The Silver Anklet Ch. 08


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I must have had a worried look on my face as Tracey quickly tried to rescue the situation. 'Nothing too weird, just your wrists I promise. I've bought these toy handcuff things online from the same place I bought your outfit. They won't hurt or anything 'cos I tried them out when I wore them for my boyfriend. Made his day I can tell you!' This made me laugh and Tracey joined in, clearly pleased that her anecdote had eased the slight degree of tension that had built up. 'So will you let me put them on you?' She looked at me earnestly.

My initial shock had died down and I have to admit that the more I thought about being restrained by handcuffs in Christine's presence, the more I warmed to the idea. The whole scenario was becoming kinkier by the minute, and it was certainly appealing to my submissive nature. Tracey had introduced the idea in such a light-hearted way that it felt churlish to disappoint her. 'Well, all right, I suppose so,' I replied and Tracey gave a little squeal of delight. Then another thought occurred to me. 'What did you mean when you said you'd bought me an outfit?'

Just at that moment, Tracey's mobile phone buzzed. 'She's on her way now. She'll be here in 15 minutes,' she said, looking at the screen. 'Come on, let's go!' She grabbed my hand again, pulled me up off the sofa and led me into her bedroom. To say I was stunned is an understatement of my reaction to what I saw as I was led into the room and I stood dumbstruck as I took it all in. The room was not particularly large but had been tastefully decorated like in the rest of the flat in mostly white and cream colours making it look larger than it was, as did a huge mirror on one of the walls. The thick cream carpet was sprinkled with what looked like rose petals of pink and red, as was the white silk sheets on the bed which dominated the centre of the room. Attached to the wall above the brass bedhead was a large banner saying 'Happy 50th Birthday Christine' and there were groups of helium balloons on strings with the same message scattered around the room, weighted down so that they remained in place. On a dressing table was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket with two glasses, next to which was a glass vase containing a huge bunch of red roses. More rose petals were scattered randomly on the bed.

'Well? What do you think of your little love nest?' said Tracey eagerly seeking approval for her hard work.

'Wow, I don't know what to say.It's amazing. It must have taken you ages to prepare,' I said admiringly.

'Wasn't too bad. My boyfriend helped me yesterday. He thinks you must be a bit of a nympho. He suggested I hide a spy camera so we can watch what goes on, the perv, but I told him there was no way that was going to happen! Now, take that off and we'll get you dressed -- well, kind of,' she said, pointing to my attire and giggling. I slipped off the robe and stood naked while she rummaged in a drawer in the dressing table. She pulled out something small and white and passed it to me.

'I want you to wear this little number. I hope you like it. I think Chris will love it that's the main thing. It'll make you look all virginal and innocent to match your baby face. You'll be the perfect little dolly. Quick! She'll be here in a minute.' She thrust the garment in my hands and I unfurled it. It was miniscule and I didn't think I could possibly get into it. I stood there hesitating over this and also, despite my earlier horniness, as the time grew near I was getting increasingly nervous and starting to doubt the wisdom of agreeing to this little rendezvous. I didn't have the courage, however, to let this girl down after all the trouble she had clearly gone to make her friend's birthday such a memorable one.

Luckily, Tracey intervened, seemingly sensing my apprehension, and I was pleased to have the decision taken out of my hands and to let her dictate the situation.

'Don't you fucking dare back out on me now. Put it on and stop pretending you're not up for this. I think we both know the truth don't we?' Her voice was stern and forceful belying her young age.

Tracey was right. Despite my sudden show of reluctance, deep down I was yearning to see her reaction as she she saw me dressed up for her and then the feeling of Christine's experienced hands exploring and caressing my body. I nodded shyly in agreement and, with a bit of a struggle, eventually squeezed into the flimsy item I had been holding. It was a white fishnet cat-suit with long sleeves that ended at the wrist with a frilly cuff of pink lace. Similarly the legs ended just above the ankles with a pink lace trim, leaving my feet bare. There was a halter top, again trimmed with pink lace, which plunged almost as far as my navel and, at the base of the halter, was a little pink bow matching the bows in my pigtails. My now totally bald pussy was fully exposed as the catsuit was crotchless, with the opening also trimmed with the lace. I saw myself in the wall mirror and I had to admit the effect was quite stunning and erotic and the feeling of the tightly stretched fishnet against my skin coupled with the cool feeling of the open crotch area made me feel sexy.

