The Subject

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A young woman's journey from revenge to love.
40.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 09/16/2006
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"The process," Dr. Willover spoke into her lapel mike as she made minor adjustments on the computer, "while not perfected is, I believe, in the final stages of development." The doctor adjusted her glasses, peered at the display. The wire frame image of the cat reflected in her emerald eyes. Satisfied by what she saw, she continued speaking, causing the idle recorder to spring to life at the sound of her voice.

"In only seven months," she said, her slender fingers tapping away cryptic commands to the computer, "my assistant and I have moved beyond the CGI testing stage into a fully successful recreation of the host material." She paused, reading the numbers that scrolled over the monitor. "The base material for said recreation is working beyond our hypothesized expectations, with no thermal or molecular degeneration so far.

The material itself, while mostly synthetic, does contain a great amount of animal and plant proteins, which can be derived from waste products, the remainder being used to generate the power to run the second phase. This, therefore, makes the process environmentally clean. Dr. Willover leaned back, her long legs stretching out beneath the desk. She yawned as her taut muscles relaxed, begging for sleep. Yet, she continued. "Phase One of the process involves the magnetic resonance and particle displacement of the host material. This is done by generating a 1.21-gigawatt electromagnetic pulse and focusing it into the host material, causing an instantaneous atomic breakdown of the material into energy. This energy, is then 'read' by the computer program and converted into information, this is Phase Two. This information can be stored or, in most cases, instantaneously transmitted via laser into the recombination phase, or Phase Three, which involves the synthetic base materials described earlier, which my assistant has nicknamed, the 'Soup." "As stated before, the entire process from phase one to finish has far exceeded the hypothesized expectations. We are, however at somewhat of a loss to discover the reason for the finished product's...." She paused, looking over at the row of small cages lining the wall beyond the computer desk. Faint sounds of movement came from within the shadowed boxes. "Lack of scale."

"Coffee's here!" Tanya Vale sang as she entered. She bumped the glass double door of the lab open with her behind and backpedaled into the room, gracefully trying not to spill the two cups of coffee occupying her hands.

"It's about time." Dr. Willover groused as she stood and stretched. She glared down at her assistant. Tanya winced as if struck, handed the larger of the two foam cups to the doctor, who immediately tore the top off and examined the contents. "TWO sugars?" she demanded, to which Tanya nodded. Cassandra took a sip of the coffee, and finding nothing wrong with it worth mentioning, set it down atop the computer desk. "Get me the file on last Tuesday's experiment." She snapped.

Tanya brightened at the chance to do something, and said, "The spider monkey? Sure!" She was halfway to the file rack when the knife like voice skewered her.

"It is not a spider monkey, it is an experiment." With her back to the doctor, Tanya rolled her eyes and mouthed the words that she spoke. "How many times do I have to tell you that the sooner you stop thinking in the finite terms of the world, you will open your mind up to the infinite possibilities of science."

Tanya sighed as she fingered her way through the rack of CD ROM files until she found the one she wanted. After it was placed in the drive of the machine, a wire frame primate replaced the computer displayed wire frame cat, and the numbers displaying the subject's height weight and other pertinent data changed accordingly. Dr. Willover tapped out a few commands and the program began to read the file, displaying the results of the experiment in real time graphics and coded information windows. Tanya kept her eyes fixed to the screen, but found them more often than not refocusing on the scarlet spill of hair that swept over Cassandra's neck to well past her shoulder. She shook unbidden and slightly embarrassing images from her mind, and wished that she could as easily dispel the feeling from her loins, which seemed to ache in the proximity of her desire.

Steeling herself against the tide of emotion washing over her, Tanya busied her mind with the task of analyzing the information on the screen. At each step in the process displayed on the screen, Tanya's mind replayed the actual event. First, the sample DNA, in this case, a small amount of blood drawn from a spider monkey, was placed on the mirrored surface of the EMP table. The electromagnet began to charge, emitting a low hum, rising in pitch until it was beyond the range of human hearing. A mirrored cylinder slid down over the sample in a smooth hydraulic motion. Tanya readied herself at the other end of the room, behind the lead glass window of the blast shield, watching as Dr. Willover measured out the precise amount of 'the Soup' into a shallow trough at the other end of the table. This too, was covered by a mirrored lid, and Dr. Willover stepped behind the blast shield.

