The Prince of Thieves Ch. 02

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The journey begins.
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Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/02/2012
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With a groan he awoke, mind fogged with pain and shoulder ablaze by some fire. He struggled to summon the words to curse at whoever had been foolish enough to brand their Guild Master, whether accidently or purposely.

By instinct he turned away from that heat and immediately a fresh wave of pain swept through him from his opposite side, as though he had been dashed with a bucket of cold water. Whatever sleep lingered in his mind was immediately driven out and his eye's opened to find himself lying on a soft bed, in a small home.

It all came back to him in a rush. His betrayal and escape from the city of Solis. "Ah, you're awake I see," speaks the familiar voice of Kale. He glanced in the direction of the voice to find the scholar sitting at a small desk. "How are you feeling? Miss Illia said that you might be in pain when you awoke."

"I most certainly AM in pain," agrees Atlas through gritted teeth. A light sheen of sweat had broken out over his naked chest as a result of the explosion of pain and even now it threatened to make him cry out. "But I'm more interested in finding out just WHO this Illia is." He pushes his glasses back up and approaches.

"Do you feel up to taking a walk, Prince?" He nods in response and with the help of Kale, leans up. The exertion makes him feel light headed, and weary. Atlas was close to passing out again, but paid it little mind as he headed towards the door on unsteady legs. Kale pushes the door open to reveal a small clearing, the midday sun splashing across the glade and illuminating everything.

There was a loud 'whack' and both men glanced in the direction of a tall woman at the opposite side of the clearing. Her dusky skin and brown hair reminded him of that amazon he had saved. She planted the axe she was weilding firmly into the stump and gathered the split wood in a single arm, turning back towards them.

Her green eye's met the young thief's amber eye's and a slight smile played at her lips. "I see you're awake," she announces, approaching slowly. "But you shouldn't be up and about."

"There are plenty of things...I shouldn't do...but do," counters Atlas, between breaths. He felt so tired from just a few steps and was glad that Kale, small as he was, was helping to support him. He dared not attempt standing on his own for he feared that he might not remain standing for long. "Damn it...I feel so...weak!"

"That's normal. The arrow went completely through your shoulder and instead of pushing it through, you pulled it back out. It was a foolish thing to do, Atlas." He cursed, furious at his own weakness.

Kale turned, and puffing from the exertion, helped Atlas back to the bed and situated him there. Illia entered as well and placed the split wood by the fireplace at the other end of the room. Teetering on the edge of consciousness he did not hear the two of them speaking clearly before falling into the waiting darkness...

- - -

Weeks passed as he slowly recovered from his wounds, one of them made worse by his own doing. The kings soldiers tore the county-side apart in their search for the Prince but they were well hidden in the Amazon's forest. It was the first time that any male, let alone two that wasn't an amazon had been this close to their city. One, incapasitated in a bed and the other spending his days making note of all the herbs. Many were rare else where, but seemed to grow in great quantities here,

Kale spent his time attempting to gather as much knowledge as possible. It wasn't long before Atlas was no longer bound to the bed and was up and about, seeking a bath and a stretch of his legs. Illia kept a close watch on him, not at ALL shy about ordering him around.

The Prince was often too exhausted to argue with her and ended up back in bed to rest and recover. The king's search had not ceased and his soldiers had begun to stray closer and closer to the amazon's forest, while the Prince's strength began to return in leaps and bounds.

Atlas, who was finally able to spend more then a few hours out of the bed was enjoying the sun on his skin, resting on the same stump that had been used to split wood in the past. He was listening to the calling of the birds and the scratching of quill on paper as Kale attempted to note the strange plant he had discovered growing close to the small place they had called home for the past few weeks.

With the help of Illia's knowledge of herbs, his wounds had nearly healed and had range of motion had returned to normal, though he suffered from a bit of sensitivity. He heard the approach of a small group and glanced in that direction, seeing Illia and several females, one he recognized as the commander who had saved him from the hangman's noose once before.

The Prince stood as they approached, placing a hand on his wounded side gently and giving them a wry smile. "Good afternoon," he greets. "It's been quite a while since we last met, I believe." Zestia looks him over.

