force in Sarasota. He handled about fifty major 'big ticket' accounts. We all expressed our hope to become one of his accounts in the near future.

We all chatted, and then Rachel commented that we usually headed downtown for dinner someplace. Greg and Sandy joined us and we walked to Main Street, and ultimately got a table at Patrick's that was part booth and part a couple of chairs.

I decided to put Greg on the spot regarding Sarah. "So, you recognized her today at the mailboxes?"

Greg pointed to his sister, "Sandy had pointed you out to me over a month ago. You're very pretty, so I remembered you instantly when I saw you again today."

Sandy goaded her brother with a laugh, "Besides that, he watches a lot of porn." I could tell that she liked teasing her brother, although I could also see the looks of affection for him in her eyes.

Greg shrugged and remained mute. He also looked guilty.

Sarah picked up on the tease, "So, you're a Candy Sweet fan?" Her eyebrows raised.

Greg said, "If I say anything, anything at all, anything, I will further incriminate myself and turn an even greater embarrassed shade of pink."

Sarah poked at him, "Have you watched any Lexi Staxxx videos?"

Greg nodded and shyly admitted, "I know who you mean, so I guess yes."

Sarah broke into a loud laugh and then said in a low tone, "Lexi is really Lindsay Carter, my younger sister. She lives in Miami, but comes up here frequently. I'll make sure that you meet her, too. Then you'll know at least two of your porn favorites."

Sandy clapped her hands in joy. "Oh, that sounds so cool. I have about a million questions, but I'm holding back. Maybe the next time that we're together if you don't mind talking about that stuff."

Sarah grinned, "I don't. The three of us talk about it all the time." She gestured to Rachel, me, and herself.

"Are you guys a threesome?"

Sarah nodded, "We didn't plan it; it just happened starting a couple of weeks ago. Yes, we're a throuple, but we have open relationships, especially so that we can include my sister when she visits. By the way, I think we're all nymphos." She giggled.

Greg muttered, "Nymphomaniacs? Right up your alley, Sandy." He was the one teasing her for a change.

I turned to Sandy with my face an open question. She responded, "Yes, I'm oversexed, or else the... guys I sometimes hang out with are undersexed."

I caught the oblique glance at her brother, and just knew instantly that the two of them were lovers or siblings-with-benefits or something akin to that.

I instantly teased Greg, "I won't tell."

He understood my insight instantly and just muttered, "Thanks." That was the rest of the confirmation that I needed about my sudden supposition about their relationship. I tucked that away for later.

Our conversation wandered a bit and there seemed to be an effort to keep it on neutral and non-sexual, non-relationship topics. Eventually, we finished eating. Sarah insisted on paying the entire tab. I didn't argue except to get her to agree for me to leave the tip. We all left the restaurant and started a slow walk back to the condo, a distance of about a half-mile.

Sandy took hold of my arm in an affectionate way. She looked up at me and said, "You figured it out, didn't you? I heard what you said to Greg."

I nodded. "Don't worry. I won't say anything. I think Sarah and Rachel know, too." I'd seen their glances around the table earlier during the earlier discussion.

Sandy said, "We've been lovers since I was fifteen and Greg was eighteen -- over thirteen years."

"Do your parents know?"

"We don't think so. They think that Greg is my big-brother-protector here in Florida and that I like being protected. We keep it light around them and do try to save our pet peeves for when we're in front of them, although I think they may be starting to wonder about whether either of us is ever going to find a 'life partner'."

"You need a good beard, huh?"

"You mean somebody in the know that poses as my boyfriend or girlfriend for Greg?"


"You want to apply for the job?" Sandy asked in a serious tone.

"Maybe. Let's get to know each other better, and I'd like to think about that ploy."

Sandy pulled me to a stop. We were in front of the others and they stopped, too. She moved in front of me and pulled my head down to hers and planted a long and sensuous kiss on me. Yes, we were going to get along just fine.

Sandy turned back to her brother who was walking with Sarah and said, "Just doing a little relationship building. He knows."

Greg said, "They all do. I guess we're too transparent. We need to worry more about mom and dad."

We broke apart to different elevator banks in the condo after we got to the lobby area. We'd bid them goodnight, and promised we'd do more with them in the very near future.

Sarah, Rachel, and I went up and made love and then cuddled together through the night.

Saturday, I found that Sarah had arranged for two additional runners to join us in our morning jog and brunch: Greg and Sandy. The five of us met on the grassy area in front of the building, stretched and then started a slow jog towards the bridge to the barrier islands. Again, Sarah and I ran long, and the others turned back for a shorter jog.

