The Seduction of Penny Ramirez Ch. 02


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She was especially deep now. It took a long time to come back from sleep that deep, and she had to struggle to do it. Finally, she opened her eyes.

Madam and the sheriff were standing over her, looking down at her as she slowly awoke. She was in the chair at the side of the sheriff's desk, and her mind was still muddled by sleep. She smiled up at them wanly, then frowned a little as she tried to hold onto a particularly strange and oddly pleasant dream ... but it flitted away, the way dreams always seem to do. "How ... how did I get here?" she asked them.

The sheriff cleared his throat, and in her mind, Penny was able to translate it as his "I'm concerned about you" cough, which made her blush slightly. "You came in while Madam Dormir and I were talking," he told her. "As long as you were here ... against my instructions, I might add ... I asked her to demonstrate how she can hypnotize you. She whispered something in your ear, and you collapsed into that chair, out like a light." He turned and looked sternly at the older woman. "I don't like knowing that you can do that to one of my deputies."

She patted his hand, placating him. "Don't worry your head about it, dear," she told him. "I'll only use it for therapeutic purposes." She picked up her purse and moved toward the door. "Thank you for listening to me, Joe. I know that you'll do the right thing."

And she was gone.

The sheriff stepped up to her chair and held out his hand to her. He cleared his throat, which she understood as the cough he made when he was looking at her cleavage and hoped she didn't look up and catch him in the act. Obediently, she didn't look up, but she reached out and took his proffered hand, allowing him to pull her into a standing position. This, however, put their bodies in closer proximity than they had ever been before. She blushed and kept her gaze low, feeling his strength and size so close to her diminutive form. His hand let go of hers and brushed lightly against her right breast as he moved it to his side, making him cough rather violently and step back abruptly from her.

She flushed, but didn't object. Finally, she said: "Sir, perhaps it would be best if I resigned."

"What!?" he barked, genuinely flustered. He raised his arms and let them flop helplessly back to his sides again. "You mean ... because I touched you? It was an accident ...."

She laughed out loud at that, then blushed even more. "Don't be silly! That's not why."

"Well then, what the hell ARE you talking about?"

She looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes. "She made me come in here, somehow ... even when you'd ordered me not to. She can make me do things."

"You can simply resist her," he said.

"But I can't." She paused for emphasis. "I don't WANT to resist her. I LOVE it when I fall into a trance for her. I love it so much, that deep down inside, I KNOW I'd never be able to resist. Not ever." He didn't seem to be able to respond to that. "Sir, I'm a natural submissive. I know that now. I'm submissive, and meek, and obedient, and compliant and subservient. I could NEVER make a good cop ... no one with those traits ever could. I asked Madam Dormir ... I BEGGED her to make me more assertive. But she told me that would go against the nature of the person I really am." She sighed. "I'm afraid I'm going to get somebody hurt. If I ever had to fired that automatic in my purse, there's no telling WHAT I'd hit!"

He cleared his throat again ... and this time, she couldn't tell what it meant. "Are you busy tonight?" he asked.


"I mean, can you stay after work?" He seemed flustered, and he didn't wait for her to answer. "Come back here, in my office, after five ... after everybody goes home. Let's talk about this then. I just can't deal with it right now."

"Yes, sir." And she turned and walked out.

She worked the rest of the morning on the warrants. She had to ask Bea about lunch periods, and was surprised when the answer was: just about anything she wanted. "Take an hour now ... hell, take two. I'll cover for you. Go out and walk around a little ... get to know people." And so, she decided to take the twenty dollars in her purse and go to the thrift store downtown, where she bought two black skirts in the "girls clothing" section, and actually found two petite blouses on another rack. (One had a small stain near the hemline, but she thought she could tuck it in to hide it.) She felt good about her purchases ... only three dollars each, so she still had eleven dollars left over from the twenty-three the sheriff had given her. She bought two bananas for lunch and decided to walk back to the boarding house to change into one of her "new" outfits.