"It seems that you've made a full recovery," she comments. "You were half dead from blood loss last time I saw you." She noted the keen awareness that burned in his amber eye's and took in the defined muscles of his chest and arms. She had missed that in the past, as he had been shielded first by the cover of darkness and then by blood and bandages...but he was an outsider. She wouldn't entertain the idea of laying with the young man...seriously, anyway.

"I owe my recovery to the Amazon's immense knowledge of herbs, Miss. It's been quite a while since I've said this to anyone but...thank you. All of you."

"You returned one of our own to us...we were simply attempting to repay the debt."

"Debt repaid. We should cease to be a constant burden by tonight."

"Sounds like you've completely healed," comments Illia. "But you can't seem to move without holding your side...if you stretch too far then you're going to reopen that wound."

"I'll take my chances. I believe it's best to leave now, while we're square. I don't like being in debt to another, Miss Illia. It simply doesn't sit right with me..."

- - -

Illia tossed a piece of wood onto the fire and stoked it with a fire-poker. For several weeks she had cared for that young thief and now that the debt she felt she owed him had been squared, she should be glad...and yet she felt uneasy. "Why do you look so restless, Miss?" questions Atlas. She glances back at the back at him.

"I'm not restless," she counters. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Why did you go out of your way to save me?" He meets her eye's and holds her gaze. "As I understand it...Amazon's aren't too fond of outsiders like Kale and myself. And I DID treat you like a possession when we first met."

"I was repaying a debt."

"And now that it's repaid?" Illia snorts and stands. "You could come with us."

"Come with you?" The young thief sighs and looks at Kale, sleeping soundly while clutching a bundle of papers close to his chest. Even in his sleep he was unwilling to surrender them to anyone else.

"Kale doesn't know this but...there's no Thieves Guild waiting for us in Atlantis. I also don't plan to stop running once I make it there. I have no doubt that he'll wish to stay there regardless. But I'm only going to linger long enough to raise a bit of coin before crossing the desert to Aer."

"It's a dangerous crossing. There are bandits, and wandering tribes."

"I know that. But there's nothing here for me anymore. The Guild was my home but now that is gone." Illia DID feel for the young man. What she had heard was from Kale was bad, but having gained something resembling a family only to have it taken by a friend...made it worse.

"I...really should see more of the world." A smile curves the young man's lips. "And whether I see it alone, or at the side of a wanted thief, I suppose it will be the same."

"Are you sure? It might get you a one way ticket to the gallows." She nods and his smile grows.

"Wake Kale. We should depart soon..."

- - -

Kale was trying his best not to fall asleep in the saddle. The scholar glanced sidelong at the Prince and Illia. The amazon had forced him to ride behind her and he held tight to her tough leather armor. The man shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose and yawned loudly. "I fail to see why we had to depart in the middle of the night," he tells them.

"Haven't you learned anything from me?" questions Atlas. "The night provides the cover we need to slip by any soldiers we might encounter." He nodded in understanding and then looks at Illia.

"And...why is she coming?" The woman glances over at him sharply. "I understand that we owe her a debt but...the Thieves Guild isn't exactly a--"

"There is no Guild in Atlantis, Kale." He immediately halted his mount and after several feet, so did Illia. She turned the horse around to face the scholar, the Prince peering around her calmly. "The Thieves Guild existed only in Solis. I haven't told you because I didn't want to worry you."

"Worry me?!" explodes the man. "Of course I'm worried! What are we supposed to do now?!"

"I intend to fulfill my end of the bargain. Once we make it to Atlantis we can part ways and you'll never see me again, or you can continue with Illia and myself to Aer."

"Across the desert? Are you mad?!"

"Stop shouting," demanded Illia. "You are going to give our position away to ANY scouts in the area, Kale." He took a deep breath to calm himself. "What you do is up to you once we get there. Come with us, or stay there it doesn't matter to me. All that matters is staying alive."

"You heard the lady," agrees the Prince. "Keep your voice down, Kale." He sighed heavily and nodded in response to Atlas' words. Both spur their horses in the direction of the city once more. "When we get to Atlantis, I'll line up a buyer for the crown." Atlas reaches back and pats the satchel hanging at his hip with a wry smile. "Should be easy enough."

"You sound awefully confident," comments Kale. "How do you know someone will buy it?"

"You've seen it, haven't you? There are more jewels on this crown then you're likely to find in the houses of all the nobility in Solis combined."

