The Storm Ch. 03 of 03


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That would just be wrong.

They had finished their drinks. Time to go.

Tomorrow wasn't far off.


Sonya wasn't sure what she expecting, as she walked into class. She was a little nervous - that much she was sure of. It was reflected in the way she had dressed up a little - like she had just accidentally thrown on clothes that complimented her curves and accented her beauty. This nervousness may have had something to do with the fact that she had gone from acquaintance to lover with her classmate - who was present - in the space of a few hours - and hadn't talked to him since.

What was the status quo? She didn't know.

So she was a little surprised when absolutely nothing happened. Rick was in his customary row directly in front of her and the class proceeded in the way that it usually did. They nodded at each other and exchanged pleasantries and sat there for an hour, pretending to listen to the teacher drone on - her eyes frequently straying to the broad back sitting in front of her.

The banality of the situation actually weirded her out.

She had been looking for signs - indications of some sort - of impending drama - for anger - for blackmail - for clinging - for some sort of relationship catfight with standoffs and ultimatums. Maybe even some threats. She was emotionally and mentally energized to do battle - but there was no fight.

There was just nothing. Not really.

So she turned nothing into something and approached Rick after class. She tried oh-so-hard to sound casual, but oddly enough, often it feels unnatural to act natural. She felt the thump of her heart speed up a little bit as he turned towards her.

"Hey Sonya," he said - so casual - so seemingly at ease that she actually questioned herself and what she was doing.

His mouth was so distracting.

"How's it going?" that rich, familiar voice.

Audio chocolate.

His hands...


This is important. Stay on target.

"Rick, can I talk to you?"


"What do you mean you have a girlfriend?!" Sonya exclaimed - her voice taking on a slightly banshee-ish tone.

Rick was staring at her. They were standing by the same table this had all started at. His knapsack was casually slung over one shoulder. He looked like he was auditioning for a commercial. She had dragged him towards this area - unsure of exactly how to proceed. Fortunately she didn't have to worry about that - Rick had just given her a perfect place to begin.

I didn't say it was 'perfectly good' however.

It leaned more towards the other direction.

"What do you mean, what do you mean I have a girlfriend?" he countered quickly, shifting a little uncomfortably.

Well played, sir. Well played indeed.

Now he looked like a knapsack extra about to record takes that would required a completely false projection of pure confidence and relaxation, pure comfort. He looked all too normal, all to human, all too vulnerable. Uncomfortable. People glanced at them after Sonya's exclamation as the sea of people continued by.

"What do I mean?!" she squawked. It struck her that this exchange was quite possibly one of the most redundant arguments she had ever had. She felt like she should be in a courtroom or something.

Objection. Sustained.

"I mean how could you do that to her?" How could you do that to me! I thought you were a nice guy!" Sonya felt angry. She wasn't sure why, exactly, but she felt a little betrayed. You could clearly see it in her stance, in her face, even if you didn't exactly know what you were looking for. The folded arms, the furrowed brow, the outraged tone.

She was clearly disrupting his zen. He looked and sounded a little angry as he responded, shifting his knapsack to his other shoulder. It looked heavy. Sonya had just tossed hers on the table - her textbook anchor.

Were they staying or going?

"I am a nice guy. Look, I'm sorry that I fucked up your life - but I didn't mean too. I feel like a shitbag about what I did, but that doesn't give you an excuse to be an asshole about it".

"Fuck you, Rick!"

Rick looked down at her, then. There was something cold that had appeared in his eyes - in his expression - that was the opposite of attractive. She really didn't like it. It made her feel small - insignificant, unimportant.

One of the things that had attracted her to Rick was the warmth in his eyes. Like she was being hugged on some level every time looked at her. Like she was accepted, embraced, wanted.

Not now, though.

He was looking at her like she was something unpleasant he needed to wipe off his shoe.

Sonya tried to fire the same look back, but it wasn't in her. She wilted after a few moments.

The fires of outrage tend to burn themselves out rather quickly.

"Sorry," she said, her eyes breaking contact and darting to the side, "that was too far".

