The Present Situation Ch. 01

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The start of awakening my wife to new sexual adventures
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/10/2015
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To me the ultimate turn-on for years was to see my sweet little wife placed into a powerless position while men used her for their pleasure just like in the stories I read. For some time it seemed the only way I could get off was placing her in the stories. Then one day I was on my laptop surfing illustrated wife watching stories when I got an emergency work call. I had set the laptop down and forgot to close the lid. A half hour later I returned to find my wife in tears staring at the screen in her grip.

And now I was busted. There wasn't any way out of this. I knew I had to face the music. I crossed the room coming up behind her and gently placed my hand on her quaking shoulder. Dawn didn't look up. All she did was to continue her sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Hon." Is all I could say. Dawn continued crying for what seemed hours. I just stood by. Finally my wife turned to face me. With tears streaking her lovely face she began to question my love for her. Was she not enough? Was I unhappy with her? Was she losing me? Question after question was asked. Each time I stumbled out lame answers of how I loved no one but her...that she was all I needed...that the stories and pics were just for fantasy. Finally she got up and headed to the bedroom. The slamming door told me the conversation was over for now.

The next few days were living hell for me. I walked around my wife as if I were on egg shells. Four long days passed before Dawn said she was ready to talk about it. We sat at the dining room table as she began. Dawn again asked me why I wanted to view and read porn. I told her it was as a fantasy to stimulate myself for when we would make love. Dawn sat there awhile considering what I had said.

She continued by asking why I wanted to visualize her taken orally and anally by men, to have sex with strangers. Again, I said it was only a fantasy that never would I want that to happen in real life. Then Dawn floored me by saying the past few days had opened her eyes about how she was not meeting my needs. How could she help? She made it clear there was no way she would ever do what happened to the women in the stories, but was there some way she could make herself more exciting for me?

I thought long about that before answering. Several things came to mind. Yes, I really would like to see her go down on a guy. Hell, I'd like her to go down on me! Yes, I wanted to see her go wild and take on strangers and be fucked in the ass. But I knew if I said anything like that I would be headed for divorce court. Instead I thought I might take a safer route.

Though Dawn has a lovely body and a cute girl next door face she rarely fixed herself up. I'm proud of her and always wanted men to be envious of what I owned. No one really knew just what delights my wife was hiding.

When in public she always covered herself from neck to knee. On rare occasions when she wore a top or dress with a low neckline I looked for circumstances where some lucky guy might see her bra covered tits. However, I knew it was wishful thinking. A bigger turn-on was the thought of her going braless in public. Of course, this also would never happen. But the thought of her small, firm tits on display, her always hard small nips poking a thin top for other guys to see excited me to no end.

So, with some reservation I mentioned that she was so sexy and that it would be a real turn on for me to take her in public dressed sexily, to show her off and let others see how lucky I am to have her for my wife. Dawn brushed it off by saying she was too old and no one else would find her attractive. I know she has always had a poor self image and so I kept stroking her ego. I told her she had the same body she did when we first married. Dawn knew this to be true for even after having our son 20 years ago she had worked hard to keep her tight body.

After a bit Dawn hesitantly asked just how sexy I would want her to be. I knew better than to tell her "dressed like a slut." Instead I gently rubbed her shoulders as I said, "You have beautiful legs, just like a dancer. I would want to show them off. Perhaps a miniskirt or mini dress would be perfect."

"For you, I could do that." Dawn hesitantly replied. I leaned over her while continuing to rub her shoulders. Dawn leaned back enjoying my fingers kneading her tense muscles. "What else?" she asked.

Already my little wife had agreed to more than I ever thought she would. My mind was in overdrive and my cock was getting hard thinking of the possibilities. Should I suggest going braless? Would my shy conservative wife ever agree to that request? I decided to go for broke.

"A real turn on for me would be for you to go braless." I replied. Her back tensed, several long seconds passed before my wife, in a small voice, said, "Is that really true? You want to take me out in public that way? I would feel so exposed. Why?"

