The Priestess and the Brat Ch. 07


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"They called for me after a few days had passed. I don't know how many, because there were no windows and they kept our schedule changing. It may have been a week or it may have been a month.

"I was the first to be called because of my red hair. Your people believe that women with red hair are magical and a slave with red hair is highly prized. So, when Gaius Germanicus came to visit, I was to be given to him as a grand gift; a special treat that only an Emperor could afford. It was intended to be an intimidating display of his wealth and power. He feared everyone, you should know that. But more than anything, he feared his young, popular nephew.

"I was brought out during a grand feast at the palace. I was bathed and perfumed and my hair was done up in intricate braids. My body was painted red. And then I was paraded before the gathered guests and presented to Gaius Germanicus. I was to be the main event, the evening's entertainment. They were all brimming with excitement to watch as the prince defiled the young red virgin for their amusement, all while they feasted and danced and partied around me.

"But, when the prince reached for me, I touched his head and filled it with madness. I then resumed my true form and slaughtered them, one by one. Except for the prince. I left him. I left him standing alone in a chamber surrounded by his slaughtered friends and family, their blood running like a river into the courtyard. He is cursed and he shall grow madder and madder for the rest of his short, miserable life. His own people will plot against him and he shall be murdered before he reigns a decade... but, in that time, he will be the ruin of the Roman state. You see, I have avenged my sister's death not just against the mad emperor, but against his entire nation."

Cassia was shocked at the tale. "But then it is YOU who has also condemned my father! Your murder has led to my own father becoming a traitor to the new emperor!"

"No," replied Sabine. "He was condemned before he ever set foot on this cursed island. The Senators who were called to Capri by the emperor were called here because the mad emperor did not trust them. He feared them and he feared their loyalty to him. He feared that their loyalty to such a mad ruler could only be false and therefore they must be plotting against him. Had the emperor known that you were here, you'd have been taken and sold into slavery... or worse, weeks ago. The woman you called Gaia, you now know as the goddess in her human form. It was she that protected you and kept his men from finding you."

"But, why did she try so hard to prevent us from seeking you out?" asked Cassia, confused. "We had to sneak off in the night like thieves, when she could have just brought us to you any time she wanted. This makes no sense."

Sabine stroked the girl's hair. "The goddess cannot make mortals serve her. That would make her a slave master. No, we mortals must seek her out and we must truly wish to serve her of our own free will. You proved your devotion by risking everything to seek me. That is why you and your handmaidens were deemed worthy." After saying this, Sabine rose and said, "I must see to my ship now. You are to travel with me. Prepare your things and you will be brought when it is time to go."

It was late in the day before the tall, silent woman in the white robe came for Cassia. All of the other boats had departed and she had been left alone in her thoughts. Everything that she thought that she knew about the world had been wrong. It was as if her whole life had been a play and the actors had suddenly taken off their masks to reveal their true selves. She had made up her mind to accept the goddess completely and without question. It was all that she had left in this world - it was her one tether to sanity; the only way that she could possibly pull through this.

Cautiously, she made her way to the boat and was helped aboard by several acolytes who were serving as sailors and crew. The white robed woman was captain and she commanded them wordlessly. With a single glance, Cassia understood that she was to go below to the cabin and remain there.

Upon entering the cabin, she saw that it was awash in a pale blue light and that it was strangely decorated. Instead of the ornate golden inlaid wood and hand tooled leather that adorned the guests' quarters of Roman vessels, this berth was decorated with rich furs from animals she did not recognize; there were no giraffe skins or leopard hides, but rather these were mostly white and grey and much more plush than she had ever seen. On the walls were strange ornamental symbols made from tree branches that were twisted together such that they appeared to have grown that way, rather than to have been fashioned by human hands. In the center of the cabin was a large bed with a solid oaken frame and a large headboard that had carvings of strange beasts in relief.

It was what was on the bed that shocked her most. There, Sabine lay, naked with arms and legs spread wide. The great white she-wolf lay on the bed between her outstretched legs and was lazily lapping at Sabine's exposed pussy. At first, the two acted as if they did not notice that Cassia had entered. But, without looking up, Sabine said, "My goddess, I think this may be too much for the girl."