"It's likey to get us a ticket to the gallows. We should throw it into the nearest river and be done with it." The Prince shakes his head immediately.

"It's a bargaining chip in a pinch. If we throw it away, then we have no cards to play if we're caught." Kale pushes his glasses up again.

"Very well. But I would like it noted that I believe this is a bad idea..."

- - -

Hours had passed and the sun had finally broken the horizon, warming the world with it's golden glow. Atlas closed his eye's and breathed deeply, enjoying the warmth...both from Illia and the sun. He had relaxed somewhat, though he still felt the fear of being run through by her sword was real so he avoided touching her anywhere that wasn't covered by her stiff leather armor.

Atlas would admit that she was beautiful, as all amazon women were. Her skin was the color of freshly tilled earth and from what little he had seen of it, completely unmarred by scars and blemishes. She was tall as well, standing half a head taller then kale and nearly eye to eye with the young thief.

And, ah, those green eye's of her's. A deeper green then any emerald, that burned so brightly in a normally dull world. Atlas was respectful of all women...but not completely immune to admiring her body, either.

Her large breasts sat high on her chest and her hips flaired out beautifully. Her powerful legs would no doubt allow her to keep up with the swift young man on foot...good news if they had to flee in a hurry without the use of their mounts.

"We should stop," she tells them, halting the horse. The young thief slid from the mount and sighed, stretching his legs slowly. Illia dismounts and leads the horse to a small stream to drink. Kale dismounted his horse and groaned.

"How far have we travelled?" questions the scholar. "Please tell me we're close to Atlantis."

"Hardly. I'd say we're quite a few days ride away...but ahead of the soldiers at least." Like Atlas, she takes a few moments to stretch her legs and looks around. Her emerald green eye's fall on the scholar and a small smile appears on her face. "You should get more sleep, Kale. You look tired."

He grumbles a bit under his breath but otherwise doesn't complain. Atlas takes a seat on the ground and rests his elbows on his knee's. "I think she's right," agree's the thief. "You look tired." Kale sits down and sighs heavily, removing his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. While Illia checks the supplies, he reaches into the satchel and removes the crown, looking the gold and jewel encrusted item over. "This would look pretty good on me, don't'cha think?"

Atlas places it on his head and grins at them, only earning a roll of the eye's from both of them. "Hard to believe he's making such a fuss over that thing. Simplicity is often the way to go."

"Most people don't live the same way as the Amazons, Miss Illia. Anyway, it'll fetch a good price in the market...if I can get it to a good fence that is. We may make a tidy profit selling this, and we'll split it three ways."

"Count me out. I don't want a single piece of that tainted gold."

"Ok, then. Two ways it is." Kale puts his glasses back on and shakes his head. "What?"

"I don't think it would be wise to take anymore gold from the Prince of Thieves," he tells him. "I cannot continue to travel and if word is passed around that I accepted some of the profit..." The young thief sighs and nods. "I AM sorry, Atlas." They were soon back to travelling and as before, Atlas sat behind Illia in the saddle.

He held to the woman by her shoulders, not willing to risk the loss of a hand or his life. The amazon sensed his unease, but did not bring attention to the issue. The hours passed in silence, dragging by with nothing but the sound of hooves and the occasional breeze, bringing with it a chill in the air. Autum was fast approaching and the leaves of the tree's were beginning to reflect that change in the seasons.

Many farmers would begin the harvesting of their respective crops soon...something that the Prince would admit to watching for hours on end. A days work, free of being chased and sneaking about was a thing he had never experienced in his short life. Another chilly wind blew and a small wave of goose-bumps broke out across his bare arms.

"It seems colder then usual for this season," comments Kale. "What do you think, Prince?"

"I'll be happy to trade the cold for the heat of the desert," he retorts. "I hate snow and ice...and I especially hate frozen finger-tips. It makes my job all the more difficult."

"Have you ever fallen from a roof-top?" questions Illia. "From what I've heard, you spend much of your time on roof-tops and above street level in general."

"Have I ever fallen from a roof-top?" asks the male with a bit of humor tinting his voice. "Yeah, several times and it's always painful. Especially when you bounce off some scaffolding or the side of a building."

"How does THAT happen?"