The blouse she put on had the top button missing, but it didn't show if she gapped the neck a little, and it still hid her bra. She liked the look, and felt pretty when she examined herself in the mirror. She took the bananas down to the front porch and sat in the bench swing, watching the traffic on the street as she ate. June Freeland, the owner of the house, walked out and asked if she could join her for a little while, so they chatted about this and that. June proved to be rather proficient in the fine art of gossip.

"Can you tell me about Sheriff Rogers?" Penny asked, at last.

June smiled knowingly at that. "I was wondering when you were going to get around to asking about him. He's out-waited an awful lot of interested ladies ... but judging from the glances he was tossing your way yesterday, maybe he's finally met his match."

"Oh, no. It's nothing like that," Penny corrected.

June patted her on the hand. "Certainly, honey. I understand." She smiled again. "Joe was the youngest of five kids, but he's the only one left here, now. The other four, two brothers and two sisters, all scattered to the four winds, all in different states. They all left right after the tornado that killed their parents. That was ... oh, I guess it's been ten years ago, now. Joe was down in College Station, going to school, when it happened. He went through ROTC in school, and put in six years in the Army. Got out as a Captain. When he got back home, the little ranch where they all grew up ... well, it was in pretty bad shape by that time. Joe moved back in. Been fixing it up ever since.

"He got married right after he was elected sheriff. Samantha Hayes landed him like trout. We've never seen another woman like her around this town ... thank God. Joe ... he just wanted all the things most guys want, I guess: steady lovin', a home, kids. But Sam ... well, let's just say that woman was 'upwardly mobile.' She had her sights set high ... certainly higher than Rising Rapids. Just one year after she married Joe, she started an affair with Walt Saunders. He'd just been elected a state senator. Walt had a wife and three kids. Wrecked his marriage ... then his career in politics. Last I heard, Sam had dumped HIM for an airline pilot. The woman has left a trail of broken homes all over Texas.

"Joe never got over it. Oh, don't get me wrong ... he doesn't still love the witch. But he just won't even consider another relationship after what he went through. I don't think he's even been out on a date in a couple years. Not that there haven't been a lot of girls who've tried. Of course, that's the least of his worries right now."

"What do you mean?" Penny asked, startled.

"Well, despite being elected the youngest sheriff of Cavalcade County ... his father held the record before that ... it's beginning to look like he won't be reelected this fall. Have you ever heard of the Woodvane Corporation?" She paused as Penny shook her head. "Well, I can't say what all they do, but one of their subsidiaries wants to clear-cut parts of the Davy Crockett National Forest ... plans to sell pulp to the Chinese for processing overseas. Joe has blocked them at every turn ... sort of a one-man army ... that some folks say is impeding progress. Woodvane is a big company. They're lobbying congress to get past some environmental laws, and they've opened up some warehouses out on the highway ... hired a bunch of local people, finally bringing some money into the area. They've also backed a candidate to run against Joe ... Pete Weaver. Never really liked Pete, myself ... he always acted up in my class. Anyway, with all that money behind him, it's lookin' like Pete's going to get elected in November."

It was time for Penny to get back, she decided, so she bid her landlady farewell and headed toward the office. Something exciting was going on there ... but no one was really sure what it was. The sheriff had called one of his deputies who was on vacation and asked him to come back early. He'd given no explanation, and refused to discuss it, which only fueled the rumor-mill. Penny, upon hearing all this, was afraid that he was about to agree with her earlier suggestion that she be let go from the force ... and that her departure might leave the department shorthanded. She didn't pause to speculate with the others, but instead went to her desk and threw herself into the mundane task of sorting and filing ... and worrying about what was going to happen to her. She had no idea what she was going to do if she left the force. She had ten dollars in her purse, and she wasn't sure her credit card had enough left on it to buy her a bus ticket. She really had no reason to go back to Ft. Worth, anyway. She finally decided to stay here. She liked the small-town atmosphere and she liked the people. And, she desperately wanted to talk to Madam Dormir again.

She was suddenly shocked to realize that she was the only person in the room. The cubicles in the large squad room had short walls, but because of her height, she hadn't noticed that everyone had left. She set the remainder of the files she was working with on her desk and walked to the front of the office, dismayed to find that it was already six o'clock. She ran down to the hall to the sheriff's office, past Bea's empty desk, and she burst into his office without knocking.

