The Summer Internship Ch. 06


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"Thomas set all this up." Alisha looked at them both astonished.

"Yeah he has been calling my office for weeks begging to meet and talk. I guess I can say I am honestly sorry I kicked him out of the wedding. I wanted you there. I feel really bad Alisha," said Monica.

A tear rolled down Alisha's face. "I really wanted to be at the reception. I love you all I really wanted you all to approve."

They all hashed out their issue over the dinner. Alisha explained how she met Thomas and about their relationship. She hoped in her car and headed to Thomas's.

She rang his phone. That was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me, thought Alisha.


"Thank you Thomas. Thank you so much."

"You aren't upset? I didn't know whether you would want me to get involved or not."

"I'm outside open up."

He opened the door sweaty still in his gym clothes. She jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately.

He pulled back. "So I guess you aren't mad."

"No, definitely not mad at all. I can't believe you did this though. I knew you were up to something with the sneaking around."

They moved to the couch and she laid on his lap. "You had not idea what was up?"

"No I thought maybe you were trying to distant your self from me since we only have a week left."

"I keep telling you stop worrying about that. We are going to be together no matter what."

She leaned her head on his chest. "I guess so." She inhaled the smell of his sweaty shirt. "Wow you stink babe."

"I didn't know you were coming over I was about to get in the shower." He picked her up and led her to his room. "Why don't you join me in there."

"OOhh that is exactly what I was thinking."

They removed their clothes and got into the steamy hot shower. Thomas turned Alisha around kissed her neck. He grabbed the soap bar and soaped up her nipples making them erect. He massaged her breast with his hands. He soaped down to her stomach and then to her pussy. He rubbed her clit slowly with his fingers and then entered his fingers in her pumping slowly. He soaped her butt and let the suds fall down onto her butt crack. Her massaged her butt and pussy. Alisha pushed herself away from him got on her knees and engulfed his dick in her mouth. She massaged his balls and deep throated him making the head hit the back of her throat. She relaxed her throat pulling him deeper into her mouth.

"Fuck baby yeah suck my dick."

Thomas grabbed her head and pushed in deeper into her mouth. She hummed on his dick and almost made him blow his load then. He lifted her from the floor pinned her against the shower wall. He lifted one of her legs and he pushed his dick inside of her.

"Oh I like that Thomas," moaned Alisha.

He pushed in and out deeper each time he entered her pussy. Alisha felt her orgasm. She grabbed at Thomas's back for support.

"Cum with me Thomas. Please."

With that Thomas exploded into Alisha while she orgasmed.


"So Alisha what do you all have planned this last week?" asked Barbara

"I don't know. We both have been tiptoeing around the subject. To be honest Barbara I have been really sad. Thomas and I have grown so close. It's going to be hard not being with him every day."

"So what are you all going to do?"

"I have no idea." Exhaled Alisha. She threw her lunch in the trash. "But forget my drama who are you going to the closing dinner with?"

"You know I have a few guys to choose from. Are you and Thomas going to go together? I mean it is the last dinner of the internship it is no point of you all still keeping your relationship a secret."

"Yeah well maybe."


"So are we going to the internship dinner with each other?" Asked Alisha as she lay on Thomas's chest. They planned on going to dinner, but somehow ended up on the floor at his apartment.

"Yeah we are going? Why you don't want to go with me?" He was half sleepy so it cam out very slurred.

"Yeah I want to go. I just didn't know you wanted to like declare our relationship like that."

"What?! How many times do I have to tell you I want everyone to know about us? I'd yell it out to everyone if I could." He leaned up and kissed her lips softly.

"What date do you leave to go back because I don't leave until the week after the internship and I thought maybe you and I could go on some kind of road trip together?"

Thomas got up and went to the bathroom. He turned the water on in the sink.

"Thomas did you hear me?" She got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Yeah I heard you." He looked straight at the wall to not look at her.

"Umm so what do you think? Road trip or no road trip."

How can I tell her this and not have her freak out on me, thought Thomas. "I can't, I leave the day after the dinner."

"What! Are you serious?" Alisa's whole demeanor changed. How can he leave in just a few days and tell me right now. We only have three more days and then he is gone, thought Alisha. She felt her eyes start to tear up.

He walked over to her and looked into her eyes as they teared up." I just found out recently its really no big deal, babe. Like I said before we are still going to be together." He wiped the tear tat rolled down her cheek.

This is all my fault thought Thomas. I should have told her as soon as I found out.. He didn't want to go so soon, but he had no choice.