"My Dear," I replied, "You have a lovely body. I'm proud to be married to you. I want other men to see my lovely wife, to be teased by the fact here is a beautiful woman and they can't go home with her. It's a turn on knowing you are with me and they are just wishfully thinking of you."

In shock Dawn asked, "You want other men to lust for me? You want to tease them?"

"Again, I'm proud of you as my wife. Yes, I want men to see what I have and to wish they were me. Call it an envy thing or an ego booster. I don't know. But, I do know it would be a thrill."

Dawn bit her lower lip as she thought through what she had heard. As if I weren't there she began murmuring to herself. "Couldn't do it around here...what to that...perhaps...yes." After a bit she looked up and asked me to sit down. I slid into the seat next to her and she reached out to hold my hands.

"Dave," she began." I never thought I would say something like this but I love you too much not to. I can't do some of those filthy things in those stories and those pictures are disgusting. But, I can dress up for you. I...I guess I can even go out without a bra on. But I have a major concern."

I waited as she went on. "I could never dress like you want around here. What would my students' parents think if they saw me? This is such a small community I could never face them again."

I agreed with that. We live in such a small conservative community everyone seemed to know everyone else's business. My wife was well known as a sought after second grade teacher. It would prove very embarrassing for her to be seen in public flaunting her body, enticing men with her charms. I assured her I understood and suggested we have a "wild weekend" in a major city. I mentioned perhaps St. Louis, 70 miles away. No one would ever know us in a metropolis of millions.

Dawn slowly shook her head in the affirmative. She seemed deep in thought. I believed it best to press onward while she seemed so receptive.

"Remember back when we were dating? The fun of discovering new things? The anticipation? I want to bring some of that back, Hon." Dawn's face had begun to light up as she remembered our dating days. They had been good days and we both cherished them.

"Wouldn't it be great to meet somewhere as if we weren't married? Maybe a bar or a restaurant? We could flirt, perhaps dance and then leave with each other. Every guy around would be so envious of me picking up the most beautiful gal in the place. They would all want to be in my shoes. We could then go back to the hotel room and make love all night."

"You would want me to meet you in a bar? I don't know if I could go in one without you." I assured her it didn't matter if she went in alone as long as she left with me. After some reassurances Dawn's submissive nature kicked in and she agreed. I was in seventh heaven. Not wanting to give her a chance to back out I quickly suggested we take off the next morning for St. Louis. Dawn probably also knew that if we did not do it now we probably would never have the nerve to do it. Reluctantly she agreed. I jumped up and got on the phone to make hotel arrangements while Dawn went to our bedroom.

I arranged a room at a favorite hotel we had stayed at before and headed back to the bedroom. Dawn was standing before the closet critically eyeing her clothes.

"I really don't know what to take." She sighed. "I don't have anything like what you want to see me in."

I stood behind my wife and wrapped my arms around her little shoulders. "Don't worry, Hon. Just take some basics. We will buy what we need." She shook her head yes and leaned into me.

I was so turned on from our discussion that rather than wait for evening I decided to get a bit frisky. I began to gently squeeze my wife's firm tits through her top and play with her bra clad barely felt nips. She sighed and leaned further into my arms. I kneaded the tit flesh and proceeded to kiss her neck. Within a few minutes we were both naked and entwined together on the bed.

I think the thought of what we had agreed to do had gotten Dawn also turned on. For as I guided my cock into her opening it was much wetter than usual. She is so tiny I usually had to rock back and forth several times to get fully seated in her. But not this time! Much to my surprise she was so lubed I went fully in her on the first stroke with no resistance.

Neither of us lasted long and we had a mutual orgasm together. My cock seemed to pump more cum than usual and she moaned through it all. Finally we parted and Dawn headed to the bathroom to take a shower and cleanup. I put some clothes on and yelled through the door that I was going to fill up the car and get it washed. Dawn replied she would pack our bags.

The next morning we were like two kids, excited to be going off to do something forbidden. We talked the whole trip and arrived early in St. Louis. As we headed into the suburbs I spotted a mall and suggested we begin the shopping for the weekend. Dawn was hesitant but she knew why we were on this trip and agreed.

