The Return of Carolyn Lord Ch. 02


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She rose over it as far as she could, but then had to carefully lower herself back into contact with the seat. Her arms weren't long enough, and there was nothing around she could use to raise herself over it. She was trapped! "WAAAaaahhh!" she cried as she kept trying to free herself.

"Ah, here we go!" Rocky yelled in triumph as she pushed the final button. The saddle began a gentle rocking motion, the sensation amplified a hundred times by the dildo embedded deep within Carolyn's helpless vagina!

So distracted was she by this terrible violation of her body, Carolyn never noticed when a second well- lubricated soft-rubber dildo rose from the seat, worked its way between her quivering buttocks, and deliberately penetrated her unprotected anus. By the time Carolyn realized with horror that she had a second intruder, the dildo was well into her. She tried desperately to stop the dildo's slow, relentless rise, but she just couldn't reach it underneath her.

Soon it was fully within her. The double-penetrated woman cried and shouted for relief, but Rocky only smiled encouragingly at her and touched another control. The dildoes began to vibrate and Carolyn lost her mind!

Rational thought fled the helpless woman as pure erotic sensations flooded through her. Her thighs clamped tightly on the seat and Carolyn instinctively rode the mechanical saddle with a wild abandon. After her first mind-shattering orgasm, Carolyn was able to smile weakly at Rocky.

Relieved, she was expecting to be released now that this strange woman had thoroughly humiliated her by driving her to a (she had to admit) wonderful climax. What else could there be? But Rocky was not yet finished. She touched another control, and Carolyn's look of tired relief quickly changed to one of alarm as the exquisite sensations within her did not stop, but were instead intensified. By her fifth orgasm, Carolyn's body had endured all it could, and, with one final scream of ecstasy, she fainted dead away on the still gently rocking saddle.

Carolyn was feeling deliciously creamy. She had no idea where she was, but for the moment she just didn't care. Her love was kissing her deeply and that was all that mattered. She knew even without opening her eyes that Tamiko had found her once again. She automatically kissed her back, enjoying the feel of the girl's lips on hers. Something was happening at her crotch, and she moved her hips to increase the wonderful sensations coming from there.

She touched Tamiko's smooth back and found it surprisingly muscular. "She must be lifting weights or something," Carolyn thought. Carolyn opened her eyes to find herself staring horror-stricken into the hot, amorous eyes of Rocky. "Oh, No!" she cried.

She tried to push off her bizarre assailant but the woman was far too strong for her. She opened her mouth to scream but all that came out was a shocked grunt as Rocky cleverly manipulated Carolyn's clitoris, causing her prepared pussy to spasm uncontrollably as her body was suddenly plunged into a series of earth-shattering orgasms. Carolyn could do nothing but endure the sweet-terrible convulsions that were coursing through her body. In desperation, she held on to Rocky, praying the spasming would end. At last, her body, having betrayed her yet again, finally calmed enough for her take in some deep gasping breaths.

Rocky looked down at the nude woman fondly. "I think I'm in love," she announced happily. "You're a pistol, honey! What's your name?"

Carolyn, feeling too humiliated for words, could only lay there, passive and silent as Rocky eagerly nibbled her sweaty breasts. She had done it again! She had been taken by a total stranger (a woman, yet), and her body had responded eagerly to every unwanted caress and...penetration. She was lost!

Recognizing a bad case of the guilts ("Mothers have a lot to answer for," she thought angrily), Rocky picked up Carolyn from her office cot and carried her into her small private shower. Placing her on her feet, Rocky adjusted the water to an agreeably warm temperature and began to briskly soap up the nude woman.

Working professionally (she wasn't a former nurse's aid for nothing), Rocky had Carolyn completely cleaned, showered and dried in the space of five minutes. With a bath towel wrapped around her body and a smaller towel around her hair, a grateful Carolyn followed Rocky back to her glass-walled office and sat exhausted in one of the two office chairs. Rocky made some instant coffee and handed Carolyn a steaming mug.

"Thank you," the exhausted Carolyn said as she savored the hot aroma. "I feel much better now."

"Good. Now, you never did say what you were doing wandering around here."