'Well? What do you think?' asked Tracey, 'turn round and let me see you.' I did as I was told, rotating slowly in front of the young girl and giving my bottom a little wiggle as I faced away from her, which made her laugh.

'Yeah, she's gonna love you. I think I've done a good job; just the right balance between innocence and sluttiness,' she said, looking me up and down thoughtfully. 'Oh, I nearly forgot, put this on,' she added, delving into the pocket of her tight jeans. 'It's your ankle bracelet; I found it in the bathroom. I noticed it on you earlier and I thought it looked very sexy. I might get one myself, I think Darren would like it.' Tracey thrust my treasured gift from Uncle Ron into my hands and I bent down and fastened it on my left ankle.

By this time my heart was racing, knowing that Christine would be there at any moment. My emotions were a mixture of excitement, horniness and extreme nervousness. I jumped as the young girl's commanding voice rang out again.

'Right, babe, up on the bed with you and I'll add the finishing touches to your little display. Just let me do what I need to do because I want it to be just perfect for my friend, so no arguments, OK? We don't have time.' I nodded agreement and climbed on the bed as directed, my mind-set having gone totally into submissive mode. I stretched out on my back, the rose petals clinging to my skimpy costume and bare skin, and awaited my next instruction.

'Right. Legs apart I think...and knees raised...yes, that's it,' she said pulling my legs around until she was satisfied with their position. 'I want my friend to have a good look at that bald fanny of yours so she knows what she can look forward to over the weekend.'

Just thinking about what was in prospect for me in the near future was producing a physical response from my body. My nipples were hardening and feeling over-sensitive as they poked through the mesh of my tight-fitting costume. My outer labia were swelling and peeling apart, assisted by my spread leg posture, and my pussy was oozing moisture again.

My aroused state did not go unnoticed by Tracey. 'Ooh, you're leaking again! And I didn't even touch you this time. Seems like you're getting just a teeny bit turned on, you randy little mare,' she said without any malice, staring at my pussy and giggling at my predicament. 'Right, let's get those cuffs on. Hands behind your back please Lucy.' Tracey retrieved the handcuffs from a drawer and I sat on the edge of the bed while she attached them to my wrists. 'Ill leave the key in the drawer. Oh, and tell Chris there's some other kinky stuff in there which I bought online. I'm sure she knows what to do with them!'

I shuddered to think of what the drawer contained, but my thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell chiming, making me jump and give out a little squeal of surprise.

'She's here! Right, just a couple of finishing touches I think.' She turned and retrieved something from a drawer, then bent down and tied something to the big toe of my right foot. She must have seen a puzzled look on my face as she quickly explained. 'It's a gift tag, seeing as you're my birthday gift to Chris. I thought it would be a nice touch. Oh, one last thing,' she said, as the doorbell rang again. She quickly pulled out a rose from the vase. 'It'll make you look even more helpless and available, if that's possible!' With that, she clamped the stem between my teeth, then dashed from the room to answer the door.

I winced as a thorn pricked my tongue but decided to play along, thinking that the rose in my mouth was an ultimate sign of my submissiveness. I lay back with my head against a fluffy white pillow, with my heart thumping with nervousness, and adopted the position I had been instructed: my legs raised and spread apart invitingly.

I heard muffled voices outside, then the bedroom door began opening very slowly. By this time my pussy was literally gushing in anticipation of what was in prospect for me

'Keep your eyes closed until I say, promise me!' I heard Tracey say excitingly.

'OK, OK, I promise,' came the reply, in a deeper, more mature but familiar voice, 'you really didn't have to get me anything else you silly girl. I'm happy just having our night out together.'

'Oh, I think you'll change your mind about that when you open your eyes.'

The door opened fully and the two women shuffled in. Christine led the way with Tracey close behind. Tracey's hands were covering the older woman's eyes from behind. The birthday girl was a good deal taller than Tracey, so the younger girl had to stretch her arms upwards. On the two occasions I had seen Christine she had been dressed in her professional white tunic. In contrast, she was now looking rather glamorous in a black trouser suit, black suede ankle boots and a low-cut, crisp white blouse, revealing a tantalising amount of ample cleavage and a hint of a black lacy bra. Her thick, greying, dark hair was hanging loosely around her shoulders making her look younger than her fifty years.