I parked and steered her to the mall's Nordstrum's. Dawn began to head toward the standard older females clothing area, but I stopped her and pointed her toward the juniors section. We looked at several dresses and skirts, Dawn embarrassed to hold the small articles in front of her.

"Is this what I should wear?" she asked as she held a skirt before her. It was black and looked like it would come to about mid thigh on her. Perfect I thought and I told her so. With a raised eyebrow she handed me the skirt and browsed some more. I helped by making a few suggestions and within an hour we were packing two full bags of new clothes to the car. Some of the clothing would only be worn on this and hopefully subsequent trips, others would go well in her normal clothes closet.

Next stop the hotel. After checking in we headed to our room. It was about 2 PM. We had not eaten lunch and I was kind of hungry. I suggested Dawn change into a new outfit and for us to get a quick bite to eat. My lovely little wife grabbed the bags headed for the bathroom and closed the door. When I asked what she was doing she told me I would have to wait. She wanted to surprise me.

I lay back on the bed and impatiently waited. After what seemed an eternity the door opened and I rose up on my elbows to see my wife. Dawn stood in the doorway. What a vision. Here was my 40 year old wife standing before me. She had on her new black miniskirt and a silky white blouse. The mini hugged her hips tight and showed off her legs well. It ended at mid-thigh showing a generous expanse of creamy white leg. If she wasn't careful when sitting she would show off her panties.

My eye traveled upward to rest on her chest. The expensive blouse was not as thin as I had wanted, but Dawn had promised that if I bought it she would wear it without a bra. It did look better on her than I had thought it would. Her always hard little nipples were pressed against the shiny fabric making small tents against the material. As she crossed to me I watched her small tits give just the slightest swaying motion. What a sight!

I jumped up to hold my wife. My hands traveled across her back relishing the fact there were no bra straps to feel. I could feel her tense in my arms. But after holding her tight and murmuring little endearments she began to loosen up. Eventually I asked if she was ready to go eat and she agreed. On the way out of the room Dawn began to get cold feet and asked that we stay in the room. As much as I wanted to throw her on the bed and fuck her then I really wanted to take her out and show her off.

We talked a few minutes and finally, much to my chagrin, we reached a compromise where she would go if she could wear a dress jacket over the blouse. I figured I better take this one step at a time. Let's get her out of the room first and then get the jacket off.

The hotel had a nice restaurant and I suggested we eat a light meal there. We were seated and after leaving the menus the waiter left to get us some water. I looked across the table at my lovely wife. She did look good, a classy attractive lady. If I did not know her I would have placed her in her thirties.

I whispered across the table to Dawn that she looked very attractive. She beamed from the compliment as she continued to look at her menu. I asked her to take her jacket off, but, continuing to look at her menu, she whispered she wasn't comfortable enough yet. I then asked her to at least unbutton a few of the blouse buttons. There were five buttons and with the top button buttoned the blouse made a small vee showing little more than her lower neck. I guess Dawn figured that was a small compromise for she fumbled with the top button.

I cajoled and pleaded for one more loosed button and finally with a resigned sigh Dawn unbuttoned the second. This now caused the material to gap slightly and the third button held the material just below her unfettered breasts. But the material was pressed close to her chest and nothing could be seen. And, of course, the jacket, though unbuttoned, draped over her breasts hiding them from view.

I asked my lovely wife to lean forward so I might get a look down her top. Dawn knows I have always been partial to her small firm breasts, so looking to see that no one else would see she placed her elbows on the table and leaned far over onto the table. This caused the material to fall away from her and I was treated to a wondrous sight. Before my eyes were my lovely wife's little tits. I could just see the dark hard nipples resting on the end of her creamy white breasts. Oh, if only someone would pass by now!

As if taking his cue the waiter approached us. To my disappointment Dawn quickly straightened up and held her menu in front of her. I watched the waiter as he took her order. He was trying to discreetly lean in close enough to look down her blouse. He even was bold enough to lean in close to point out an entrée on the menu. As he spoke though he was looking through the side of his eyes at my wife's chest.

