The Process of Illumination


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"Yeah, you know... getting to first base, second base, and so on," I whispered, holding his free hand in my lap.

"Hmm, you know I've always wondered just what constitutes reaching those particular bases," Ben said, nervously glancing at the rear view mirror, to see if Donny was watching.

"Well ya know, like any sport, you have to have the balls to play – that's important," I said, forcing his hand underneath my sweater.

"Balls, I see. So it doesn't matter if one player uses some other guy's equipment?" He asked, letting his hand slowly feel its way over my bare tummy.

"I figure turn-about is fair play." Bringing his hand up to fondle my tits.

"Let's get back to my first question about the bases," the boy took a deep breath, as he squirmed next to me.

"Okay, remember when you kissed me?" I asked, rubbing my hand over his thighs.


"That was nothing. Well maybe stepping up to the plate," I laughed, making longer strokes.

"Oh, so..." He started, as his hand switched to my other jug.

"When we kissed the second time, that was first base," I explained, letting my hand find his erection.

"First base is good. I like THAT a lot," Ben admitted, taking a shorter breaths, while my fingers outlined the length of his cock.

"You're sure this is where he is?" We heard Donny from the front seat. "It's like the middle of a fucking cornfield!"

I hadn't realized how far out of town we were, until I looked up. We WERE damn near in the middle of a fucking cornfield! Except for a sprinkling of trees, this place was barren. Alicia instructed Donny to drive slowly to the treed section with his lights off. Not knowing what to expect, I stopped working on Ben and watched. Coming to a halt some 10 or 20 yards from of a few other parked cars, Alicia strained to see if her boyfriend's car was among the herd.

"Good, he's not here," Alicia said, quickly perching herself near Donny again.

"So now what?" Donny asked, after driving clear to kingdom come in search of some spacey chick's (probably fictitious) boyfriend.

"Mmm, how about..." I heard a zipper, "some of this," Alicia said, before diving head-first into my husband's lap.

"OH SHIT!" Donny yelled, and immediately swung his head around to check my reaction.

In the darkness of the back seat, I reached again for Ben's crotch. I gave Donny a wicked smile and shrugged my shoulders, as if to say, "Well, what did you expect?" Donny's confused expression soon morphed into one of surprised arousal, as his head hit the headrest. Hard sucking, popping, and slurping sounds broke through the silence, as I coaxed Ben's cock back to attention.

"Does that make you feel better?" I whispered, as we listened to the popping slurper.

"And you're okay with... with her doing that?" Ben wondered.

"Trust me Ben, that little twerp has nothing on me. Donny knows that. I know that. I'm letting him have a little fun. Is that so wrong?" I asked, lifting my sweater high enough to show him my boobs.

"And I suppose he's returning the favor?"

"I really don't give a shit about favors. I made a promise, a guarantee to you about tonite. I'm just making good on my promise. Don't you think that's admirable of me?" I purred, and licked the tip of his nose. When he nodded and smiled I opened my mouth on his. This time his fat tongue met mine. Pulling my tongue back in, I waited for his. When he thrust it in my mouth, I immediately sucked it in deeper. With his hand fondling my tits, I sucked it hard, pressing my chest tight against his hand. Once again, he followed my lead and roughly grabbed one of my melons. Switching his grip to the other, he twisted and pulled my nipple hard, exactly how I like.

"Oh God Ben, you're there!" I hard-whispered in his ear. "If you wondered about second base..." I gasped.

"I feel like I could explode!" He whispered back, rocking his pelvis back and forth against my hand. I had yet to undo his jeans, when his entire body went stiff. When he held his breath for a good ten seconds, I was afraid he'd pass out on me.

"It's okay Baby, let it go," I urged in his ear, as my grip tightened around the outline of his thick manhood. I managed to stroke it the best I could, considering his dick was still tightly embedded in his jeans. "Mmm, yeah Baby, come for me, yeah," I implored him, rubbing it harder and faster. "Don't forget to breathe," I kissed his cheek, and felt his throbbing organ about to pop.

"SHIT! Oh shit!" He stifled a yell, as his body stretched back. Gently smoothing my hand over it, I felt unmistakable globs of cum pulsating through the length of his rigid shaft. His hand jerked from my breast to somehow catch the residue. However, by the time he had undone his belt buckle, it was too late. The entire front of his jeans and part of his shirt were soaked in sticky virginal cum.

"Jesus, I'm sorry. What a damn mess!" He apologized, as if he'd just broken my favorite vase or something.

