The Roommate Pt. 01-06


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"Oh you are desperate aren't you?" He laughs, looking at me with a strange mixture of lust and condolement. "So you like dick, is that it?" I nod my head frantically, my pleading eyes meeting his. "Speak when you are spoken to." He demands sternly.

"Yes, I like dick, sir." I reply.

"And this new body? I guess that means you must like it too? Since it does seem to have gotten you so much dick already." He asks, clearly trying to get a rise out of me.

I hesitate this time. This is likely the only person with the power to actually reverse this process. My mind is foggy though, either from the drugs, the orgasms, the spanks, the musk of his cock, or the denial. Maybe it's all of them, but whatever it is, I really can't help myself. I need to see his cock, to feel it. I want to taste it. "I... like this body, I guess. I love how much cock I have been able to get with it." It sounds so shameful when I say it out loud.

"What a good girl you are," he says, delicately caressing my face. "It takes a lot to admit you are a cock craving little whore. But since you've been so forthcoming, I suppose I should satiate you." With that, he starts to pull his boxers down.

Oh my god.

Precum starts flowing from my clitty when I finally see his cock. It spills over the band on his boxers and lands across my face. The aroma is intoxicating. The weight of it is incredible, it's so thick, so long, so powerful. The veins pulsate against my cheek as his whole cock throbs eagerly with desire. Desire for me, for my mouth. And I can't help but return the sentiment, I'm not sure I've ever wanted something so much. There is a tiny bead of precum formed at the tip of it, and I want it on my tongue.

He leaves his massive throbbing member on my face for several seconds, letting me embrace it, experience it. I nuzzle my face into his balls, and I swear it's like I'm drunk of his scent. Suddenly his balls are pulled away from my loving lips. I quickly realize it's because he is pulling back to align the head of his cock with my mouth. I oblige, and open my jaw as wide as I can, my sopping wet tongue slightly sticking out to cover my bottom teeth.

Upon seeing me submit my mouth to him, he starts pushing his cock forward. When the head finally touches my tongue, it is electric. The globule of precum is smeared across my tongue as he pushes in deeper, and I savor the taste of it. I can feel how hard his dick is throbbing as my lips close around his shaft. He keeps pushing in, slowly, letting me savor it. He's penetrating my mouth as though it's a pussy, letting me adjust as his cock starts to prod at my throat. There is still plenty more meat to go. I gag a little as he inches deeper into my throat, but he keeps pushing unabated, and in this moment I am very thankful for my overactive salivary glands. His cock is absolutely soaked in my spit, which has lubricated him enough to penetrate deep into my throat in spite of my gags. Soon enough, his whole dick has been enveloped within my mouth and his heavy balls are resting on my nose.

He holds his position, balls deep in my tight throat. With his balls covering my nostrils, I can't breathe. I try to look up at him, but his balls and legs completely cover my field of view. With my head backwards, my throat is completely open, but I am already starting to get light headed from the lack of air. As I try to reach up to push him backwards, I am reminded of my compromised position, as my arms and legs are still confined. Just as I start to panic that he will suffocate me with his cock, he starts to retreat, and he pulls his dick far enough out of my mouth for me to be able to get some much needed air. The air I inhale is thick with his musk, his sweat, his lust. As it fills my nostrils, I immediately begin wanting more. I don't have to wait long to get it. Once I have satiated my desire for breath, Charles starts pushing his cock in again, pulling it out quicker this time.

His thrusts into my throat start to quicken and progressively he opens up my throat with his thick, wet manhood. Strings of spit and drool soak his cock as I sputter around it. They cover my face, soaking it and ruining my mascara. I close my eyes to keep the spit and precum out of my eyes. I am left with my head back, my mouth open, my throat gaping, and my eyes closed. I am completely at Dr. Charle's disposal, and he is making the most of the opportunity. He treats my throat like a fleshlight. The sound of his grunts fill the room as he rails my throat and his balls slap against my face, spreading the spit across my face even more. I just lie there, letting him violate my face.

