The Prince of Thieves Ch. 11

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Blood-lines and Trials.
5.1k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/02/2012
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Sherehe was larger then any of them had anticipated. Fox had told him all things were traded but he had expected it to be little more then a collection of stalls and a single Inn for road weary travelers.

Instead, it was a small town unto itself with what they assumed were smugglers and traders mingling in the streets. Nero and Maua watch from the back of the cart as they pass what Atlas knew was an slave auction.

"Are they selling those people, Prince?" questions Nero. Atlas nods in the affirmative and Nero stares in confusion. "But that's wrong! Shouldn't we stop them?" Illia sighs heavily and shakes her head.

"No, Nero," Illia tells the boy. "There are some battles in this world that cannot be won. Trying to stop that slaver will only put us in danger. Stay close here, Nero. If they believe you're alone, they may try to take you." The boy thief jumps up in the back of the cart.

"Just let them try!" challenges Nero. "I'll give them a fight they'll never forget! Because I'm gonna be as good as the Prince someday!" Illia, Nizel, Fox, Atlas and even Kale all laugh at his boasting.

"You've certainly got the attitude," teases Illia. "All you need now are the skills..."

- - -

After handing off their horses to a stable hand they separated. Nero and Maua kept close to Atlas's side as they walked the streets. They had been given something of a break from the irritating sand and instead now walked on cracked, sun baked earth.

"Wow," speaks Nero. "This place seems to have everything, huh, Prince?" Atlas nods in agreement, amber eyes constantly scanning the crowd.

They pass a man dressed in fine clothes and Atlas relieves him of his coin-purse with ease. The apparent noble was none the wiser as they walk away from him.

"Did you see that, Nero?" asks Atlas. The boy thief looks over and Atlas produces the coin purse. "You want to learn? Picking pockets is the first step on the path. Now, I want YOU to try."

"Even I can do that, Prince. Can't you teach me to do something else? How about teaching me to move like you?"

"In time, Nero. Just be patient. I don't believe I could even reach above my head with left arm to teach you how to move as I do. When I heal, you have my word that I will teach you what I know. But until then, we'll work on the skills we can." Nero sighs a bit heavily and then nods in understanding. "Good. Rather then risk your life by practicing on anyone here. We'll use me instead."

"How is that fair?" demands Nero. "You'll catch me every time!" Atlas empties the contents of the stolen coin-purse into his palm, counting out ten of the thirty gold coins and handing them to the boy thief. "What's this?"

"Each one of those coins represents one chance you have to steal this coin purse by sundown. I've given you ten chances. I'll take a coin every time you fail to take the coin purse, understand, Nero?"

"What happens if I don't steal it by sundown?"

"Nothing. However if you succeed then you got all the coins in the purse as well as what I've given you. But if you lose then I keep all the gold. You can be safe and hang on to the ten gold coins I've given you to keep or you can chance trying to take the rest. This will give me an idea of just how skilled you are."

"And if I don't want to do this?"

"Then don't, Nero. But I won't be teaching you until I get an understanding of just where you need improvement." Nero groans in frustration and Atlas chuckles, patting him on the head. "We'll do five instead. You can keep the other five coins for yourself. Is that fair?"

"I don't care about the money, Prince. It bothers me that you're stacking the odds against me." Atlas smiles softly...Nero would say it was a rather fatherly smile. "What?"

"Shouldn't you be happy? You get to test your skills against mine...then you get to learn them."

"Yeah! Alright!" Nero pauses for a moment and looks up at Atlas. "Is there...are there any rules, Prince?"

"Well, not exactly. But there are two simple rules I adhere to personally. If you expect to learn from me then you'll have to understand and obey them. The first rule, it is very simple and you WILL obey this rule so long as you wish to work with me, Nero. Am I clear?" Nero nods quickly. "As thieves we steal from our victims...we do not kill them."

"Why not?"

"The guards generally get rather upset when dead bodies start turning up on the streets. It's simply too much trouble, Nero. The second rule is more based on your personal preference then anything. I, personally, prefer not to steal from the young, the elderly, the sick or the poor. There's no honor or skill involved in it."

"I understand, Prince..."

- - -

Night had fallen across the smugglers town, bringing with it drinking and laughter from the taverns and inns for those who remained through the night.

Occupying a small table near the corner of the tavern was Kale, Fox, Nero and Atlas all enjoying the music and singing of what they assumed to be songs sang through-out Aer as none were familiar with them.