"Ben Honey, don't be upset. You just got to third base, and not much before me," I smiled, and massaged his cum-covered tummy. "You should never be ashamed of producing such a nice big, tasty load. I'm impressed," I grinned and licked my fingers clean.

Judging from the grunts and moans coming from the front seat, I was certain that Donny and Alicia were entirely oblivious to our baseball antics. As Alicia continued to display her limited proficiency in hydraulics, I opted to play some more with Ben.

"You're not the only one whose wet, ya know," I winked. Spreading my legs, I hiked my skirt up just high enough to show I wasn't wearing panties.

"What happened to your..."

"My pantyhose? Same place as my panties, in my purse. It's a long story."

"I hope you're not as wet..." he started, while I dipped a few fingers between my slit.

"Oh good gravy, no. I'd be swimming in it by now," I laughed. "Just thought you might like a taste," I said, wafting my fragrant fingers under his nose. His tongue darted out for a lick, but I pulled my fingers away, and lifted my sweater again. Lacing my hard nipple with some fresh female fluid, I reached behind his head to draw him to my chest.

"Mmmm, need more of THAT!" He demanded, after enjoying a few long licks.

"That will have to do for now," I said, running my fingers through his short hair. Suddenly his mouth opened fully. After sucking in as much of my boob as he could take, he switched to my other tit. I reached down to rub my clit, while he feasted on my fleshy mounds. Knowing I would soon reach the edge of no return, I pulled his head away. Still grasping his hair, I pushed his head back against the seat, and shoved two of my cum-soaked fingers into his mouth. I twisted and turned my flavor-rich fingers in his mouth, as my tongue joined in the pussy tasting.

My tongue took over again, while my hand fell to his damp jeans. He was plenty ready to shoot another load, as my hands quickly tried to undo his jeans. Fighting my way into his soaked shorts, I was barely able to get my hand around his missile when he launched another volley of starchy jism. At least this time I was able to get him off. Jerking forth several long streams of steamy cum, I deep-sucked his tongue. He snorted bursts of air, as thick man gravy thoroughly coated my hand.

"Incredible," was the youngster's one word response, as he slowly came down from a succession of climaxes he'd never before shared. My free hand dug through my purse. Digging out my soiled panties, I cleaned up, as my hubby's orgasmic scream pierced the night air. The sound of Alicia gagging, then taking and savoring my hubby's load had little effect on me. In another circumstance I might crazy jealous and ready to bust some heads. Glancing over at Ben putting his glasses back on, I smiled. I knew this thing with him was just the tip of the iceberg. If that large, hard, young tool of his felt half as good in my pussy, as it did in my hand... now that was something to look forward to.

The uneventful drive home was quiet. Dropping Alicia back at her place, I reclaimed the front seat without a word. Once back in our garage, Ben beat a path for his room, while Donny and I made our way to bed.

"So, what's the deal with Ben?" Donny casually asked, as we undressed.

"Not much. I was just making good on a promise. What's with your little hottie?" I asked, pulling on my nightgown.

"Hmm, I guess some things don't always work out the way they're planned," Donny admitted, repressing a smile.

"I suppose so," I agreed. Then again, sometimes they work out just fine, I thought. We kissed, said our goodnights, turned and rolled over. Right then and there I figured the subject was closed.


Second Date: A $500 Investment

Regarding our brief sexually charged encounter, Ben was able to suspend whatever crush he had on me – only trying to cop a cheap feel on one or two rare occasions. I made it clear on the last occasion that such contact would not be wise. A healthy distance between the two of us was the only feasible approach, for keeping our limited relationship and my marriage in perspective. "We both had a little innocent backseat action and it was fun, but that's all it could ever amount to," I reasoned. "You need to spread your wings now and try some of that new-found technique on some sweet young thing," I admonished. A dejected, but amiable Ben regrettably agreed.

"Honey, I heard Sonny boy here has done found himself a gurl!" Donny twanged with a nod to Lil'Abner.

"What's this?" I turned to Ben for the lowdown, as we finished up dinner. It had only been two weeks since our memorable dining and dancing episode with the bubblehead. I was happy to hear Ben didn't let rejection get him down – always best to get back on the horse (so to speak).

"Her name is Christy. I met her at night school; we're taking many of the same courses," Ben announced.

"That's wonderful! So tell us all about her." I pressed him.

"Well, she's divorced with a kid, works at Mickey's Club during the day, and she likes me, I think... I mean, we get along," He amended.