Eventually, his thrusts start becoming more and more erratic. He speeds up and slows down, and will suddenly start going extra hard, only to slow down again. It's been at least ten minutes, and his cock hasn't been out of my mouth once. Most of the time, it's been buried in my throat to the hilt. Even though I have been able to catch my breath through my nose, I am still a bit light headed. I push through though, because I know what awaits me soon. Cum. At this point, I have had so much fucking cock in my throat that I am more eager for cum than I've ever been.

Charles has lasted longer than most guys who have used my mouth, but I'm starting to suspect that he is deliberately holding out on me. He's testing my limits, all the while using my throat to edge himself. After a couple more minutes of brutal throat fucking he finally says the magic words, and I try to open my eyes through the slobber soaking my eyelashes.

"I'm gonna cum," he says, sounding exasperated. He starts grunting in rhythm with his thrusts. "Fuck, yeah, you, little, fucking, SLUUT!" He exclaims as he pushes his cock as deep into my throat as it can go. His balls are covering my nose again, and as he holds his cock in my throat I try to inhale through my mouth. All I get is thick ropes of cum. I'm drowning, literally drowning in his cum. As I try to inhale, I am forced to swallow every spurt of his semen. I don't even get a chance to taste it. He keeps grunting and panting as more cum flows out of his cock and into my stomach. I gag and choke around his cock, but the cum doesn't seem to stop. His balls tense up, which I am keenly aware of as they are still pushed against my face. After what feels like minutes, he finally starts to withdraw his cock from my throat. He holds it in my mouth though, giving me a chance to breathe through my nose while I lick and suckle his thick cock. I try to clean it off as best I can, savouring the little drops of cum that are still forming around his head. Soon though, he pulls his dick out of my mouth, clearly the sensitivity is a bit overwhelming. As it comes out of my mouth, he lets his heavy cock fall onto my face with a wet slap. It makes me feel a well of pride in my stomach. Not only did I make him cum, but I took a fucking monster down my throat. It makes me feel like such a princess.

"Wow." Is all he has to say for a moment as he catches his breath. "You learn quickly, huh?" He chuckles, pulling his cock off my face. I'm left with my face still hanging off the bed, saliva and semen still dripping all over my face, while he pulls up his boxers and reaches for his trousers. Looking back at me he chimes, "I'll clean you up in a minute, you just catch your breath."

The fluids get cold on my face as he puts his trousers back on and returns to the equipment. He starts clicking away on the keyboard again, now completely ignoring my presence. After some time he says, "Well this has given us a pretty significant amount of data to work with. We'll have a lot to look at over the next few days. You have been such a good test subject. I can truly say I've never had more fun in the lab before!" He chuckles to himself lasciviously.

My horniness doesn't wear off, but the shame creeps in further as the cum and spit dry on my face. I'm obviously not a princess. He used my face like a hole, and the moment he was done he just left me there, and I enjoyed it? What the hell is wrong with me? Fortunately, I get distracted from my rumination by his monologuing.

"So these electrodes have allowed me to gather data on your brain activity under different stressors. The plug vibrating, the repeated orgasms, the ehm... blowjob." He eyes me with a smirk. "And using all this the computer software will be able to identify some useful patterns. Unfortunately we don't have a control from you, but I doubt you would have let us put you on a table with a plug in your ass and then taken a face-fucking two weeks ago right?" Charles laughs, but hearing him say that makes me blush and sigh shamefully.

"But in any case, I have got all the data I need for now. I am excited to see what being spanked did to your brain activity, but I won't get any information on that question until later. Soo, let's get you cleaned up and on your way!" He slaps his hands together and walks out of the room.

I try to shuffle my body a little so my head is on the table again, my neck is sore from hanging my head back for so long. Soon Charles returns with a towel. Rather than unfastening the restraints and letting me clean myself, he chooses to rub the towel against my belly for me. He cleans my cum off my stomach quite affectionately, and then flips the towel to the other side and starts rubbing it delicately against my face. It feels good to be able to open my eyes properly now that my lashes are free of the sticky mess. My makeup is totally ruined, but I'm not particularly concerned with that right now.

Once he is done wiping everything off, he drops the towel to the ground and finally removes the restraints from my ankles and wrists. I sit up for the first time in a while and get a bit of a head rush. "Ooof," I say, putting my hand against my forehead.