"Sir! I'm SO sorry! I was filing warrants, and I didn't see the time."

He was at the hat rack, his hat already on, his hand reaching for his gun belt. She was standing in the middle of the room, breathing deeply after her run down the hallway, her arms at her sides, her feet slightly apart supporting her swaying body; and he was looking directly at her, staring at her; and she was thinking: I've been here before. I've been in this exact spot, in this exact pose, and he was looking at me, exactly as he's doing now.

He took off his hat and hung it up again, then walked slowly up to her. For some odd reason, she felt naked. She KNEW she was wearing clothes, but couldn't seem to be able to take her eyes off of him ... couldn't look down to confirm the fact that she was clothed. The sense of déjà vu was overwhelming. Her arms couldn't move ... SHE couldn't move, with the exception of her head, which tilted back and back so that she could look up into his eyes. She tried to tell him again how sorry she was to be late for her appointment ... she even moved her lips ... but no words came.

He put his hands on her ... holding her by the shoulders. "Are you okay, Penny?"

"Um ... y ... yes."

"Have you made a decision about staying?"

"Y ... yes. Yes, I want to stay."

"Good. I want you to stay. You're a good worker."

She blinked. He didn't understand, and she wasn't sure that she had the power to make him. "I ... I mean ... I want to stay in Rising Rapids. I like it here. But ... but ...."

Was his face getting nearer to hers, or was it just some sort of illusion? "You don't want to stay on the force?"

She felt weak. The way he was holding her, she realized that she could just let her knees relax, and he would simply support her. "I ... I ...." His face was getting closer, she was certain.

"Can I answer any questions for you? Is there anything you'd like to ask?"

She peered up at him with pleading eyes. "Are you going to kiss me?"


"Oh. Okay."

The kiss was nice. It went on for almost five seconds before her knees lost their strength. Grasping her upper arms, he lifted her up as if she was a child's toy, spun around and deposited her, sitting on the edge of huge oak desk, before finally breaking contact with his lips. She tried to follow them, seeking to reengage the link, then she looked up into his eyes, breathing deeply.

"You changed clothes," he told her.

She sought enough breath to answer. "I used the twenty dollars you gave me and bought this. Do you like it?"

"Would it be chauvinistic of me to suggest that I've been dreaming about unzipping that dress since the first time I saw you wearing it?"

Without smiling, she said: "Yes, it would. I'll try to wash it tonight and wear it tomorrow. Are you going to kiss me again?"

He kissed her again. She tried to raise her arms, but he was still holding them, so she just concentrated on their lips, startled a little when his tongue invaded her mouth. Her body felt like jelly, her mind like mush. Rational thought seemed impossible when he was doing this to her. There was a hollow place inside her, just below her stomach. She had felt that before ... hadn't she? Where? When? So much seemed familiar, and yet everything was new. She moaned into his mouth.

Finally, his big hands left her arms, and she slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. Now ... now he could do whatever he wanted. He could touch her now. She thought his fingers were on her breasts ... or near them, anyway. What was he doing? Finally, it dawned on her. He was unbuttoning her blouse, starting, for some reason, with the middle one. His fingers were too thick, too large for the small plastic disks, and he was obviously having trouble. She didn't mind, as long as he kept kissing her. As if hearing her thoughts, he broke away.

"Don't stop," she whispered.

"I ... can't ... get ... these ... damned ... buttons ...."

She put her hand behind his head and pulled his lips to hers again. It dawned on her that that might have been the most forceful thing she had ever done in her life. He didn't resist, but his fingers kept struggling with the buttons. She felt the topmost fastener freed, and his kneading fingers were now closer to her waist. He tugged, and something down there let go. There was a tiny "click" as a button bounced on the linoleum floor.


"It's alright, sir. Don't stop. Please don't stop."

"Let go of me a moment so I can get your blouse off." Reluctantly, she lowered her arms while he shucked the garment off her shoulders and down her arms, then she reached up and wrapped them around his neck again. He continued: "You realize that you're the only one in the office that calls me 'sir.'"