'OK, are you ready? Happy birthday!' Tracey whipped her hands away with a flourish. Christine blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the scene in front of her, then her jaw dropped open and I could see her take a huge intake of breath.

'Oh!...Oh my!...Lucy?....I don't believe it...I...I...' Christine stumbled over her words, staring at me with a look of sheer astonishment on her face

'I thought you might like your special fiftieth birthday surprise. I'll be staying over at Darren's until tomorrow night so she's all yours for the rest of the weekend. I'll be going to the restaurant tonight with Darren, I hope you don't mind. There's food and drink in the fridge, just help yourself. If you have time, that is!' Tracey giggled, then looked at me. 'Lucy, why don't you greet your new owner?'

I still had the rose wedged between my teeth, so I just lifted my hand and gave Christine a little wave.

'Are you sure about this Lucy? I'd be thrilled if you are but I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do,' Christine said looking at me quizzically. I nodded my head to reassure her.

Tracey giggled again. 'You bet she is. It didn't take much to persuade her to come here and she's been dripping wet all afternoon as I got her ready for you, as you can probably see. Open those legs a bit wider Lucy and let Chris see what a dirty girl you are.'

I nodded my head in compliance and moved my legs further apart. I looked down and saw that my labia were noticeably glistening with moisture.

'She's a real little squirter your lady friend isn't she,' Tracey added, and the two women burst out laughing as they stared openly at my oozing crotch, causing me to squirm with embarrassment. 'She's obviously gagging for it, so I'd best get going and leave you two alone. Darren will be wondering where I've got to. Don't forget, you've got the flat to yourselves for the rest of the weekend. I won't be back until late tomorrow, but I'll text you to let you know when I'll be back. Have fun!'

The two women hugged and kissed and then Tracey was gone. I was now helpless and alone with this mature woman, nearly thirty years my senior, and my heart lurched with nervousness. But my nervousness was tinged with excitement as I remembered our time together just a few short weeks previously and the mind-blowing orgasm she had given me. It was my first experience of lesbian sex and one I shall never forget.

Christine must have read my thoughts. 'I guess you were satisfied with my massage service then, young lady?' she said, still standing in the doorway. I nodded in agreement. 'I suppose you already know that I can be a bit bossy and like to have my way, although no doubt Tracey has told you all about me and what I like. I hope you're OK with that.' I nodded again, making her chuckle. 'Oh, I'm so happy! Being a bit of a bitch has been my downfall in the past with my relationships but it looks like you might just be different. I hope so anyway!'

She bent down and unzipped and removed her ankle boots, then slowly approached the bed as if being too hurried might frighten me off. I fidgeted nervously.

'Oh my goodness, you are so beautiful. I just can't believe my luck.' She sat on the end of the bed and gently took hold of my right foot. She untied the gift tag attached to my toe and giggled as she read the inscription aloud. 'To my great friend Christine. I hope you have fun playing with your doll. Enjoy! Oh that silly girl,' she muttered to herself. Still holding my foot, she bent down and kissed me gently on the sole giving me a tingling sensation all over my body.

She stood up and walked round the side of the bed. The reality of the situation suddenly dawned on me and I shifted uneasily as she approached, pulling futilely at my restraints. Christine seemed amused at my efforts.

'It's a bit late to play hard-to-get now madam, don't you think? But I'll leave if you really want me to. Is that what you want?'

I didn't know what I wanted at that point. Yes, I was confused, frightened, and apprehensive about the situation I found myself embroiled in. But, above all that, and overpowering all my other conflicting emotions, I was unbelievably horny.

Christine waited patiently for my response, and then her face creased into a wide smile when she saw my head shaking slowly from side to side to indicate that was not what I wanted at all. I was confirming to this attractive, mature divorcee that I was prepared to submit myself to her. This was all the encouragement she needed. She bent down and removed the rose from between my lips, and, in a flash, she seemed to lose all her previous composure and I suddenly found her weighty body on top of me, pressing me down into the soft folds of the bed so that I could hardly move, with her tongue virtually down my throat.

