The Protector


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It probably only took Corbin sucking Alisha's clit for less than a minute before she came the first time. Continued sucking and inserting two fingers into her vagina to tickle her G-spot resulted in an even larger orgasm in less than two minutes before she came down from the first. By the time of her third orgasm she was mumbling incoherently and Corbin's cock was in dire need of attention.

Their first fuck was athletic, erotic, intense, and long-lasting. Without really consciously thinking about it Corbin was surprised that he lasted as long as he did. He probably did only because he wanted Alisha to come again when he hosed her down. To his joy and relief once he could no longer hold back and started ejaculating into her she came again, with more intensity and noise than the first three times.

Shortly afterward they were completely immersed in each other's arms, and sleeping. Fortunately Corbin had the ability to pull the covers over them before they fell asleep.

As they dreamt both parties seemed to conclude that it may have been the best mating of their lives. When Corbin fucked her again in the middle of the night in the concubine position that became even clearer. The cowgirl ride early the next morning cinched it.

As Alisha and Corbin stumbled out of his bedroom at 9:00 o'clock Saturday morning, Alisha dressed only in one of Corbin's oversized T-shirts which came down almost to her knees, little Amada looked up from her breakfast cereal and innocently asked "Why was youse so noisy; was somethin bad happened?"

Jen burst out laughing as Corbin blushed (though not Alisha). "Corbin was bad and tickled me," Alisha responded with a smile. "He tickled tortured me."

"Doon tickle tortur me, Corbane," Amanda giggled.

"I won't, you little monkey," Corbin replied.

"Do I need to ask how it was?" Jen grinned.

As Corbin turned even redder Alisha responded "Great! You need to get you some of him, Jen," causing Corbin to almost burst the blood vessels in his face with embarrassment.

After everyone had breakfast Jen made a point of taking Amanda out for a walk "While you two talk," she grinned.

After they left Alisha sat on Corbin's lap. As she played with his hair and occasionally gave him a kiss on his cheek or neck she said "I don't want you to break Axel's arm. Instead, I want you to fuck me on a regular basis. That will be more rewarding to me, but I will tell him that you noticed the bruises and tried hard to get me to tell you what happened and that if it happens again I won't be able to talk you out of taking some action."

"But..." he started to say before she kissed his lips to interrupt him.

"Please do it my way; I'll report here once a week to ten days to clean out your pipes. In the meantime you should find out if Jen is as grateful as I am for you being my protector."

Corbin blushed once again. "I'll try to do as you say; but if he hurts you again I can't guarantee that I won't go after him."

With that she gave him a passionate kiss, then showered and got dressed and left with yet another kiss.

Jen and Amanda returned less than five minutes after Alisha left. Being quick, Corbin had showered and gotten completely dressed by then. Since it was a Saturday -- as he had for the past two Saturdays -- Corbin took Jen and Amanda on an outing. They spent the entire day doing fun things and when they got back, after a casual dinner out, about eight o'clock Amanda was dead to the world so Corbin had to carry her into his condo and then Jen changed her limp body into her pajamas and put her down for the night. Jen changed into a shorty robe.

Corbin's eyes almost popped out of his head when Jen came back into the room, causing Jen to smile inwardly. She and Corbin sat down to watch a TV show, and at a commercial Jen sat right next to him. "Did Alisha say anything about me when you and she talked?" Jen asked with a classic coquettish look.

"Uh...well..." Corbin stammered, obviously uncomfortable.

Jen ran her hand lightly over the side of Corbin's face. "Didn't she tell you how grateful I am to you? How Amanda and I would be lost without you as our protector?"

"Uh...yeah...I guess she...uh...said something about it," Corbin stammered.

"Why haven't you tried to seduce me? Do you find me unattractive?" Jen purred.

"'re even more beautiful than in high school; but...uh...I can't take advantage of you when you're vulnerable."

"I want you to do anything you want to me. Ravish me; make me feel like a woman again after Doug's verbal and physical abuse. Please, Corbin..." Jen plead, each word seemingly accompanied by another small tear.

Less than five minutes later Jen was naked on Corbin's bed as he slowly and lovingly penetrated her pussy with his cock. Their mating was totally unlike the wild fuck fest between Alisha and Corbin. It was slow, methodical, sensuous, opulent, as Jen stroked his back and kissed his lips while he gently massaged her mammaries. Corbin couldn't remember any other time in his life when he felt so connected to another person.