"How does your shoulder feel?" questions Kale, watching as he finishes the last of his tea. "I imagine you must be feeling good if you're giving lessons." Atlas smirks and sets the cup down.

"If I continue to drink this awful tea it should be better by the time we reach Aer," replies Atlas. A grin splits his face, stretching from ear to ear as he stares at the two of them.

"Sitting with you two reminds me of Solis." Fox raises his flagon and drinks deeply.

"Ah! Aye, just like Solis," agrees Fox. "And I have something that may make it seem even more like that." Fox produces from the satchel at his hip a deck of playing cards.

"Who's up for a game? It'll give me a chance to win some of my gold back from you, Prince." Both Kale and Atlas nod, looking rather amused.

"That's what you said the last time," teases Kale, adjusting his spectacles. "If I recall correctly, Atlas took all of your gold and you had to barter your way back to Aer, Fox."

"They made him walk the whole way!" taunts Atlas, both himself, Kale and Nero breaking out into laughter moments later.

"It was one long walk," adds Fox, dealing the cards while they all continue to laugh. Fox pauses when he comes to Nero. "How about it, lad? Are you going to play with us?"

"No, he's not," Atlas speaks quickly.

"I know how to play, Prince," counters Nero. That was all Fox needed to hear to get the game started. Though the game started out as just them, after several hands Kale and Nero had both dropped out and other tavern patrons took their place, plying their luck against Fox and Atlas' skill. It wasn't long after that before even Fox stepped back to watch Atlas play against another man.

"Impressive!" applauds the man, watching as Atlas takes the last bit of his coin. He dumps all his winnings into Nero's satchel, handing it to the boy standing by his side.

He picks up a beautiful diamond ring from the wooden table, holding it up to examine the gem and silvery metal for any flaws or damage in the dim firelight. "I guess your luck beats mine...or was it something else?" Atlas laughs heartily, a grin splitting his face.

"Well, those are some bold words," remarks Atlas. "You kept trying to cheat the whole game and I never said a single word to anyone." The man stands rather abruptly, toppling the wooden chair he was occupying.

"How dare you call me a cheater!" Illia finally makes an appearance, suddenly stepping from around him, the tip of her sword pointed towards his throat.

"Walk away," Illia warns the man. "While I'm still willing to let you." The man curses and backs down, leaving the tavern with a few threats shouted after him. When the door closes behind him, Illia sheathes her blade and Atlas releases the hilt of his dagger, smiling at her. "I see you've been working hard, Atlas," teases Illia.

"But of course," insists Atlas, grinning. "I won you something, Illia." He tosses the diamond ring to the amazon. She snatches it from the air and looks it over. "Not sure if it'll fit...then again, the man I won it from wasn't wearing it." Illia sighs softly and then slips it onto a finger. "Guess it does."

"Thank you, Atlas." He scratches his chin, staring at her intently. "What?"

"Nothing at all." With the situation resolved, Atlas places a few coppers on the table and stands. He takes Nero's satchel and leaves the tavern, following after Illia.

Nero follows as well, Maua on the heels of the boy thief. The amazon looks at the swollen satchel with an amused expression.

"Exactly how much did you win?"

"Enough to live on for quite a while." Illia eyes him suspiciously. "What? I can't win at gambling if I'm not cheating?"

"Sounds like you feel guilty."

"Guilty? Not at all. I'd only feel guilty if I let them walk away with their coin." Illia reaches up and pinches the bridge of her nose, a smile appearing on her face. Nero grins from ear to ear, walking between the two. "Well, don't act so excited, Illia."

"Cheating at cards? You're going to end up run through if you get caught, Atlas."

"I thank you for your confidence in me, Miss Illia," teases Atlas. "I had the whole situation completely under control."

"It seemed like it," Illia taunts the man. Nero chuckles a bit and Atlas ruffles his dark hair.

"It's this one you should worry about. Twice I had to distract everyone playing so it wasn't obvious that he was cheating." Nero's cheeks burn hot with embarrassment and Atlas laughs. "A little more time, and he'll be even better then ME." The boy thief beams brightly at the praise, causing Atlas to laugh.

"Don't encourage his cheating, Atlas..."

- - -

They rode out of Sherehe the next morning, coin purses all the heavier for having stopped. "Hey, Nizel?" calls Nero in question. "Where do you come from? I mean, you were born here in the desert, right?" The man chuckles a bit and nods.