"Head rush?" He asks, "I'm not surprised, it has been several hours. Take it slow, there's no need to hurry." He assures me, putting a hand on my shoulder. With that he starts pulling the electrodes off my body and head. As each one comes off I feel a little more free. My mobility returns, and slowly my head starts to feel normal again.

"Now I'm going to go into the next room, Nellie. I'll bring you your clothes and once you are done dressing yourself, come in and sit down. I just want to have a quick chat."

Once I am standing on my own two feet securely, Charles brings my clothes and leaves me to redress. When I walk back out, he's sitting at his desk flipping through some paperwork. I sit in the chair opposite him, my knees tucked together and my hands on my lap. My outfit is quite exposing, but I think I still feel so pliable and exposed from what just transpired. Charles just watches me squirm in the chair for a moment before I ask him a question that has been nagging at me since we started.

"So, since you've done the tests, I can have the female to male formula now right?"

He looks surprised, which confuses me. "Oh, Nellie I thought you understood. Those weren't the tests I need to conduct for you to have the formula. No those were just so I could make sure you weren't experiencing any potentially hazardous side effects and that your body was working normally. My group and I need to do extensive testing on the male formula itself. Nellie, we don't even know if it works." My heart sinks when he says this. I thought this was all almost over.

"I'm sorry if you feel misled, but I thought I was quite clear. You are the first test subject with our gender transformation serum. We haven't tested the female to male serum yet, it is a significantly different process. Giving you this now could not only undo the work we have already done with you, but it could also be very dangerous. No you are going to keep changing, the serum is in you now, and we won't have the complementary version ready for some time." He pauses, letting this information soak in. I am a little dumbfounded, but I'm not quite as crushed as I would have expected. I mean, it's not like there's never going to be an opportunity for me to revert back. It's just that I'll have to wait a little while. I can do that, if I have to, and besides now I have met Charles. I'll be able to get the male serum from him directly when it's available. I just need to preserve my secret for a while and when I can revert back I will.

After staring down at my hands I look back up at him. "Okay. I guess if I have to live this way for a little while longer I can do that... I'm getting the hang of being a woman more, I think."

"I mean, a slutty one for sure, but I think you're getting it!" Charles says excitedly, before seeing my ashamed face. "Er-- well yes Nellie, you are seeming to get a grasp on how to behave..." He trails off, trying to find the right words that are so clearly eluding him. "Well, nevermind. So, you are going to be back in four days for more tests?"

More tests? "Uhm, what was that? I thought those were the tests." I respond quizzically.

"Well yes, those were the tests. But we need to keep doing the tests to track your progress of course. There is more to this than just external physical changes. I need to monitor your vitals, the physiological responses, and in a few days I want to run a full body CT-scan to see what, if anything, has changed internally. Of course, I also am going to do another set of the tests like we did today to monitor your body's reaction to stimuli."

Am I going to keep having to do this forever? I don't know if I can be poked and prodded and... violated by Charles every few days. "Okay, well what if I don't want to experience any more tests?"

"Nellie, do you not remember the document you signed?" Charles looks at me incredulously as he reaches into the stack of papers on his desk. He ruffles around for a moment before pulling out a packet of papers stapled together. "This is a contract that you signed," he says, handing me the packet. "It states that you volunteered willingly to partake in this experiment, and that in the event of any incidents we, the lab team or the university, or not liable. It also commits you to a regular schedule of tests until the team deems they are no longer necessary. You'll also find, on the last page, the details of your compensation." He looks at me with a slight grin when he finishes.

I start rifling through the pages. He's not kidding, that's exactly what it says. I did not volunteer! I wouldn't have signed it had I known that's what it said! I hardly remember signing it at all! As I keep flipping, I land on the last few pages. A header at the top describes the compensation I am owed for partaking in the tests. I can't help raising my eyebrows. 'Compensation package for participation in clinical trials-- $2,000 initial lump sum, $5,000 per test session.' I look up at Charles in disbelief.

"You're telling me that I get 5k each time I come here and do your tests?"

