The She-Wolf


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Richard pulled her body down as she fucked him. Her nipples were large and erect, beginning to be sucked. He bent to the nipple on her left breast, taking it into his mouth. Mary moaned, her hand coming up to twine through his hair while the other supported her position. He pressed his face against her soft breast, biting and sucking on the fat nipple. His mouth was restless - biting her neck one moment, taking her nipples into his mouth the next and then kissing her as she moaned into him.

Mary's hips and stomach flexed, pulling Richard out and then in again. Over and over her hips worked against his, legs holding him in place. She turned his head aside to bite at his neck. Her fingers dug under his back to scratch trails down his spine. Richard felt his gums itching, signaling the start of the change. He growled with the feeling. Dark hairs were rising on his arms, muscles growing larger. He pounded his own hips against Mary's, wet slapping noises echoing around the area.

"D... Don't stop. Oh Richard, my love, don't stop don't stop don't.... AHHHHHH!" Mary's legs clenched against him. Her hands, wrapped around his torso, cut deep into his back. The pain and pleasure put Richard over the edge and he screamed as his own orgasm took him. They held each other, panting hard and fast, cheek by cheek. Mary's breasts felt heavy on his chest. Her fat, hard nipples rubbed gently against him.

"I love you, Mary. Now and always."

Mary's laugh was breathless. "You say that after your seed is deep within me. No, don't go. Stay with me like this for a moment longer. I like the feeling of you in me. What do we do, Richard? If my uncle is against us and he's one of... of us, what do we do? Run?"

Richard could feel himself in her - the burning warmth between her legs. He was still mostly hard from their passions. He pulled her on her side, her back to his chest. He draped his arm across her, hand grasping her ample breast.

"When I was searching for you, that was my plan. Run. And keep running until we were old and gray with no meat on our bones to satisfy your monster of an uncle. I had a message sent to my father, warning him of your uncle's plan. He should be safe and I have no family left, no one else to threaten. Before, I would run. Now... Now I am of a different mind. There is a burning in me. A desire to see him before me, defeated and done. I've shied from conflict my whole life. I've always taken the easiest path. Something in me defies that now." Richard held his arm above him. Ridges of muscles lined his flesh from shoulder to wrist and even his hand was larger than before. A thin rough growth of skin covered the palm of his hand, a pale imitation of the thick black padding he had when the beast was in him.

He placed his hand on her hard stomach. "We fight. I could not run now. It, the beast, wouldn't let me and I find I agree with it."

Mary grasped his hand with her own. "So be it."

They both made their way to the asylum. Richard was astounded at how well he could smell - he could tell his own scent and Mary's scent from the myriad other smells clamoring for his attention. He walked effortlessly; his legs ached to run. They found old clothes left behind by his father and the staff - both wore the men's outfit to account for their new bulk. Richard scooped up the old brass amulet in a cloth bag. Even through the fabric of the bag he could feel it draining him slightly.

"I find myself disappointed to be clothed again, Mary. And moreso to see you in anything other than your naked skin. I'm afraid the taste of freedom I had last night has soured me on the trappings of man. I want nothing more than to feel you beneath me once more."

Mary patted his cheek. "Let us see to my uncle before ourselves. There will be plenty of time to enjoy our ourselves when he is finished."

"No. We'll return the property to the gypsies first and then deal with your uncle. I would like to thank them for their help as well."

Richard took Mary's hand as they walked. She turned to him, a sly grin on her face. "Well, sir, are you certain your honor can survive such a scandal?"

He squeezed her hand. "Honor be damned. I no longer care what anyone else thinks. Let them see us." He kissed her, boldly on the lips. She laughed when they broke apart. "I've missed your laughter, Mary. Now, if only I can remember the way..."

Mary pulled at him slightly. "I..."

Richard hushed her. There was a scent coming from the amulet -- scent that was unique and not Mary. He turned in a circle taking deep breaths as he did. There -- northwest of them. There was a thread of the same smell leading off to the distance.

"There we are, Mary."

"I knew where it was, Richard. Only now I believe I won't need my mastiffs for tracking." She patted his arm. "You'll make a good hound."

Richard led Mary through fields to find the gypsy camp. There was a road that eventually led to the encampment but he found he enjoyed the open fields more than dusty roads. Camp dogs howled at them as they approached, cowering behind wagon wheels.

Mary smiled as a group of young men and women approached. Richard glared at the young men when they openly stared at Mary's well endowed form.

"Good morning!" Mary called. "Is Tsura still here? I've brought her amulet back."