"Ready one, Tanya."

Tanya flipped a switch, and there was a dull, gut-thumping thud as the electromagnetic pulse hammered down into the blood sample beneath the cylinder. The computer screen before them filled with a jumble of numbers and code, which tapered as it made sense of what it was being told. When it was done, a single line of computer code filled the screen. "Ready."

"Ready two, Tanya." Dr. Willover said, flatly, and Tanya pressed a button. A laser beam ignited between the two mirrored covers.


The computer stated simply "TRANSMITTING..." Neither woman breathed, nor moved. Their eyes fixed to the words on the screen, until, at last, the words changed to "TRANSMISSION COMPLETE."

Dr. Willover stepped out from behind the screen, unlocked the clasps that held the second cylinder down and with a slight humming, the cylinder rose. The 'subject' lay in the bottom of the trough, a perfect duplicate of the original spider monkey. Except for one thing.... "Fifteen percent!" Cassandra cried out and slammed her fist into the table next to the computer. The coffee (with TWO sugars) spilled over onto the floor. Tanya jumped out of the memory. "Why are they all coming out at fifteen percent?" Cassandra slumped in the chair, exhausted.

"Doctor," Tanya offered, "why don't you go to the board with what you have already? You have more than enough data and hard evidence to..."

"The board!?" Cassandra leaped from the chair, knocking it away. "Do you know how hard it was for me to get them to allow me to perform my experiments at this university!? The board looks at me and sees a pair of tits in a lab coat, pretending to be a scientist! If I went to them now, it would be like admitting defeat! Tanya, if there's one thing that you'll learn from your tenure as my student assistant, is that the scientific community is strictly a boys club. And the prettier you are, the harder you have to work to be taken seriously." Cassandra studied Tanya for a moment, and Tanya fought the urge to instinctively flee. "But then," Cassandra said flatly, "I guess you don't have to worry about that, do you?" Cassandra yawned and stretched. "I suppose tomorrow is another day, Tanya." She crossed the room to the door, stripping off her lab coat as she did so.

Tanya tried not to watch the doctor's body unfold from the white linen cocoon, but was enraptured at the beauty of it. She was only able to take her eyes from the woman when Cassandra slipped into her overcoat.

The doctor turned toward Tanya, not looking at her, and rattled off, "Re-file the data from tonight, and get a fresh sample from the freezer for tomorrow's test. Oh, and I need the daily reading from number twelve, also." She turned, opened the door, and then turned back. "Oh, and Tanya?"

"Yes doctor?" Tanya half expected a note of gratitude for the lateness of the hour, or at least the long hours she'd been putting in.

"Clean up that mess." She pointed at the spilled coffee on the floor. With that, she was gone.

Tanya stood for a moment in the silence that filled the room, then breathed a sigh. She returned the CD-ROM to its place in the rack, cleaned up the coffee and shut down the computer. All the while, she fumed silently, mostly at herself. Pulling a stool over to the table of cages, she sat down in front of the one marked with a sign reading '#12." She opened the cage and smiled as the Great Dane trotted out.

He was a beautiful dog, indeed. Tanya had wished that her small apartment could hold such a magnificent beast when she'd taken the original blood sample from the host. She supposed that wouldn't be a problem now. She put her hand down and the animal climbed into her palm.

The Dane's clone, as with all the other test subjects, was only 15% the size of the original. It was the last hurdle to cross before Dr. Willover would consider the process a complete success. Regardless of what adjustments were made, the final product was a Lilliputian version of the original host.

"But he's a beautiful boy anyway, isn't he?" Tanya spoke to the three-inch high dog sitting in her palm. "Oh, yes he is!" She weighed, measured and tested the Dane, checking all against his last chart, and when she was satisfied, she sat down. She spoke, not necessarily to the miniature canine, but if he was listening, all the better.

"Why do I have to feel this way about her?" She said. "It's not like she's the most pleasant person in the whole world. Hell, if I didn't need her research to complete my thesis, I wouldn't speak to her at all! So, what is it, then? Why does she... turn me on so badly?" Tanya thought for a moment, visualizing the curve of Cassandra's hips, the swell of her full bosom, the tautness of her belly. That cascading mane of fire that she called hair. The sultry voice and those EYES! "Oh yeah..." she said at last. The tiny dog in her hand only wagged its tail. She replaced him back in his cage and said goodnight, then stood and crossed the room to where the freezer was.