We reconnected with the others at The Station and had brunch at an outdoor table so that five sweaty people wouldn't stink up the place if we were inside. After our meal, we strolled back to the condo. I had Sandy beside me again, and this time I wrapped an arm around her in an affectionate gesture and pulled her in for a morning kiss. She kissed back with enthusiasm.

In front of us, Greg had his arms around both Rachel and Sarah. They were also kissing each other, Greg somewhat surprised when Sarah and Rachel came together in front of him for kisses.

We separated at the condo for showers and a change to beach clothes. Greg had an SUV, so we loaded the beach gear in his car and then drove out to Lido Beach -- the closest beach to downtown. We got one of the coveted parking spaces on the small north end of the beach, and that put the car close to water, and also near the least populated part of the beach. That end was also the only informally-accepted 'clothing optional' area in the county, although 'officially' it was just like any other beach and nudity wasn't allowed.

We created our encampment, and after looking around and checking out the status of nearby beach goers, the three girls stripped off their bikini bras. Sarah declared, "No tan lines." She also shed her bikini bottoms and lay down... next to Greg, whose eyes were falling out of their sockets as he looked over her smoking hot body, focusing last on the strip of pubic hair on her mons that resembled an arrow pointing to her vagina.

Sarah moved her upper body over Greg's, rubbed her breasts around his bare chest, and then started to make out with him. She teased him; "If you've been watching my Candy Sweet porn, you've seen it all anyway."

I checked in with Sandy, "That okay with you?"

"Oh, better than okay." She cuddled up to me and put one of my hands on her nearest breast. "Get sexual, boyfriend."

I pulled Rachel in with us, and enjoyed having four bare breasts with erect nipples etching their pleasures across my own chest. We shared kisses, and then, to my surprise, so did Sandy and Rachel -- tentative at first, but then more seriously.

Rachel explained to Sandy about our throuple and the rules we had regarding others -- basically, that there were no rules except respect and communication. Sandy liked those and asked whether she and Greg could become special guests if they obeyed the same rules.

Sarah had been listening as she'd been making out with Greg. She said, "I vote yes." As I glanced over, I couldn't help but notice that she'd left him with a huge hard-on in his bathing suit. When Sarah then noticed the bulge, she put a hand directly on his 'lump' and massaged gently.

Rachel also proclaimed, "Yes," and I added my own positive vote.

I speculated in my own mind about what our dinner and evening would be like. Sandy was already grinding her mons along my hip and thigh, matching what Rachel was doing on my other side.

I slid fingers into the crotch areas of my two companions and found each of them to be gushing hot, sexy, girl juices. I teased a little and then stopped after kissing each of them. I made a show of tasting my fingers and making yummy sounds. I did grab hold of the suntan lotion and over the next half-hour spent about equal time on Rachel and Sandy, massaging the protective lotion over every inch of their bodies... and especially under the fabric they wore covering their privates.

As I did that, I nodded encouragingly at Greg so that he'd do the same to Sarah. He did, and could hear her heavy breathing and slight moans as his hands wandered over her breasts and sexual areas. He looked quite pleased with himself. He also tasted his fingers after fingering her, but apparently restrained himself from doing cunnilingus.

Rachel and Sandy did every inch of my body, too; including the areas covered by my bathing suit. They left me with a hard-on, and both of them told me that they wanted to experiment with that later on when we were in a less public place. Our new friendship with Sandy was accelerating at a rapid pace. Sarah put lotion on Greg, too.

Sarah and Greg seemed to spend the afternoon making out. Sandy looked pleased. I asked whether she was jealous. "Oh, no. Yes, we've been sibs-with-benefits, but we know we can't be everything to each other. We do want significant roles in each other's lives, but having other romantic interests has always been encouraged. This is so great because it means we can be open with each other about what's going on."

For dinner, the girls put their bras back on and I showed the group to a place that I'd read about called the Crab Shack, up on City Island. The place was about as crude as you could get, and would probably vanish in a weak hurricane. The fish dinners were super-fresh and the place loaded with unusual seaside ambiance. Further, they didn't mind five people in skimpy bathing suits that liked to touch each other. We weren't the only ones in the place with similar modes of dress and behavior.

One thing I noticed over dinner, was the sexual aroma that soon surrounded our table. I studied each of the three women, and came to the conclusion that each one was horny beyond belief. I caught sight of the crotch of Sarah's bathing suit, and it was drenched, not with sea water from our dip in the ocean, but with her female arousal fluids.

A shift in the wind verified to me that Sandy, who was next to me, was also a strong contender for the most sexually-aroused woman at our table. I caught Rachel, sitting next to Sandy, surreptitiously rubbing her sex area through her bathing suit. She just wanted a little stimulation. I'd make sure she got a lot later.