A handsome young man stood apart. "My grandmother is here. Shall I tell her the stars have come down from the heavens to the form I see before me to grace us with their beautiful presence?" Like the other men, he stared at her as if appraising her value as a wife. His gaze lingered longest on her chest while he toyed with his oiled mustache.

Richard growled, baring his teeth. He'd never struck anyone in anger and rarely even argued with his friends but he was ready to tear this man's throat out.

Mary laid a hand on his wrist. "No, sir. But you may tell her that her wolf has returned and brought her mate. And if you continue to stare at my chest, I shall break your jaw for payment."

The man's face drained of blood while the group around him stepped away mumbling. Richard heard one older man call the grandson a fool before walking away. The boy ran off, stumbling in his haste to find his grandmother.

Soon the old woman was coming toward them, grandson in tow. The old woman stopped to regard Richard before turning to her grandson. "So?" She told him.

"I... I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you. I meant no disrespect in front of your m... man."

"I forgive you." Mary told him. "Richard?"

Richard's lips drew back, showing his canine teeth. "Richard?" Mary repeated.

"Your mustache is ridiculous." Richard told the man.

"Behave, Richard." Mary took the bag holding the amulet, handing it to the old woman. "I won't need this after all, grandmother. We took a different path."

The old woman nodded her head. "I see that. Yes, I see it. It will be difficult but what can't two such as yourselves handle? If our paths cross again, I hope you'll look kindly on this old woman."

"We shall. Goodbye, Tsura. Thank you for everything."

"Eh. It was nothing. Be safe. Be happy. Have a little of fat, happy babies. Name one of the girls after me and she'll be lucky." The old woman smiled and turned away, tugging her grandson after here. "Come, fool. We're shaving your mustache."

Richard and Mary left the camp arm-in-arm.

Only a few travelers met them on the road back to town. They took their time, delighting in each other's company and the scenery around them. Only when they reached Mary's family estate did they pause to look at each other.

"I..." Richard began. He found he couldn't finish the sentence.

Mary rubbed his arm. "There will be time, Richard. Let us greet mine uncle."

They found her uncle deep in the woods surrounding the estate. Both of them could smell him soon after entering the gates of the estate - a harsh, sour smell. He was wearing a simple robe of Indian design and seemed not the least surprised to see both of them.

Ranjit stood behind William, holding a leash to which his serving girl was attached. The strange man held Richard's gaze for he was no man at all. Ranjit had the shape of a man but the face of a tiger - short orange, black and white fur lining his face. Long white whiskers dotted the creature's cheeks and deep green eyes regarded both him and Mary. Ranjit's left hand was low to his side, holding the leash while his other held the lapel of his frock coat. His hands were fur lined with sharp, pointed fingernails. The woman stood behind Ranjit wearing the same silk garment from the day before.

"The skin of a man indeed." Richard said, aloud.

"No man." William said. "A Rakshasa and important to my plans. Where I may terrify men into obeying me, Ranjit has talents of a different sort. Mary, come here to my side and I will forgive your ways. I cannot imagine what held you back in killing this man - perhaps he ran when wounded and you were distracted by other prey or..."

"No, uncle. Never once when the beast had me did I consider doing harm to him. This is the man I love. I will marry him."

"Marry... Are you mad? The beast took you and you let him live? Are you flawed in some way? Did the gift passed on to me flounder within you?" Spit flung from William's mouth as his jaw elongated. "Did I squander it on you?!" He bent over double, bones cracking and moving beneath his skin. "RARRRGH!" Fur grew in a wave from his head to his legs as muscles bulged. "The beast take you both! I will fuck her while you watch, Richard! And then I will kill you both! I take no man's seconds! RANJIT!"

The Indian opened his mouth, hissing. Half of his tongue was missing. He clapped his hands together and when he pulled them apart, a sphere of fire hovered between them. He threw the ball left-handed toward Richard and it shrieked through the air leaving a line of smoke behind. Richard yelled, ducking out of the way. The ball hit a tree behind him, tearing a large chunk of it away before igniting the whole tree in flames.

Seeing the miss, Ranjit tugged the leash holding his woman and hissed a command. She dropped to hands and knees, yowling at Mary and Richard. Short orange, black and white fur dotted her pale skin. She leaped at Richard, arms and legs propelling her along the ground at an enormous speed. As she ran, her tail grew, thick as her own arm to trail behind her. Richard felt the now familiar itch as his own body began its change. Too slow. He thought. Far too slow. The other woman's breasts bounced up and down freely, tearing the thin fabric as they grew. Her large pink nipples were soon covered by orange fur. She leaped, arms out and teeth bared in her short muzzle. The studded collar around the woman's neck vanished beneath a tuft of fur.