"Yes, sir." Penny gasped loudly as her bra suddenly loosened and hung limply on its shoulder straps. She refused, however, to let go of his neck. His hands began moving across her bare skin. When his calloused palms began massaging her breasts, she gave a small whimper and started trembling.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, sir. But I don't know what to do. I've never been with a man before. You need to tell me what you want. Tell me what you want me to do."

He stiffened. "You're a virgin?"

"No. I'm not. But ... but, I've never ...."

"I don't understand," he implored.

"Please. Please don't make me tell you now. Don't make me think about that. When you kiss me, I can't think about anything at all. Please, sir. Oh, please don't stop! If you stop now, I think I'll die!"

He captured her mouth with his again, and she let her mind whirl away on a cloud of lust and raw need. One of his palms was exploring her bare back, while the other found her right breast and started doing incredible things to it. When he squeezed it, she shivered uncontrollably. When he pinched the nipple, she shivered even harder. And when he began rolling it between his finger and thumb, she opened her mouth and gasped loudly into his.

"Ah! Oh, gosh! Ahhhh!"

He switched hands, and started giving her left breast equal time. His other hand began exploring the side of her skirt. He pulled ... tugged ... squeezed the fabric, until the metal catch finally sprang free and he pulled down the zip. Now, he was using both hands to tug the garment down her hips. She clung to him with her arms around his neck, lifting herself up off the surface of the desk, feeling the skirt to slide down and forward and off, and she kicked her feet a little, allowing it to fall to the floor. Something was caught on her left foot ... on her shoe ... but she ignored it. She lowered her butt again. "Oh, gosh!" Her panties seemed to be missing in action. Now, he reached up, grasped her wrists, and pulled them down long enough to get the bra free, and finally, she was naked, feeling very small and very helpless in his muscular arms, against his huge, strong body. He pushed against her even harder, as if he wanted something more, but she didn't know what it could be until he reached down and nudged the inside of one of her knees. Finally, she understood and opened her legs, allowing him to push between them.

She felt the roughness of his belt buckle, the harshness of the metal buttons on his uniform shirt, the chill hardness of his badge pressing against the front of her right shoulder. All these sensations only added to her sense of utter nakedness. Her shoes felt grotesquely out of place, and she wrapped her legs around his upper thighs and toed them off. He began making little grinding thrusts with his hips, and she felt his hardness through his pants against her lower stomach. He kissed her again, and she simply lost all awareness of time until their lips finally parted again.

She was breathing hard, her breasts flattening against his chest every time she inhaled. "Tell me what me to do, sir. Please. Tell me what you need."

"Touch me," he commanded.

And she immediately brought her hands back down from around his neck and began caressing his arms, his chest. He couldn't help but laugh, and she searched his eyes imploringly, not knowing what she was doing wrong. Finally, it dawned on her. "Oh," she said meekly, and snaked her hand between them to press the throbbing firmness that was trapped in his trousers. He wrapped an arm around her, buried his forehead against the side of her neck, and groaned. She had no idea what she was doing. There wasn't much she COULD do, so she just rubbed her palm up and down, pausing every now and then to gently dig her fingertips into the fabric of his pants, trying to grasp something, but with no luck. Finally, he pulled away, unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers, and pulled everything down to his knees before stepping forward and resuming his place between her legs.

In those brief seconds, she hadn't been able to see anything. His shirttail hung down well below his waist, but now, her fingers found something. She gasped. Yes ... she'd certainly describe that as a "something," alright. He was holding her tightly again, but as she petted and stroked it, she desperately kept trying to look ... to peek down at what she held in her hand, until he finally relented and stepped back away so she could see. Penny was absolutely mesmerized by it ... its bulging pink head, the veins coursing down its length, its soft surface, its hard interior. She forced herself to close her gaping mouth and she looked up again into his hard brown eyes.

"Are you going to put it inside me?"

He was breathing hard. "I ... I really, really want to, yes."

She nodded. "Okay." She looked back down again. "How are we going to make it fit?" she asked in a soft, meek voice.

He chuckled, then groaned as she wrapped her fingers around it and squeezed.

Immediately, she let go. "Did I hurt you?"

"God, no, Penny. Please do it again."