"By misjudging the distance, Miss Illia," interupts Kale. "It's fairly humorous, if you ask me." Atlas glares at the man from behind Illia but otherwise doesn't respond.

"It sounds like it."

"Yes, thank you for humilating me, Kale," speaks Atlas. "Shouldn't you be figuring out where you are going to stay once we arrive in Atlantis. As it stands, we have little to nothing."

"I have a plan," Kale informs him. "What about you?"

"I'll figure something out. I pride myself on my ability to think on my feet." The scholar nods in agreement, once again adjusting his glasses.

"It's quite the talent, I must admit. I would even go so far as to guess that is what has kept you alive all these years." The Prince just grins.

"Who know's..."

- - -

The fire crackled and popped as more wood was added to it in an attempt to bolster it's flames and ward off the chill in the night air. Illia had checked the young thief's wounds and they were doing just fine. She placed a final piece in the small pit and looked over at Kale. The man was sleeping soundly, his back turned to the flames.

"Well at least he can get to sleep easily," comments Atlas. The amazon sits back on her haunches and nods in agreement, beginning the process of removing her leather armor. "I never understood that."

"Understood what?" questions Illia.

"Being a soldier. You put your life on the line...follow the orders of some king you've never seen. You do what you're told, fight for a problem or cause that isn't your own. It's foolish." She shook her head in disgust. Illia had thought him to be somewhat honorible but to slander the names of soldiers who had fought to defend the city he grew up irritated her.

"You wouldn't understand." She begins unlacing the leather bracers bound tightly around her forearms. On the right was a deep scar where a sword had glanced off in a blow that would have caused the loss of use in the hand.

"And why wouldn't I? Because I'm a thief?" Illia looks up at his now icy eye's. "You don't know anything about me, Illia."

"I've seen thieves before, Atlas. Though you're better then the average thief, they are all the same." The youth simply shook his head. "Am I wrong? I have yet to see proof of this. Had you any sense you would do away with that crown." He looked at the satchel and then picked it up. 'I wonder just what he'll do', she thinks to herself. 'No thief would throw away something as valuable as--'

Before she could even finish that thought he had stood and tossed it into the near-by river. There was a small splash and it sank into the murky depths without a trace. Both knew that it was now gone to the currents. "You're right. I stole it simply to prove I could, and insult the king. Hanging on to it would be foolish."

"It seems you have a habit of surprising me, Atlas. I've never known a thief to so willingly throw away his take."

"I told you that you don't know anything about me. I'm not a greedy man, Illia. I just want to live my life, no matter where it takes me." He pauses for a moment watching her begin removing her chest armor. "Need any help?" Illia fixed him with a stare that would have caused any other man to rethink that statement but didn't seem to bother him. "Well? Do you or don't you?"

"Watch where your hands wander, Atlas." He nodded and knelt down behind her, helping to remove some of the bindings ment to hold it in place. Several long minutes later he had finished and she was free of her armor. Illia breathed a bit of a sigh and then tossed another piece of wood on to the fire.

"I never did thank you for the new clothes. Considering how big the males you keep must have been hard to find them in my size." Illia had examined his body at length during her tending of his wounds and would describe him as nothing but muscle and bone. Years of living on the street, of running and climbing had kept him fit and his body fat near zero. The muscles of his torso were taunt and stood out against the pale, hairless skin.

His arms bulged with muscle but not overly so as many other soldiers and men she had seen. His long legs were powerful, and as she had seen, could carry himself and her swift enough to keep him one step ahead of the guards.

His over all figure was trim and suited for moving quickly, and silently. It suited him and quite honestly...Illia found she rather prefered the way his muscles bulged in certain places rather then just swelling up all over.

"Hey...? You ok?"

"It wasn't too difficult to find clothes in your size." She takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. "We should get some sleep. We ride out early tomorrow..."

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katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago
He threw away the crown?

He's definitely an unusual thief.

VacentsVacentsalmost 12 years ago
Great Series.

You are a really great writer and I love this story.

J0SEJ0SEalmost 12 years ago
YEAH!! Chp 2!

This chapter had me thinking by the end, "what is going to happen next in the life of Atlas?"

I honestly did not expect Illia to join Atlas, being an amazon and all. More fun

I like this story and I am going to give it my full support

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