When the woman was inches away from him, Mary slammed into her and they both tumbled to the side, yowling and growling. Richard howled when his own transformation finished. Another ball of fire streaked past, tearing a piece of his left ear. He snarled and charged the creature in front of him. Ranjit had two fingers to his mouth, whispering in some queer tongue when Richard slammed into his chest, knocking him over. Whatever spell was on his lips was lost in the interruption as Ranjit held his hands in front of his face in an ineffectual attempt to ward off attack. Richard swiped at the creature, only to be pushed off at the last possible moment.

William had him in his monstrous grip. William's beast was a huge black creature with red and gold eyes. There was no humanity left in the gaze, only madness and death. Richard pushed away, barely breaking free of William's grasp and slamming into the trunk of a large tree. Richard kicked off, the claws on his hands digging into the packed earth, chunks of the dirt flying behind him as he ran on all fours. William met him with force and they wrestled, snapping at each other's necks.

Behind him, Mary was trying to hold the other woman down but the tigress was lithe, fast and familiar with her own body. The lady tiger was a blur of claws and teeth and, soon, Mary was bleeding from her stomach, arms and legs. Her body was growing heavy with every wound. When Mary finally got an arm around the woman's neck she bit the woman's furry ear off, resulting in a feral scream of pain. Seizing the opportunity, Mary bashed the woman's face against the ground, over and over. At the fifth time, the woman, eye dangling from its socket, twisted, flinging Mary away with her powerful legs.

Mary's tail whipped around her, guiding her flight as well as it could. She slammed into a large oak tree. Leaves fell around her as she jumped to the ground. Her large breasts annoyed her as she ran, first on her legs and then on all fours. The tigress was trying to insert herself into the fight between William and Richard but couldn't find an opening. Mid-stride, Mary grabbed the trailing leash and yanked. The woman's hands grabbed at her throat, short black claws trying to dig into the now overly tight collar. Before she could get a grip, she was airborne. Now she held her hands out to land on all fours, her own long tail lashing out up and behind her. Before she landed, Mary yanked again, pulling the woman to her. The tigress spun, her tail wrapping around her thick leg as she was dragged along the ground. Mary dropped on her at the last moment, pulling back the woman's muzzle. As fast as she could, she wrapped the leash around the woman's neck, tightening as she did.

The woman's claws scratched at Mary's arms and face but soon she was trying to cut through the chain around her neck. Mary's bicep muscles bulged as she pulled. She pushed herself back, sliding fur against fur along the other woman. She shoved her foot against the woman's shoulder blades and pulled even harder, grunting with effort. The large muscles of the other woman's back strained in protest as her body bent backwards. Suddenly, she heard a loud cracking sound and the other woman's lower body stopped moving. Mary howled in delight and turned the tigress over. The woman's one good eye was rolled back while her long pink tongue lolled to the side. Mary dug her hands into the orange and black fur between the other woman's breasts and pulled, cracking open the woman's ribcage with a fountain of blood. She tore the woman's beating heart out of her chest. A part of her demanded her to eat it but, in her mind, the woman was still human. She tossed the heart aside and turned to Richard.

Richard was doing less well against his adversary. William had Richard pinned to the ground with Richard's arm up behind his back. Mary snarled, launching herself against her uncle. He somehow anticipated her attack and rolled away at the last instant. Richard immediately sat up on knees, panting with the exertion. Three of his teeth were missing but he could feel an itching in his gums that he hoped were new ones growing in. Mary crouched beside him, butting his head with her own. A low growl started in the back of Richard's throat before being picked up by Mary. He pushed forward to his hands and feet, tail erect behind him. They ran, together. William howled loud and long when they crashed into him.

William's massive paw crashed down into Mary's shoulder, crushing through bone and muscle, nearly separating her arm from the shoulder. Mary howled in pain, her good hand clawing curiously in front of her. Richard latched onto William's other arm and he did bite through. Blood and fur flooded his mouth in a torrent. Richard spat the piece of forearm to the side and then jerked back, narrowly avoiding a swipe to the muzzle by William's other arm. Mary was still scrabbling when her paw found William's manhood. Something like a grin pulled the lips of her muzzle back and she yanked, tearing William's thick member away from his body. William's scream was inhuman. He twisted, throwing Richard and Mary away before collapsing in front of them. He was mewling while kicking his legs over and over in the dark earth.

Richard pounced, slamming the breath out of William. Richard's muzzle worked furiously at William's neck, tearing and biting through tendons, muscles and veins. Blood spurted in time to William's heartbeat. His kicking slowed. Still, Richard bit and tore until William's throat was a red ruin. The beast kicked once, twice and then lay still. Richard looked to Mary and found her tapping the claw of her index finger against her breast. Richard finally understood. He bent over William, digging expertly to extract his heart. He pulled and it came away easily. Like Mary, he threw the heart aside rather than devour it.