"My clothes. Some people had taken my clothes while I was in the restroom. I thought they came this way."

"Group of about four? Mostly gigglers?" Rocky asked.

"Yes, I think so."

"I know them. They came running through here about fifteen minutes before you came into the gym."

"My clothes? Are they here?"

"Sorry, but the bundle they were carrying left with them. You'll never see your things again. I'm sorry. This is not how we treat our members here."

"Oh, my. What am I supposed to do now?"

"Wait a moment. Let me get your other things from the main floor, and then we will see what we can come up with."

"OK, thank you."

Rocky came back shortly, red-faced and swearing with a vengeance. "Those damned kids. The members out on the floor said that they came back while we were, ah, busy, and took the rest of your things."

"Oh, No!"

"Oh, Yes! Everything but your handbag is gone. But worry not, I've got some things in the lost-and-found box that might even fit you. But I'll have to leave you alone for a while. They are all kept in the front office."

"That's all right. I'll be fine here, really."

After Rocky left, she watched the ceaseless activity of the women using the gym. Soon Carolyn noticed an older woman pushing a wheeled laundry cart toward the office. Leaving her cart by the door, and, without acknowledging Carolyn's friendly greeting, the woman walked silently through the office and into the shower room.

Shrugging her shoulders slightly, Carolyn resumed watching through the glass walls. She did not notice the woman, now burdened with used towels, walk quietly close behind her. With a sharp tug, a shocked Carolyn lost her body towel! As she crouched in front of the glass wall, trying desperately to cover herself with her hands and arms, she felt her hair towel disappear as well. Unable to even voice a protest at this outrageous act, a naked Carolyn could only gape open-mouthed as the woman dumped all the towels onto the cart and trundled off, picking up used towels off the gym floor as she went.

She wanted more than anything to chase after the woman and get her towels back, but the thought of having to dash completely naked (again!) across the gym was too much for her to endure. Carolyn looked frantically around in the office but there was absolutely nothing to cover herself with. She knew that the small shower would also be empty of towels, but at least there she would be away from these damn glass walls. She was starting to back away when she stopped with a shock.

"Oh my God!" she gasped. There were several club members now standing in the doorway to the office. "Now where in Hell did they come from?" she wondered. The last time she looked, just a few seconds ago, there was no one near the office at all.

"Are you all right? You look like you just had a terrible attack of cramps," said one of the woman.

"Ah, no," sputtered Carolyn, trying to straiten up with out showing too much of herself in the process. "I'm fine, really."

The group of sweaty women quickly crowed around the demoralized Carolyn. "Why do these things keep happening to me?" she wondered, as she felt the hands of the concerned women begin to touch her.

"No, really, I'm fine," she gasped, jumping as the hands started to get a little too personal on her nude body. She was about to get angry when the hands suddenly vanished. A confused Carolyn looked about her in surprise. The small office had become completely deserted in the space of just a second. She checked the gym and saw everyone busy as usual, perhaps even more so.

Carolyn was still wondering about it all when a sweating Rocky came practically running into the office. "Are you all right?" the panting woman asked.

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"Well, I forgot about the Towel Lady. Sorry. I also saw some members were in here with you. Were they bothering you?"

"No, they were just trying to be helpful. Although for some reason they did seem to leave in hurry."

"Ah, well. This office is usually off limits to members."

"Oh. I hope that I'm not going to get you in any sort of trouble. You've been very helpful," she said.

"You were invited, they weren't. Now, here you are, honey, the only clothes they had. They should fit you just fine, I think," Rocky said, as she stole yet another look at Carolyn's lovely body.

"Thank you," Carolyn replied politely, taking the clothes from her without really looking at them. "Is there some place a little more private where I can change?" she said, looking dubiously at the glass walls of the office.

"In the shower behind the office," a disappointed Rocky answered. "Just as well," she thought. "No point in breaking any more rules today. Still, you can't blame a girl for trying."

Pretending to think a moment, a hopeful Rocky then offered a suggestion. "Unless you want to go back to the riding room next door? That's very private," she said as her eyes glowed with anticipation.