She pushed him away." That is bull crap we've got a few days left. And then you leave. When were you going to tell me?"

"I was going to tell you at dinner, but we ended up here like this. Look nothing is going to change.' She walked away and he pulled her back into his arms. "I keep telling you baby we are staying together. You'll see so don't be mad." He kissed her forehead and nose and then lips.

"But, it won't be the same" Alisha looked into his blue eyes and tried to tell herself everything would be okay.

He kissed her lips again with more intense. "SSSHHH no more about what is going to happen."

He kissed her deeply and let his hands slide up her thighs to under his shirt that she was wearing. He slid his fingertips softly against her brown skin and cupped her butt cheeks. He squeezed and massaged her cheeks and lifted her up and unto the bed. He took off his boxers and placed his dick in the entrance of her pussy.

"I want you to remember this and me." He entered into her slowly and she gasped and closed her eyes.

"Look at me Alisha." She opened her eyes. "I want you to see how much I love you. Look into my eyes and see how much I do." He pushed into her again and again slowly.

Alisha felt him enter her again. He leaned down and kissed her lips slowly. He let his tongue roam her mouth while he pushed in.

"I love you Alisha."

Her body pushed into him matching him push into her. She ground her pussy onto his dick.

"I love you too."

He felt Alisha's orgasm coming. She squeezed his dick and the pushed harder into her pussy. He leaned down and licked her nipples and slowly sucked one into his mouth. He attacked the second. He felt Alisha squeeze his dick further into her pussy and the both climaxed in unison.


"Come on Alisha let's go." Said Thomas. He was dressed in his suit for the internship dinner, which he and Alisha were late for.

"Ok, ok let's go. What do you think?" She walked out in a low cut yellow silk dress that showed cleavage and stopped right above her knees.

"Wow, wow baby you look good." He walked over to her and pulled her into his arms.

"So you like it?"

"I love it."

"Good then you are really going to love what is underneath it."

He started to lift up the flimsy fabric up her body. She pulled from him and grabbed her purse.

"You will have to wait and see."

They walked to his car and headed to the party. " You know I am going to be thinking about what's under that dress all night. Just give me peak."

"Nope come on we are here."

They walked into the ballroom where the dinner was being held and sat at their table.

Mr. Marlow, one of the associates came over to the table.

"Good to see you Alisha and Thomas."

"Nice to you as well sir," said Thomas

"Nice to see as well sir, said Alisha.

"Just wanted to say you all did an excellent job this summer. We will keep an eye out for you all when you graduate next May. But, for now you all should go mingle. No point in staying cooped up at this table. Go have fun. "

"Thank you Mr. Marlow. I really appreciate it," said Alisha.

"Yes, thank you sir. We were just about to go mingle. Nice seeing you."

"So let's work the room babe," whispered Alisha into Thomas's ear as they looked around the room.

"I say we work it real fast and then get out of here so I can see what is under that dress. "

"That sounds like a plan, but first can you get me some champagne."

"Yeah I'll be back."

Thomas walked over to get the drink.

"Oh my gosh Alisha you look so pretty." Yelled Barbara.

"Thank you Amber you look pretty as usual. Where's your date?"

"He's somewhere in here. What about you? Everyone is talking about you and Thomas."

"Really what are they saying?" Alisha was really curious to what her co workers thought.

"Nothing negative. Everyone thinks you all actually are cute together. Of course it's a few jealous women, who are mad at you for dating the hottest guy. But, overall you all are a hit."

"Well I guess that is good."

She felt some arms come around her. "Here's your drink babe." She kissed him on the cheek and smiled.

"Hey, thanks. Did you hear we are a hit."

"Really. You look nice Barbara. How are you?"

"Good you look gorgeous as usual. You know if things don't work out with Alisha I would love to take her place."


"I'm just joking. You all are cute together. When do you leave to go back Thomas?"

" Tomorrow."

Alisha's smile faded some.

"Have fun with the long distance relationship. I heard it sucks, but maybe it will work out for you all."

"I need another drink. Excuse me." She moved from Thomas's embrace and walked to the champagne table.

Alisha went and got another glass of champagne. I still cannot believe he is leaving tomorrow, though Alisha. It's over between us. It will not be this same. I am so pissed he told me three days ago.

Thomas followed behind her. "Are you ok." He knew she was pissed. After three months dating he knew when she was unhappy about something because a crease formed between her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm good . Why do you ask? "

"Maybe because this is your second drink and you are starting on your third."

"What are you my dad Thomas. Let me drink if I want to."