The she-wolf sat up and turned to look in Cassia's direction. Only, it was no longer the she-wolf but Gaia who was laying between the priestess's legs. "Is this form more pleasing to you?" Gaia asked. Her naked body was small, but perfectly formed with tight muscles under silky smooth skin the color of light caramel. Her breasts were perfectly rounded and capped with small, dark nipples that were fully erect. Her delicate, yet powerful legs shifted and Cassia could see a light trace of whispy hair covering her mons. Her cunt was several shades darker than the rest of her skin and the lips glistened with dewy wetness. Cassia's own body reacted instantly and wetness formed in her own aroused pussy. She was too dumbfounded to respond and instead, just stood there with her mouth agape.

Gaia arose from the bed and stood naked before Cassia with her hands on her hips. "I am a goddess," she said in a low, sultry voice, "I can take whatever form pleases you. How about this?" As she spoke, the goddess' clit grew and extended into a long cock that stiffened and rose as it continued to grow until it was a thick pole topped with a pink tip that rested between her perfect breasts. It pulsated with energy, and then erupted with a shower of sparkling light and disappeared.

Sabine laughed. "You're scaring her!" she said, drawing herself up to a seated position against the headboard. "Come, child, help me worship the goddess."

"No," said Gaia, now returned to her perfect female form. "Child, take my hand. You have chosen to serve me and, while Sabine has much to teach you yet, I have been waiting for this... waiting for you to come to me. You will worship me unspoiled by training. I want your devotions pure and unpracticed." Gaia - the goddess Gondul - held out her hand toward Sabine, saying, "You may watch, but watch only," and an object materialized in the palm of her hand. Cassia instantly recognized it as the magical stone ball with the two protruding fallacies that Sabine had used on her the night she had first received the blessing of the goddess. Gondul handed the object to Sabine who readily accepted it. She placed it on her red bush and Cassia watched as the fallacies began to grow and move. One entered the priestess's vagina while the other grew longer and thinner and penetrated her ass. Instantly a look of bliss washed over the priestess and she made room for Cassia and Gondul on the bed.

Gondul sat on the bed cross legged and bade Cassia to sit beside her. When she had, Gondul pulled Cassia gently across her lap. Cassia looked up at the goddess and a feeling of calm coursed through her. She stared into the eyes of the goddess and it seemed that they were portals to another world, as if she were looking straight through those eyes and into the heavens. The blue light that filled the room seemed to radiate from the goddess and Cassia had the perception that Gondul's true form were just out of sight beneath the human disguise she wore; her limitless greatness barely contained therein.

As she stared into Gonduls eyes in a near hypnotic trance, she noticed that the goddess's breasts had swelled so that they were larger and fuller, more like Ligeia's. Without a word or even a gesture or signal, Cassia understood somewhere in the back of her consciousness that this was an offering to worship the goddess, and so she opened her mouth and allowed the goddess to lower one of those perfect, smooth, full breasts into it. Cassia's lips closed instinctively around the dark nipple and began to suck gently at it. To her shock, milk flowed from the nipple into her mouth, a milk that was cool and creamy and sweeter than any honey. As she drank it, she could feel her body begin to tingle with a new energy.

After some time, Gondul cradled Cassia's head in her hands and withdrew her breast. She turned Cassia and re-positioned her, offering her wet pussy to the girl. Cassia eagerly accepted it and lowered her mouth, allowing her tongue to taste the goddess. The taste was like nothing she had ever experienced. It was crisp and light, like the finest golden wine. She probed forward with her tongue and entered between the goddess' lips. She began to eat hungrily at the divine cunt, lapping and licking and sucking as if she were some shipwrecked sailor being offered his first meal in months. There was no technique, no skill, just crazed, wanton lust that drove her.