"Oh, no!" Carolyn exclaimed, blushing at the thought of that damned saddle. It had driven her almost mad. Amazingly, her body was still tingling from its effects. "The shower will be just fine, thanks."

Once inside the relative protection of the small shower, Carolyn finally inspected what Rocky had given her.

"If this is a joke, I am not amused," she said to herself, furious. It was a two-piece outfit for someone of a much smaller size. Made of a bright red spandex, the clothes consisted of a terribly small tube top and micro-mini skirt, with matching 5-inch stiletto-heel shoes. And that was all!

"I can't wear this!" she said, looking with horror at the fire-engine red abominations she was holding in her hands.


"I can't wear this! These are...these are terrible."

"Why not? What's wrong with them? I'll bet you haven't even tried them on yet!"

"Well, no..."

"There you are, then. You are complaining about something you haven't even tried on yet. How ungrateful can you get?"

"I am too grateful! I'm very grateful! It's's just..." Carolyn couldn't continue. The words refused to come. Here she was, acting like some spoiled bitch who didn't get exactly what she wanted. Maybe she was being ungrateful to Rocky after all.

"Okay, okay. I'll try them on, but, I really don't think this is going work. They aren't going to fit at all." She laid the skirt neatly over the empty towel rack and placed the shoes together on the floor underneath.

"I really hate days like this," she muttered as she pulled the tiny tube top over her head and shoulders. She adjusted it over her breasts as best she could. She next fought her way into the micro-mini and pulled it up to her waist. Taking a deep breath, Carolyn looked at the results in the mirror.

"Rocky!" she screamed, her eyes wide in horror.

The tops and bottoms of her proud breasts were exposed. The top wasn't even wide enough to cover both. The skirt wasn't much better. It made her bare legs look ten yards long, from her naked feet to her crotch.

"Rocky!!" she screamed again, but there was still no response.

Oh, Hell! Rocky had already told her this was all they had, so crying to her about it will not help in the slightest. Carolyn would have felt so much better in just a towel, rather than have to wear this shameless display, but there were no towels right now, and she certainly couldn't hang around the gym here dressed like this. Rocky would certainly make her take it off again. That woman and her rules! Sheesh! No, she had to go with what she had. So, obviously on her own, Carolyn tried to fix things as best she could.

Deciding that showing a little cleavage wouldn't hurt, Carolyn pulled the top down until the underside of her breasts were covered. However, the tiny top left the tops of her breasts completely exposed to just above her nipples. The top was so tight she knew that she could never lose it, but with so much of her secret flesh exposed she didn't really feel all that much better about it.

Carolyn tugged at the hem of the skirt until the material covered the tops of her thighs, but in doing so made the skirt ride directly on her hip bones. It would do, she knew, but any kind of bending or sitting was definitely out of the question!

Even walking was going to be a challenge in this. She would have to be very careful, making sure she used only short strides. And no stairs! Finally, she put on the shoes. They were 5-inch single strap pumps and, much to her astonishment, actually fit her feet to perfection. The trouble was, the heels were 3 inches taller than she was used to wearing. She had to use the counter for support simply to get into them.

Balancing uncertainly on her new shoes, Carolyn chanced one last look at the mirror before setting out. Observing her reflection with distaste, she almost cried. She looked like some sexual fantasy, the kind of sluttish character she sometimes chanced upon while watching late- night cable television.

It just wasn't her in the mirror at all!


The policewoman, new to the force, had been given a relatively quiet section of the city to patrol. It was an area of expensive, spacious homes and country clubs, all discreetly hidden away from prying eyes by large, well-kept lawns with long, curving driveways and carefully planted trees.

It was a comfortable assignment, and she was bored silly with it. She had joined the force hoping to see some real action, not this protecting-the-rich shit. She was driving through the parking lot of the Isle of Lesbos (what an odd name, she thought) Country Club as part of her regular rounds when she spotted the hooker lurching across the parking lot.

"Christ! How obvious can you get?" the officer said as she turned the wheel of the large cruiser and drove slowly towards that area of the lot. "At least she could get clothes that fit."