The freezer's polished steel door distorted her image. She stopped and stared. "Yeah. Like you'd ever be able to seduce someone like Dr. Willover." She said to herself. "Look at you! Mousy blah brown hair, no body to speak of. Well, you're not fat, but you ain't exactly model material, either, sunshine." She sighed. "No, they haven't made the woman that would have you."

Tanya opened the freezer and ran her fingers over the frozen vials of blood. She selected a horse, an Arabian this time, and placed it in a tray where it would defrost for the following day's experiment. She was just closing the door when another vial caught her eye. It had a blue cap instead of yellow like the rest. She pulled it out, and studied it. Its identification label read "C. Willover—BASELINE CAL."

It was Dr. Willover's own blood, used to recalibrate the computers. Tanya shrugged and put it back...almost. Her own words echoed in her head. 'They haven't made the woman that would have you." She looked down at the vial and the name on it for a long moment. "In that case...perhaps I should just own." She said, smiling.

Part One

Tanya whistled happily as she unlocked the door and let herself in to her apartment. She set the small box under her arm down on the floor of the foyer while she untangled herself from her book bag, stripped off her coat and hung it. She then retrieved both box and bag and took them into the main room. She set the bag on the floor, put the box on the coffee table and threw herself onto the couch opposite it.

Her hands trembled as she removed the lid of the box, placing its contents before her and smiling broadly. Her own personal test of Dr. Willover's cloning process had gone off without a hitch, and now the end result of that test lay within the glass-domed tray before her.

"The specimen is still in a state of catatonia," Tanya smiled at her near-perfect rendition of Dr. Willover's cold dictation, "which is normal at this stage. Arousal normally takes place within two hours after the process is completed." Tanya laughed giddily at her choice of words. Looking down into the tray, through the glass lid that acted as a magnifying lens, she realized that her own arousal was proceeding far in advance of her subject's. She traced the outline of the figure in the bottom of the tray with her eyes, admiring her creation.

It was little over 10 inches long, lying prone in deep sleep a spill of flame red hair emanated from its tiny head, each strand as fine as spider silk. Its easy breathing was causing the grape-sized breasts to rise and fall in a rhythmic, hypnotic fashion. Each tiny breast was tipped with the faintest tinge of pink, and as Tanya refocused her eyes, she could just see the miniscule nipples, each no bigger than the head of a pin. Below the breasts, the slightest shadows marked the ribcage and taut muscles of the abdomen. Lower still (and Tanya felt her breath catch in her chest as her eyes passed over it) was a quarter inch wide patch of copper-colored down, poised like a sentry over the tiny coral opening below.

Tanya fell back onto the couch, then sprang back, unable to keep her eyes from the figurine. "My God, she's perfect." She breathed. From the tiny mane of scarlet to the pinprick of freckles that scattered across the downward slope of her breasts. From her flat belly, slim yet curvaceous hips and long legs, right down to ten tiny, little toes, each no bigger than a pencil point. The figure under the glass was a perfect duplicate of Dr. Cassandra Willover, only 85 percent smaller.

As she removed the 'lid' from the container, the very trough that had held the "soup" from which the small creature had been formed, Tanya's mind began to swim with questions. Why had she attempted this? More importantly, what would she do with her now?

As if in answer, the tiny, comatose figure stirred slightly, and the reality that Tanya had a living, breathing duplicate of Dr. Cassandra Willover lying naked before her filled the student with a feeling of desire that was both familiar and alien. Familiar in the sense that she'd been lusting after the good Doctor from the moment she'd laid eyes upon her; alien in the idea that the naked woman's sheer smallness seemed to amplify that lust to new limits.

Finally, gently, and with great hesitation, Tanya scooped the miniature female into her hands. The sensation of the bare flesh against her fingers was indescribable. The tiny body was like holding heavy silk in its smoothness, and it radiated a soft heat into Tanya's hands which seemed to affect itself into her own body.