"Wait, whoa, back up! She works at Mickey's?" Donny's eyes opened wide.

Mickey's Club, located at the end of Main Street, is our one and only official strip club, and local den of iniquity. One would assume, if you were a female employee, you must be a stripper. Donny drug me over there once, in our younger, wilder days. I wasn't all that impressed – mostly a scummy hangout for horny old guys in plaid Pendletons.

"Easy boss, she's a waitress – that's all!" Ben stated.

"Hmm, too ugly for stripping huh, too bad." Donny's sensitivity runneth over.

"Don't pay attention to him Ben. How old is she?" I broke in.

"I'm guessing she's in her thirties, and she's anything but ugly. She used to dance there, but since she had a kid she's trying to turn her life around," Ben submitted.

"She have big hooters, or is she just your run-of-the-mill droopy has-been?"

"God Donny, you're so crass," I admonished.

"Actually, Christy IS quite well-endowed," Ben admitted, sneaking a broad smile under his water glass.

"Well, good for her. I'm glad you've met someone. She sounds nice." I said, trying to smooth over my husband's rude remarks.

"Yeah, sorry old man. Bring her by any time," Donny offered.

"I appreciate that. We haven't really been out on a date yet. I've been mostly just helping her with homework assignments and stuff."

"Maybe you should bring her over, say Saturday night. We don't have any plans, and it would be nice to meet her." I suggested, subliminally playing the matchmaker.

Rubbing his eyes, Ben agreed to ask Christy out and maybe stop by to introduce her.

"How's it coming with the new contacts," I asked, clearing away the table.

"Not too bad. My eyes itch a little at night, but I'm getting used to them," Ben said.

By now, Ben's transformation from an over-weight, homely kid into young stud was nearly complete. He would never win a beauty contest, but with his new tight physique and grooming, he was turning into quite a catch for some lucky girl. To say I was proud to be part of his personal accomplishments would be an understatement.

The further development of his outgoing personality was equally impressive. No longer did he fear being with girls or females in general. Moreover, with his keen sense of humor, he thrived in the spotlight, and was quite relaxed, at least in my company. I soon found this quality extended to include his recent acquaintance as well. Saturday rolled around all too soon.

"You know, Ben and his new friend will be over anytime," Donny reminded me.

"I suppose so. So, what's your point?" I asked, relaxing in my robe as we watched the TV.

"I was just thinking you might like to change, you know something a little more flattering wouldn't hurt," my hubby recommended.

"So, you expect me to somehow compete with a former stripper?" I laughed, getting off the couch.

"No, I just think you'd feel more comfortable in something else, that's all."

"Hmm, and what do YOU think I'd be more "comfortable" in?"

"I don't know, how about that white halter top? You hardly ever wear it anymore."

"And, with good reason!" I said defiantly. "If it will make you happy, I'll put something on, but not THAT." Digging through my closet, I found a cute knit top that I felt less conspicuous in and threw on some jeans.

It was around 9 o'clock when Ben's late model pickup pulled into our circle drive that Saturday night. "My God, she's an Amazon!" I yelled, peering through the blinds at Ben's date, as they made their way toward the door.

"Hi guys, this is Christy; Christy this is Donny and Barb," he introduced the tall brunette.

"Hi it's really nice to meet you guys. Ben has nothing but sweet things to say about you both!" The six-foot tall striking woman replied. With her thigh-length leather jacket and deep red thick lips, she did resemble more of a dancer than a student. The phrase "built like a brick shit house" best describes this woman. "This gal is a waitress? Except for her stunning facial features, her hard body resembled that of a bouncer or lady wrestler," I thought. A highlight of their arrival was yet to come, when Donny asked to take her coat.

"Well, Ben said he met this sweet girl at school. I'm glad he brought you by to meet us," Donny said, without an excessive amount of drooling. "Here, let me take that for you," he added, helping her off with her tight fitting expensive jacket. I instantly felt my 50-plus year old double-d-cupped hangers sag lower, as out jumped Christy's 40-inch store-bought boulders. I thought Donny's jaw would have to be super glued or nailed on from then on. Her alluring, never-ending legs in that short miniskirt and slim waist line were palpable attractions, but they couldn't hold water to her volleyball-sized bosom.

Inviting the couple into the family room, I interjected a fair amount of small talk to break the ice. My husband and Ben were gone in a flash to mix drinks, as the two of us got acquainted.