Rick said nothing, but that ugly cold look in his eyes was fading. Something in his expression softened.

Wiew. Talk about chilly.

"Why are you getting so angry?" he asked - a little more forcefully then was strictly necessary. And a little mystified. His one night stand was acting awfully possessive.

"Why am I getting angry? Because I cheated on my fiance!", she exclaimed. "I'm angry because I got drunk and fucked up, and on TOP of that, I've just discovered that I'm responsible for fucking somebody ELSE'S relationship, too".

It sounded really obvious when you put it like that.

Pause. Process. Continue.

"I'm angry because I couldn't even tell Steve-"

"Who?" he interrupted cleanly, seeking clarification.

"My fiance, Rick!"


"-what I'd done when he came over the next morning, and the few people I HAVE talked too have been so fucking nonchalant about it - like it's not a big deal. But it IS a big deal. I'm not that kind of person that cheats - but I did!"

Take a breath. Go on.

"I cheated and I don't know what to do about it. I'm pissed because I'm screwed - completely screwed! - and the best I could come up with today was to dress up fucking nicely and hope you would come crawling and give me something to work with".

He was just looking at her as she breathed life to the whirl of emotions running through her, a vaguely sympathetic look on his face. His thoughts have may have been running along similar lines, come to think of it.

They stood facing each other, at their table.

"And worst of all," she lowered her head, her eyes and her voice dropped to a defeated, confessional whisper as she crossed her arms together, hugging herself in her moment of weakness; "I loved it and would probably do it again given half a chance".


There were the tears she had been waiting for.

Hot and vision blurring and probably messing up her make-up.

She was a little surprised then when he enveloped her with his arms. Surprised and more than a little relieved. They were both in the same boat, the same situation - but the physical assurance was nice. She leaned into him, and her big brown eyes were a little dewy, partially from guilt, and shame.

Partially from relief.

She wasn't alone.

Did she just sniffle?

Dear lord.

Okay, time to get it together.

Rick felt nice against her cheek, though. Mmm. She may have nuzzled it a bit.

No rush.

They stayed like that for a moment as the people flooded by - an unremarkable stream of humanity moving on, moving by. She felt oddly... natural, standing there being hugged by Rick. Very comfortable. A feeling that's hard to properly convey unless you've experienced it. Her cheek laid on his chest. His cheek on the crown of her head.

He smelled nice.

He felt nicer.


After a few moments had passed and she, very quietly, very distinctly, heard him say;

"I want you".

She pulled out of his embrace and looked at him in disbelief.

"You can't be serious" she said, "you have a girlfriend".

"I do" he replied, his voice calm, his eyes on her face.

"I have a fiance!" she said - still touching his arm.

Who was she trying to convince?

"You do", again simply.

"What about her? What about Steve?"

"She's a nice girl - we've only been on a few dates - and I'm sure... Steve?... is a great guy to have somebody like you" he said, "but... there's just something about you Sonya. I don't know if you feel the same way - but I feel like I belong to you and that you belong to me. And if you don't want this go on, you just say the word and I'll drop it - but I'll be damned if I just let you go without being honest about it."

Sonya wasn't sure whether that was one of the most romantic things anyone had ever said to her, or one of the craziest. They hadn't exactly known each other for very long time.

Mostly romantic.

Maybe a little crazy.

They aren't mutually exclusive, after all.

There's a feeling you have with certain people you meet, though. Sometimes faint - sometimes strong - but you get the feeling that, regardless of what your interactions are with this person - it's supposed to happen. Que sera, sera. It could all be circumstantial and coincidental mumbo jumbo, absolutely - but you sometimes get a feeling that, for whatever reason, particular people in your life are important.

Instant chemistry.

Magnetic attraction.

Love at first sight.

Call it what you will - it exists. It exists even if you don't believe it does - and that's why it's so powerful - because it can come along seemingly out of nowhere and enter your life and fuck everything up. Rarely does such seemingly divine passion, such random obsession, abruptly enter and significantly alter a person's life without leaving some sort of trail of destruction in it's wake.