Gondul laughed playfully at the girl who had been overcome with blinding desire. The goddess enjoyed the pleasures that this human form could experience. She luxuriated in the sensations and excitement that the girl's ministrations wrought from this human body, allowing the human orgasm to build within it. It was exhilarating and the goddess perhaps took this form a little too often just for the sake of enjoying these orgasms. This girl was special and she would eventually become a powerful priestess in her own right; a champion for Gondul. But for now, she was a poor, broken soul, lost in this world but for her devotion to the goddess. The goddess had exacted a high price from this human girl, a price that the girl had accepted. It was only fair for Gondul to allow this new servant, this new devotee, a glimpse at the pleasure of pleasing a goddess. It would be the girl's reward and it would give her hope. Also, the goddess really, really liked having human orgasms. It is why she made her devotees worship her by engaging in ritualistic sex with one another and it was why she had chosen to reveal her instructions through her priestesses in the way that she did.

Cassia became more and more intense in her attentions to the goddess. She sucked hard on the goddess' clit and had all of the fingers of one hand buried in the goddess' vagina. Without rhythm or control, she pumped away, losing herself to the task, with no thought than to elicit an orgasm. Gondul sighed and relented, allowing the orgasm to finally peak. Her human form convulsed and contorted and a blast of hot energy exploded throughout the room so suddenly that Sabine, still sitting alone and watching, was overcome and fell into her own orgasm in response.

Still, the girl kept going, trying to drive Gondul's human body to another round of orgasmic bliss. Gondul shook her head in amusement. "Youth!" she said, laughing at the girl's exuberant enthusiasm. She pulled Cassia away from her pussy and lifted her with ease to a sitting position. She could see wild abandon in Cassia's eyes. The girl was clearly still fixated on sating the goddess through her worship. She tapped the girl on the forehead with the tip of her finger. "Child, you have pleased me. But, you will have the rest of your life to serve me. Now, I require one final gift from you."

"Anything," Cassia immediately replied, a little too eagerly.

"I require you to give me your orgasm. I require you to share your life force with me." With that, the goddess slipped her leg between Cassia's legs and brought her cunt into contact with Cassia's cunt. She watched with amusement as Cassia's face lit up in surprise. An excited "OH!" escaped the girl as the goddess' raw sexual energy flowed into her. The power of the goddess rose up through her core until the girl's body nearly hummed with it. The goddess leaned forward and took one of Cassia's small, perky breasts into her mouth, sending a competing cascade of sensations through the girl's body.

Gondul paused momentarily, wondering for a moment if perhaps this might be too much for the girl to handle. She looked into Cassia's eyes and discovered that the girl seemed to be thriving on this. Encouraged, Gondul began grinding her cunt against Cassia's. Slowly at first, the two sopping wet pussies began to slip and slide over one another. The energy flowing from the goddess stimulated and vibrated Cassia's skin and made her clit stiffen. She had never felt such sensations and her eyes rolled back in her head. She gave herself into it and allowed the goddess to use her body. Harder and harder the goddess ground against her. To Cassia, it felt as if the lips of the goddess's pussy had gripped onto her cunt and were pulling it inside of her, squeezing and caressing it and coating it with wave after wave of hot oil.

Cassia's orgasm exploded from deep within her. It was sudden and fierce and overpowering. Her body shook. The flow of energy suddenly reversed and Cassia sensed that her orgasm were being sucked out of her, feeding the goddess where they were connected at their cunts. Gondul smiled in pleasure as the girl's orgasm washed over her as well. She could feel it course through the body of her human form. This was worship at its purest and simplest form. This was the supplicant giving her very life force to her goddess and Gondul reveled in the sensations.

Soon it was over and Cassia collapsed into a deep, sound sleep. Gondul extricated her limbs from the girl and laid her to rest on the bed. She stretched her human body out and smiled at Sabine, who had finally removed the magical toy from her own body. Sheepsihly, she handed it back to the goddess. "You will teach her and she will become amazing at her worship," said Gondul, but I do so love it when they give in so completely." She hugged herself and said "Mmmmmmm. You have served me well, my priestess. Now, your quest is complete. You can return to your native land and resume your position as head of my temple. You will train those who are to come after you, such as this girl, and your days will be easy and comfortable..." Gondul paused. "If that is your wish."

Sabine bowed her head. "It is only my wish to do as you bid me." Gondul smiled. "Good answer," she thought. There was more to be done, of course. There was always more to be done. But Sabine had done her part and she deserved her reward, the reward Gondul had promised her.