The languid intercourse lasted for a long time. Finally, however, both parties approached a crescendo. Suddenly Corbin quickly stroked in and out while Jen wrapped her legs around him and clamped down on his reciprocating cock with strong pc muscles. Two full minutes of passion wiped both of them out and they soon lay motionless in each other's arms exchanging heart-felt "Thank yous."


When Corbin awoke the next morning his bed was, besides him, empty. He showered, got dressed, and then walked into the kitchen where Amanda was eating her cereal and laughed "Hi Corbin."

"Hi yourself, Amanda," he laughed back.

Jen was sitting next to Amanda with a smile as big as Texas on her face. "Hi stud," she cackled.

"Hi yourself, goddess," Corbin replied walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the lips.

"You kissed mommy," Amanda laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world. "Do you like mommy?"

"Very much," he grinned as he looked at Jen who was also grinning. "And I like you too, Amanda even though you're really ticklish."

"No, no tickles," she playfully screeched.

"No tickles, honey," Jen said, "finish your cereal."

When Amanda was finished with breakfast and went into her room to get dressed by herself Jen sat on Corbin's lap. "I was sorry to leave before morning but I didn't want Amanda waking up and wondering where I was," Jen smiled.

"I know -- but I missed you like we had been together for a decade," he replied.

"From now on you can have me whenever you want me," Jen replied staring into Corbin's eyes.

"I'd love that -- but we need to figure out what to do about Doug. I think that I have a plan; but it might require you and Amanda ultimately moving to another city."

"Will you come with us?" Jen asked.

"Maybe; if you want me to," Corbin replied.

"By the end of the week you won't have to ask that question," Jen said as she planted a red hot kiss on his lips.

Jen and Corbin slept together, and made love -- no fucking -- the next seven nights, although Jen had to leave before morning each time to see to Amanda. When Corbin came home from work the eighth day, Jen looked a little forlorn but perked up when he kissed her. Then he realized the reason for her look when she tried to nonchalantly say "Alisha is coming over tonight. Do you want Amanda and I to leave you two alone."

"Absolutely not," Corbin barked, catching Jen by surprise. "She's welcome to eat dinner with us if you have enough food, but she's not staying over. I'm not into threesomes."

Jen looked stoic for a few seconds, and then burst into tears and buried her face in Corbin's shoulder. "Why is mommy crying, Corbin?" Amanda innocently asked.

"I think it's because she's happy that I love her," Corbin smiled, causing Jen's wailing to increase for a minute before she regained her composure.

When Alicia arrived, although Corbin gave her a kiss and inspected all visible -- with her clothes on -- parts of her body for bruises, Alicia could tell that something was up. As they ate dinner, Alicia noticed the loving looks that Jen gave Corbin. Always being no nonsense as soon as dessert was served Alicia asked "So, Jen, Corbin, are you guys in love?"

"Yes," Corbin quickly replied, taking Jen's hand.

Jen sheepishly mumbled "Very much."

"Well Axel thinks that I'm out of town at my sister's house and I don't want a local hotel bill on my credit card statement, so it looks like I'm having a slumber party with Amanda," she chuckled.

"Thank you," Jen said squeezing her hand. "You'd like a slumber party with Aunt Alicia, wouldn't you?" Jen asked Amanda, as Amanda clapped her little hands in glee.

That night Jen stayed in Corbin's bed into the next morning. After a loving morning mating session Jen said "I don't want to be apart from you, Corbin. I love you more than I ever loved Doug. Can we stay together?"

As Corbin kissed her he replied "I think that I've got a plan almost completely worked out. I've been working on parts of it for almost a month, and I think that within the next week or so everything will fall into place."

That earned him another intense kiss from Jen.


Corbin's plan was not without risk, but he, Jen, and their co-conspirators agreed that because of the difficulty in Jen getting a divorce where she would be sure to get custody of Amanda some risk was necessary.

One thing that Corbin had learned, from Jen and on-line investigation, was that Doug became more violent than normal if he was taking an opioid for pain. It was when he had been taking an opioid for several days when he hurt Jen, and scared Amanda, so badly that she left him for the shelter. Therefore one part of the plan was to have Doug have an "accident" so that he would take an opioid for the pain.