"I come from a small village called Invidia," Nizel tells him. "It's a few days travel north of Aer. In fact, we'll pass through it on our way to the Venator mountains. I'll introduce you all to my family. They are all eager to meet you, Prince."

"Really?" asks Atlas. "Eager to meet a thief wanted far and wide across the land?" A grin appears on his hooded face. "Nizel, you DID tell them what I do to make my coin, didn't you?"

"I...might have neglected to mention that."

"They're certainly in for a surprise," remarks Illia, smiling as well.

"My thoughts exactly!" exclaims Atlas, laughing heartily. After a moment he sighs and looks at Nizel. "Nizel, if you believe it's best that we just pass straight through or I keep my mouth closed, then--"

"No!" interrupt Nizel quickly. "I mean, no. When we first met you told me never to be ashamed of who I am, Prince. I won't ask that you pretend to be someone else in the presence of my family...I CAN'T ask that of you as a friend." The guide sighs heavily. "Having only seen eighteen years you were wiser then me."

"Eighteen years?" questions Illia. "How old are you, Atlas?" Atlas responds by turning his head up in thought. "You have to think about it...?"

"I'll have seen...twenty years on the night of Winter Solstice."

"You were born on the Winter Solstice?"

"I don't know, actually." Illia's brow creases in confusion. "I don't know exactly when I was born, I mean. As you know, I grew up an orphan. Since no one knew when I was, I've always used it as a marker." Atlas is silent for a moment, and speaks in a voice so that only Illia can hear. "I'll be sure to ask my father plenty of questions when we meet in Aer."

Illia nods in agreement. "So, how did you meet with Nizel?"

"Oh, that? Nearly the same as I met Fox. Lin and Nizel were trying to smuggle some cargo into Solis and I was there to speed the process along. Not a fortnight after that and Nizel had become a full fledged member of the Guild and good friend of mine."

"You flatter me, Prince," speaks Nizel, laughing.

"But enough about the that. What about you, Miss Illia? How old are you?" The glare that Atlas receives in response could have caused hell to freeze over, but was completely ineffective on the thief. "Well?"

"It's rude to ask a woman her age, Atlas," Illia reminds him. He arches a single golden brow in response.

"Really? Well, I AM a thief..."

"Why is it rude?" questions Nero. "It's just a number, right?" Nizel, Fox, Kale and Atlas all share a laugh.

"Nero, there are some things in this world that do not require an explanation," Kale tells him. "Or rather, they cannot be explained. They simply are." He scratches his head in confusion.

"I'll...explain when you're older," Atlas tells him...

- - -

As usual, Atlas stood away from the group. Nero and Maua lay in the back of the cart, the boy thief using the side of the massive she-wolf for a comfortable pillow.

Her silvery fur seems to shine in the sputtering light of the camp-fire and Atlas examines her hind-leg, the very same caught in the steel trap when first they had met. In the time since, it seems to have made a recovery.

Atlas gazes at the two for a moment longer before pulling the woolen cloak Nero was using for a blanket higher up on him. With Nero sleeping comfortably, he turns his attention to the lone figure standing at the edge of the camp, atop a sand dune.

Atlas approaches Illia, who doesn't notice his presence until he places a gentle hand upon her shoulder.

It was something he would not have attempted weeks ago for fear of losing his hand but now seemed completely natural. She glances back at him sharply and then sighs, reaching up to cover his hand with her own, an action that was not lost on Atlas.

"Look there, Atlas," Illia instructs, motioning into the darkness. "That glow." Truly, in the distance there was a gentle glow, the strongest of the light hidden behind the golden dunes of the desert. "It doesn't appear to be the glow of a fire..."

"Maybe we should go have a look," speaks Atlas. "It may not seem it but it might be a group of bandits." Illia nods in agreement and then glances over her shoulder and past Atlas at the others. Atlas follows her line of sight to the others. "Should we tell them?"

"They won't even notice us gone if we move quickly."

"Alright, then." Atlas steps around her, pushing his way forward through the darkness and without a second thought, Illia follows. The distance between the light of the fire and the glow in the distance was not great and by no means imposing to the two figures. "Stay close, Illia. Wouldn't want to lose you in the darkness, now would we?"

"You don't say," replies Illia sarcastically, and though she couldn't see it she knew it brought a smile to Atlas' face. They forged onwards, ready for whatever may lay on the other side of the golden dunes.