The goddess told Sabine to hold out her hand and when she did, a golden cup materialized. "Bring it," she commanded. Sabine held the cup to the goddess who lowered it to her cunt. In an instant, the cup filled with a golden, sparkling wine of the finest vintage. She held it to Sabine and said, "You have fulfilled your promise and now I am prepared to grant your reward. Or..." Gondul paused, "You can drink from this cup and you will remain with me, by my side and continue to serve me. The way will be hard and you will travel the Earth, never to return to your homeland again, but you will receive immortality. The choice is yours."

Sabine accepted the cup and considered her choice. It was not to be made lightly...

End, Part 6.

End, Book One.

Some notes for my loyal readers:

I hope that you have enjoyed the first portion of my (hopefully) epic erotic saga. This work has been a lot of fun to write and much of it has surprised even me. In many cases, I had no clue how the story would go until I sat down and started writing... Almost as if the goddess were writing the story through me! However, there were some things that were planned out and, in some cases, even given a small measure of research. So, in case you noticed, there are enough trivia Easter eggs sprinkled throughout the story to keep you busy googling for an afternoon, should you find yourself bored and stuck inside one day.

Second, although this is a lot of fun to write, it does take a lot of time, partly because I try to at least research some of the details as I go along. I could just write simple sex stories and that doesn't take any research or editing. I have a pretty good idea what the girl's sauna at the gym looks like and I wouldn't have to look up Roman winemaking methods. But, like Cassia, I have given myself to this story. So, if my readers would like me to continue the saga and press forward, please let me know in the comments and I will do as you command.

Love, as always, Audrey07.

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Cupertino345Cupertino34512 months ago

I love stories like this and I am looking forward to many more chapters. Thanks for sharing.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

S9808S9808about 1 year ago

What a pity this has come to an end. It felt like it was building to an epic story. it just now seems to have fizzled out.

Please write more.

You do know the Med doesn't have tides as such! the more likely reason for waiting to depart for Capris would be to gain favourable winds [evenings would have offshore sea breezes] and to avoid the heat of the day as the galley slaves would need to conserve energy in case of emergencies. Any captain would not want to waste water and provisions on slaves by using them in the heat of the day. Great story all the same.

ErinzeasyErinzeasyover 4 years ago
excellent story beautifully written

Your story, your writing style and how you flesh out the characters has captivated us. We hope you will continue their travels and trials as they continue to serve their Goddess.

Mstrs K and e

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Love the priestess and the bratt

Audrey what makes your story great is that you stay within the rules of the world you have created. It’s sexy but it is also a well written within its realm. Thank you for taking the time to bless us all with this. Perhaps you are the Goddess sent to help the rest of us enrich our sexual core! Thanks again

ARavenInTheNightARavenInTheNightover 6 years ago
Don't Stop

It is obvious you have more ideas and it would be a shame not to continue.

Randee1958Randee1958over 6 years ago

OHHH you definitely have to stay with this story. There's nothing like it anywhere in Literotica. PLEASE.

5🌟's for all 7 chapters.

Audrey07Audrey07over 6 years agoAuthor
I'm blushing!

Thanks guys! I love you guys. I am taking a bit of a break from this narrative for a while so I can do some research and prepare for the second book. I'll give you a bit of a preview though: the next book follows Ligeia and Athalia as they each have their own erotic adventures. The final book will bring the three back together for what I hope to be a big finish. A big, throbbing, pulsing finish...

Ooohh, I'm blushing! Anyway, if you are a fan of this series, you can email me at my account, and I will send out some updates as they occur.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I keep coming back for the story and the history

you've woven it together so well!

LaRascasseLaRascassealmost 7 years ago
I liked the ending

I particularly liked the foreshadowing of the mad emperor Caligula (Gaius Germanicus) who would put his uncle Tiberius to shame with his excesses. Nice historical nod. Apart from it, the sex was hot as always and I loved the setting and details.

jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 7 years ago
great ending

I started reading your story, but stopped reading it around ch. 4 so I did not read 5 and 6, but I have to say this was a great ending and yes I wish you would keep it up

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