And you can choose - everyone gets to choose (even if they don't realize it) whether to accept or reject those people - those moments in your life - those choices - that you are presented with.


It's a bitch.

She stared at Rick. On the exterior she looked neat, beautifully composed and organized. The interior was another story - a swirling turmoil of chaos and uncertainty. She was on the brink - standing there, feeling like something significant was crumbling inside. Failing. Sonya was standing there, trying to process what he had just told her, what she was feeling, when Rick did the only appropriate thing that there was to do.

He kissed her.

She saw it coming. She could have moved away, turned her chin, politely let it die.

But she didn't.

It was a little awkward, sure. Her cheeks were still a little moist and there may have been a few stray hairs in the way preventing the moment from being as picture perfect it may have otherwise been, and he had to shift himself a little awkwardly to keep his heavy knapsack from bludgeoning her - but it was a true kiss. A good one.

People looked.

Let 'em.

She was tentative about it at first - undoubtedly - the situation, the public space, but after a moment, she made up her mind and ignored everything else and just enjoyed it. The intensity of their lip locking started to pick up a little when she pulled herself back, distancing them. He looked a little uncertain until he saw the way she was looking up at him - pure lust in her dark eyes.

Which was perfectly mirrored in his.

"Come on" she said, a little breathily, "follow me".


She led him out to the parking lot - walking a little quickly and leading him by the end. Few words were spoken. They weren't needed.

Sonya ushered Rick into her car and got in the driver's seat. He was looking at her as she tossed the keys onto the dashboard and straddled him, her mouth locking hungrily onto his. Her hands travelled over his broad chest as his hands tangled in her hair. She moaned quietly into his mouth as her hands travelled lower and she felt him through his pants, feeling him swell at her touch. She dipped a hand under his waistline and touched him. The effect was immediate.

Just hearing his breathing change as she touched him was exciting her. Just knowing she had this power over him - and he over her - turned her on in a very primal way.

Their kisses became hungrier, wetter, nastier as tongues played back and forth. His hands roamed freely over her body, brushing her breasts, gripping her ass, teasing between her legs - they were everywhere she wanted them to be. Finally they broke off, both taking a moment to breathe and recover.

"Get in the back" he said, his voice a little hoarse.

She pulled off her light sweater and undid the buttons of her jeans, wiggling her ass a little bit, trying to comfortably loosen them as she waited for him to follow. He took his shirt off as he joined her. It was a little cold, but that really didn't see to bother him at all - and just a moment later she was reminded of how hot he perpetually felt to the touch as she touched him again. Their lips met again as he settled on top of her, her legs instinctively wrapping around him, bringing him closer, feeling him against her.

His hand deftly undid her bra and she shucked it off, leaving him free to caress her firm breast, playing and toying with her nipple, he gazed down at her - mock-thrusting into her, again and again, letting her feel how painfully hard he was - a clear indication of just how much he wanted her. She loved listening to his breathing change as he was obviously thinking of fucking her - it became deeper, heavier, less controlled. She moaned a little as he scratched an itch that had been building up in her since she had last seen him.

He sat up after a minute and began pulling her seemingly skin tight jeans down her long, toned legs with ease. No argument there.

Rick took the moment to undo his own pants.

Okay, now Sonya was a little nervous.

As Rick settled on top of her again, nervousness transitioned to nervous excitement. She was getting naked with a beautiful man in the back seat of her truck in a (mostly) vacant parking lot - something she had never done before - with just a thin piece of her undergarment separating her from him. She had a flashback of their first night together and gave a pleasured little groan as he pressed against her again. His need more intense. His desire more overwhelming.

They kissed and tongued and caressed each other for a few minutes - the windows of the cab beginning to fog up a little.

They played like that for a time before Rick began to delicately trace a route with his fingers from her ear to her collarbone to the tips of her achingly sensitive breasts and over her stomach and down past her navel- each landmark seemingly more sensitive than the one before it - and then slipped underneath the line of her boxers...

Her breathe caught in her throat. She whimpered and closed her eyes.