Tanya sighed as her own nipples wrinkled, stiffening with a sudden sensitivity even to the light touch of her bra against them. From there, she felt the fire ignite over her cheeks and down her abdomen to the soft flesh at her center, which even now was thrumming with a moist pulse. Her legs tingled, her toes curled and uncurled of their own accord. She was heady with newly uncovered lusts. Her thumb tenderly stroked the delicate strands of hair spilling out over her fingers, then explored the flesh and underlying bone of the shoulder, thrilled with its tiny precision.

Hesitantly, Tanya let her thumb touch down lightly on the small round bulb of flesh that made one of the tiny breasts. She bit her lower lip to keep from moaning aloud at the electric fire that seemed to fill her with each new exploration of the tiny woman. She stroked gently at the miniature tit, feeling the fire within her blaze hotter even as the microscopic nipple rose like a pinprick against the pad of her thumb.

Tanya was now slowly rocking back and forth, stimulating the soft flesh of her center, helping the heat that was building there rise to a conflagration. Her other thumb drifted almost of its own accord, up between the tiny knees, then forward, parting the doll-like thighs easily until, at last, the pad of her thumb was pressed firmly against the rosy slit there. Tanya let out a barely audible squeal at the feeling of warmth and wetness there as the opening accepted, even requested her touch.

Tanya's thumb gently throbbed against the tiny woman's opening vagina in rhythm with her own rocking motion, and Tanya smiled to herself to feel the teeny clit press against her touch. Her head began to cloud as her pulse pounded louder in her ears, her passion building to the inevitable. She sighed in blissful oblivion, barely feeling her doll-size lover stir in her sleep, her body welcoming the touch of Tanya's giant hand on her naked flesh.

One tiny hand rose up to the thumb pressing against the flesh of her minute tit, the other gripping the thumb gently stroking her open slit. The petite woman's little thighs opened wider still; Tanya pressed down harder with her thumb, feeling now the damp warmth spreading over her thumb even as her own spread out into the fabric of her Levi's. The Lilliputian's hips began to thrust forward and her back arched. Tanya was pushed over the edge of climax as she heard the faintest whisper of a moan escape the lips of her tiny creation as she met with orgasm in the palm of her hand.

Tanya's own breathing was labored, as the last tide of climax washed out of her body, leaving her spent. Never had masturbation felt so satisfying. She peered down at the tiny woman sprawled across her hands and knew that it wasn't just Dr. Willover that had made the experience so overwhelming; it was the size of her, or rather the lack thereof. The smallness of the woman was tantalizing, and exciting.

"Freud would have a field day with me." She thought.

It was just then that she felt her tiny charge stir to consciousness. The tiny body stretched taut like a cat waking from a long nap in the sun, relaxed and then those miniscule emerald eyes opened slowly to gaze dreamily into Tanya's smiling face above her.

Then, she began to scream...

Part Two

Tanya very nearly dropped the screaming woman in her hands. The tiny female's voice was a piercing squeal like needles in her ears. As quickly as she could be gentle, Tanya placed the miniature person back on the coffee table. Immediately, the small figure scrambled back away from the monster above her, stopping when she backed into the wall of the chamber that had held her until recently. She continued to scream as if her voice would frighten away the gigantic woman looking down at her with soft pleading blue eyes.

Tanya was nearly in a panic. In her lust to complete the 'project' she hadn't anticipated the reaction of her subject to suddenly being born into a world that was so far out of scale. Fearing that the little woman might hurt herself in an attempt to escape what she must perceive as an obvious threat, Tanya spoke softly to her. "Please... I'm not going to hurt you." She whispered, gaining enough presence of mind to realize that her voice would be like a jet engine to the tiny ears of her captive. "I am not going to hurt you, Dr. Willover, please stop screaming."

At the sound of the name, the small woman stopped screaming. Her head cocked to one side, her eyes narrowed, as if she were processing the information. "...Tanya?" she said, an inflection of disbelief in her high voice.

Tanya was stunned. She had the memories of Dr. Willover? She knew from experience that the test clones had exhibited some base memories, but being animals, Tanya had written it off as instinct. The copy of Dr. Willover on the table before her, however, had reacted and replied to her name.

"Yes Dr. Willover," Tanya whispered, "it's me, Tanya Vale."

The tiny red head shook her head, as if clearing it, then stood, taking a few tentative paces forward. "Tanya!" She shouted, "What's happened to me? Why is everything so big?"