"I just want to know why you are drinking. You said you were cool about me leaving tomorrow. "

"I am cool. I just wanted a drink."

He looked at her wearily. "Your sure you are cool."

"I said I'm fine. Come on lets work the room like we said we would."

Alisha grabbed her drink and said hello to the other interns. She saw Thomas laughing and joking with one of the other female interns. The woman grabbed his arm laughing and she just knew Thomas was eating it all up. He had his confident cocky face on. He is already flirting thought Alisha. He hasn't even waited until he gets back to school.

"Are you ok Alisha." Asked Billy another intern. Billy was cute enough thought Alisha. He was tall with blond hair. He had a nice smile and cute brown eyes.

"Yeah Billy. Want to dance?"

"Hell yeah." He licked his lips and led her to the dance floor.

A slow song came on and Alisha pulled her body close to Billy's. Billy pulled her closer to him. He let his hands fall to her lower back right above her behind. Alisha felt other people's eyes on them. Luckily all the bosses had left and it was just the interns left.

Thomas starred at Alisha as she danced with him. He felt himself starting to get pissed. What the hell is she doing, thought Thomas. How are we supposed to work this long distance relationship thing out and she is letting this douche rub all over her.

Thomas moved away from the woman he was talking to and walked over to them and pulled Alisha back from Billy.

"What are you doing man." Said Billy.

Thomas ignored him.

"Yeah what's wrong Thomas.." Her words were slurred and it was clear she had to many drinks.

"Your drunk Alisha, said Thomas clearly angry and annoyed."

"No I think I am finally seeing the light. You say we will be fine when you go off to school, but look at you already talking to some chick."

He grabbed her by the waste and led her outside the banquet."

"What are you doing Thomas. I was having fun."

He tried to laugh off his anger. "No you were embarrassing yourself."

"Oh whatever. I was just dancing with Billy it was no big deal."

"He had his hands all over you."

"What are you jealous? You had no problem flirting with all the women tonight, but I dance and you make it seem as if I was embarrassing." She stumbled off the step onto another.

He smirked at her. It's amazing he thought I am pissed at her right now, but somehow she still looks gorgeous even in this drunken state.

"I don't have time to have a drunk argument with you right now. Let's just go home."

"I'm not leaving. I was just starting to have fun. You go. I'll get a ride home myself."

"Really how?"

"I'll have Billy take me home. I'm pretty sure he will."

She watched Thomas's face change from it's usual cuteness to red and angry. His eyes that just had a laughing look to them turn dark blue. "Just get in the car Alisha." He grabbed her arm and led her to the car.

She yanked her arm back. "No, I told you I will get my own ride."

"Do you really think I am going to let some other guy take you home drunk. Just get in the car."

"Why do you care Thomas? Explain that to me. You didn't care to tell me you were leaving right after the dinner to go back to school. You left me wondering when you were leaving. You gave me hope that this relationship between us was worth trying and then you leave with what a few days of notice. And I am supposed to be happy about this. So no I am not going back to the apartment with you and lay in your arms and pretend that everything will work out."

"I keep telling you it will work out. To be honest Alisha I don't think you want it to work out. You constantly say it won't work that I will cheat. What about you? You had no problem running in Billy's arms tonight did you? Don't blame it on me because you are insecure."

"Forget you Thomas. Have fun back in school. Fuck as many women as you want because I no longer care. Whatever relationship we have is over. Like I said I will find my own ride home."

She walked back up the stairs toward the party.

"Alisha. I'm not going to chase you. You go back in that party and it is over."

Alisha looked at him standing by the car with his bowtie unclipped . "Bye."

Alisha went back into party feeling like crap. I can't believe I just did that thought Alisha. I just ended things with Thomas. It's over . He leaves tomorrow and then it's over.

Alisha walked over to Barbara. "Hey Barbara do you think you can give me a ride home."

"Yeah no problem. Where's Thomas?"

"He went home. Look I really don't feel like talking about it."

Barbara dropped her off at home and she collapsed on the bed trying to forget what happened with Thomas.


Alisha got up feeling like crap. Not just because of the drinks she had last night, but mainly because of Thomas.

She looked down and saw she still had on the dress from last night. She made herself go in the bathroom and wash off her makeup from last night and take a shower. She put on some gym shorts and a tank top. She checked her messages to see if Thomas called and there was nothing. She started packing up her stuff up in boxes. She kept picking up things that reminded her of Thomas.

I can't do this thought Alisha. I have to say bye. She grabbed her keys and drove over to his place.

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