Unknown to my shy wife when she had sat back up the material had not fully positioned itself against her as before. The vee was now quite evident. It plunged to the third button and a slight swelling of each milky smooth breast could be seen. The jacket had not fallen in place against each breast. It gaped a couple of inches from the left side of her chest. Though I wasn't in position to see it I figured, and hoped, the waiter could see my wife's little nip pressed against the blouse fabric. I suspected he could for he lingered longer than was really necessary. It was so hot! I'm sure Dawn did not suspect he was getting a look at her treats.

I really wanted Dawn to take off the jacket but knew it would take some work. I figured a little alcohol might help. Dawn is strictly against drinking but since this was an adventurous weekend I thought she might go for a little wine. She looked up in surprise when I ordered a split, but did not say anything.

The dinner was excellent and with the help of time and a few glasses of wine I could see my conservative wife beginning to loosen up and relax. I requested she lean forward a few times to flash her breasts and each time she hesitantly complied. Once I even talked her into moving the material away to fully expose her right tit. She discreetly brushed her hand against the blouse and moved it back to show her perfect little firm tit. A tit that despite the years was still firm enough it needed no bra and with a perky dark nipple standing out. Delicious! I tried to get her to unbutton another button, but no luck there.

Being the devious sort I am I decided to work on giving the waiter a better show than before. He had shown us excellent service coming back several times to freshen our water, see if we needed anything else, etc. I knew the real reason was he was so attentive is he was hoping to get another quick look at my wife's tits.

As we neared completion of the meal I pulled a piece of paper from my pocket and began to sketch out a plan for remodeling some rooms in the house. Dawn had wanted to do this for some time and was delighted to discuss it. The paper was small and she had to lean over the table considerably to see my drawings. This went on for several minutes and I treated myself each time I looked up seeing most of her breasts on display.

The waiter must have been waiting for an opportunity for suddenly he appeared from the side and asked if we desired dessert. Dawn had been leaning forward on her elbows her hands were clasped with her chin resting on them. Hearing him she kept her hands to her chin and leaned back. Dawn must have thought this would cause the blouse to come back against her and not put her tits on display. However, to my delight and surprise, the way her shoulders rotated back it actually caused the blouse to fall away from her chest a few inches.

Unbeknownst to my wife she was exposing both breasts to a complete stranger. From my position I could not see down her top but from the way the waiter's eyes grew I knew he was seeing most if not all of my wife's perfect breasts. What a lucky guy. And what a lucky guy I was! Finally I had seen my wife expose her breasts to another man. Breasts that had never been seen by another man.

Surely the waiter liked what he saw. A small smile appeared on his handsome young face as he awaited our response. His eyes never left her exposed chest. All this time Dawn had been focused on the remodeling project. Something must have clicked for she suddenly looked down and realized she was showing herself to this young stranger. She quickly dropped her elbows and sat straight in her chair. This ended the show by causing the blouse and jacket to rest against her chest. Alas, show time was over.

A red flush began to color Dawn's cheeks and I knew we needed to leave immediately for her sake. Dawn was embarrassed and had to get out. I hurriedly signed the bill and even over tipped the waiter. We exited the restaurant and Dawn wanted to go back to our room. Fearing the adventure would end if we did so I convinced her to sit down in a quiet area of the lobby. We found two big comfortable wingback chairs facing each other and talked in low tones.

Dawn was shocked another man had seen her so openly exposed. I asked how much he had seen. My wife shyly said she thought he had seen most of her breasts. In reply to my query as to if he saw all of them she hesitated before answering that she thought not quite all. I thought differently though and hoped he had seen them completely. I even expressed that wish to her.

Dawn's response was of shock. "You wanted him to see my breasts?" she gasped. "Yes," I calmly replied. "As I have said before, I love your body and am very, very proud of you. I can't tell you how much of a turn on it was for me thinking he might be glimpsing your perfect breasts."