"That's right." He says, sitting back with a smile, looking very self assured. "And you're going to get the initial 2,000 owed to you too." After a moment he sits forward in his chair again. "Nellie, this research group is operating with some fairly large grants. You are not going to be begging on the streets while you work with us. At the moment, you are a very valuable commodity to us, and as such we will pay you handsomely."

Although it doesn't sit super well with me to be described as a commodity, I do feel quite special knowing that Charles needs me. Knowing that I am important. I also can't scoff at that much money. I haven't exactly been rolling in dough since I started college, and I have been bailed out by Ruby a couple times when I couldn't make rent on time.

"Now Ruby told me you don't have any consistent employment, so think of this as your new job. This money will allow you to live comfortably while you attend classes and come here for tests. Whatever you do on your own time between that is still up to you, but Ruby will continue monitoring you." With that, he reaches into his desk and pulls out a checkbook and starts scribbling in it. I look down at my feet, not exactly sure of what I should be feeling right now.

I hear the perforations tear. "Here," he says holding the check out to me. "Use your phone, deposit it right now so we know it's safely in your account, then you may leave."

I do as he says. It feels good to see my account balance go so high. I've never had so much in my account before. Does accepting this money make me a prostitute? I wonder. I push that thought away though. No, I'm being paid for partaking in the experiment, letting Charles use my mouth was, uhm, personal. I guess. That's not what I'm being paid for. I think?

"All set?" He asks, eyeing me from across the desk.

"Yes sir," I say, putting away my phone.

"Very good. You know the way out I am sure." As I walk past him he tentatively grasps my arm. "I had a very good time with you today Nel. You are an incredibly special girl, and I look forward to our next appointment."

I smile at him, and our eyes meet. As I walk out the door, I can't shake the butterflies I feel in my stomach. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about Dr. Charles.

WC: 5362

Chapter 6


Walking across campus towards the subway station, I can't quite get a read of myself. I'm feeling very satisfied, having just had numerous orgasms and a bellyful of cum, but I am also a little anxious. I guess that is to be expected given the circumstances. I just found out that I won't be able to get back into my old body any time soon, and I have more body permutations to expect.

Thinking about how my body is going to change actually starts to fill me with excitement more than dread. I might be able to get bigger boobs, an idea I am starting to relish more and more. My butt might get even bigger too... Hmm. I'm not sure what is going to happen to my clitty. It's incredibly small, and I'm not sure it can shrink much more than it has. I also doubt that the formula can give me a vagina, right? I get distracted from my ruminations as I start to focus more on my surroundings.

There are some jocks standing by the door to the gymnasium complex leering at me. I had almost forgotten that I'm still wearing an incredibly revealing outfit. I try to project confidence with my walk, my binders tucked under my arm and against my breasts. Peaking over, I try to see if they are still watching me without making it obvious. They are. The flounciness of my skirt means that my butt inevitably peaks out with every step I take. This cycle repeats several times as I continue walking, with several different men craning their necks to check out my butt. I stop thinking about it eventually and allow myself to just bask in the attention. It feels a little good, I concede to myself.

The light of the sun casts such long shadows across the trees and buildings around me. It reminds me to check the time. Looking at my phone I realize it's already 5 o'clock! "Woah," I mutter to myself. "I must have been out for a while." I ponder, was the plug vibrating in my ass that entire time I was asleep? No wonder my butt is sore!

When I finally get to the subway station, I remember to add value to my ticket card before going up the stairs. Much like this morning, when I take the stairs up to the platform, numerous men ogle my shapely ass. I can't really blame them I guess, since I've even caught myself staring at it in the mirror recently. I am able to get through the turnstiles without a hitch and get onto the train after waiting for a few minutes. Eyes seem to be on me constantly. While waiting on the platform or sitting on the train looking at my phone there are men staring at me. I can't decide if it's just because they think I'm hot, or if it's more because of the absurdly revealing outfit. I guess I can test it a little tomorrow, as long as Ruby doesn't force me into clothes like this again. Tomorrow I'll pick something a little less... exposing. Granted, that doesn't describe much of the clothes I own anymore, but I'm sure I can come up with something more typical than a slutty schoolgirl outfit.