His hand encompassed her, his fingers played along the hot edges and she was very clearly wet for him. She was looking at his face, his body, breathing hard as the sensations he was causing her with seemingly so little effort rolled across her face as she pulled his face to her - needing to kiss him, to taste him. She gasped when he finally penetrated her with his finger.

Rather then immediate thrust deeply inside of her, he merely curled his middle finger around and rubbed that particularly sensitive spot - which caused Sonya to start losing control of her hips. His hand and her body played to a particularly ancient rhythm that only they could hear. Almost desperately, she reached for his bare erection and rubbed him, trying to relieve some of the pressure building inside of her. Jesus, he was big. He moaned as she gripped him, feverishly, urgently, and caressed him.

Eventually a second finger joined the first and he began thrusting in and out of her. Wet sounds filled the air as he brought her ever closer to orgasm.

Her hips jerked against his hand, again and again, until her body seemed to consist of nothing but twitches and uncontrollable muscle spasms.

"Fuck me", she moaned, gasping, "I need you to fuck me".

Rick needed no further encouragement. He had been desperately trying to resist that overwhelming, primal urge to penetrate her from almost the moment they had entered her truck - his self-control slipping away as this beautiful woman moaned and gasped and shuddered underneath him. There was a distinct odour of sex that was beginning to permeate the car - it only served to reinforce the experience. The incense of sex.

Ripping her soaked underwear off and climbing into that familiar position between her spread legs, he positioned himself. Looking into her eyes, he slipped inside of her, dipping in and out a little in order to lubricate himself. He loved the look that came over her face - as her gaze turned inwards, to the sensation of him entering her. Unable to restrain himself from enjoying the tight, wet, gripping sensation that enveloped his member, he steadily thrust into her to the hilt.

She grunted and her eyes slammed shut. A pained look came over her face as she struggled to compensate.

"You okay?" he gasped, feeling a little guilty, pulling back a little, trying to focus on something other than how perfect she felt wrapped around him and how much he just wanted to pound into her.

"It's fine," she said, between slightly clenched teeth, "just give me a minute to get used to it". She was gasping, trying to relax.

He moved his hips more gently, backwards, and the pained furrows in her brow lessened accordingly. He was almost out before he continued thrusting inwards again, more gently this time, in more of a rocking motion. He did this for a time as she adjusted to him, both of them panting - struggling to stay in control. Rick was desperately focusing on his breathing, trying to focus on pleasuring the woman of his dreams, rather then the almost overwhelming sensation of being inside her.

It was hard though. She could feel him swelling inside of her as he clamped down and struggled not to finish too quickly.

"Hey, let me up" she proposed after a minute. Rick backed off and slid out, almost sad as he did so. He wanted to be inside her so badly that even a few moments felt torturous. Had he done something wrong?

Directing him to face forward, she straddled his hips while facing in the same direction and pushed down. Let the boy enjoy his view as she went to work. Placing her hands on his knees to steady herself, she focused on the feeling of him entering her as she struggled to take him all the way inside of her. Trying not to bump her head against the roof of the car, she rode him backwards.

"Oh jesus, Sonya", Rick clenched his eyes as Sonya slid up and down. From this position, she could control the tempo and the pace. After a few minutes of alternating between grinding her ass into his lap and gyrating up and down, she felt herself starting to reach her peak. Her pace quickened and she was all too aware of his breathing increase as well. She used one hand to play with herself as they neared the end. The muscles in her legs were burning a little, but it was a distant, unimportant fact.

Profanities issued forth from his mouth as he struggled to contain himself, looking at her perfect ass moving up and down in his lap - looking at the hourglass figure of her body - the lines her muscles made on her back.

Perfection was riding him, gripping him, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Sonya", he gasped finally, warning her.

She didn't reply and groaned instead as her own furious climax swept over her, her insides squeezing and spasming around him. It was the tipping point and he could no longer control himself as he pulled her down onto him, thrusting himself deeply inside of her as he came at last - gasping and clutching her as the intensity of it raced through him and into her. They stayed there for a minute or two as he softened and slipped out of her - and she dripped onto the carpeted floor. Ew. What a mess.