They slowly, carefully ascended the sands and Atlas peered over the top. The glow had brightened significantly, enough that Illia saw the smile on his face as he stood straight up.

"You have to see this, Illia." The amazon stands now as well, peering down at an oasis. The glow comes from a small field of beautiful flowers, their fragrant scent reaching the two even from the top of the dune.

Their glow even serves to illuminate the pool of beautiful clear water in the center of the oasis.

"Let's have a closer look." They descend the opposite of the dune, Illia leading the way for the them. The two reach the field of flowers, bathed in the beautiful glow. "This is amazing..." They approach the edge of the clear pool and Illia steps out onto a flat rock, hanging over the clear water. She kneels, gazing down at the sandy bottom of the clear pool. "Atlas--"

There's a rush of wind beside her and a loud cry moments before Atlas dives off the edge of the rock and straight into the water in only his trousers. His slim form cuts through the water like a blade and he resurfaces in the middle of the pool of water, feet planted form on the sandy bed.

At it's deepest it only reaches his upper chest. He slicks his blond hair straight back, lending him a new look. "Come on in, Illia. The water is fantastic."

The dark bruises stand out against his pale skin but don't seem to bother him much as he wades over to the rock. "No, Atlas." He swims to her, having to stare up at her standing on top of the rock.

"Afraid to get a little wet?" Illia glares down at the man, causing him to smile.

"I'm not getting in that water." Atlas makes a face and watches as she turns in the direction they had come from. "While you're playing, I'm going to tell the others about--"

A startled cry sounds from the amazon as a pair of arms close around her waist and she falls backwards. Her cry is muffled by the water and moments later she surfaces with Atlas, the sound of his laughter infuriating her. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"Oh, calm down, Illia! It's funny!" She turns to face him.

"Funny? Will it be funny when I drown you?!"

"You have to catch me first!" Atlas paddles backwards, a grin set firmly on his face as he moves away. Illia follows quickly, weighed down by leather armor and sword in water that reaches her shoulders.

The water grows shallow as they reach the bank and Illia moves quicker, finding Atlas' laughter to be more and more irritating. They break onto dry land, Illia chasing Atlas through the flowers.

His laughter comes to an abrupt halt when several figures surround them, standing up from the flowers with weapons drawn and leveled at the two. Illia reaches for her sword, only to be struck across the back of the head.

Atlas turns as she pitches forward, fury welling up in him. "You--" He's struck moments later, vision going dark as he pitches forward...

- - -

Consciousness slowly begins to return, and along with it a throbbing pain across the back of her head. Illia's eyes slowly open, staring off into the relative darkness surrounding.

Through her blurry vision she registers a set of bars and blinks in confusion. a dream? Was she back in Solis? Feeling a movement from directly behind her, she flops her head to one side and peers backwards.

A face, silhouetted in orange torch light and one she knows well, stares back at her. "Atlas," mumbles Illia. A grunt sounds from the man and his amber eyes open, gazing down at her.

"Unh...what is it?" questions Atlas. "Ahh. My head." He reaches up, pressing a palm to the back of his head and sighing.

"Where are we?"


"You don't say," replies the amazon sarcastically. Illia slowly stands, allowing Atlas to do the same. She approaches the door and shoves against it, then rams it with her shoulder before taking a step back. "Damn it. It didn't even move. I don't suppose you know how to get us out of here." She looks back at Atlas, still lacking boots, tunic and cloak.

"I do...but my lock-picks are with my things."

"Prince!" came a voice from through the wall. Both blink in surprise, recognizing the voice. "Prince, can you hear me?"

"Fox? How...?"

"We were ambushed by those women. They captured us and destroyed everything. Is Illia with you?"

"I'm here," responds Illia. "How about--"

"The lad is fine. The others are as well." Atlas approaches the wall, pressing a hand against it. "Prince, do you have your lock picks?" He responds with a shake of his head before remembering their position.

"No. They're with tunic. Unless..." Atlas searches the waist of his trousers, running both thumbs around the waist before stopping behind him at his lower back with a large smile on his face. "I guess they didn't search me all that well." Hearing a door open he quickly moves his hands, listening with Illia as the footsteps approach their cell.

The figures, two women stand before their cell. "I see you have awakened," speaks the woman on the left.

"Why are we here?" questions Illia. "We've done you no wrong."