Both Mary and Richard were covered in dark brown blood. Mary's long tongue made a slow circuit of her muzzle, clearing away blood, dirt and pieces of flesh. He went to her but then stopped. Ranjit! He remembered suddenly. He whirled but the creature was gone. Where Richard had tangled with him lay a dusty, rotted hand. I got him after all. He knew he could follow him if he had to but he risked exposing himself to the townsfolk - a risk neither of them was willing to take.

Instead, they collapsed together, simply happy to be alive. Their change back took a long time but it finally did. They buried the bodies of the unnamed woman and her uncle - both still locked in their half animal forms. Ranjit's hand turned to ash when they tried to move it.

The sun hung fat and red on the horizon. They bathed together inside, making love slowly in the hot water and again on the bed when they were finished. Every time felt different - every position wondrous. He could barely remember why he had bothered waiting; it felt natural to physically share their love.

By nightfall they finally rested. Mary's head rested on Richard's shoulder while she made little circles in his chest hair with her fingers.

"Where will we go, Richard? I can't stay here. Not any more. The town feels too small now. I want to stretch my legs and see the world."

Richard considered for a moment. "To India. Or wherever that creature is headed. I feel as if the world is new to me, Mary. Creatures like Ranjit and the woman, ourselves - what else is there? I want to see it. He will show us. We will track him and learn about this strange new world. I have enough money saved to fund our journey until the asylum and cottage are sold and I can offer my services as a traveling surgeon with you as my nurse."

He kissed her forehead gently. "Miss Havers, if you would do me the honor of accompanying me?"

Mary grinned at Richard - a toothy, impish grin. "No, Richard. But Mrs. Miller would follow you anywhere."


October 13, 1835

Dearest Father,

I am writing to you from the HMS Vindictive. I've signed on temporarily as the ship's surgeon (secondary) while on route to India where I will make my own way.

I have unexpected news! Mary Havers and I were happily married this past night by the ship's captain. She is accompanying me to India while acting as my nurse. I have shown her a few things useful for the trade and she is a quick study. I love her dearly and I know that, in time, you would love her as your own daughter. Perhaps one day we will visit -- if our journey takes us that way.

I pray this letter finds it way to you via our mutual friend. I'm sure you received my message earlier and, if so, please pay it no mind. Mary's uncle has decided to find his fortune in other lands far away from here and will no longer be a threat.

I have learned quite a lot since we were together last and I expect I shall learn even more before we meet again.

Your Loving Son,

Richard Miller

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BruceWoBruceWoalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful story. Would love another chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
"The She-Wolf"

This was an excellent werewolf story as they are my favorite followed by vampire and then succubus. I gave you 5-STARS for this wonderful werewolf story. I would like to see you continue this wonderful story with Mary and Richard's adventures in India and their search for the Ranjit.

Retired Army NCO

first comment on the site

your story is fantastic with very little to no errors and it is the first story i felt storngly enough about to comment and make my opinion know. I love how it wasnt just pointless sex and you build to the moment make me want them to have sex more over time. the imagery was very vivid and i found myself mimicking some of the things that they were doing with their expessions purely insticntually. you managed to fit a few funnies in there along with some emotional situation that made me cringe and grit my teeth in anger. Overall this story has made its way into my favorites list both online and in my mind 5 of 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very Well Written

I like your story and the time period as well. I like how you wrote it and how it played out in the end with Mary's uncle getting killed. I'm somewhat of a writer myself but I'm sure I couldn't do something like what you have written. Good job and keep up the stories. I hope to read another section of this when it is ready.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Amazing Story!!!

This story is the best erotic short novel I have ever read. It was very well written, the characters were well developed, and it didn't totally revole around the sex. Excellent editting, there were no errors. Keep on writing! You have a gift, and I would love to read more! :-)

Beasts_onyxBeasts_onyxover 11 years ago

Probably my favorite thing about this story is the time period you chose to write it in. I loved the mannerisms and feel like you really captured the story. I do hope you choose to do something else with the story, but it is also appreciate as a stand alone piece. Job well done and good luck in the contest.


itachidark27itachidark27over 11 years ago

keep up lycan man... i learned a lot from you...!

LycandopeLycandopeover 11 years agoAuthor

Entirely possible! This and "The Change" are ones that're left purposefully open so I could continue them if I wanted.

Thank you very much for the compliments!

HurbsterHurbsterover 11 years ago

Bravo ! The transformation description was excellently done and the rest of the story was great as well. I would hope that you continue these adventures as they explore their new world.

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