I was taken aback by her sudden change in demeanour and, struggling to breathe, I gasped as I wriggled beneath her. Christine's tongue continued to explore my mouth and I opened my own mouth wider to accommodate her. My shackled hands prevented me from touching her which I desperately wanted to do. Instead, I wrapped my legs around her lower back and locked my ankles together to signpost my submission to her advances, eliciting from her a groan of approval.

Still on top of me, her hands began to explore my fishnet-clad body and I let out a little shriek as she found my nipples poking through the material. They felt unbelievably sensitive and I began to pant uncontrollably as she tweaked them with her long fingers then flicked them with the tip of her wet tongue.

'Ooh! They're hard for me, you gorgeous girl.'

She continued to tongue my ultra-sensitive nipples while a hand moved gradually up my thigh and then squeezed me roughly between my legs making my hips jump momentarily off the bed.

'And wet for me too. Look.' She put her hand in front of my face and I saw that the palm of her hand was shiny with my secretions and I could smell the distinctive pungent odour of my sex. Then her fingers slid inside me -- first one, then two and finally a third -- wiggling and probing the slick walls of my vagina, expertly seeking out the most sensitive areas. Then her head dipped down between my legs and her tongue began gently and lightly flicking against my engorged clit while her fingers continued their internal probing. I pushed her head down with my hands as I wiggled and writhed beneath her.

I was totally overcome by the feelings and, much as I would have liked for my lover's administrations to go on forever, I couldn't hold myself back and I came big - very big. I screamed as the orgasm overpowered me and afterwards felt relieved that the immediate neighbours were either deaf or away from home as I think the noise I was making could well have been misinterpreted as something more sinister.

'Shhh baby girl, sssh,' whispered Christine, as she held me close while my orgasmic spasms slowly subsided. And then I took her totally by surprise by suddenly bursting into floods of tears as everything suddenly overwhelmed me. Everything I had done over the last few weeks, everything I had experienced suddenly consumed my thoughts and I sobbed uncontrollably. I only had myself to blame for how far things had reached but this did not stop my unedifying display of self-pity. There was one thought, however, that overrode all the others -- the thought that I may be pregnant and, worse still, that the father could not possibly have been my husband.

Christine seemed to be taken aback by my sudden outburst and, perhaps thinking she had upset me in some way, immediately freed me from the handcuffs with a concerned look on her face.

'Whatever's the matter Lucy? Did I do something wrong sweetheart? Did you not like being cuffed?'

'No, no. It's not that. It''s...oh God, I've been such a bitch. I've done so many bad things and I...I... can't seem to stop myself.' I whimpered.

'Is it something to do with that old man you were with at the hotel?' I nodded then wrapped my arms around her and buried my head in her chest still sobbing.

'I thought as much. Why don't you tell me all about what's been going on. I'm sure it can't be that bad.'

'It is! It is!' I wailed, and then, in between racking sobs, I blurted out the whole shameful story of the last few weeks, starting with my re-acquaintance with Uncle Ron and his corrupting influence over me. As I was recounting my story, Christine's facial expressions varied between wide-eyed amazement, disbelief and occasional amusement. Midway through my saga I stopped as Christine suddenly began removing her blouse and trousers, revealing very sexy black lacy bra and pants and black patterned hold-up stockings. I was momentarily transfixed by the sight of her mature fleshy body being gradually exposed, but she waved at me impatiently to continue.

As I resumed my storytelling she took off her bra then cuddled up behind me. I suppose I was expecting an outpouring of sympathy or pity from Christine but instead my words just seemed to turn her on and she clearly became increasingly aroused as my tale unfolded.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as she began again to tweak and flick my over-sensitive nipples through the white mesh of my catsuit causing me to temporarily halt while I gasped for air.

'Don't stop! I want to know everything!'

I felt compelled to unburden myself to this mature woman and the more lurid my descriptions the more aroused she seemed to get so, to please her, despite my acute embarrassment, I tried my hardest to tell her every detail of my recent shameful extra-marital encounters. Occasionally she would ask me to repeat parts of my story, almost as if she could not quite believe what I was saying. As I continued to talk I felt her wriggling behind me and her free hand moving. I looked down and saw her panties were now down around her ankles and from her hand movements and heavy breathing on the back of my neck I realised that she was now frigging herself.