"So, I hear you and Ben have some classes together?" I started.

"Oh yeah. God, if it wasn't for Benny, I don't how I'd get through those English courses," she reflected, rolling her eyes. That grammar stuff is SO boring, and hard! Just the other night we had to work on comparative adjectives and adverbs. Thank God Benny knows this stuff."

"Yeah, old Benny, he's pretty sharp," I said, recalling it was I who tutored him on the exact same exercise the night before. I thought he'd never get it.

"So you work at Mickey's," Donny said, handing Christy a glass of wine. Ben was bursting with proud smiles, as he joined her on the couch.

"Yeah, I've worked there for like seven years. I used to dance for them, you know," she said, trying to cross her long gams as respectfully as possible. "Now, since I have Sarah, that's my little girl, I need to clean up my act – a little anyway," she winked.

"I've heard some str... dancers can make good money," I said, finding myself sitting up a bit straighter.

"You bet Barb. I made GOOD money. How do ya think I could ever afford to pay for these!" She laughed, and proudly stuck out her unreal chest. We all laughed. "I still make pretty good wages as a waitress and other stuff."

"I'm sure you do. You're still a knock-out," Donny butted in.

"You know Sweetheart, I do believe this is the first time we've ever entertained a dancer," I said, directing my statement at Donny.

"Oh let's be real here guys. Dancer is just a PC way of saying I'm a stripper. I'm not embarrassed. I am a damn good stripper!" Christy cut through the bullshit.

"I KNOW you were," my hubby acknowledged a little too quickly.

"Hmm, I thought you looked familiar, Donny," Christy smiled.

"I take it that you had the pleasure of seeing Christy perform?" Ben asked, before glancing over to catch my expression.

The fact that my husband frequented titty bars was no earth-shattering news. "Ah yeah, I think I might recall watching her perform on occasion," Donny admitted. "You were very good!"

"Thank you kind sir, but I'm STILL damn good – one of the best Mickey's ever had," Christy proudly smiled, brushing back her long dark locks.

"I guess I'm one of those jealous women whose horny husbands came home all hot-to-trot," I concluded. "I suppose I should really be thanking YOU for all that good sex," I chuckled.

"You're welcome. But hey, I wasn't doing anything any wife couldn't have done in the privacy of her own bedroom," Christy explained, taking another swig.

"Yeah right, any woman with a 40-inch chest!" I winked.

"Forty-two actually, but those are just for show. Seriously, it's all about the dance," Christy emphasized, before rising again to her feet. "Here Barb, let me get you a refill," she said, reaching for my wine glass.

"But you don't..." I started, but handed her my glass.

"Sorry, it's the waitress in me. The shrinks call it caretaker syndrome," she laughed. I joined the unpretentious Amazon in the kitchen. "I just really enjoy making people happy," she went on. "I really do miss the stripping. Is that awful of me?"

"Hey I'm sure you brought great pleasure to lots of guys," I reasoned, as we sat down at the kitchen island.

"Yeah, and women too. You'd be surprised how many women get into it," Christy added, downing another glass of port. "I think a fair amount of them just couldn't get the old man up, you know?"

"Maybe they just wanted some pointers – dance steps from a pro." I smiled, as Donny switched on the sound system.

"Oh I gave 'em plenty of pointers," the tall beauty said, lightly springing to her feet, to sway to my hubby's carefully chosen R&B mix.

Young Ben and not-so-young Donny huddled at the other side of the kitchen, like a pair of eavesdropping voyeurs trying to catch a free show. Of course Christy knew she had an audience for most anything she did. However, her attention was focused on me, and I was taking a liking to her down-to-earth, matter-of-fact attitude. She was definitely her own woman. Her self-confident, yet light-hearted, self-effacing demeanor was refreshing and fun to be around. Her voluptuous body may have resembled an authentic life-size replica of a Barbie doll, but her inner self equally shown to me, was that of a tested, determined survivor.

"Barb, please don't take this the wrong way, but you really resemble my old dancing partner, Tiffany. I don't mean SHE was old, well you know what I mean." Christy laughed.

"Really? Hmm, guess I should take that as a compliment," I said, standing and straining to reach a snack bowl on the third cupboard shelf.

"Yeah, for sure! Tiffany totally kicked ass, when it came to dancing!" Taller Christy silently, but easily reached over me to get the bowl. "You know that movie, 'Dumb & Dumber'? Well, we were affectionately referred to as 'Big & Bigger', she grinned.