The red-spandex clad woman tottering on those ridiculous high heels was really far too beautiful to be a prostitute, but then ever since she joined the force the officer had found that life was not what she had imagined at all! The woman's olive skin gleamed in the bright sunlight, as did her helmet of almost shoulder-length blue-black glossy hair. Even in that absurd get up, it was obvious the proud body that was semi-concealed was really something.

The officer sighed, as she thought briefly of her own trim, athletic build. "What I wouldn't give for a body like that!" she said wistfully.

Then the officer remembered what she was looking at, a poor creature who was deliberately abusing that perfect body at probably every chance she could. It was obscene! What a waste!

"That stupid bitch must be stoned out of her mind!" the officer exclaimed in disgust, as the woman continued her weird, staggering walk towards a solitary car parked in the visitors section. "And on my beat, too."

The tottering woman did not seem to notice the large police car following quietly behind her, so intent was she on reaching her car. Her left hand held a small handbag (which, the officer quickly noticed, did not even match her outfit). Her arms were moving strangely up and down, her hands going from the hem of that foolishly short skirt to being extended straight out left and right from her shoulders, then back again. She looked like a sick parakeet trying to take off!

The woman went to the driver's side of the car and supported herself against the side for a moment before unlocking the door and throwing in her purse "That's a pretty good car for a pro like that. I'd better run the plates through the computer." She heard the sound of a car door being closed. A brief moment later she felt rather than heard a loud heart-stopping shriek which scared the Hell out of her. The officer looked up in alarm.

Stunned, she saw the hooker now dancing wildly about in the front seat of the car. "Jesus! She's having a seizure!" the officer cried.

She bolted from the cruiser and ran to the other car. The woman was still screaming and dancing wildly in the seat. The officer quickly opened the door and then froze in shock. The hooker's incredible gyrations had caused her skirt hem to roll up over her hips, leaving her completely exposed below the waist. Her breasts, having popped completely out of her too small top, were now bobbing freely about on her naked chest, in a surprisingly attractive manner.

With an effort, the officer recovered herself and grabbed the strangely acting woman by her bare shoulders and pulled her straight out of the car. She laid the poor distressed creature on her back on the hot cement. The practically undressed mad woman was still for a moment, then abruptly continued her mad dance on the pavement. Arms flapping wildly, she flipped over on her stomach, only to quickly flip back again.

The officer began to mentally review her CPR and other first aid procedures. She was in the process of unfastening her belt, so she could force the leather between the writhing hooker's teeth, when the gasping woman kicked off her shoes and shakily stood up.

Bouncing slightly on her bare feet, the gasping woman said in a finely modulated voice, "Thanks. I forgot that the seat might be hot."

"Huh?" the surprised officer responded, reaching for her baton just in case this obvious nut case wanted to try something fancy.

"The car has a moon roof, you see," obviously unaware that her micro-mini skirt had rolled up and her slightly swaying breasts were no longer covered, leaving her privates free for all the world to see. "The plastic covering on the seats can really catch the sun sometimes," the woman patiently exclaimed, still bouncing.

"Really! You don't say?" The officer, busy measuring distances, kept what she hoped was a reassuring smile on her face as she thoughtfully fingered her baton.

"The ground's hot, too," Carolyn said plaintively when the obviously suspicious police officer failed to respond to her story. She stated to discreetly rub her still- burning behind. When she felt skin where there should have been skirt, she looked down her front.

"EEEEECK!" Carolyn screamed in horror, the police officer wincing at the sound. "My God!" she thought. "I'm showing everything! God damn these clothes!!"

Turning around, she fought the tight skirt back down over her hips and upper thighs, then quickly worked the material of the tube top back up over the tips of her breasts. The officer watched the semi-nude woman frantically trying to fix her revealing clothes and felt strangely moved by the sight. Then it struck her.

"This beautiful woman is deliberately flaunting herself in front of me, the silly bitch!" she thought in surprise. "She's trying to turn me on! What a complete slut!!"

The officer had had enough. It was time to show this citizen who was in charge here. "Okay, lady. Up against the car and spread 'em!" the officer commanded in her best movie-cop voice.

"What?" the distracted Carolyn asked, still trying to adjust the tube top for maximum protection over her very sensitive nipples while keeping her feet from frying on the hot pavement.