The "accident" was arranged by a paid elderly driver "inadvertently" slamming into Doug's knee with his car as Doug was crossing the street. It took three days to get exactly the right situation, but Corbin was patient.

After Corbin surmised that Doug had taken an opioid for three days Alicia made sure that Axel "overheard" a supposed conversation with Jen. Up until that point Alicia had denied that she knew where Jen was because Axel and Doug were still in contact with each other and she knew that Axel would tell Doug. In her "overheard" conversation Alicia made sure that Axel heard that the next day Corbin would be out of town and that Jen and Amanda would be alone. "Since Corbin will be out of town I suggest that you and Amanda stay in the condo all day. I'll bring dinner in for you," Alicia said in her fake phone call with Jen.

Of course Corbin did not go out of town, although he did remove his car from the condo parking garage. Amanda was brought to a sitter's house for the day and Corbin and Haughton, the amateur heavyweight Brazilian jujitsu champion of the State and a good friend of Corbin's, stayed in the condo with him.

Security cameras were set up at all strategic points in Corbin's condo, outside the condo building, and outside the door to Corbin's condo. The plan was for Jen to innocently answer a knock on the condo door with the security chain on, and then back away immediately in shock when she saw Doug. They expected Doug to break the chain and start to assault Jen, who would cower behind a sturdy piece of furniture which Corbin had bolted to the floor. The hope was that Corbin and Haughton could get to Doug before he did any real damage to Jen.

Things promised to actually work better than they could have when Alicia reported that morning that she had read a text exchange with Doug on Axel's phone that talked about Axel being a witness to no violence on Doug's part -- even though violence was in the plan -- and had taken screen shots of it.

With minor glitches, everything went according to plan. When Doug and Axel arrived at Corbin's condo about noon, viewed by Corbin with a camera exterior to the condo building, he and Haughton positioned themselves unseen in the kitchen, but with ready access to the living room, where the main condo door was located. Jen took a deep breath before she innocently opened the door to Doug's knock and she started backing away as soon as she told Doug that he could not come in.

As expected, Doug burst the security chain and took off after Jen. Jen slipped as she tried to get behind the piece of furniture and Doug caught her and hit her twice with a bar of soap in a sock -- a classic technique for causing pain without too many visible signs. That's all that he got.

Corbin jumped Doug, knocked him to the ground, and just like in High got him in a rear naked choke hold and rendered him unconscious in less than a minute. Meanwhile Haughton didn't need to employ any jujitsu techniques -- he simply knocked Axel out with first a right, and then a left, elbow to his head.

The cops were called and arrests were made for criminal trespass, destruction of property, assault, use of a dangerous weapon (the bar of soap in a sock), and violations of some municipal statutes that Corbin had never heard of. The cops were provided with statements from Jen, Corbin and Haughton and security camera video and sound. Jen also told the police to investigate the incident of Doug at the women's shelter a month earlier.

While his investigation had been going on, Corbin had arranged for a job with even better pay in a city a thousand miles away. He, Jen, and Amanda left for their new home a week after the incident and after Jen had filed for divorce and for full custody of Amanda.

Alicia decided that she couldn't wait for Axel's trust fund to come in considering what an asshole that he was, so she filed for divorce too, using the same attorney as Jen.

While Doug and Axel avoided serious jail time -- they each ended up serving only 90 days with four years' probation by pleading guilty to lesser charges, the guilty pleas really worked against them in the divorces. Both Jen and Alicia got favorable decisions, including Jen getting not only sole custody of Amanda but as part of Doug's plea an injunction against him having any contact with Jen or Amanda for the entire length of his probation.

Doug's parents -- who Jen had always considered enablers -- seemed to get religion as a result of Doug's actions, and cut him off from all monetary support with the promise that they would get to visit their granddaughter three times a year and have a major holiday with her (at Jen's house).

A week after Jen's divorce was final she married Corbin and (whoops) four months later their daughter Bethany was born.

Alicia quickly found another man to love -- someone who would never abuse her -- and she and her new husband actually moved to the same city as Corbin and Jen so that their kids could grow up together.

Unlike females in his past, Jen and Alicia never took advantage of Corbin -- after all, he was their protector and hero!

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

good but too simple

26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

Good story. Not your best, but 10x better than anything else posted the last few days.

ribnitinribnitinabout 2 years ago

The introduction was absurd. The balance was a little better.

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